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Cuckold / Hotwife

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Erotic swinger stories involving cuckolding and hot wife scenarios.
Eventually they pulled down a dirt road through a wooded area to Jim's secluded lake house and I followed until we pulled into the driveway.  It was a beautiful area in the woods with the lake just off the back porch.  I hadn't turned my headlights off yet when Sue exited the truck she drove with Jim in.  To my amazement, her panties were tied to her pocketbook, and she was completely topless.  The skirt she had worn was all unbuttoned but for the very top button.  I could only assume (and later verified) that Jim was fingering her pussy during part of the ride.
We got into his house and Sue put her blouse back on but didn't button it up.  We had a glass of wine and talked a little bit about the plans for the following day that we'd be spending on the beach.  I had shared with Sue earlier what my "ideal" fantasy would be for this trip, as she had requested. 
We all stayed up a couple of hours and I eventually said, "Well, I'm ready to call it a night."  I looked at Sue and said, "Are you coming?", and she replied, "I'll be right up in a couple of minutes." 
I went upstairs and after about 10 minutes Sue came upstairs and put on this totally sheer black negligee.  I asked her, "What was that all about?"  She said my "fantasy weekend" was about to continue.  When I went upstairs to call it a night, Sue had talked with Jim and told him she had never spent an entire night alone in bed with any other man but me, and that she was both interested and willing to see what that would be like with Jim.  Of course, Jim was all for it. 
I asked Sue if she was sure about spending the entire night?  She said she wanted to fulfill my fantasy but she was also interested in seeing what it would be like. I told her the longer she stayed in bed with him, the better it would be for my fantasy.  I also told her if she really enjoyed it, she could spend more time with him on Saturday as I at least had to get back to our house by Saturday afternoon.
After much tossing and turning throughout the night, I could hear them fucking and talking while having sex as my bedroom was one floor right above his bedroom. I could tell they took a shower together before they got into bed.
Saturday morning came and I could tell everything had went well as they were both in good moods and we were all having good conversations. Around noon time, when it was time that Sue and I were supposed to leave, I made a comment that "it was getting close to where we had to head back as I had some work to do at home."  I asked Sue if she had packed up yet?
She looked at me, then Jim, and back at me and said, "If it's all right with you, Jim said he could bring me home on Sunday. Since you have things to do today at the house, I could stay here at the lake and come home tomorrow.  If you are ok with that?" 
I asked her if she was comfortable with that and she responded, "Yes, I am, and honestly, I'm probably a little too comfortable with it."   
I looked at Jim and asked, "Your thoughts?"  Jim laughed a bit and said, "Are you kidding me, I'd love for Sue to stay another day." 
Jim then said he had a serious comment for all of us.  He said he didn't want anything to interfere with the friendship the three of us had.  He said it was obvious our relationship was different than most in that he and Sue get to be intimate with each other.  He specifically said, it was more than just sex with him, without over stepping on feelings.  He saw the relationship as being very close friends with both of us, it just happened to also include he and Sue having sex. 
He also said that he brought up the idea of whether or not Sue would be comfortable on having a consistent FWB relationship IF I was also comfortable with it.  I told Jim that it was a fantasy of mine but the thing we should do is consider the weekend a "test run".   And once he brought Sue home, she and I would talk about how we all felt and then follow up with him on his feelings.   
To be continued.

Sue and I had taken a break for most of our 40's.  Out of the blue I met a guy named Jim through work.  We got along well.  He had been divorced for a number of years, was well educated, and held a very responsible job.  As friends, our conversation eventually turned to "let's get together for dinner some night and you can meet my wife."  There was no "intent" for anything other than for Jim to meet my wife. 
We invited Jim to dinner at our house one night and the conversation was great.  Over the next few months we got together a few times for a drink at the end of the work week.  Sue wasn't working anymore so she'd meet up with us.  Eventually the conversations got a little more "suggestive" but nothing was said until one night on our way back home I told Sue that Jim had told me it had been a long time since he'd been with a woman and had no interest in dating someone because he didn't want to deal with the drama "of a relationship". 
I told her I thought it would be fun to see if he'd be interested in getting together some night for some adult fun and she said she'd consider it.  I told her I wouldn't pressure her at all as I wanted her to make the decision based upon how she felt.  The next day she brought the subject up and said she'd be willing to try one night but for me not to plan on it being a regular thing like what had happened with John.  I then talked with Jim and mentioned to him the conversation I had with Sue but told Jim not to let Sue know I told him.  The plan was to get together at Jim's and at some point I'd mention about playing cards, and Jim would say, "all I know how to play is strip poker".
Sue and I showed up at Jim's and he had cheese and crackers and wine set out.  Sue only needs one glass of wine before she starts feeling "good". 
So after one glass of wine, the cards came out and when Jim mentioned "strip poker," I said, "I'm fine with that", and Sue said in a flirty way, "if we play, nobody can chicken out at any time."  Jim laughingly said "you may regret you said that." 
Sue was the first one to be completely naked.  When that happened she said, "ok, the game is over".  I said, "the game isn't over until we are all naked as we said, nobody could chicken out."  Sue said, "I don't have any more clothes to take off, can I put them back on?"  We both said "no". 
Sue lost the very next hand and looked up at us and said "oh well, nothing changes".  I said, "no", she lost the hand.  I then told her to pick a card from the deck and whatever the number was would be the number of minutes Jim and I had to use our hands anywhere on her.  She picked a 6.  With that Jim felt up Sue for the first time.  After just a minute or two Sue grabbed Jim's hand and looked up and said, "OK, we all know where this is going, why don't we just go to the bedroom."  And with that, we had our first threesome. 
We eventually had a number of 3somes and we were all comfortable with each other.  Jim owned a secluded summer lake house and after a few months invited us over for the weekend.  He and I talked together and I shared that I thought it would be cool if we met at a restaurant and I'd let Sue off at the door and she'd walk in and sit at the table that Jim was at, as if she was picking him up.  And, that I would sit at a separate table and then follow them to his house when they left.
So, the Friday had finally come and on the drive to the restaurant to meet Jim, Sue all of a sudden said to me, "what would be your perfect fantasy for tonight and Saturday?"  I asked her "why" she was asking.  She responded that Jim was someone she'd be willing to do pretty much anything with if it was a fantasy of mine.  I then told Sue it would be a huge fantasy of mine if I just dropped her off at the restaurant, for her to go sit with Jim as I parked the car.  That I'd watch them from another table and that she'd leave with Jim in his car after they had a drink and I'd follow them.  I said I wanted to "watch her" as if she was on a date with Jim and for her to act that way, knowing I was watching.
It was exciting watching them have a drink together and just talking and laughing.  When they got up to leave, I followed them out the restaurant and saw them walking thru the parking lot holding hands.  I sat in my car waiting for them to leave the parking lot.  That took longer than I thought and I was wondering what was going on.  Eventually they passed me in the parking lot and I followed them out.  During the drive I noticed Sue's head bobbing up and down and realized that she was giving Jim a blow job while he was driving.  I can still picture it now.

We both had graduated from college and Sue saw an ad from a local modeling agency looking for male and female models.  She set up an interview and was hired. 
Her first modeling assignment was a "fashion show" for Fredericks of Hollywood clothing.  This was similar to what she had done once in college so she decided to do it again. 
The fashion show was in the next town and was at a person's home.  When we both got there we were greeted by the hostess from the modeling agency, and about a dozen men.  The event was uneventful as she modeled every outfit, saving the last which was a light yellow teddy with "open cups" exposing her breasts and crotchless bottoms exposing her pussy which ever since our trip to Mexico with Dan, she kept clean shaven.
We got married soon after.  Sue and I both found jobs at the same high tech company and after a few months the Director of Sue's department called her in his office.  He told her he didn't want to cross any lines but needed to ask if she ever did any modeling because he had been to a house that had a lingerie fashion show and she looked like the model.  Sue was a bit embarrassed and admitted that it was her. 
At this particular time I was under a lot of stress with my work and hadn't been up for as much sex as Sue wanted...and it became an issue of me trying to explain that it had nothing to do with her and that I still found her very attractive. This went on for a couple of months.  Eventually she told me that she felt the Director that mentioned the fashion show was starting to flirt a bit.  They had sat together a few times in the cafe for lunch and he was starting to make some suggestive comments.  I told her that if she wanted to she could encourage it and see where it took them as it would also  take some pressure off of me. 
Within a week Sue came home from work and said that the Director (John) called her in his office and shut the door.  He started with, "I want to be very careful of what I'm going to say because I don't want to lose my job if I offend you about something." 
Sue interrupted him and said,  "I know what you are talking about.  We've been having discussions that probably cross the line, and we are both guilty of that.  So say what you want to say, and I won't be offended." 
John then told her that she's been driving him crazy and that he constantly thinks about her.  He also said, "Even right now with you in my office I want to bend you over my desk and have sex with you." 
Sue then looked at him and said, "John, I've known we were heading to this based upon our conversations, and I didn't want to stop it.  Obviously, we can't do anything in your office, but all you need to do is invite me to your house."   And then she said, "And to be honest about it, my husband knows and is ok with it." 
John was a divorced man so he lived alone and didn't have to worry about sneaking around.  And with that, Sue came home after work and told me that that Friday she would be leaving work right at 5 pm and going to John's house.
I made arrangements with my best friend to go out to a sports bar for the night, to help me keep my mind off things to help the time go by quicker.  I got home at 10 p.m. wondering if Sue would be home.....and I waited and watched as the clock hit 11 p.m., midnight, and then I finally called her at 12:30 in the morning and she answered her  phone stating she was on her way and would be home by 1 a.m.  John lived 25 minutes in the other direction from work so he lived about one hour from our house. 
As soon as Sue got home she looked at me and all she said was "I don't care how tired  you are, you need to take me to bed to re-claim me."  I asked her how it went and she said she'd tell me when we got to bed.  I was surprised she spent so much time with him.  Apparently John came inside her three times, telling her that he "was inspired" by her.  Sue told me that even after cumming in her, that he'd leave his cock in her pussy because he wanted to take advantage of every minute he had with her.  And they would either spoon after cumming or they would be facing each other with his cock still in her and they'd just talk....and they did that all three times he came. 
The next morning was Saturday and it looked like she was getting dressed for work.  I asked her what she was doing and she said she had to go back into work as they were working on a major project with pressing deadlines.  For the 1st time in all these years of being open minded it really bothered me knowing she would be with him again after just getting fucked by him about 10 hours earlier.  I didn't like it because I felt their relationship was getting more "personal", rather than just about the sex. Little did I know what would happen later. 
About 2-3 years later we were in our bedroom getting ready to call it a night and Sue looked up at me and said, "I have to tell you something and I'm worried about you getting mad but I can't live like this, keeping a secret from you."  I asked her what she was talking about and I never even thought of John being brought up.  She then proceeded to tell me that after that first night with John that she saw him a couple more times.  That three times she went to his house when she told me she was going shopping and that one time he was out sick and he had called her at work, and that during lunch she went to his house to visit him because when he called her he jokingly said, "I'm in the mood for a blowjob right now, can you come over at lunch time"...and that's what she did. 
I went silent when she told me this and all I said was, "leave the room, I need time to think through this."  I didn't speak to her that night and didn't respond to her trying to bring up conversation for the next couple of days.  Finally she came to me and said, "All right, I understand you're angry but can you please speak to me.  I don't know what I can do other than keep apologizing to you."  She said that she would be willing to do "anything to earn back your trust." 
I looked at her and told her that she was right about me being angry and that I felt betrayed and I didn't know how long it would take me to get over that feeling.  I also told her that I couldn't get it out of my mind that she had made arrangements with another man, to fuck him, and she kept it from me.  We had always been open with each other about this.  I mentioned how hurt I was by the deceit rather than the physical act of having sex and developing a friendship with John but that at the same time I felt myself being turned on by it. 
I then asked her if she was serious about doing "anything" to earn back my trust?  She said "yes", and I said, "you might not like what I'm about to say." She said it didn't matter if she liked it or not, she just wanted to earn back my trust.  I proceeded to tell her that I would be going on Adult Friend Finder and that I would find a guy that she would have to start fucking. 
So I eventually found another person named John and met up with him.  He was a divorced guy who owned his own small construction company that included two different crews.  They would build homes, and do high end renovations.  He lived alone, and his schedule was fairly flexible.  All John asked of me was to bring pictures of Sue as I told him I needed to meet him alone first as I knew the type of guy Sue would be interested in. 
I told Sue what I was doing.  She said she understood.  I told her I needed to take a few pictures of her in fairness to John to see if he would be interested.  Sue again understood. 
I met with John and he was absolutely interested in Sue based upon the pictures and I could tell he had a personality that would go well with Sue's.  When I came home after meeting John I told Sue about meeting John and felt that he would work out well.  I also told Sue, that if things went well after the three of us getting together the first time that "earning my trust" would require a longer term Friends with Benefits situation, until I got the previous situation out of my system  Again, Sue said she understood.  
We met at John's house and got pizza delivered to help start the relationship and eventually I just said, "Are both of you comfortable"?  They both said yes, and with that John took Sue into his bedroom and they fucked each other.  When they were done, they both came out of the bedroom fully dressed.  I then told Sue to take off her shirt and pants as I wanted her to just be standing in front of John and me with her sheer green bra and matching sheer green panties.  She gave me this look, and I just shrugged and said, "you know why." 
She did what she was asked and we visited for about another 20 minutes, giving John the opportunity to stare at Sue's totally sheer bra, still exposing her tits and nipples the entire time...and left for home.  On the drive, Sue did say that John was a very friendly person.  I told her that John and I would be talking the next day to get his feelings but that she needed to be prepared for anything because of her prior indiscretion with the previous John.  All she replied with was "OK, I understand."
John and I had our conversation and he said the night couldn't have gone better and that he was very attracted to Sue, and that he also just had a very good feeling of a relationship between the three of us.  I told him I agreed. 
When I got home, Sue asked how my conversation with John went.  I told her that he was attracted to her and he enjoyed the sex with her.  I asked Sue if she would be upset if I told her that he was the one I was going to pick for her to start fucking on a regular basis and she said if that is what she needed to do to regain trust that she could do it as she also felt they were compatible in bed, and she also liked the conversation the three of us had and felt we all could be friends. 
But Sue didn't know what would be happening next.  I told Sue that John and I discussed how "moving forward" would look like and that we both were in agreement.  I then gave Sue John's phone number and told her he was expecting her call.  That from now on the two of them would communicate with each other but Sue, unlike with the previous John, needed to tell me every time she and John would be getting together. Again, Sue understood and said she promised to be totally honest with me about anything to do with John and she was willing to do whatever I wanted her to do, given what had previously happened. 
I then looked at Sue and told her to call John, and I wanted her to be "forward" with him on the phone and that she first needed to ask him if he felt comfortable after meeting the two of us (I already knew how he was going to answer).  I then instructed Sue to specifically say on the phone that she was "also very comfortable both in conversation, as well as being in bed with him."  Sue then stated, at my request, "I'm interested in seeing you on a regular basis if you are.  And if you can commit to not dating any women on the side, I'll commit to having sex with you, pretty much whenever you want.  And, one more thing, if you are ok with it, I'd rather you no longer wear a condom." 
And that started what turned out to be about a 15 year relationship where we are all still friends today. About two months after they started seeing each other, John called me and asked about the possibility of Sue working for him part time.  He was thinking about her going to his house two days a week, just half days.  One day would be to work on calling back customers who call to set up an appointment with him, and another half day to take care of sending out the bills, and making bill payments to suppliers, etc. 
I had an idea pop into my head because I was still of the mindset of "punishing" Sue for cheating on me earlier.  John really liked my idea and now I was going to tell Sue.  When I told Sue what John had asked and what he and I decided she initially thought it was asking too much...but I reminded her about how hurtful her cheating had been and that I really needed her to do this. 
Sue was a teacher and was about to have almost three full months off.  I told her that John would be paying her to work part time out of his house for two days a week.  She needed to be at his house around 7:30 in the morning to review his schedule so she could set up appointments for him to meet with people calling asking for a quote of construction work, and then on the second day she would handle all the billing that needed to be either paid, or invoiced. 
She looked at me perplexed as if to say, "Ok, what's the big deal?" I then told her that EVERY day she went to his house to work that she was not allowed to wear a bra, and had to wear a top that was revealing either because of sheerness or being low cut. 
After her saying, "Are your serious?", I responded, "You are damn right I'm serious, and frankly it's all because you were fucking the other John without telling me.  Now I'll know for the next three months what you'll be doing, and the plan is that you and John will be fucking each other each day, and sometimes 2X a day (when you first get there, and when he comes home for lunch). 
She said, "Ok, I get it, but I hope this is coming to the end of it."  I then had her call John and had her say the following to him, "I hear  you have a job opening for me, can you confirm the dress code and expectations that I just heard from my husband."  She listened to his response and said "When do you want me to start?.  And for the next three months she arrived at John's house, always with a sweater on in case she got stopped by a police officer or if something weird happened on her way "to work." And the first thing she did when she got in the house was take her sweater off. 
The very first time she was to go to work she came downstairs and took her sweater off and said, "Does this meet  your approval?"  She was obviously braless, wearing a thin, low cut tank top with low arm holes exposing plenty of side boob, and you could make out the color of her nipples through the top.  I told Sue I couldn't have picked out better work attire and then she went to work. 
During the three months doing this I had to go on a business trip for a few days so I called John and told him to call Sue and ask her out to dinner and make plans to spend some time at his house.  I also told John I wanted "photo proof of him fucking her so I know she went."  This was also going to be a test to see if Sue would be honest about telling me what she was going to do. 
About 30 minutes after talking with John, Sue called me.  She told me that John had asked her out to dinner and wanted to make sure I was ok with that?  She said it felt like she was going "on a date" rather than just being a friend with benefits.  I told her it felt the same way to me, and considering that she pretty much "went on dates" with the previous John without my knowledge, that she now needed to realize that she was about to start dating John WITH my knowledge.  She asked how much longer she needed to go through with this and I told her I hadn't even started to think about that yet because I had been hurt so much. 
So Sue and John had their first "date" while I was away on business.  John sent me an email that included an attachment.  He laughingly wrote: "As you requested, my first date with your wife happened.  I also told her that you asked me to inform her that you wanted her to agree to start "dating me" rather than just me fucking her.  And she agreed to it, so once she's back teaching and can't come over during the summer anymore, she is going to start seeing me for longer periods of time rather than coming over for an hour to fuck each other, we'll grab dinner or take a drive somewhere."
John also told me to watch the attachment as he sent "more than a photo".  I opened the attachment and saw two things: a photo of my wife's face with his cock in her mouth, pressing her cheek from the inside so I could see his cock bump pushing out her cheek. And he also sent me a video that lasted a few minutes of him fucking her.  He told me not to worry, that he'd delete both the photo and video, but I told him I wanted him to keep it so he'd always be able to look back on how they looked fucking each other. 
And that relationship lasted around 15 years.  After fucking John about 10 times Sue told me that she noticed something different and wanted to be honest with me.  I asked her what she was talking about.  She said it felt like John was "fucking" her at times like he was paying for it but other times it was more emotional, it was starting to feel like he was "making love" to her. I told her I guess that would be normal after seeing someone consistently that you liked.  I told her I was ok with that. 
She then said she was starting to feel like she was making love to him at times, that it was emotional for her as well feeling like she was giving her body to someone she cared about as a friend.  She wasn't having any feelings of being in love with him, but she was getting some emotional connection where she wanted to give herself to him when they saw each other.  It turned me on. The frequency of sex got less over the last couple of years but he and I estimated, that not counting the three months she worked for him and they fucked anywhere from 2-4 times a week, that he had fucked her somewhere between 50-100 times. 
And to this day, years later, the thought that she's been fucked so much by the same guy is a turn-on.  We all still remain friends today.  I thought that would be the end of our openess in our marriage but there would be two other men that would enter our lives, both of which got substantial time with my hotwife.  And she wanted it. 
If you'd like to read about it, let me know and I'll write it up.

The three of us started our drive to Mexico with great anticipation of seeing Tijuana and sightseeing in San Diego and the Hollywood/LA area.  The first day of driving ended on the Mexican border in a town called San Ysidro, just across from Tijuana.  Sue looked up at me and eagerly asked, "Whose bed am I in tonight?"  I couldn't help but say, "Dan's...as long as you're still ok with everything?"  She replied that she didn't want to be asked if she was ok with something every time "something" was taking place as it took away from the experience.  And with that she said, "It's been a long drive. I need to take a shower before I go to bed and suggest you both do the same."  She then went into the shower. 
I told Dan that he should set the tone for the week and begin it by joining Sue in the shower...but I wanted him to leave the door open so I could look in.  He was happy to oblige. 
I looked in on them a couple of times and enjoyed watching them together.  I saw Sue through the glass shower door, naked as naked gets, and she was smiling up at his face while gently soaping up her hands as she wrapped them both around his  now erect cock and gently caressed his rod and balls.  Dan told her he wanted to fuck her in the shower and she said he could another day but for tonight she wanted them to enjoy each other in the comfort of their bed.
I was lying back on my bed as they came out of the shower, both of them with towels wrapped around themselves.  Dan put underwear on and Sue quickly told him not to bother and to just get under the covers naked.  I headed to the shower.  When I came out of the shower I walked into the room and saw the beautiful sight of Sue's pussy being thoroughly licked and sucked on by Dan's tongue and mouth.  For some reason the fact she still had on a shear yellow teddy on that wasn't tied at the front was also a turn-on.  Her tits were easily seen and occasionally her erect nipples would pop out from the side. 
I got into the other queen-size bed and said, "Have fun, I'm going to sleep." That turned out to be more difficult than I anticipated as I caught myself watching them as Sue straddled on Dan as his cock started the process of taking over ownership of my girlfriends cunt.  A cunt that was making it obvious that she was into this 100%.  I watched as Dan took control of her entire body, touching every inch of it, and telling her how good her body felt to his hands and body.  
Dan's fucking motion took on a different pace and Sue told him to stop.  He looked at her with a confused face and asked, "Is everything ok?" Sue gave the reminder that she didn't want to be asked that question again and was committed to the week.
Instead she slowly raised herself off his cock which now had a shine to it from her pussy juice and told him to close his eyes until she said to open them.  Dan did as he was told and she very slowly lowered herself back on his shaft and told him to concentrate on her motions as she wanted to make sure he knew what the inside of her pussy felt like. 
She slowly rode up and down a few times before Dan said he didn't think he could hold it much longer.  She then told Dan to open her eyes and to listen to what she had to say.  As Dan opened his eyes Sue looked at me and asked if this was something I 100% wanted to happen? 
I already had pre-cum dripping from my cock and was hard as a rock and said, "I love you enough that if you are enjoying this you can do this every night this week." 
She replied to me, "Be careful what you wish for." With that she looked at Dan and said, "I belong to you, Dan. I want this as much as you do and starting right now I am yours for the rest of the week. In fact, as of right now, I will be sleeping with you, in your bed, every night."  She then looked at me and said, "Don't worry, you'll still get yours."
She returned her focus to Dan as he started fucking her hard again and she let out "I"m cumming" as she then collapsed with her tits now firmly resting on his chest.  She raised herself back up on him and told him, "Give it to me. I don't want you to stop until you are finishing cumming inside of me." As Dan was moaning into his final grunts all I heard was Sue telling him, "You know I want to be yours all week. You own me all week. Take me, take all of me."
This went on every day. Even during the day sightseeing she'd be holding my hand sometime and other times she'd be holding Dan's as we walked Tijuana, visited San Diego, and hit the tourist sights of Hollywood. 
Our last night in Los Angeles, Dan was talking about the week exceeding even his fantasies, but there was one thing he thought of that he'd like to do if Sue would be ok with it.  I had enjoyed the week so much that I immediately said, "Sure!"  We all laughed, but Sue said she wanted to know what it was before she agreed to anything because she couldn't think of anything they hadn't done. 
Dan said he'd love it if when we got up in the morning to shower before our drive back to school, that he'd love to shave her pussy because he thought that would be pretty erotic.  It caught Sue and I off-guard a little bit as we had never even thought about that.  I had told Sue how much it turned me on hearing her say things to Dan like how bad she wanted him inside of her, and how he did such a great job fucking her, and how she wanted him to know exactly how she looked naked and she wanted him to know how her entire body felt.  So I truly believe she was intentionally turning me on when she responded, "I've never shaved there before, and I like the idea of ending our week with you being the first one to shave me in such an intimate way."  I responded with only if I get to watch. 
So the next morning the two of them were about to go into the shower when Dan said he was ready. As Sue and I walked into the bathroom he picked her up and put her on the towel he had laid out on the counter by the sink.  He ran some warm water and gently soaped up all around her cunt and carefully started to shave her mound.  He took his time as he gently would spread her pussy lips being careful not to nick anything. 
When he was done, he took one hand and spread her pussy, exposing her clit for both of us to see, and suggested that we both feel how smooth she now felt.  It was great as you can imagine. 
Sue then said it was time to get in the shower and that she felt since Dan had done all the work, that he should be the first one ever to fuck her shaved pussy.  It was a fact that would later become a fairly constant comment over the following years.  It was now time to head back to college.
Part 4 of Sue's hotwife story...

Sue and I both decided to take the part-time jobs as there were only two months left in the semester.  For the next eight Saturdays I bussed tables while she waited on tables in short shorts and an apron from the waist down.  It was an incredible experience that would make me hard watching the number of guys that got to see her 34C tits and light-colored nipples.  And that would last for 4 hours every Saturday. 
As we were coming to our last Saturday of the semester and subsequent return to our home state I thought it would be cool to let the guys of our dorm know about the job she had had the previous two months.  Initially some of them were in disbelief but didn't want to miss out on seeing her tits as many had probably imagined what they looked like since she was primarily braless during the semester. 
On the way to work on her final Saturday I told her to expect some surprise visitors.  She gave me that look of "now what did you do?" and I told her.  After some make believe "I can't believe you did that!" she settled in with the realization that she would be seeing a number of guys she had gotten to know, and more importantly, they would now actually see her naked breasts for the first time. 
Sure enough about 12 guys from the dorm came in, a few of which were friends and not even from our dorm.  After the initial uncomfortableness she became totally at ease with the situation and didn't mind the outright staring at her boobs. 
Little did I know what this would evolve into, until our following Junior school year as we went on another student exchange program to a school in northern California.  Sue and I ended up in different dorms but I had become friends with Dan who lived on the floor above me.  He was a senior and had a single room.  The three of us were listening to music and just visiting in his room one night and Dan dropped a deck of cards on a table and asked, "Want to play cards?"  He and I had preplanned this and I responded with, "All I know how to play is poker."  Sue replied she knew Crazy 8's.  Dan said, "I dare you guys to play strip poker."  Sue looked at me and said, "Be honest with me - you guys have already talked about this, haven't you?"  I replied, "Honestly, yes - how'd you know?"  She just shook her head and said, "Who is dealing first?"  I immediately started getting hard and Sue gave me this look that I didn't quite understand.
Eventually we were all down to our underwear with Sue having a bra on (for some reason) and panties.  She then lost a hand and as she stood up to unclasp her bra from the front I told her to stop.  Sue asked "why?" to which Dan replied with a laugh "yeah, why?".  I then said that part of the game at this point is that the guys got to take her bra off as slow as we wanted.  I'm guessing the beer we had been drinking had something to do with it but Sue willingly smiled and said "guys are perverts" and put her hands to her sides. 
Dan and I each took one side of the clasp in the front of her bra and slowly unhooked it and dragged our hands across each tit.  Sue was now letting Dan feel her up and was actually getting into it.  After about 15 seconds or so she said that was enough and time to deal another hand. 
So the three of us were now all sitting on the bed with Dan and I having obvious hard-on's and Sue's nipples were erect.  The next hand Sue also lost and as she stood up, Dan and I also stood up and said, "We get to take these off."  I asked Dan, "Do you want the front or the back?" (knowing full well he would take the front). 
As we pulled her panties down, Dan slowly ran his middle finger down the slit of Sue's cunt, and then right back up it.  She said that was enough, but that it was our turn to lose our underwear to end the game.  We told her the game was over as she had lost all her clothes.  She jokingly said that it wasn't fair.  I then said, "I tell you what, we'll play one more hand and if you win, we'll take our underwear off, but if you lose the hand since you're already naked, you have to lie down on the bed and Dan and I can use our hands only on you." 
She didn't fight that idea at all and simply said, "For how long?"  I said, "We'll draw a card from the deck and whatever the card is it would be for that amount of time in minutes, face cards would be ten minutes, Aces would be 15 minutes,  but the Queen of Spades would be an hour." I has said the last one as I envisioned that card looking a little like her pussy. 
Unfortunately the card she picked from the deck was a 6 so for the next six minutes Dan and I were feeling her tits and pussy.  Dan tried to insert his finger in her cunt and she said that wasn't part of the game.  With that the night ended and Sue and I went back to our respective rooms.  The next day when I saw Sue I told her I had trouble sleeping as I kept thinking about what had happened.  She admitted the same thing and said she was surprised at how  much it turned her on as she was thinking about it in bed.  I had been worried a little bit that she was going to wake up the next day and be mad about it.  Little did I know it was just the beginning and within a couple of weeks things were about to change.
A couple weeks later Dan talked to me about the upcoming spring break.  He had his own car and was thinking about going down to visit Tijuana, San Diego, and then hitting the tourist spots in Hollywood and trying to see the Tonight Show live.  He had a proposition for me that he was hoping Sue and I would go along with.  Sue and I were planning on staying on campus as we didn't have a car.  He offered to pay for all the gas in his car and also he would pay for the hotel rooms wherever we stayed if for the entire week Sue would be willing to act as if she had two boyfriends the entire time, including having sex with him. 
The idea alone got my mind racing and I immediately told him I was definitely good with it and that I'd talk with Sue.  When I told Sue she was initially surprised that Dan would suggest such a thing but with a nervous smile she said, "I'm not going to say yes, but I'm not going to say no," and to give her a day to think about it. 
The next day she said she only had one question for me and that was if I was sure that I'd be ok with it and that if she at any time got too uncomfortable with it, that we could stop it and pay our fair share.  I enthusiastically said that wouldn't be a problem and that I was excited to see what it would be like.  When I told Dan her response he was obviously very excited as well but he felt it was important for us to get together in his room the night before spring break started just to make sure Sue was still ok with everything and to talk things out.
The night before we were to leave Sue and I went up to Dan's room and it was obvious everyone was a little nervous and there was some nervous chit chat until Dan finally broke the ice and said, "Look, I don't want us to get to Tijuana and Sue gets cold feet or that she feels pressure for the rest of the week to do anything."  With that he looked at Sue and said, "Can I kiss you?" 
Sue said, "I guess we might as well find out now before we've driven 12 hours to Mexico," and she went up to Dan and started making out with him.  Within seconds he was taking off her clothes and laying her on the bed.  As he was feeling her up, he then slid his hand onto her pussy and said, "If you want to fuck me during the week, spread your legs right now and raise your hips." 
Sue looked over to me for approval and with that she spread her legs and tilted up at the hips.  Dan stood up and pulled his shorts down.  He told her to grab his cock and to slowly slide it in her but that he wanted her to tell him something...and with that, as Sue slid him inside her moist cunt, she said, "This pussy is going to be just as much yours all week." 
Dan told her that he wanted to own it all week and Sue stared directly in his eyes and replied, "I want you to own it, I want both of you to own all of me." And with that, we left the next day for Mexico.


My girlfriend was raised in a very strict family.  We started dating our junior year in high school.  She was/is a beautiful blond with blue eyes and a fantastic body. 
Although she had previous boyfriends I was the first to feel her up.  By the time we went to college she was ready to be away from parental supervision.  This was back in the 1970s where it was fairly common to see tube tops and bralessness.  Her college roommate seldom wore a bra and when it was time for the first dorm party of the year I dared her to be braless.  Little did I know that this would be the start of an exciting number of years. 
She wore a thin yellow tube top.  Although it wasn't sheer, I (and everyone else) could tell she was braless.  Later on that night she told me it was kind of exciting catching guys looking at her boobs. 
Our school had a student exchange program and we both talked to our parents about going to the U of Miami for one semester.  Not surprisingly her parents said "no" as they wanted to see how her grades would be during her freshman year. 
Our sophomore year she finally got permission from her parents.  We went during the 2nd semester.  In Florida, braless is pretty much the normal look and she seldom wore one. 
There was a posting in our dorm looking for a female model for an event for Undercoverwear.  Undercoverwear was similar to Fredericks of Hollywood.  A woman sold Undercoverwear the way you would sell Tupperware, except it was lingerie.  I told Sue I thought it would be kind of fun doing something like that but only if I could go. 
Sue contacted the woman looking for a female model and met with her.  The "event" was going to be at a community hall that she had rented and the attendance would be exclusively for males.  The expectation was Sue would wear a variety of lingerie but there was no nudity required. She'd also get paid $100 for about 2 hours of work, and I could go. 
When we got there Sue was taken into a back room where there was a rack full of lingerie sorted out according to the level of sexiness and sheerness.  There were about 20 guys sitting at round tables of 5 that she'd have to walk around like she was on a catwalk so they could see what the outfits looked like. 
Sue had come out in a variety of sexy teddy's and negligees.  After the first couple outfits, the clothes became more revealing.  Toward the end she came out in an outfit that although not totally sheer you could see a hint of her nipples.  All the guys started clapping as she did her walk around all the tables. 
It was now the end of the "fashion show" and the guys started chanting for her to come out one more time.  The woman running it came up to me and told me that Sue wanted to see me in the back room before the show was officially over. 
I went into the back room and Sue could tell I had really enjoyed everything.  Sue then pulled off a "harem outfit" that was the furthest one on the clothes rack, indicating it was the most revealing.  She said she was fine putting it on as the last outfit if I was OK with her wearing it in front of all the guys.  I said, "Are you kidding me, I'd love it."  I then walked back to my table and the woman announced that Sue was coming out with one more outfit to end the night and asked for the guys to finalize their order sheets but that they may want to wait for the last outfit to add to their orders. 
Sue then walked out in a light pink harem outfit that was totally sheer exposing her breasts and nipples as if she was topless.  The guys went crazy.  They started yelling "tits for tips" and with that Sue looked at me and with a sly grin I nodded my head and she proceeded to take her top down and did a final walk around each table being completely topless.  When she got back to the room she was changing in, the woman walked in and handed her another fifty dollars in tips and said she had done a great job. 
As Sue and I were walking out to head back to the dorm a man who was at the fashion show was waiting for us and said that he owned a restaurant and if we both were looking to make a few extra dollars he could use us for about 4 hours every Saturday from noon to 4pm.  The restaurant was called "R Donuts".  The job for me would be to buss tables, and for Sue it would be as a topless waitress (hence the "R" Donut name). We told him we'd think about it. 
See part 2 as this story of the journey from shyness to hotwife continues.

This all started around forty years ago when my wife Beth and I had dated for a few years then married. It wasn't long after we married that I introduced her to her first big realistic porn star dildo.  When she first saw it she laughed and said, "That'll never fit in my pussy, are you nuts?!" But she agreed to trying and found not only did it fit but she really enjoyed it. She was amazed by how much she enjoyed it.  So much so that she requested I use it on her quite a lot. She also discovered she enjoyed big cock porn, she was fascinated by it. Soon was I combining using a huge dildo on her at the same time she watched big cock porn, this led her to experience huge orgasms. She couldn't get enough. She was finally exploring her sexuality and expanding her outlook on sexual pleasure.
One night after some really hot sex I  questioned her if she ever fantasized about fucking other men, especially well-hung men. She responded that of course she did, stated that most women had this fantasy, and she believed it was quite common. So I pursued it further and asked her if she wanted to try another man's cock and how much did she really desire to do it? She said that it sounded exciting and fun but she would never do anything to endanger our marriage. I said,  "What if I told you that I wanted to watch you have sex with another man, one that had a really big cock. Would you then consider it?" She laughed and said she'd be game if it was something I was serious about and really wanted her to do. She said, "Come on, let's be real. It's exciting and fun to imagine it, but to really do it? Please! That's a major game changer."
So I said, "I'm very serious. I've watched the way you enjoy the dildos especially while watching big cock videos. It turns me on big time seeing how excited you get and how many times you climax from doing these two things at the same time. I want to watch you do it for real. No BS, just watching you getting slammed by a big cock would be a huge turn-on for me. So what do you really think now that you know that I'm serious and am giving you this opportunity?"
I could see her giving it some serious thought, she didn't get mad or upset at me or the idea, no resistance whatsoever to my request.  The more she considered the idea the more it appeared to me that she was very intrigued with the idea and it excited her.
She started asking all kinds of questions, like wouldn't I be jealous, or think the worst of her, or what if she really enjoyed it and wanted more or didn't feel comfortable screwing another man, then what? Were there any rules and what were the consequences? Was I absolutely sure that I really wanted her to do this, because once done there was no going back!
After she finished asking everything she had concerns about I answered all her questions and we talked about the rules/boundaries we would have in place to keep it fun and exciting without any reservations or guilt. This was to make sure she fully understood my concerns and alleviate all of hers as well. It seemed she came to a decision at which point she smiled and enthusiastically said yes, she'd do it! Did I have someone special in mind she wondered? She said she had to agree to my choices for her sexual escapades or it wasn't gonna happen.
 I then informed her I was thinking of Bruce. Beth squealed with glee, she admitted she has had fantasies about Bruce for some time now and I couldn't have picked a better choice for her first time. She would absolutely love to fuck Bruce. She said she was getting wet thinking about sex with him.
A few days later I met up with Bruce for an after work drink. As we enjoyed several drinks we talked a lot. Soon I steered the conversation towards my wife Beth. I asked  Bruce to be honest and tell me what he thought about Beth. He admitted he thought Beth was smokin' hot. She had a killer body and was just gorgeous, always was friendly, and liked flirting with him when they were together. I asked him if he' ever had the chance would he consider having sex with her? He looked a bit concerned by my question but answered yes, he wouldn't hesitate to take advantage of such an opportunity. So I told him that Beth really wanted to have sex with him, and that I was okay with them hooking up. I explained that was my kink watching her get fucked by other men, it really turned me on. Bruce considered it for several minutes then said okay sure, he'd love to fuck Beth. Just give him the details when we're ready to make it happen.
When I got home I told Beth about my conversation with Bruce and what he said. She looked startled and said she couldn't believe I did that. So I asked her if what I did was so wrong and did she still want to go through with it? She excitedly said Oh hell yes she did, and no I wasn't wrong! So we made plans and set a date for Beth's first cock. 
The night arrived finding Beth both excited and hot with anticipation. She was dressed to kill showing off her sexy body wearing no underwear. When Bruce knocked on the door I answered it and escorted him into our house. Beth entered the living room and gave Bruce a big hug pressing her chest and pelvis into him and then kissed him on the lips. Bruce kissed her back and he sat down pulling her on to his lap. Nether one of them wasted any time, tongues going everywhere, hands exploring and groping each other, clothes coming off. Soon they were both naked and Beth got a pleasant surprise, Bruce was very well hung. She giggled with delight.
Beth took Bruce's hand and led him to our bed. She pushed him down on the bed and went to work on Bruce's big cock giving him an enthusiastic blow job. After a while Bruce flipped Beth on her back and went to work on her pussy and clit. Beth orgasmed in minutes, fully enjoying Bruce's skilled tongue. I stood in the background watching the show.
Soon Bruce moved into position between Beth's legs. As he rubbed his cock against Beth's open pussy and clit she responded with loud moans and started pressing her pussy against Bruce's cock. As he slid his huge cock into Beth's pussy she had a big climax. As he went deeper he increased his speed and Beth climaxed again. She was enthralled with his big cock pumping her pussy, she was moving her hips and swearing, telling him his cock felt so good. She looked over at me and said she loved how good his big cock felt inside her. She told Bruce to stretch her pussy good, to fuck her hard. She was in sexual ecstasy, a place she'd never been before. Her facial expressions showed pure bliss and the sounds she was making were hot as hell. I never seen her so turned on, she must of had a dozen orgasms, many of which were huge.
They fucked each other hard for a good twenty minutes then Bruce erupted into Beth's pussy, filling her with his cum. This gave Beth another climax. Afterwards he laid on Beth for a minute then rolled off her. He'd destroyed her pussy, it gaped open with his cum dripping out of her. They kissed and he got up to dress while Beth laid there spent. She looked at me and smiled big time. She said, "Your turn!", so I took sloppy seconds and enjoyed it beyond belief. Bruce watched us have sex then commented that watching real sex was so much hotter than any porno ever could be. He understood my enjoyment of watching my wife fuck other men. He said he'd like to do it again and Beth was all for it. So they made plans to hook up again. Then Bruce left.
Beth and I talked about how well things went, and how she wasn't prepared for how much she enjoyed his big cock. It was mind boggling! She thanked me profusely for asking her to do this, the opportunity to experience such awesome sex. She says she'll never be the same again and is looking forward to more big cock sex. So our new lifestyle began.

It has been quite a few years since we have been able to get away for our anniversary and we finally planned a week away for just ourselves at the beach.  We decided to go during the late summer when my wife's parents could watch the kids during summer break.  We had a lot of anticipation and excitement leading up to it and left early on a Saturday morning to be able to fully enjoy our first day.  We had an early check in for the room and got up there before noon and decided to get ourselves settled before going down to the pool area.  We splurged and had an ocean-facing balcony so when my wife was unpacking I went out to take a look.  When I came back in she was standing there laughing as she held a 24 pack of condoms and looked at me and said, "We are here for 6 days, this might be a bit much."  I smiled and said, "Just wanted to make sure I had enough."  Of course she couldn't let it go by without responding, "You know, if you just had a vasectomy, we wouldn't need these anymore at all." I replied,  "I know, I know."
So we finished unpacking and she changed into her bathing suit.  We are both 38 and have pretty nice bodies but for her, she doesn't enjoy wearing a bikini anymore.  She is 5'6" cute brunette with long hair, a firm sexy ass and soft 36D tits.  She changed into a sexy suit none the less, it was kind of like a bikini at the top but with an added amount that covered her stomach.  I didn't mind as I could still admire her breasts.  When we got to the pool area we went right to the bar and the drinks kept flowing.  We laid by the pool, walked by the beach and spent some time in the water but mostly just had drinks in our hands.  On the way back to the room we stopped by the front desk and bought a few 6-packs for the fridge in the room.
We walked up to the room carrying our beer and as soon as we got inside we put the beers down and started really kissing, then she pulled away and said to save it for later because she wanted to have a few drinks on the balcony.  I hand her one and she goes out on the balcony while I put the others in the fridge.  Then I walk out and hear her talking to someone, that's when I saw that the room next door had an adjoining balcony.  He was a younger guy named Jeremy and was having a pleasant conversation so I offered him a beer and then sat down.  We talked for a while and it was a lot of fun and my wife then made a comments and said, "You must be having so much fun with all these young sexy girls on the beach."  He just laughed and said that he enjoyed some of the sights.  I jumped in and responded, "I like what I get to look at" and got an eye roll from my wife.
My wife said she wished she still had the body she used to have, especially the perky tits.  Without thinking I reached over and grabbed a tit and said that they were great.  I expected her to swat my hand away but she left it there and said I only liked them because I was stuck with them.  I immediately looked at Jeremy and asked if he thought they were nice too and he just smiled and said he didn't mind looking at them. 
This is when I realized that the drinks had really hit her because she stood up and leaned over, squeezing them together with her hands saying, "They might look good from this angle."  She bent over a little too far and fell into his lap and they both started laughing.  She collapsed on her knees in front of him and looked at him and asked, "Do you really think they look nice?".  He insisted yes and she still argued that he was just saying it to be nice.  So I leaned forward and reached around and grabbed her top and pulled it open with her tits spilling out. "Now he can see them and I know he likes them," I said.  He said they looked so nice and soft and that he really did think they were nice.
She told him how sweet he was and that she wanted to make sure he got a nice view of them and I sat and watched as she reached forward and pulled his swim trunks to his ankles.  I sat speechless ash she leaned forward and squeezed her tits around his dick slowly tit fucking his cock to make him hard.  As she did it she asked if her tits were as soft as they looked and if he enjoyed the way her big areolas looked on her big tits.  "Those are the most suckable nipples I have ever seen," he responded.  She quickly stood up and pushed one of her tits in his mouth and his hands immediately went to her ass and he effortlessly slid her bottoms off.  As he was sucking her nipples back and forth he was also rubbing her pussy and driving her wild.  She spread her legs open wide enough to straddle him and sat down on his lap with his dick in between them.  He was really enjoying her tits and I know how much that turns her on and how crazy he was driving her. 
It was then that she leaned forward dragging her pussy along his dick then letting the tip touch her pussy as she started working her way down on it.  At this moment is when I noticed just how big he was, she was about halfway down and working it up and down inside her but he wanted more.  He grabbed her ass and started pulling her down onto his dick.  She moaned, "Oh my god I am so full.  You are so deep.  This is stretching me out so much.  God keep going".  When she said keep going is when he thrust his hips upward and went all the way inside her.  She was just moaning "Oh fuck me!" over and over as she rode his dick through an orgasm.  She was really pushing down to get it all inside her when I saw him grab hold of her ass and clench up and I knew he was cumming.  She got up right after and walked inside the room and I didn't know how she felt about what just happened.
She was only gone for a minute and came back with a beer and handed it to Jeremy.  Then she turned and got on her knees in front of me and pulled my pants down to see my already hard dick.  She sat on my lap like she did his and had my dick pushed between us.  She was kissing me deeply and then kissing my neck and told me to close my eyes.  So I did and and the next thing she did was slide back a little and then I feel her touch my dick.  She kind of giggled as she unrolled a condom onto me then got on top and pushed my dick inside her.  She was riding me and told me that since I brought condoms that I needed to use them.  She kept talking and said: "Wow, doesn't this feel so strange to get sloppy seconds while wearing a condom. Jeremy made my pussy all loose and sloppy for you."  I couldn't think with how wild this situation was.  She looked at me and continued, "You know he hasn't even kissed me and I have his cum in my pussy."  With that I tensed up and came in the condom.  
She went inside the room and laid down in bed and fell asleep immediately.  Jeremy and I finished our beers and then both went to our rooms.  I laid in bed for hours replaying what just happened as she slept soundly through to the morning.

My wife and I met in college and have been married for almost 22 years. When we met I was the most jealous person you could possibly be and that continued up until our second or third year of marriage.
I slowly started to notice I was aroused about the thought of her being a hotwife. Like others, she was totally against the idea but after seeing I was real, started warming up slowly, and I mean slowly, over the years. 
During my first deployment, she would role play some and very little online, but never any physical play. In fact my sex drive was at least three times than hers. When I came back home, she and I did a live Webcam and I was so turned on seeing all the attention she was getting.
I was deployed again and still had this fetish strong.  She found an old college buddy to soft play with. I called home and she told me about him and it drove us wild. Then she had an old friend that she gave a blow job to and some heavy flirting along with a small lesbian experience.  She had no interest in anyone she didn't know or feel she had a connection with and I was just happy to get what I could. 
About another year and half things picked up steam again and she had an old friend she was hanging out with. They ending up messing around twice, and she actually had sex with him once. I was very aroused and couldn't believe after seven years of marriage, it finally happened.
Things then got complicated  mostly from me and her inexperience. She was trying to live out my fantasy and I wasn't very clear in what I wanted. Like an idiot would get mad thinking she was hiding things from me, when in fact I was supposed to find out that way.  She let him get into her heart and mind more than she should have.  I did more damage to a very good wife. She was only doing what I asked and doing it the best she could.
Then she started feeling like she was used by this guy and the relationship between the two of them crumbled. I was so into the hotwife idea, I didn't realize how I was pushing her to talk about a painful experience until one night I pushed too far and made her feel like her telling me about it was more important than her feelings and thus starting  a string of events that almost completely destroyed us.
For the next three years, she still stayed with me,  but we were far from good. Some days she would be ok, and others she couldn't look at me.  There would be a few good days but I broke a good women. I couldn't fix it and thought we were going to split.
One day things started to thaw and we started having a relationship once more. I never brought my fantasy up again and thought it was dead in the water. We had an anniversary and it went really well and when I got home after a four week business trip, I saw her miss me for the first time.  I was relieved and even thought I still ran the thought through my head, never dared mention it at all.
Unknown to me,  she started a friendship with a male friend and became very attached to him. They had dinner together and she even kissed him, nothing more up to that point. I did find something on the computer, one blog she wrote that talked a little about it and didn't care if found out. I was floored but truthfully, I liked the idea. 
It was probably a month or two later we were having foreplay and she started hinting about it. She wasn't sure how I would take it since she was so hard on me about about the mistakes of the last time playing.  She started hinting trying to get me to bring it up by asking what biggest fantasy was. I knew what she was getting at and finally I told her to have someone else touch you. We had the most incredible raw sex in years and all of a sudden we had passion too.
She told me about her friend and we were having more sex than ever. We did it on trampolines, in my truck, and anywhere else we could. Marriage was good and exciting as it could be. She went to her friend's house a couple of times and gave him blowjobs before coming home and telling me. We would have mind-blowing sex. Her relationship with him dried up, but as soon as it did, a new friend was there to take his place. 
This was a game changer. He lived in another state.  They chatted all the time, had phone sex, exchanged pictures and were really into each other.  She planned a trip with him and they stayed a short distance from the house in a hotel, it was hot as hell to me. She went to his house a few times and ending up having sex probably five or six times after that.  We took all our lessons from the bad experience and this one never has had any issues.
The only thing she was comfortable doing was going solo and coming home to tell me. This went on about once a year for few years. She had an another old friend and went to stay with him for a few days where they had sex. There was a friend that came to see her and they stayed in a hotel here and had sex. Another friend from her hometown she only done soft play with. All these were fun but she didn't like the feeling she felt by telling me and I wanted so bad to watch it.
She just had a trip to her hometown and met one of her fiends. They didn't do anything but talk, but when she got home, we had sex three times and sat up all night. We started discussing swing clubs and how fun they would be. She agreed to go and I found one and that is when a sexual awakening happened to her. 
I set up the account and thought we would probably go and if I was lucky I could watch her dance with someone and we talked about her kissing someone else. To my surprise,  she took over from there, chatting and setting this up.  She bought a short dress that a friend from the community helped her pick out. She was as hot as ever and we couldn't stop thinking about it
She had never been as high sex drive as I am. In fact we would go two months with no sex and never more than twice a week.  Since we had this conversation ten days ago, we have so much sex, we are both raw. It was so hot. 
We made it to the club and meet up with a single guy and a couple.  The couple was nice but it fizzled out some.  We took to the single guy and he danced with her, I danced with her, and at times we both danced and grinded on her. I thought this was going to be it, but was I ever wrong.
I looked over and saw her deep kissing him and when we went to a place for privacy,  she straddled him in her dress and they were making out. As he was eating her, she took my hands and rubbed them on her tits. Then I rubbed her clit and he fingered her. She even wanted me to hold her hair as she gave him a blowjob.  I was in heaven and it was exactly how I thought it would be. No penetration that night, but it was the hottest thing I ever was involved in. We came home and had sex twice and every chance we can since. That was five days ago.
She has found another couple we are going to meet tomorrow for dinner. We don't know how far it will lead but she and I are so excited. She even thinks things may happen and says she may want me to play with the other women. Not to mention, we are going to have a mfm with the guy from the club very soon.
She had never been as high sex drive as I am. In fact we would go two months with no sex and never more than twice a week.  Since we had this conversation ten days ago, we have so much sex, we are both raw.  She told me she has never had this high of sex drive. When we aren't together we are masturbating two to three times a day.
I have always fantasized about this and it seems like I wrote this script. I cannot not believe how fast it has moved in ten days. She now fantasizes about me watching her again and with another couple. It gets her going as much as it does me. 
It took twenty years to get to this point. There were a lot of mistakes and failures. We both learned and made the next one better. She is in control now and it is much fun. I love my Hotwife.

I was a cuckold bull for a few couples before marriage.
The one cuckold couple progressed to the point where he would answer the door in her panties and take me by the hand to the bedroom. She would be naked on the bed as he unzipped me, dropping my pants to my ankles, then getting on his knees and sucked my cock.
She would walk over and kiss me as I fingered her as we watched him suck me hard. His boner would be poking out the top of the panties as she would take over on my cock and he would get behind me and lick, rim, and eat me deep. Then I would pick her up, lay her down and lick pussy as he continued to rim me, lovin’ my dominant manhole.
He was chastised and only allowed to cum where and when I tell him. I would make him hump butt crack and shoot up my back or hump his dick on my spent pussy-cum-covered cock and cum on his wife’s lover's cum-covered cock.
One fateful night as I fucked the wifey for a couple hours and he watched, licked where told, and was being a good boy, she asked me if I would fuck him? Of course I tell her, get the rubber and the lube!
He was on the little couch at the foot of the bed. I get between his legs as she puts the rubber on my cock and lubes him up. With his panties slid to the side I put my cock to his butt bud, then gently push breaking through his opening gliding easily balls deep in his hole. He was tight, it felt incredible, I could barely pump him without cumming. His bone sticking out the panties was so hard it was purple.
She grabs his dick and he starts shooting cum as I pick up the pace and butt fuck him good and hard blowing a massive load. It was hot!!! That was the only time I butt fucked a guy.

The weekend has just passed, and Jack and I have some serious talking to do in the next few days. Jack and I are swingers, and Allan was an old friend who has visited us frequently over the ten years. He and his monster cock were like an addiction I just couldn't break. This past weekend was another such visit. But after it was over, I felt like Jack and I needed to talk.
Friday evening after dinner Jack and I were sitting down to watch TV, and the phone rang. It was Allan calling from the airport and wanting to come to see us and spend the weekend. We have become accustomed to such requests over the years as Allan is very impulsive and rarely gives us any advance notice. We said, "sure," but with some trepidation as the last visit gave hints of posing what would become the start of a possible problem for us in our friendship and sexual relationship.
Within the hour, Allan had pulled into our driveway and was ringing our doorbell. Of course, we were glad to see him as it had been several months since his last visit, but we were just a little less enthusiastic this time in our hugs and greetings. "Is there something wrong here?" Allan said. "No, we were just a little surprised that you didn't tell us you were coming for the weekend," I said. "Well, that is because I may be here more than just the weekend this time," Allan replied. The voice inside of my head said, "What?"
As it turned out, over a couple of drinks, we discovered that Allan had sold his home in North Carolina. His furniture was already on its way by truck to Tampa, where he had rented a home sight unseen. That is because he wasn't planning to spend much time in that house, but most of it with us.
He fully expected me to be sexually available to him at any time of the day or night as I had been on his previous visits. Now Jack and I have a good marriage. While we swing fairly often and Jack gets off watching, we still maintain a fairly monogamous relationship at all other times.
Allan's announcement just about knocked us over, and we didn't know what to say at first. Then Allan leaned over and kissed me in a very passionate way and asked Jack if he minded the two of us going to bed right away. "Wait a minute, I may have something to say about that," I said, even though I could feel my panties getting moist from his kiss. Jack, in his usual mild manner, said, "It's entirely up to Karen." With that taken as approval, Allan picked me up in his arms. He carried me to the master bedroom, where he deposited me in the center of my bed and began to undress me without further discussion.
It didn't take long to pull off my T-shirt and shorts as I was dressed casually, but my bra and panties took a little longer. Allan wanted to suck and lick all over my breasts and around my pussy until he was sure I was ready for him. He seemed to have forgotten my shoes until he had all of his clothes off and was prepared to initiate some serious sexual intercourse. I kicked my shoes off and noticed that Jack was already sitting in a chair by the bed, nude and stroking himself.
"Wait just a damn minute," I said as I reached for the lube. Even though I was starting to lubricate freely, I knew that Allan's 9+" dick was going to take some juice to get him in fully.
I spread the lube all around my vagina, making sure to coat the inner and outer labia thoroughly. Allan just couldn't wait and tried to mount me and stick that monster home. Up and down, back and forth, he worked his dick around the mouth of my pussy. But couldn't get even the head inside. Jack then grabbed the tube and to my surprise, took Allan's dick and lubed him up for me.
Within seconds Allan had the head of his monster dick in and was rolling it around and around, driving me to distraction wanting all of it in me. Inch by inch, he shoved it home until he had his balls slapping against my ass, and we were both moaning and tossing with excitement.
Apparently, it had been a long time for Allan as he shot his load too early for me, and then he wilted with his dick still in my pussy. I hadn't had an orgasm yet. What a disappointment! That had never happened before, so Jack moved Allan aside and said he would satisfy me while Allan got it up again. Jack took me in his typical kind and loving way and easily put his 6" dick in as I was already full of Allan's cum. There was no problem penetrating my already stretched pussy.
Unfortunately for Jack, there was not as much friction as he usually gets either. With that, Jack took a little longer than usual as he fucked me doggie style until he was sure I had my first orgasm. Then he released his load and motioned to Allan that it was his turn again.
Allan had lots of staying power this time, and we fucked about three or four different ways until he told me he was ready to cum again. This time, I was ready again, so we started cumming together until I thought we would never stop.
We were all so sleepy that the three of us just laid side by side in our bed and all went to sleep. Allan wanted to sleep spoon fashion with his big dong in my pussy, but I can't sleep that way, so we all went to sleep side by side. Allan woke me with his dick rubbing between my legs and asked for another screw during the night. Half-asleep, I agreed, and off we went again until our frantic screwing motions woke Jack, and he mumbled to himself as he went to a guest bedroom to get some sleep.
The next day we got up early, showered, and had breakfast when Allan sprung his next surprise on us. He wanted to have his furniture in his rented home, but he planned to live with us daily and share me with Jack. Neither Jack nor I were pleased with that and told him so. We are happily married and are into swinging but not wife sharing every day. Allan took this badly and stormed out of the house in a huff.
Toward midnight Saturday, Allan returned about half-drunk and in a bad mood. "Come on, Karen, my little fuck buddy, let's get it on," he said. Even though my pussy was dying for another treat of that monster cock that filled me so well, I refused him. Allan tore out of the house again. This time went to a motel for the rest of the night.
Sunday morning, the three of us sat down and talked about the suggestion calmly and rationally. Jack and I said that there would be no way we could do such a thing, and once again, Allan was offended. The balance of the day was pure torture as the three of us went around the house acting as nothing had happened, but all of us had our minds on nothing else.
Today is Monday, and Allan and Jack are out playing golf, and I am sitting here trying to decide what to do. My head says no, but my pussy purrs yeeesssss. What do you think?

We weren't new to finding my wife a new fuck toy. We had enjoyed a threesome with a friend twice before. So when we decided it was time for another, we headed into the city to find her a new man.
I directed her preparations, getting her dressed in a black, wrap-around dress, sheer black pantyhose, and high heels. She doesn't need a bra even though her breasts are very full. So naturally, we left that out. I had her lay back on our bed and spread her legs. I took a pair of scissors and carefully cut away the crotch of her pantyhose to expose her shaven pussy. Unable to help myself, I buried my face in there for a few minutes, just to get the heat going.
We caught a cab into town and went to a fancy restaurant. With her beautiful long black hair, sparkling eyes, and smiling face, there she was, seeming so demure in this respectable place. I thought of her exposed pussy while we ate and discussed where to go looking for her extra man.
We decided that a strip club would be a good place since the men would already be in the right frame of mind and less likely to be shocked by our intended proposal. It took us a few different clubs before we found one that seemed suitable, and we settled down to watch. As men moved around the club, I could see my wife checking them over, looking for one she liked.
It didn't take long before she pointed out a man to me. He was sitting right in front of the catwalk watching the strippers perform, though I noticed him stealing glances at my wife from time to time. While it's not unheard of for couples to be in such a club, there were no other female customers here tonight, and I guess her presence was kind of obvious. I leaned over to her and whispered, "Why don't you let him see what he wants to see?"
She smiled in that deliciously naughty way of hers. I felt myself growing hard as I watched her adjust the fold of her dress, so it parted nearly to her crotch. Then she slowly opened her legs so the guy (and any others looking, and they were looking) could see between her legs. Could see she was exposed. I looked at her eyes and saw she was looking straight at the guy she had picked. Not wanting to frighten him off, I didn't look at him immediately. Instead, I let my gaze wander slowly around the room, noticing a few smiles here and there as men noticed the new view.
When I did look at the guy, he was still looking, as discreetly as he could manage, between her legs. I smiled to myself and knew we had our man. I asked my wife if I should be the one to approach him, and she thought that would work best, so I got up and slowly walked around the end of the catwalk and sat in a chair beside him. He knew where I had come from and got very nervous for a moment. He probably thought he was about to have a scene with the jealous husband of a flirtatious wife. However, I quickly put him at ease, said a friendly hello, and asked him if he thought my wife was attractive. He couldn't help stealing another glance at her still open legs. I was so turned on by the fact that she was still sitting this way, knowing that men were looking at her. She usually is very nervous about public places. I think the knowledge of what we were here for, a few drinks, and the rather decadent atmosphere of the place had worked a charm on her. Whatever, she looked glorious sitting there with the tops of her lips just visible above the cushioning of her chair.
I told the guy that my wife liked to have extra men sometimes and asked him if he was interested? He eagerly agreed he was, so I invited him to our table. I directed him to a chair beside my wife and introduced him in the manner of, "Your name is...?" Not the most graceful way, but effective nevertheless. He quickly relaxed with her. She can really put a man at ease when she wants, and I swear you could almost feel real heat from the sensuality pouring out of her just then.
I leaned close to them both and suggested he get a little more familiar with my wife before we left. She smiled at him, and after a brief hesitation, he leaned forward to kiss her. As he did, he put his hand on her thigh, which she grabbed and slid up between her legs, kissing him back hard and passionately.
I must admit, I was a little nervous at this point. I mean, it was turning me on like crazy, but I was worried about getting thrown out, or worse. I glanced around the room to see what was going on. A lot of men were watching, some surreptitiously, but a few quite openly. I could see the bouncer moving through the club, but he seemed unconcerned by the events at our table. I asked my wife and friend if they'd like a drink? My real intention is to leave them alone for a while. Alone? Here? Anyway, I went for drinks and returned to find them sitting close, and with his hand now more 'properly' resting on her leg. She had adjusted her dress, too, though most of her legs were still showing.
We finished our drinks and were ready to leave when my wife announced she wanted to visit the ladies room. We both watched her walk across the room and down the stairs to the restrooms. Several minutes went by, and when she still hadn't returned, I grew a little anxious. My biggest concern in such activities is her safety, physically and sexually. I realized many men could well be thinking she was a loose woman to be had by any who wanted her. I was just getting up from my chair when she appeared, with a young, about 20-ish man following her. She seemed relaxed, so I realized she was in control. As she reached the table, she gave me an odd smile I hadn't seen before.
The young man was somewhat flustered but managed to get out that he wondered what was going on? He realized something sexual was in the works and wanted to be a part of it. This was only our first time with a man we didn't know, and I didn't think my wife would go for two men. The young man continued to say that he only wanted a blowjob and something about his girlfriend who wouldn't do it. I looked at my wife, expecting to see a clear sign of "no." To my surprise, she smiled at the fellow and said, "It's entirely up to my husband, whatever he wants me to do."
I think I nearly came in my pants right then and there. I don't know where this wanton surrender in my wife was coming from, but I liked it a lot! Conscious still that we had been perhaps too demonstrative earlier, I thought it best not to leave as a group of four. I told the young man to wait outside for us, and we'd follow in five minutes. He almost ran out the door.
When about the right time had passed, we got up and headed for the door, our picked man with his arm around my wife and me following behind. When we got outside, we saw the younger guy waiting and walked over to him. "Where shall we go?" I asked rhetorically, looking around this inner suburb of shops and office buildings. Across the road, I saw a tall building, set back from the road, with concrete abutments or trusses, whatever they're called, which would provide a dark area for this tryst. I indicated my choice, and we moved off.
As we got closer, I saw some bushes which would add to our cover and pointed the area out to my wife. "Be sure to swallow," I said to her. She gave me this hungry grin, took the young man by his hand, and led him into the dark. The other guy and I were only 10 feet away, so we could see clearly as she backed him to the wall, knelt down, and took his erect cock out of his pants. With an endearing glance up at his face and a smile, she thoughtfully pulled her hair to one side so her audience could watch as she took him into her mouth.
There she was, my beautiful, classily dressed wife, kneeling on concrete in a not too clean area, moving her head slowly back and forth on this guy's cock while her husband and a complete stranger watched her. She knew it, and she was obviously enjoying herself hugely. We listened to the wet sucking noises as she slid forward on his dick till her nose was against his fly. Then pulling back till the tip of his cock just rested on her lower lip and tongue, then diving forward to swallow him again and again. It was fantastic to watch. The guy beside me said, "This is going to be a terrific evening." No kidding!
In just a few minutes, the young guy convulsed, and I saw my wife pull back on his cock, keeping his cock head firmly locked within her lips as his hips spasmodically shook. Several times I saw her throat contract as she swallowed his hot cum load. When he subsided, she noisily sucked on his knob. With her thumb against the underside of his cock, forefinger on top, she stroked up the length of him, coaxing the last white pearls of cum out of his tube. These she held on her tongue and then turned to us with her tongue out so we could see before she swallowed the last of her sexy treat.
The young fellow mumbled thanks and literally ran down the street. Back to his girlfriend, I guess - maybe she was waiting for him somewhere. My wife adjusted her dress, and we three proceeded to the other guy's place, which he had told us was just down the street. It turned out he was caretaking at this old theater, and as he let us in, we could smell those odors only such an old pace can have. We passed through the foyer where drinks and popcorn would have been sold, then through the traditional curtains and into the theater itself. This was a stage theater, I discovered, with rows of fold-up seats climbing in tier after tier towards the back where we stood. We walked down the ramp towards the stage. Our host disappeared for a moment and switched on the stage spotlights.
We climbed up onto it and spent a few minutes checking out the props and other clutter I didn't recognize. We started horsing around a bit, moving about on stage, but gradually the mood changed, and as my wife would pass by one of us, we would caress her briefly. The caresses were soon replaced by fast gropes, and as we men moved closer towards her, she was forced to stop. We both began stroking her body, still standing.
As the other guy moved in front of her to kiss her, I moved behind her. I knelt, reaching up under her dress and grabbing the tops of her stockings, pulled them slowly down her legs, leaving her naked under her dress. When they were pooled around her ankles, I got her to lift one foot then the other, sliding both stocking and shoe off each time. I stood back for a moment and watched them as they embraced, kissing deeply. After a moment, they pulled back slightly, and I took my wife's shoulders from behind and pulled her another step away, keeping her facing him. I teased the tie of her dress undone, then slowly opened its folds one side, then the other, pulling it back to fully reveal her body to the other guy's hungry eyes. I ran my hands up and down her body a few times, cupped and squeezed those gorgeous tits, then slid my hands higher, to her shoulders, and away, causing her dress to fall to the floor behind her.
I pulled her to me, my hands again caressing her breasts and belly. I reached down lower and pushed my fingers between her legs, not surprised to find her already wet. With my other hand, I tilted her head back slightly, then brought my glistening wet fingers up to her mouth and painted her lips with her own juices. Her lips parted, and a soft moan escaped as her tongue came out to taste my fingers, which I offered now for her to suck.
Kneeling down once more behind her, I pressed outwards on her ankles, and she understood, moving her feet apart. I pushed harder, and she responded, spreading her feet as far apart as she could while standing. I ran my hands up the outsides of her legs and back down, then brought one hand inside to run slowly up her leg till I reached her shaved sex. She shuddered at the contact, and her hips moved slowly as I put two fingers inside her, then three. She started to move faster, but I restrained her. I meant to display her to our guest and didn't want things to progress too far too fast. I removed my fingers and used them to spread her moisture all around her lips, massaging them and her clit, then spreading her slippery lips as best I could for the other guy to see. I made a motion to him to undress, for he was standing there mesmerized. He understood and quickly lost all his clothing.
I stood and again pulled my wife's head back against my shoulder, then lifted her arms up and back. I knew this would display her breasts beautifully, and with her legs open, the bright spotlights I was sure would be glinting off her wetness. I waved the guy forward, offering my wife's body to him. He came forward and kissed her neck, moving down to her breasts, her belly, and finally her pussy. She quivered powerfully as his tongue made contact, and soon I had to help her remain standing as her arousal built.
Before she came, I interrupted the proceedings, wanting her to be screaming to be fucked. She loved/hated this, but it always gave her more powerful orgasms later. I spread her dress on the wood of the stage and pulled her down on it.
We both now had at her in earnest. He was sucking noisily on one breast, then the other, as I took my turn between her legs, licking and sucking her into my mouth and wriggling out of my clothes at the same time. She was soon sopping wet, and the other guy was now kneeling over her face, and she was sucking his dick for all she was worth. Her breasts were flushed and her nipples hard. Her belly was shaking with approaching orgasm, and one hand was clutching her dress on the floor in a death grip.
I paused for a moment, stunned by what I was watching, by what I had seen her do tonight, how she was being so incredibly uninhibited. I had to fuck her right then. I quickly got to my knees and spread my own legs wide to lower myself into position without lying on top of her. I didn't want her to stop sucking his dick, and I wanted to watch those tits bounce with my thrusts.
As I placed the head of my cock in position, I held there a moment as I reached to grab her raised and very spread thighs for purchase, then thrust violently into her. Her hands flashed up to grab the other guy's legs, seeming to need to pull his dick right down her throat in response to my entry. Indeed, his balls were occasionally bouncing on her nose as she swallowed the length of him. I was crazy with my need and pounded at my wife's pussy as hard as I could, as fast as I could. In barely a minute, I just couldn't hold on anymore, and throwing my head back, I released a primal yell as I shot my semen into her body. This triggered my wife's orgasm, and a choking cry wrenched from her around the generous cock filling her throat. She contracted so hard on me, I could barely thrust into her. With each pulse, I would pull almost completely out of her. Then slam as hard as I could to the hilt, holding this position a moment, then repeating until finally I was spent. Even now, she was still spasmodically clenching her muscles around my dick. She had lost the other guy's dick, and her head was thrown back in a silent scream.
I had never seen her come so strongly before. Her back was arched, and ripple after ripple raced through her body. She gasped in a breath, then another, and finally relaxed back down to the floor. She rested there a moment, then opened her eyes, looking for the cock she had so recently been sucking. As she returned it to her mouth, she sucked more languidly, nibbling and licking, reaching up to taste his balls. After a moment, I slid out of her, and she expressed a disappointed mew at my absence. As I sat back from them, exhausted, she pulled the guy down to lie on the floor and repositioned herself to better give attention to his throbbing cock. My wife gives incredible deepthroat head, and she worked slowly, skillfully on him as I watched.
After a time, he pulled her down to him, rolled her onto her back, and, lying beside her, buried his fingers into her dripping sex as he sucked hard on her nipples. My wife was so wanton. She opened her legs as wide as she could, offering this stranger total access to her body.
I stepped down from the stage and climbed three rows up to sit and watch the remainder of the show. The guy was still playing with my wife's pussy, and his hand glistened wetly in the lights. He had moved around slightly, so she had room to spread her legs wider until her pussy stood out from her body in all its dripping, pink glory. I could see her whispering to him, probably telling him what she wanted. I intently watched as he moved around to kneel between her legs. As he did, my wife raised her arms above her head and crossed her wrists. I knew what this meant. She likes to be tied occasionally, to be submissive for a while, to be without control. What my shameless wife was doing was totally abandoning herself to this man's need. I felt myself hardening again.
The guy had begun finger fucking her, and I could hear the wet slurping from my vantage point. I felt like a voyeur, for I was in relative darkness while they remained under the bright spotlights. They could not see me, but I could see everything. He had started out gently and slowly, but my wife seemed to be encouraging more effort. I could not hear her words, but I recognized the signals. I leaned forward in my seat as I saw him put all four fingers inside her. I knew he would never get fully inside her this way, she was way too tight, and I could see in the tension of her body that it must be hurting her slightly, yet still, she encouraged him. He started pumping his hand at her harder and faster, and again I could see her fists clenching as the climax approached. He must have gotten too carried away at one point because she suddenly reached down with one hand to slow him. I saw her say something, then he continued, again building up slowly and watching her for any signal.
He must have got it right, for soon she was bucking madly against his hand. I was stunned to see her reach right down, grab his wrist and pull his hand into her, as hard as she could, as she thrashed and gyrated against his knuckles. As she relaxed, she let go of his wrist, and he slowly pulled his fingers out of her. We occasionally had really hard sex, but for only a few minutes at a time, and only once in a while. Now, my dear wife had been fucked hard by me and had now had four fingers spreading her wider open than ever before. He must have been in nearly to his last knuckles. I had a new perspective on my wife's sexual appetites. She had to be sore, yet she must know he would want to fuck her now.
Indeed, his cock was ramrod straight, and as he moved tentatively over her, she opened her arms to receive him. He laid upon her, squashing her tits with his chest. Remembering what he saw me do earlier, possibly at her suggestion, he brought his slippery hand up to her mouth and smeared the mixture over her lips. As before, her lips opened to accept this offering, and one by one, she sucked them clean. They kissed, and he rolled a bit to one side to squeeze a breast. After a few minutes, she planted her feet flat on the floor and began moving her hips gently. He knew what she wanted, and I saw his butt rise up as her hand snaked down to grasp him and bring him to her tortured pussy.
He eased slowly, carefully into her, and I saw a brief frown of pain cross her face. She held him still against herself for a few moments, then began running her fingernails along his back. They whispered a few words to each other, then he began to move on her. Though she had to be very tender, her arousal was obviously growing. Soon I saw her spread her legs wide once more, wanting him deeper inside her body, giving him maximum penetration. He began to thrust in longer strokes, and his tempo increased. My wife wrapped her legs around him, hooking her heels behind his butt in a way I knew well and pulling him into her harder.
Much as when he had fisted her, she seemed unable to get it hard enough, and her heels slid from him as she tried in vain to pull him in harder. So she dropped her feet to the floor and began bucking at him savagely. He slid his hands under her and gripped her shoulders, and I could see the muscles in his arms and back straining as he pulled her down onto his thrusting cock harder and faster. I couldn't believe the ferocity of the passion I was witnessing. My wife is very passionate, yes, but this was amazing. A few minutes more, and her orgasm was punctuated by another scream as she went rigid beneath his pounding body. She fought for breath as he continued pumping, her eyes half-open but unseeing. His ass was almost a blur. The wet smack of their groins meeting became nearly continuous music of animal passion. Finally, he burst inside her, starting another orgasm in my wife.
As they slowed, then stopped, she wrapped her arms and legs around him and squeezed him tightly. When she finally lay back, I could see tears in her eyes. For a moment, I feared she had been injured, but the smile on her lips told me that she was in that rare place she goes; when the passion has so moved her, she cries with the joy of it. I relaxed and smiled in turn.
I stood and walked down the ramp and climbed the stage. I walked to their sweaty bodies and sat near them. He was still inside her, and I knew she liked that. She looked at him, wriggled her hips playfully, and breathlessly whispered to him, "That was so good, so good. Yum."
She stretched then, like a great purring cat, and reaching back, took my hand. She looked deeply into my eyes and said, "I love you. Thank you for tonight." Then she laughed, and moaned saying, "I am so fucked."
We couldn't make love for several days afterward, but the following weeks were some of the best sex we have ever had. We can hardly wait for the next time...


The Bad Boy

By adamgunn, in Cuckold / Hotwife,

Bad Boy
by Adam Gunn
Reggie was a bad boy. I knew it when he sent me that sex on the beach in the bar, I knew it when he groped me for the first time in the hallway by the men’s room, I knew it when I left with him. My girlfriends were astounded, they never thought I’d do anything like that. I was a year out of my marriage, hadn’t dated in all that time, refused any and all lines that were tossed my way.
The sex that night was fantastic! We went to his place, and he knew his way around my body as if he’d had it marked on his cell phone’s GPS. I came, and came again, and again! He didn’t do anything fantastic (that first night!) just oral and then a couple of different positions. But there was something about the way he grabbed at my tit, or stuck a finger in, that really, really!, turned me on. After we were done, a couple of hours of it, he drove me back to my car, I remember thinking that it had probably been a one-night stand, that I’d never hear from him again. And even though my lady bits throbbed the next day, I wasn’t that disappointed. It was just the spur of the moment, I figured.
Then I got the text. Very casual, ‘How ru doing - had a great time do it again” I had to stifle myself before I texted back, a couple of very long hours later, ‘sure’.
He picked me up the next Friday night, took me to a restaurant, wine and seafood, witty conversation. A couple of times he was on the edge, the topics just a bit racy, a touch indelicate. But I had no qualms about inviting him up to my place, no worries about leading him to my bedroom. Again, the sex was simply amazing, he encouraged me to try a couple of new things. Well, at least they were new for me.
We kept dating, once or four times a week. One night when I was having drinks with my girlfriends he just showed up. They thought he was sharp, but crude. I didn’t care, he had a beautiful prick! But, of course, they couldn’t see that, except when I’d show up at brunch with a big smile on my face.
The months went by, bit by bit he dragged me in. The first time that he touched my rectum while he was down there I flinched, but I didn’t tell him to stop - the way he rubbed it just felt so good. A week later, when he put his finger in it, I moaned. And then, the very next night, when he coaxed me onto my knees and dribbled lube onto my second hole, I couldn’t tell him I’d been waiting for that moment. And when he forced it into my backside, I screamed - half in pain, half in some of the greatest pleasure I’d ever had.
I still knew he was a bad boy. Sometimes I’d try to see him on a Friday or Saturday night, he couldn’t make it. Once I found a g-string peeking out from under his bedframe, and simply wondered if she screwed as well as I did. I wasn’t in love with Reggie, I was never in love with him. He didn’t mind, he had other places to go on Thanksgiving.
I was open to other dates, if Reggie had his, I wasn’t going to be a wall flower when he was out spreading his pollen. I knew I wasn’t ready to settle down again, not yet, but a girl needs to keep her options. On successive Saturday nights I went out with Tommy, then Mike, then George. Nothing happened with Tommy and Mike, they just weren’t my style, but George was fine. On our third date, I invited him up to my place, after I lit a couple candles he got the idea. After we got naked, in my bed I sucked on him. He seemed no different from Reggie, except where Reggie was very animated in the sack George seemed listless. He kissed my labia, couldn’t seem to find my button, I faked excitement. I let him up on top of me, and without much ado there he was, fully buried. He just wanted to thrust, in and out, I tried to raise myself, change the placement of our legs, but it didn’t do much good. Perhaps five minutes after he started I felt him come. I let him cuddle a little bit, thinking the second time around would be better, but he talked about having to work in the morning, (on a Sunday?) and then he had his clothes on and was out the door. I was prepared to duck his calls for another date, was spared when he never phoned me again.
Reggie brought a camera into the bedroom. Actually it started when he took pictures with his phone of me in the shower, I found I liked the way my body looked, although my teats are too small and my hips too broad, somehow it made a pleasing picture. I let him coax me the next night, I stripped for the camera, let him continue clicking as he made love to me - I never realized my face contorted that much as I orgasmed. Of course that was followed by the installation of a webcam in my bedroom. I let Reggie record one of our sessions, he promised me he’d never let anyone see it without my permission. I thrilled to see my body being used on my television screen, it was more erotic than the anonymous porn we’d been watching. And then, during our phone sex sessions, I roused when the amber light on the webcam began blinking, and I knew Reggie was watching me bring myself off. Of course, I was always careful to pull the plug on the damn thing when I didn’t want it to be used.
The next frontier for me was broken the night Reggie took me to a jazz club - it would have been smoky back in the old days - and in the back of a hall, where they stored chairs, he placed me on top of a table, ripped my panties off, and took me, there and then. I was facing out, as he screwed me I saw a couple of guys come out of the toilet, look down and try to make out what we were doing, as if they didn’t know. And when I realized I was being watched as I was having sex, I had the most delicious orgasm. Yes, I know, I was turning into a pervert.
When Reggie found out I was into being watched, he set up other opportunities to have public sex. A picnic table in a park. The car in the mall parking lot. He got a hotel room downtown, the fourth floor on the street, and he pushed me against the window with the street light beating in on us. I caught a guy looking at us from across the street as I braced my hands on the windowsill and Reggie pounded me from behind. I shook my naked breasts at the guy, liked it when he rubbed his dick through his pants.
We tried other things. Reggie took me to an adult shop, bought me three vibrators, then tried one of them out on me in the car. Reggie tied me up one night, cut my bra and panties off, then had me any way he wanted. I found that to be okay, but I trusted him completely and thus couldn’t relish the sense of danger that, I assume, is the point of bondage. He loved to watch me masturbate, I loved doing it for him.
He bought me a sexy nurse costume, it turned out that I  wasn’t into role play. That was okay, he was simply trying to find out what my limits were, it didn’t make our top ten list. Chocolate drizzled over our bodies, a strawberry tucked inside me, of course! Blindfolds (for both of us,) ice, candle wax, I liked it, so did he. A Christmas present were three books of erotica, he suggested I come up with new ideas from them.
We went to a strip club, I got off on watching the men watching the women. Reggie asked me if I wanted to come back on amateur night, be the one that was taking my clothes off. I thought about it, I’d love to see a gorgeous hunk devour me with his eyes, but there were too many fat old guys and perverts there, so I decided no.
Does it seem that all Reggie and I did was have sex? That’s not far from the truth. Although we sometimes dined together, both in public and private, hot sex was our number one project. I never suggested going to the theater or an art gallery, not with him, a romantic weekend in a bed & breakfast wasn’t our style.
One night we were engaged in rather tame foreplay, at least for us, just after the six month anniversary of our first fuck, and Reggie asked, “What would you think about a threesome?”
“I don’t think I’d be wild about it. I’ve never been attracted to women. But if you want me to try it, I will.”
He laughed. “Well, thanks, maybe, but I was actually thinking about another guy for you.”
Now this was an idea, but caution caused me to reject it. “No, one guy at a time is enough for me, I think.” Anticipating his next idea, I added, “I don’t think I’d want to try an orgy, or anything like that, either.” As always, Reggie went with the flow, just said, “Okay,” and made a pretzel out of me.
Reggie let a couple weeks go by, then told me to dress as sexy as possible one night. “Wear something you’d be comfortable in if we were going to have sex, but then put a coat or something over it. The people we bump into shouldn’t realize that we’re going to screw until you take it off.”
So we were going someplace where we would have public sex. Was I a little uncomfortable with the thought? Of course, every time Reggie tried something new with me, I’d get those butterflies. But Reggie had never put me in a position where I’d been tremendously disquieted, had always listened the times I said No, never lied to me. Even though I was uneasy about it, I decided to find out what it was all about, I could always walk away if I didn’t like it.
I had a black fishnet tanktop with panties, and matched the outfit with a leather miniskirt. Reggie picked me up at 8:15, after a forty minute drive we found our way into an old mall, parked in front of what appeared to be an abandoned department store. The windows were blacked out, there was another couple entering a small, makeshift foyer with us. The receptionist was seated beneath a sign that said ‘Club Illicit,’ we were admitted. It was a sex club! I’d never been in such a place, but suddenly I couldn’t wait to discover it’s mysteries. I gave up my jacket easily, found I wasn’t the skimpiest dressed broad in the place by a long shot.
Some people knew Reggie - I assumed a few of the girls were well acquainted with him, it didn’t faze me - we dropped into conversations. The talk wasn’t much different from a cocktail party, yet there was this undercurrent around us, one that reeked of eroticism. Reggie showed me around the place, a large dance floor and restaurant (“We never want to come here for the food,” Reggie complained, “unless you want badly fried fish.”) There was a small swimming pool, the few people that were in it were naked, the water temperature was warm enough to lounge. On each side of long hallways were private rooms, some small with just a queen sized bed, others with two or three beds or a couch, perhaps a trapeze, maybe a window that voyeurs could watch through. Only a couple of the rooms had closed doors, it was early yet, not even ten o’clock, I wondered what time things would really get going.  And then we happened upon an amphitheater, in the middle at the lowest level were five or six mattresses, three tiers of chairs and couches rose around the center. I knew the purpose immediately! In my mind I saw a dozen or more naked bodies cavorting, I wanted to be a witness in the stands. Did I want to be among the bodies? I wasn’t sure, but I didn’t have to make up my mind just yet.
We rejoined the crowd in the dance room, Reggie and I began bumping and grinding. I noticed that some of the women were dancing erotically with each other, some were topless. If there was groping between partners, watching them energized me. Reggie and I switched with another couple, the man put his hand on my waist, it didn’t feel like just another dance; I saw Reggie cup the girls ass, I couldn’t bother to be jealous.
We fell into a conversation at a table with a very attractive couple wearing wedding rings, the topic was sex. I found they’d been in the ‘LifeStyle’ for two years, were ‘full-swap’ although they didn’t mind ‘soft-swap,’ the woman had started to explore her ‘bi-side.’ The guy felt my leg above the knee, south of the promised land. And then, the invitation. “Would you guys like to go into a room with us?”
I knew what he meant, if we did Reggie would make love to the woman, I’d let the guy take me. He was kind of attractive, I admit I was tempted, just a little. But, as curious as I was, I was still cautious. I just wasn’t sure that I was up for that scene. Maybe, I decided, the next time we were here, just not tonight, not yet. “No, I don’t think so,” I answered, without giving Reggie a chance to put his two cents in. “But thanks, maybe another time,” I added insincerely.
The other couple left us in hunt for other game, it was evident that they wanted to swap badly. I didn’t mind their offer, in fact, I enjoyed the idea that I turned him on enough that he wanted to possess me. Yes, another time, quite possibly. But I still wasn’t sure that I wanted to ‘swap’ with Reggie as my partner. Confused? Perhaps. But my mind was reeling, things were happening fast without any time to take it in. Since I hadn’t known what was going to happen when we got here, I hadn’t had time to consider all my options, I knew I needed to sort it out.
Reggie and I took a walk, through a window we watched a woman older than I entertain two men. The lighting was dim, the triplet was almost silhouetted, yet the acts they engaged in enticed us, as the almost-eroticism of a James Bond opening will. I watched as the women took both men, one in her vagina, the other in her mouth; the men traded positions, I wished I could hear the sounds of their fucking through the window. Maybe, after this group was finished, Reggie and I could take the room over, I thought I’d like it if strangers could watch me screwing. In another room two women cavorted, satisfying each other, while their men sat to the side, both naked, simply watching them. I wondered what the touch, the kiss of a woman would feel like, put it on my to-do list.
A peek in the swimming pool, men sat on the sides, both having their pricks sucked by women standing in the pool. For a second, I wondered if they were married and had swapped, then I didn’t care. They were having fun, that’s what sex is all about.
We moseyed to the dance floor, perhaps twenty-five people cavorted, many more women than men. A song was playing that I simply love, the bass high, the rhythm besieged me. Reggie and I danced, I leaned into him, he petted me. Another man joined us, he was pleasing to my eye, we formed a troika, I whirled from one man to the next. As one song merged into another, Reggie winked at me, left the dance floor. I could have left with him, instead stayed with the newcomer. As the music lifted us we twirled, and suddenly I found myself in his arms, my back to his chest. He pulled my hips to his, I could feel his stiffness against my ass, I wriggled against it. He enticed me to lean back, I placed my hand around his neck, felt his fingers on my breast, pinching my nipple. Instead of pulling away, I turned my head around, our lips met. From the sidelines, Reggie spied on me, I wanted to give my man a show. I continued to dance with this new guy, sometimes apart, often together. If he felt my ass, I let him, if we kissed, I didn’t mind. It was only when I felt his finger slip into the front of my skirt and contact my mons that I halted.
Walking to my lover, I flowed into his arms and kissed him. “Excited?” I asked.
“I am,” he allowed, “you are too.”
“Hot as a firecracker! What’s next?”
I expected to be led into a room, thought Reggie would fuck me then. I was wrong. Reggie led me down the halls to the coliseum, we sat on the top tier, he dragged me to his lap. A couple of men sitting by themselves or with their dates leered at me, their looks inflamed me. On the mattresses below us three women were screwing. One couple was in missionary, the other two women were involved with several men each in various forms of foreplay or fucking. As we watched the action, Reggie played with me, sucking a breast, sticking a hand underneath my skirt, playing with my clit. As I watched the play, my nipples crinkled, I had my first orgasm of the night, puny, a harbinger of explosions still to come. One of the men seemed done with the naked lady he was with, left her. I watched her catch the eye of a another man, wink at him. He undressed as he approached her, with little preparation she laid back, spread, and he pushed into her.
“Shall we join them?” Reggie asked.
I was blazing, didn’t have to - didn’t want to - think what I was doing. “Yes!”
As a prelude, I let Reggie undress me on our perch, down to my panties that I wanted left on for some unexplained reason, and then Reggie was taking his clothes off completely and leading me to the altar. We found an open bed, he stood beside me as I sat, I took his most excellent cock inside my mouth. As I played with him, I searched the stands, seeing if we were being watched. There were, perhaps, two dozen observers, men outnumbered women three to one - this was what they were doing as their wives danced! And I saw lust in their face, I felt some of it was for me.
Then my panties were off, Reggie sucked my clit, the first really great orgasm of the night hit me, all shivers and colors. And again the miracle hit. And again, I couldn’t tell you how many there were. In my lucid moments, I could see the audience gazing at my body, my movements. That was the icing on the cake, the enhancement I relished.
I got up a little shakily, pushed Reggie onto his back, rose above him. Around me I heard three women and more men in various groans, moans, harsh breathing and screams. I grabbed Reggie’s prick and slid down on it. I screwed him. Yes, I came again, but a piece of my brain kept track of the movements around me, the sights, the sounds, especially the syrupy smell of sweat and sex. As I moved I knew the circle behind me was able to see Reggie’s penis slide in and out of me. I didn’t care. No, that’s not true, I wanted them to see the lewd show, wished them happiness as they watched me. I wondered just what it was that they were seeing, I would have loved to be able to be outside myself, watch myself as Reggie and I fucked. We shifted, I sat on his lap as he dangled his legs to the floor. I caught the eye of one man, he was dressed except that his fly was open, his penis exposed and his hand surrounding it. I winked at him, he misunderstood.
He came to us, kissed me, fondled my left breast. I kissed him back, didn’t mind, took the penis in my hand, jerked. “Can I join you?” he asked. I looked back to Reggie, surely he’d heard, and he answered my silent petition. “Whatever you want.”
Had this intruder smelt good, I would have let him, Reggie would have moved over, I’d have a second lover. But I sniffed perspiration, the hair of his beard reminded me of rancid bread, I answered, “I don’t think so, no.” I turned away from him, dismounted, played and kissed my primary lover. The interloper left, I didn’t see him again that evening.
I played with Reggie, again his member was in my mouth, and then I laid on my back, waited for insertion. Reggie was slow in his thrusts, I appreciated his lovemaking, but - at least temporarily - I was sated, the best of my brain digested the ten or twelve naked bodies around me, each engaged in the same sport. The woman beside me was a heavy blond, fifteen years older than I, messed hair, rings, bracelets, necklace, nipple piercing, and yet enticing. Her fellow waved to someone I couldn’t see, and suddenly another man appeared.
This was a Dionysus . I watched him strip, his chest plate was rock solid, his abs rippled. The muscles of his arms darted. And as I watched him slide his boxers off, I saw the prick! Longer and thicker than any I’d witnessed that night - and perhaps I’d seen fifteen already - it was beautifully angry, a shade of amaranth, circumcised. I desired it. Had the man turned to me, I have no doubt I’d have abandoned Reggie immediately. Yet he stayed with the blond, penetrating her, together they fucked. As he used his amazing legs to propel himself into her, every once in awhile he’d turn to me and we’d lock gazes. A strange feeling it was, he was screwing her, Reggie was fucking me, and yet Dionysus and I were making love to each other. I came again, watching his blue eyes, my strongest of the evening.
Suddenly, quite unanticipated, Reggie rose above me, strained, and I knew that I was being deluged with Reggie’s goop. I didn’t mind, since our first time together I’ve always enjoyed the feel of his sperm spreading inside me. And yet, strangely, it wasn’t Reggie’s seed I wanted, needed, but the hunk’s on the next mattress. After Reggie drained himself we kissed, but it didn’t seem that cuddling was proper etiquette in this arena, if you weren’t screwing you should vacate, and so at Reggie’s biding I rose, we headed out, our show over.
We passed the pool, Reggie asked, “A swim?”
We entered, joined six or seven people, I found there was a bank of showers and I rinsed myself, especially between my legs, before I entered the heated water. I stretched my muscles, took inventory. Everything was grand, my skin had that brightness it gets after I’ve been screwed marvelously, as I held onto Reggie I sensed the closeness that exists between lovers. We began to play again, he was soft and I knew that he wouldn’t be ready yet for some time but still he enjoys attention, so I stroked his cock under the surface of the water. He didn’t ignore me, my breasts were petted, my cunt twiddled. Slowly, he gained my trust and got me into a floating position, one hand on the small of my back for balance, the other poking inside me, hitting my g-spot, I came again.
Then an excruciating bright light hit my pupils. “What the hell!?!” I swore.
“Two o’clock,” Reggie explained, “the club closes in half an hour.”
We searched the premises, found our clothes in the stadium, I slipped into the ladies room to dress myself, attempt to repair the damage to my hair, my makeup. On the way out we found cake and coffee, grabbed a plate and cup for the drive home.
Reggie wanted to talk, I didn’t. If he asked me a question, I grunted a reply, feigning sleepiness. I needed to reflect, digest the auras of the erotic cave I’d been introduced to. Was it really that active each weekend night? Were there really dozens of women ready, willing, to screw a greater multitude of men indiscriminately? Why had I felt so comfortable joining, leaping, into the fray? And, if Dionysus had made a pass at me, would I really have let him take me in front of others?  The answer to the last one was easy, a resounding ‘allelujah!’
I begged Reggie to spend the night with me, he was okay with that. We undressed at the bedside, then I attacked him. Somehow, strangely, I wanted more sex, and as I presented myself for his pleasure, fantasies of the playground we’d left haunted me until at last, completely sated, we slept.
Nine hours later, in bathrobes, our teeth brushed and faces washed, we sipped coffee, dined on buttered toast with cinnamon and chatted.
“You had fun last night!” he challenged me.
“A ball. Yes, it was quite the time! I’ve heard about those kind of places, but didn’t think they really existed, especially not so close. Have you gone there often?”
“A few times.” I wanted to ask him when was the last time, if he went with another woman, how many skanks he’d screwed there, but in keeping with my lack of care, refrained.
Instead, I queried, “You knew I was the kind of girl that’d get into that when we first met, didn’t you?”
“Not right at first. After maybe a month I thought so.”
“Why didn’t you take me there then?”
“I didn’t think you’d be so . . . easy, I guess. I thought you needed time to settle in. You really got off in the common room!”
“You expected me to, didn’t you? I mean, you know how much I like it when there’s just a chance of people looking at us. In there, I could actually see them watching me.” I know I smiled, a wicked grin.
“You want to go again, don’t you?”
“Sometime. Not too soon.”
“Why not?”
“I think it could get to be a habit, like heroin or something.”
“Is that bad?” Reggie asked.
“I don’t know. I just think I should take my time.”
“What about that couple we met?”
“She was into you,” I observed.
“He was into you. He’d like to take you to bed, that’s for sure.”
“Do you know them?”
“Not until last night. They gave me their email address.”
I paused, sipped my coffee. “Can I ask you a question?” I searched his face, looking for clues. “Do you want me to fuck other guys? Would that get you off?” Perhaps my voice rose a tad.
“You’re fantastic, you’ve got a great body, a great attitude about sex. Most girls, they’re hung up on what they should do, what they shouldn’t do. You, well, you like to explore. And, you know, we’ve done just about everything there is to do. So, yeah, the next thing, I guess, is sex with other people. At least think about it. Think of the things you’ve tried so far.”
I did. There were so many, many things I did now, regularly, with Reggie, that I’d never even considered thirty weeks ago. And I didn’t love Reggie. I was fond of him, I really liked going to bed with him. But I didn’t think there was a chance in hell that I’d ever want to marry him. What kind of a father would he be? So, it was just fun and games. I liked fun and games, I did. So, would spreading myself around be just fun and games? I wasn’t sure.
I kissed him. “Let’s go back to bed,” I offered.
The weeks went by. At night, in the privacy of my apartment, I considered my options. I looked up Club Illicit’s website, found for just a very modest fee, much lower than a single male, I could show up by myself, dance with whomever I pleased, I was sure I’d have numerous guys hanging on me, I could take my pick. I looked at swinger sites, discovered many married women wanted to play with other women, with or without their husbands. I would be a ‘unicorn,’ that pleased me. In my bed, after turning off the sidelight, I fantasized; Reggie wasn’t a part of it, the Dionysus was!
It wasn’t that I was done with Reggie, not at all. He was perfectly useable still, continued to turn me on. But I began to feel I was ready to turn the page and read the next chapter.
It was a Friday night. Reggie and I had a date, he called me up at lunch and asked, “Want to try something new?”
“Sure! What?”
“It’s a surprise. You don’t want me to ruin it, do you?”
“No, I guess not.” In fact, I loved the tension I felt when I was sure there was something new about to happen, I savored it. “What time?”
“I’ve got a thing, I’ll be there about nine, okay?”
“Are we staying in or going out? Should I get dressed up?”
“Don’t worry about it.” This was frustrating, how the hell do I know what I’m supposed to look like? “I’ll see you then, okay?” Asshole! But I thought about it all afternoon.
I made it home just after six, and in the living room there was a large pink box waiting for me. I opened the box, read the note.
‘It’s going to be a great night. Wear these . . . Reggie.”
Inside, wrapped in tissue, was a satin ebony bra, lacy panties, a garter belt with stockings, six inch high heels, dusky pearl earrings. And a USB with a hours of soft jazz on it. That was it, Reggie was going to have a ‘romantic’ night, something we hadn’t done in quite awhile.
I had almost three hours until my lover came to meet me, all the time in the world. I ate a salad, had a glass of wine to relax me. I figured Reggie planned on spending the evening here, I changed the sheets to an ivory pattern of smoothest Egyptian cotton.
Then it was into the bathroom. I poured the tub, full of bubbles, and for forty minutes let my mind wander. Did it touch upon a return to Illicit, the thought of sex with other men? Yes, perhaps. But Reggie was there too, the wonderful things he did, the things he knew, the experiences and feelings he cultivated in me.
I drained the tub, shaved my pits and every inch of my nether region, save only the three square inches of cropped hair I kept for emphasis. Then I paid attention to my hair, drying it, fluffing my short mahogany locks into their place. I plucked and trimmed my brows, applied eye coloring and mascara. Foundation stick and blush were used, and finally I applied shimmering strawberry gloss to my lips. The mantle clock chimed nine times, that was all right, Reggie knew I was never ready on time.
I put the clothing Reggie had left for me on, they were of the highest quality, made my skin feel so fantastic. The earrings accented my outfit perfectly, I could stand and walk - barely - in the extreme heels. I knew I was ready to play the part of the thousand dollar a night escort. I lit a few candles in the bedroom, put the music on the bluetooth.
I sat in a chair in the living room, trying my best not to muss, thumbing through a magazine. The article I read was titled, ’15 Things Guys Think When You're on Top.’ Did Reggie really worry about whose job it was to put it back in when it popped out, or concern himself with how (or if) he should move? Okay, that wasn’t doing it. How about a story? I picked up a book of women’s erotica.
That was better, it was really starting to get me in the mood. That stupid clock dinged ten times, Reggie was really late. Should I worry, text him? No, not yet. He’d been late before. But maybe I could start without him? Sure! I swayed into the bedroom, composed myself, put a hand in to twist a nipple. Yes, that was good. The music from the playlist soothed me, I let my hand descend to my pubis. Through the fabric I irritated my clit, I was getting somewhere, I was about to push the fabric to the side when I heard a key scratch in the lock. My lover was here. Should I go out to meet him, or wait for him to come to me?
Then I heard his voice. “Hello?” But it wasn’t his voice, it was two shades too low, filled with a timbre I wasn’t familiar with. “Hello?” I heard again.
“Who is it?” I cried. “What are you doing here?” I rose excitedly, grabbed a throw and covered myself, didn’t know just what I should do. I picked up the phone, ready to call 911.
“Reggie sent me,” the voice explained.
“Reggie sent you? Who are you? He didn’t tell me anything about this.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you knew. Should I leave?”
Trying to hide myself, I peeped around the corner to see the intruder. And then, only then, did I understand Reggie’s true gift. It was the Dionysus, the man I’d lusted after at Illicit. How had Reggie known, I’d not mentioned him once, never spoken of my fantasy man. He had the smooth dark locks, the beautiful blue eyes. His facial hair was that perfect length of thick black stubble that’s beautiful to see. His jeans were tight, his tee shirt stretched across that magnificent chest.
“Are you okay?” he called.
I knew now what Reggie’s plan was. This man was a present, I could take it or reject it. A part of me was completely confused, the other part lusted. “What’s your name?”
I needed time, I asked again, “Quentin?”
“And Reggie sent you.”
“He said you were expecting me. He gave me a key.”
“What are you supposed to do with me?”
“He said you’re a hotwife. Or a hot girlfriend. Or something like that. And that you wanted something different.” He paused. So that was Reggie’s game. “Listen, if you want me to go, just say so.”
“Hold on a minute. No, sit down. Make yourself a drink if you want.”
“Yeah. Thanks.”
“There’s wine and beer in the refrigerator.”
I heard his steps across the room, heard the fridge door open. “Should I make one for you?”
“Wine, please. I’ll be out in a minute.”
So now, it was decision time. Why not? I’d thought about it long enough. Reggie had sent him here, he wouldn’t be mad if I accepted what he’d put on my plate, would he? Was Reggie out with another girl, right at this moment? Who cared, Quentin’s in my living room, and, apparently, he was willing. Why shouldn’t I be?
I folded the throw, still nervous. As nervous as a virgin? No, not exactly that. As nervous as an old maid faced with temptation? Yes, that was more like it. Should I get dressed before I went out to meet Quentin? I felt my heart pound, I was sure Quentin could hear it in the living room, it was loud enough. My mouth was dry, there was a slight metallic taste. I recognized the feeling, it had happened that very first night with Reggie, the time I first walked into Illicit. I was ready for an experience!
I bit the bullet, strode on those ridiculous heels toward my fate.
“I’m Melynda,” I introduced, and shook his hand. His eyes scanned my body thoroughly, taking in each inch that was uncovered, paying especial attention to the parts that were. He was sitting in the chair, I plopped into the sofa opposite.
“You’re the woman, the one at Illicit,” he remarked.
“You remember?” I said.
“Of course. I thought you were beautiful. I mean, I think you are beautiful.”
“But you were having a pretty good time, weren’t you?”
“Well, yeah, I guess. But you know, sometimes, what’s the phrase, ‘the grass is greener?’”
“I understand. Waving a hand across my goose flesh I asked, “Is it still green?”
“Oh, yeah.” He nervously sipped his beer.
“My boyfriend is playing a game on me,” I explained. “I expected him to show up, didn’t know you’d be here. That’s why I was so shaky back then.”
“I guess I understand. I sort of feel funny. Maybe I should leave.”
“No, not unless you want to.” I licked my lips, took a sip of wine, the taste simply enhanced the metal in my mouth. Quentin made no move to leave. “Do you want to leave?” I asked.
“No, not really. You’re very beautiful,” he repeated.
I stood, making sure he could look me over. I felt his eyes examine my body, even though he seemed to be trying not to let me see his lustful gaze. “Stand up, will you?” He rose, we were three feet from each other. “Take off your shirt, please.” As the hem climbed, I gawked at those perfect abs, that muscled chest, the pinpoints of his nipples on the firm skin. “What do you do?”
“I’m a fireman.”
“You work out.”
“Some. A couple times a day. We’ve got weights in the firehouse.”
I approached him, placed a palm on his torso, the first touch between us. There was a softness covering the hardness, so pleasant I almost crowed. “Your body is perfect.”
I pushed against him, felt my breasts crush against his sinew, in those heels we were the same height, I pressed my lips against his. For a few brief seconds our lips remained as tight O’s, then we relaxed. His mouth was sweet, his tongue rough in my mouth. His arms encircled my waist, I trembled to think what was to happen to me. With him!
He smelled good, just the right mixture of musk and his natural scent. After a reasonable amount of time, our hands began to roam, I felt my shoulder blades being rubbed, I put my hand on his firm ass. That enflamed him, he put both of his hands on my back, pulled me closer, I bit his lips.
“Do you want to come into the bedroom?” I invited.
“Yeah. Absolutely.”
On my way, holding his hand in mine, I turned off the living room lights, my apartment was now dark, mysterious, romantic. I sat on the bed, he was beside me, we were kissing again. My hands roamed his torso, his arms. Not one speck of him felt soft, all was firm muscle. I’d never felt a man like this before, all of my lovers had a bit of fat on them; in the last couple of years of our marriage, my husband’s waist had expanded four inches. I couldn’t wait, I put my hand on his loin. There it was, inside the jeans, rocklike, overlong.
He was pawing at me, I let him, I needed him to. One breast popped out of it’s bowl, he felt it, the first twitch of my nipple sent me high. “Take your pants off,” I demanded.
“Okay.” After just a bit of fumbling, I was lying with a naked man, a perfect stranger, I didn’t mind, didn’t care. My hand held the prick. Yes, I could tell it’s girth, longer than any I’d contacted before. In the candlelight it was dark in its rage, my fingers clutched it, traced the distinctive curve. I bent, took it in my mouth. It was sweet and fresh, and the precum strangely tasted of avocados. The balls were just as large, and in his state were tight and drawing into a firm globe. As I bobbed my head - I couldn’t fit more than a third of it in without hitting the back of my throat - I twisted my hand a little, heard his moans. “You’re good,” he groaned, “the best!”
He’d not even touched me, down there, and I was ready to go off. I didn’t need more foreplay, I got my panties down and off, and without a second’s delay, climbed on up. Have you ever gone shopping for gloves, tried a cheap pair on and they were too large and your hand sort of flopped around in it? And then you try on an expensive pair, just the right size, and it feels so good, so luxurious? That’s what Quentin’s dick felt like inside me. Just the perfect size when I sat on top of him and we ground our bones together. Not too large, it didn’t stretch or hurt me, but it filled me up, surpassing any that had come before it. I wriggled, feeling the various sensations as my vaginal sides stroked it, the head poked against the different points in my pussy. When I bent down to kiss him and it was almost out of me, I felt the arched tip bump into my g-spot, it was all I needed, the colors I saw were unimaginable.
I fucked him, he held on to me. I felt him fumble with the bra strap, I reached behind my back and whisked it away. Now my breasts were on his solid chest, his hair was tickling my nipples, he bent me and sucked at them, I came again! Nice and hard. Again. I was up there, I did my best to stay there. Through my fog I felt his hands roaming around my body, my boobs, my ass, my neck, his fingers swept through my hair. I assume I was doing much the same to him, I can’t really remember.
Then, without much effort at all, and I’m not a little girl, he twisted, put his feet on the floor, stood up. He was holding me, my legs encircled his waist, and using those tremendous arms, he pulled me up, then let me sink again. Oh, it was delicious, I may have blacked out for a couple of seconds in my ecstasy. He led me to my dresser, put his back to it, I put my feet on the top - now I could rise and fall at my desire. Another, and another great come. He wasn’t done yet, he carried me back to the bed, threw me down onto the mattress, turned me over, again he had that wonderful cock inside me. We twisted in our elation. When he had me half off the bed, I was supporting myself with my hands on the floor, I sensed that delicious tenseness that comes over men a half minute before they’re ready. “I’m going to come!” he screamed.
“Go ahead!” I yelled back, “Give it to me!” And he did, grunting and blubbering and I felt my cunt being glutted with his cum. And that, too, sent me once more over the edge. I bet, if anyone was listening outside my window, they wondered if they should call the cops.
He pulled out, I knew the bed would have one very wet spot, I didn’t care. We swiveled around, faced each other, kissed. There was no cuddling, no downtime, I was amazed he was still hard. Once again I went down on him, he tasted completely different now, sweet and salty. Somebody should make sperm flavored candies, I’d buy them. As I was cleaning him off, he put a thumb inside me, started finger fucking me. Again, it was simply incredible, I had a little bit more of a come.
He used his super sized muscles to turn me over, on my back, and I spread for him, we were fucking again. I managed to get a couple of pillows under my ass, tried to move my legs around for just the right insertion, found two or three different ways. I wanted to come again, but I think I was overloaded. I’d approach the precipice, then my body would rebel, the elastic of the garter belt was scratching me. I was done. But don’t think I didn’t like the way he was stroking inside me, around me. Again I felt the muscles of his ass, his chest, his arms. After a while, not too long, I felt him tense up again, knew that more of his sperm was being spurted deep inside me.
And then we were exhausted. We cuddled a bit, it was nice to feel him stroke my well used body, to rub his, but there was nothing behind it. I realized I didn’t know where he lived, if he had a wife or girlfriend, even how old he was. “You want another beer?” I offered.
“No, thanks, I’ve got to be at muster at 7:30 in the morning. I should be getting home.”
“Okay.” I watched him get his pants on, didn’t bother covering myself up - what more could he see? I followed him into the living room, he got into his shirt, I knew I’d miss those six-packs. He found my key in his pocket, gave it to me.
Before he left he grabbed me, kissed me, felt my tit one last time. “You want to get together again?”
I didn’t have to worry that one out, very quickly said, “Sure. Call me Tuesday or Wednesday.” We kissed, one very last time, I admit I was thinking maybe I should drag him back to bed, but then he was out the door.
I sighed, went to the bathroom sink, splashed water on my face, took a long drink. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. My complexion was flushed, my hair a mess, my nipples were still hard with the thought of this new lover. I began to take that garter belt off, it was rubbing me raw now, there was going to be a little bruise on my left hip, and then my phone rang. I went to answer it, saw it was Reggie.
“Can I come in?” he asked.
“Where are you?”
“Outside, in my car.”
“You’ve been there all night?”
“For the last hour or so, yeah.”
“And you waited for him to leave.”
I could have been pissed, but I really wasn’t. Once again, Reggie somehow knew what I wanted, needed, and he was right. “Get your ass in here,” I laughed.
In the couple of seconds that it took him, I straightened up a little, put those heels back on. When Reggie walked in the door, he saw me standing there, in that garter belt and stockings, and that’s all.
“Hi,” he said, looking me over, I could tell he was in lust, even though he knew what I’d been doing.
I smiled at him. “I got fucked.”
“Well fucked, it looks like.”
“Yeah, real well fucked.”
“You want to tell me about it.” A command, not a request.
“Okay. Pour me a glass of wine, and get your ass in the bedroom.” Before he joined me, I got that stupid garter belt off, but I kept the stockings on. He wanted me to tell him all about it, and I did, from the shock of hearing a strange man’s voice to the positions we used, to the way his dick felt in my hand, in my pussy. “He’s bigger than you are.”
Reggie’s voice was muffled, he was eating me. I was a little surprised that he wanted to taste me, seeing as how I was drenched with the stuff Quentin had left in me, but if that’s what he hankered, what the hell! “You want to see him again, don’t you?”
“I’m going to,” I announced.
“Cool. Can I be there to watch?”
“Maybe.” I suddenly understood that I still had things to learn, that Reggie still had techniques and attitudes to teach me. But now I was a graduate student.
And then, the bad boy got fucked by the bad girl.

I'm not gonna lie, when my husband told me about his "Hotwife" fantasy and asked me to start cheating on him by fucking other guys, I was pissed.  I mean Why wasn't I enough for him?  It's not like he could complain he wasn't getting enough pussy, I fucked him regularly, and I fucked him dirty.  I'd never been a prude, I sucked his cock often, and I even took it in the butt occasionally just to mix it up. 
It's not my fault he didn't last long.  I worked hard on fulfilling all of his sexual fantasies.  I played my part as the lustful nanny that just wanted to fuck her boss.  I was the slutty college girl that was "hot for teacher" and gunning for extra credit, and I definitely had a FIRM GRIP on the subject matter!  If you know what I mean.  I played the naked maid. And the slutty neighbor looking to cheat on her husband.
So when he said it would be hot if I would flirt with and cheat on him with another guy, I honestly thought it was another role play.  Next day when he got home from work, it was just me, no kids, I had on a silk robe and nothing else.  I called him John (his name is James) and I said he was late and we needed to hurry cause my husband would be home soon.  I told him I shouldn't be doing this but I needed to feel his cock inside me so bad I couldn't fucking think straight till I had him, he was all I could think about.  I peeled his pants off and sucked his dick hard and fucked the shit out of him.  The whole time telling him how much better his cock felt than my husband's did. 
It felt weird to me but I did it for him.  He was excited and he popped fast, which was a bummer.  I didn't complain, I rolled off him, made him grab my boob and slide two fingers into my pussy while I furiously rubbed my clit till I exploded with a somewhat satisfying orgasm. 
Laying there naked and vulnerable snuggling with my husband he then blindsided me by excitedly asking me if I was gonna really do it?  I was confused and said, "Do what?"  He said, "Cheat on me." I was a bit hurt and replied, "No, I'd never cheat on you."  He then said "But babe, it isn't cheating if I give you permission, and you have it, I want this." 
Now I was mad. I got up and got dressed and I didn't talk to him for the rest of the night or the following two days.  I had given him fucking everything and it wasn't enough.  I had done things way outside of my comfort zone,  and it wasn't enough.  I HAD TRIED SO HARD, AND STILL IT WASN'T ENOUGH. 
That was when I decided to get out of my head and relax by doing some Yoga, and it's also when I changed my mind about all of it.  When I got to the Yoga Studio, I happily realized Michael was the instructor, my heart soared when he was my Yogi.  I had been crushing hard on him, he was kind and soulful, not to mention he was fucking ripped, and the bulge in his pants always made me think up some dirty thoughts.  We had always had a flirty playful banter between us, but I was married and kept my true feelings to myself.  I thought to myself that James was stupid because he had no idea the things I'd love to do to that man. 
In that moment it hit me hard, I suddenly realized for the first time I could totally act on my flirtation.  I HAD PERMISSION.  My husband wanted me to fuck him, he had practically begged me to fuck him, and in that moment I realized just how badly I wanted to fuck him.  I texted James, "Is this really what you want, me just fucking other guys?"  I set my phone down and started stretching. My phone boodelooped and the screen lit up.  I saw my husband's response, "HELL YES!!!!" 
I grabbed my mat and moved to the front just as the class started. I couldn't get Michael's perfect physique out of my head. He caught me staring at him, I didn't look away. I just gave him a sly smile and winked at him.  I felt stupid giddy and nervous and kept giggling to myself. 
After the class I hung back in the locker room making sure I was the last one out.  I had showered, shaved everywhere, adjusted my bra for the maximum amount of cleavage, blow dried my hair and put on some makeup, and I hit that lobby like a cougar on the prowl. 
Much to my delight, Michael definitely noticed.  I stopped and looked at a new mat hanging on the wall and made asked "Hey Jess, do you see anything you like?"  
I turned and attacked.  I slowly looked him up and down focusing on his cock.  "Mmmhmm, definitely, although like isn't the word, I'm leaning more towards need!"  He took a step back in surprise. "Jess, wow, umm are we talking about, I mean what about your husband?" 
I looked him in the eye and let the mischievous smile creep back into place and I said,, "Hall Pass!"  He said "what?" I stepped close enough to touch him and placed my hand on his chest and slowly started sliding it down his torso and said: "I have a hall pass, for the next six hours I can do whatever I want, and what I want to do is you!"   
We went straight to his place and I fucked the shit out of that man.  I kept him naked for three hours.   Unsure if I'd get a second attempt I gave him all of me. I fucked and sucked him till he came and then laid on him kissing and rubbing him till I felt the familiar bulge and sucked and fucked him again.  I gave that man my Pussy, my Mouth and to ensure I made a good showing, my Ass.  When he started to cum I wrapped my lips around his dick and sucked down every last drop he had. 
I fucked that man dirty and in the end was surprised to find I had absolutely no regrets.  When I got home I walked up to my husband with cum till dribbling down my legs and told him I changed my mind and had just cheated on him, I fucking loved it, and fully intended to continue fucking Michael often.  I then waited nervously for his reaction. To my surprise he was ecstatic asking for every dirty detail, which I gave him. 
With this new outlook I realized there were a number of men in my life that I would fancy spreading my legs for.  So I did, I started a Tinder profile, and after one unexpected threesome with a couple I met at a bar, I had a bit of a sexual awakening with a woman, so I also set up a Her profile and have dated a few women which has made me realize that not only do I love cock, but I also very much love pussy. 
That is the story of how I became a hotwife and a self-proclaimed slut.  That was 5 years ago, and after two years my husband and I got a chance to do a full swap and now we are full fledged swingers.


Sharing Diana

By MenPoundMyWife, in Cuckold / Hotwife,

My wife and I have been married for over 10 years. She is 5'4, about 130lbs, 34F, and very fit. 
We dated for couple of years before getting married. From the very beginning, she was the most sexual woman I had ever met. Soon after we started dating, she started to push me to talk about her former lovers. Slowly, I started to get turned on by the stories and became more and more curious about her past sexual experiences with boyfriends before me. Eventually, we got married, and few years later, she started to throw hints of wanting to raise her score. I quickly got on board and we started to regularly talk about how other men would fuck her and so forth.
Finally, during a trip to Vegas, we decided to visit a sex club and she was very excited, although a little nervous. She wore a new tight black dress with red lingerie underneath. We got to the club and just hung out. She was very uneasy and she said she had never been to a place like this. About 30 minutes in, we were starting to talk about leaving, she suddenly pointed at a slightly older guy and said: "Go bring him here." My dick was hard as a rock. I walked up to the guy and asked if he is interested in my wife, he had been staring at her the entire time. He quickly smiled and said, "Oh yes, let's go."
They shook hands, introduced themselves and we all decided to find the area with beds and more privacy (so to speak). We found a room downstairs that was only enclosed by a curtain. She told me to go and get condoms so she can get to know the guy for a few minutes. When I came back, they were just talking, slowly, she walked up to me and started kissing me. Once I let go, I gestured to the guy to go ahead; he quickly moved in on her. They started making out, he started kissing her all over the place, slowly, she dropped backwards on bed and pulled him on top of herself. 
He lowered her dress and started sucking her big tits. She asked me to join in. We each had a tit in our mouth and we were both fingering her pussy at the same time. Slowly, I moved down and started eating her pussy. She is always fully waxed like a porn star. As soon as I stopped eating her pussy as she came, he went down and started eating it. Slowly, I moved back up and she took my dick in her mouth. 
To our surprise, a crowd gathered and four other men wanted to fuck her. She shook her head but they all watched her get pounded. 
The guy that went in there with us, quickly got naked and tugged at her red thong. She took it off and handed it to me. This whole time, she was playing with my dick, it's about 5.5". The guy was much larger, about 7". She looked at it and winked at me. She told him she likes it rough.
He had it fully up and moved close to her pussy. She stared into my eyes, grabbed his dick and guided it to rub her pussy. He took his clue and shoved it in. She reminded him to not be gentle. He obliged and fucked her like a whore. She begged for more by saying, "Oh yeah, fuck me, fuck me hard...look babe, he is fucking me so good, he is so big, look, he is fucking your wife right in front of you....oh yeah, fuck me." About four other guys and a couple were now watching her get fucked. I asked her if I should tell them to leave, she said no, she likes it. She slowly turned to them so they can get the full view of a dick in her pussy while she was playing with mine. 
Once the guy got done, she said, "Okay honey, this was awesome," and kissed me multiple times thanking me for a great experience. She said she wanted to stay for a few before we walked out. She wanted to walk around and be noticed as the woman who had just been fucked, since rest of the crowd was just hanging out.
We cannot wait to do it again.  


Evening in Hooterville

By robaval, in Cuckold / Hotwife,

Julie went with me to a northern Dakota job site last week. Pretty basic trip but clean motels, carryout dining for the most part and eating in parks or at our hotel/hunting lodge accommodation’s deck or room.
We actually wore our masks when around other people as the Corona pandemic is really bad now in the Dakotas, the second worst in the Nation. We think mask wearing and distancing probably do help prevent Corona spread and helps us think we are trying! We had distanced ourselves, dieted, worked out and tanned all spring and summer at home and never even got to our local lake, Mexico, CA or FL, but we are (Julie especially) in good shape and tanned. Julie's hair person recently had recently reopened taking a few clients, so Julie had her long hair cut, colored a brunette color and spiked up for a blue-eyed brunette look.
Friday night before Labor day, I was done working and we had started back south towards home, but ended up in a small Dakota town and found out from the lodge keeper that a local lake/river side supper club with an older owner have their bartender, servers and staff all wear masks, which is very unusual in Dakota, so we decided to eat there.
We had not had a chance to dress up the entire week, so to go out to the supper club, Julie got out her black tights, heels and very short black knit dress/tunic length strappy top. The tights really show off her legs and butt. A light sweater, a black mask and eye shadow completed her dressy outfit for the evening. Me, khakis, oxford button down and topsider boat shoes. We stopped by and found hand sanitizer in use at the supper club. (good sign). The staff was wearing masks, tables spaced 6' or 8' apart and the patio dining overlooking the river/lake was open. Out on the patio, we had a couple cocktails, shared a prime rib dinner (serving large enough for a family of 4). We watched the sun set over the river/lake and rail bridge. A beautiful evening. We were back and crashed at our room in the lodge by 10 PM.
Saturday, we made a late start, found drive-through coffee and kept heading south and east towards home. We had a late lunch early dinner, carryout in a small-town park and kept driving.
At about 10 PM we were maybe an hour and half from home. I realized we would be traveling near and past Hooterville, the home of the L&L, which is about a half hour from home, so I mentioned it. We had not been to the small-town stripper club bar in more than a year and definitely then were very respectable (LOL). Before we were married, I had taken Julie there a few times before where some serious flashing and more went on. She even had gotten on stage for a few minutes. The stories are on this site somewhere. We have been much more careful since getting married, and Julie moving up north to our rural home, about being seen in a place like this, by respectable stiff-backed people we might know. Julie thought about it few minutes, looked the L&L’s number up, and called them on her cell!
The L&L owner manager answered and was glad to hear from Julie. He told Julie that he was open, had a small crowd of maybe 5 tables of 2 to 4 mostly if not all men with tables distanced and cleaned after use. He had two house girl dancers working in masks, no circuit girls. The dancers were cleaning the pole and mirrors as they left stage after a set. One of the dancers was our friend Haley who we had gotten to know previously and occasionally see in town a the grocery store, etc. Haley is a babe, MILF, early 30's, blond bobbed hair, blue eyed, very nice natural boobs. She maybe a strong 8 maybe on a 9 on the scale of 10, both in looks and personality wise. She is married, two kids, good husband. He gets off work at a factory in town and gets home. They do dinner with the kids and by 8 she can be at work at the L&L where she makes good money and has good hours while her husband babysits.
We left the main highway and took the north side secondary road into Hooterville. It had absolutely no traffic moving. A mile or two north of town, Julie had me stop. She got out and roadside started removing shorts, top, underwear and moved in front of my pickup lights. With a couple nude bumps and grinds in the headlights, she moved to the back door of the pickup. She got her heels and short tunic/dress top out. With no undies, everything showing, she climbed back in and we headed into town.
Julie had me drive around the block twice looking at cars and license plates to try to decide there were no locals parked out front. The employee parking had a couple local cars, and she decided it would be OK to go in. We pulled on our masks, Julie's black and mine USA flag pattern. I walked around to the passenger side and helped Julie down mentioning her “dress” and lack of underwear were showing everything. Her answer “that's the idea”!
Walking in, there was no one in the front bar/pool table area. The owner manager was back at the entry to the showroom said hi, long time no see, and did not collect a cover charge from us. We walked into the back-show room, past the stage and to the far corner of the room near the dancers' lounge. Haley was on stage already nude except for her mask and waved to us and said hi as we walked by. There were tables already occupied with groups of 2 and 4 men 15 or 16 men total. The show room had one server and a bartender working.
The server came by and I ordered a single serving bottle of cab for Julie and a soda and glass of ice for me (driver). It’s really inconvenient to pull masks down for a sip.
The two-house girl dancers were doing 3 or 4 song 12 or 15 minute sets with 12 or 15 minutes between sets. When Haley finished her set, still in mask, she stepped into her bikini brief bottoms, cleaned off the pole and mirror, used hand sanitizer and topless came down the steps to our table. Julie asked how it was going? Haley said without table dancing being permitted due to Corona and chairs and interaction at the stage rail not permitted, her tip money was way down.
Haley commented that Julie looked ready for the stage. Julie said that was maybe the idea. Haley laughed and said fine with her as she always made good money when Julie went on stage with her. After a few minutes, when the other dancer started her next set, Haley excused herself to go the dancers' lounge. Julie got up went with her to freshen up.
After the other dancer was done with her set, it was about 11:15 PM before Haley and Julie came out and went up the steps to the stage. Both girls had their masks on. Julie's knit tunic/dress was way too short and riding up to show her bottom. She was managing to keep her puss covered, kind of, but being up on the stage it was obvious she was nude beneath.
By the end of the first song, Haley had her top off and Julie had her dress straps pulled down and her boobs showing, but her butt and puss were covered. By the end of the second song, both girls were nude except for masks and heels. Stripper stage dancing is really different and difficult from social dancing per Julie. Haley, with this now being most time she ever had with Julie on stage was serving as a good teacher and example for Julie…
Several men in the audience walked to the stage edge and laid tip money on the railing for the two girls. I did get up and lay out two tens for the girls. By about 11:40 PM, both girls had sanitized the mirrors, pole and hands and were off the stage and back to the table. Julie laid her dress on her chair and sat on it in the nude in heels. Haley was back in her bikini bottoms but topless. The manager/owner walked by and gave the girls a thumbs up. Julie said a couple times, with the mask, being nude on stage was definitely easier. I said the change in hair style and color probably were helping her feel more comfortable too.
At midnight, the girls went to the dancers’ lounge, and by a few minutes after midnight were back on the stage. Julie started off nude which the regular girls never do. By the end of the first song, Haley was nude too. Tips from the dozen or so men in the audience were laid on the railing and the men kept a 6’ or 8’ distance from the railing. The distancing really made Julie feel more comfortable both Corona wise and personally.
Haley and Julie’s next set was at 12:30 AM with both Julie and Haley starting and ending nude on stage. They were back to the lounge. At 1:00 PM last call, Julie joined Haley and other dancer on stage for the group finale. Julie, in mask definitely appeared comfortable being so nude so long this evening. I am sure the distancing from the audience helped. She said the lighting had prevented her from seeing much of the audience. There was some light clapping but nothing out of line at the ends of sets. Julie left all the money she had gathered with Haley as she has before.
The owner/manager offered to hire Julie again. Julie didn’t feel like her dancing was even close to par for stage work, especially if she was alone. I think she is good looking and personal enough to do just fine (but not close to home (LOL)).
Coming off the stage and even before the few men left in the audience had finished drinks, Julie pulled her dress on and motioned for us to leave. We said/waved bye to Haley and left. I helped Julie climb into the pickup. She got her heels off and complained her legs were killing her, and that this had been much harder work than she thought it would be.
I had half an erection, so unbuttoned and unzipped pants for the ride home figuring Julie might pat it a bit (rolling foreplay). Julie’s dress was pulled up around her waist so I could rub puss lips as she spread legs.
Right away on the secondary road outside of town, I went around a curve with driver’ side wheels on divider line. There is no shoulder and no traffic, so what the heck. A car was parked back off the road as I started out of the curve. Red and Blue flashing lights, loose erection and cover with shirt tails, Julie trying to pull dress down. Chinese fire drill in the pickup. I pulled over, stopped, switched dome lights on, rolled my window down.
Patrolmen, Deputies, Sheriffs, Cops, etc. all have dangerous jobs in these days. I kept one hand on the top of the steering wheel and hung my left hand out the window. This is just common courtesy for cops, I think. Julie sat prim and proper in her seat with knees together.
The patrolman got to my pickup rear and walked up along the side. He shined his light in, then asked for my license, registration and insurance card. Without speaking, Julie opened the glove box and got the papers for me. I took my license out of my money clip and put it in the envelope too and handed them to the cop. As he took them, he asked if I had been drinking. Answered, “no”
The cop was back in his car for 5 minutes plus, came back and asked if I had a gun in the truck. “No” was the answer. I assumed when he ran the numbers it showed up that I do have a concealed carry permit. I didn’t tell him that there is a pistol, in a case, in the locked tool box in the back bolted to the pickup box.
So, in a 10 or 15 minute stop I said “no” politely twice. As he handed my papers back, he said “have a good evening”. Julie popped back, “we intend to”. The cop smiled and walked back to his car. I told Julie the cop probably thought she was a professional working out of the L&L and she laughed.
No other cars came south out of Hooterville while we were stopped. I am sure people leaving the L&L could see the reflection of flashing lights in the distance and went east instead back to the city. We probably saved someone a ticket.
Once home, we showered off quickly, helped dry each other and crawled into bed. I started low with the tongue and worked up to kissing and like an old missionary, finished. The last thing I remembered was Julie asking me roll off as I was just about sound asleep on top of her. Great Day!! Rob/Julie

She ran the brush through her long red hair as she sat at the dressing table. She laid the brush down and bent to straighten her stockings. Her hands felt cool as she ran them up from ankle to garter clips. She felt her skin tingle as her fingertips passed over her inner thigh and lingered near the pulsing dampness that was her pussy, concealed in the lace of her panties.
She rose from the seat, turning to survey her profile in the full-length mirror that paralleled the large four-poster bed. The lines on her stockings were straight. She cut a stunning figure with her long red hair and swelling curves. She was six feet tall without heels, but she wore the highest spikes she could find whenever she got the chance. Tonight it was black patent leather mary janes with wicked 4-inch heels.
They went well with the fantasy outfit she had picked just for this evening's entertainment. It was an unusual twist on an old favorite - a patent-leather-look minidress in the "French maid" fashion with drawstrings and lace, and a naughty little apron to go with the feather duster.
She took a deep swallow from her rocks glass of Grey Goose and soda that her husband had thoughtfully left on her table. She always got nervous at the last minute, and the alcohol helped to negate any inhibitions she might have left. This evening had taken months of preparation, and her pussy twitched with anticipation as she heard the light knock on the bedroom door.
"You almost ready, Baby?" asked Albert, her husband, as he closed the door behind him. He stepped back. "Wow!" he said as he took her hand and turned her around to get the full effect of her chosen outfit. At this point, she was six foot four inches and towered over his five-foot eight-inch frame as he pulled her close and slid his fingers inside the lace of her panties.
She pressed her 40DD breasts against his cheek and ran her hands along his considerable hard on. "Feels like YOU are all set to go," she whispered as she licked his ear and pushed his fingers further into her wet, impatient hole. "I just like to make an impression when I come into the room," she said.
He kissed her deeply and smiled. "Honey," he said with a smile, "Everywhere you go, you make an indelible impression!"
He took her drink off the table and shook the ice inside. "Ready for a refill?" he asked, "the boys are waiting for you?"
"They'll wait a little longer," she said huskily as she sank to her knees and undid his belt. She could feel the heat from him through his pants and it was driving her crazy. She couldn't wait anymore...she HAD to have him in her mouth, NOW.
He muttered a half-hearted protest as she freed him from his Wranglers and guided his throbbing cock into her warm, waiting mouth. He set the glass back down and moaned as her long, slender fingers slipped underneath his balls to cup them and stroke them as she sucked the head of his dick. He felt his knees start to buckle and started to ease backwards towards the edge of the bed. As he did, she reluctantly released her hold on him and, smiling slyly, dipped her fingers into the glass and popped an ice cube into her hot mouth.
She stood and put one hand on his chest to push him back onto the bed, and with the other she resumed her hold on his equipment. She lowered her face to his dick, taking him again into her mouth and curling her fingers into his curly red pubic hair as she stroked him. He inhaled sharply from the simultaneous sensations of hot and cold that swirled around his cock.
A mixture of saliva and melting ice ran from the corner of her mouth as she worked him over. It dripped onto his upper thigh, creating new sensations as it ran down towards his ass. Her hands were always moving, over his chest, and up and down his leg. He felt his balls tighten as her cascading hair slipped off his stomach to tickle them.
"They're going to wonder what's taking so long," he said through clenched teeth as he fought to keep from coming then and there. "Then they can knock on the door like you did," she replied, just before pausing to run her tongue down his shaft, over his balls, and underneath to his asshole. Her warm hand grasped his cock and pumped it slowly, as she flicked her tongue across his puckered anus and licked the inside of his thigh.
She turned her body so that her thighs straddled his shoulders as he lay there. Her pussy was merely an inch or two from his face. He could feel the heat from it and smell the scent of her juices mixed with her perfume. It made his mouth water, and he grasped her hips and pulled her down onto his tongue.
At first, he was content to lick her pussy through the lace that covered it, but as she increased the suction on his cock, he pulled the soaked material aside and buried his face in her folds. The smell of her drove him crazy. He ran his tongue up and down from her clit to her asshole in rhythm with her bucking hips. She moaned around her mouthful of cock.
He was starting to lose himself in her pussy when there came another knock on the door. Before he could think of how to respond, she lifted her head and said: "come in!"
His buddy Vinny stood in the doorway. "Nice of you guys to start without us," he said with a smile as he held the door open for the two men behind him to see into the bedroom.
"Sorry, bro," said Albert as Victoria resumed her assault on his johnson. "She's got me pinned!" he said, feigning alarm. "Come and help a brother out!"
"Anything for you, bud!" said Vinny, motioning for his friends to follow as he stepped into the room. Behind him were Tom and Tony, who were also friends of Albert. They had all worked together for years and were like family.
This get together had been planned for several months, but there was no script to follow. Victoria reluctantly pulled her mouth from Albert's cock and stood up. With her hair disheveled from their activity and the saliva still shiny on her chin, Albert thought his wife had never looked more beautiful.
"Come on in boys," she said as she wiped her chin with the back of her hand, "the pussy's fine!"
That was all of the encouragement that they needed. Albert scooted back towards the headboard so that he could sit up and watch his wife in action with an unobstructed view.
Vinny stepped forward first and unbuckled his pants. "I want some of what he was getting," he exclaimed. Tom and Tony moved in on either side of her and reached to stroke her breasts and ass.
Victoria smiled and turned to wink at her husband. "I don't know, Vinny," she whispered in his ear as she reached inside of his jeans to touch his throbbing member. Her touch was electric to him as she nibbled on the edge of his ear. "You've wanted this for so long...are you sure you can handle it?"
He reached up and gathered a handful of that long glorious red hair and pushed her head towards his now exposed cock. "Give it your best shot, witch," he growled huskily.
She sank to her knees and in one slick motion, she had his whole cock in her mouth all the way to his balls. By now both Tony and Tom had their cocks in their hands, as well.
She pushed Vinny's pants to the floor as she sucked, and trailed her manicured nails up the backs of his thighs to grasp his buttocks with both hands. He gasped as her nails dug into his ass as she tried to pull him deeper into her throat.
He reached behind and pulled her hands away. "You're neglecting your other guests," he said as he took each of her hands and spread her arms to either side of her.
Tom and Tony took the cue. Both moved into position where she could grasp their cocks, one in each hand.
Albert, thoroughly enjoying the show, strained to get a better view of his wife in action as she took on all three of the men. Tom sighed as she curled her fingers to cup his balls. Tony shuddered as she stroked him and ran her thumb over the head of his dick, which was turning purple with desire.
After making sure her hands were otherwise occupied, Vinny grasped the back of Victoria's head and pumped his full length into her warm mouth. Saliva ran out of the corner of her mouth as she tried to keep up with his rhythmic pumping. Unable to control himself anymore, Vinny lost himself down her throat at the sight of this gorgeous amazon woman taking on all three of them.
Vinny staggered backward as his knees got weak after his enthusiastic release. He fell into a chair in the corner of the room only to watch Tony and Tom move into position even as he fell back...

The beginning of my discovery of the world of swingers and cuckold was five years after I graduated from college, when I was assigned to work in one of the rural villages somewhat from my city. I went and started working and that was at the end of summer. Life in the village is very simple, and most of the houses are two yards and one big room. Usually, chickens and livestock are raised in the yard and there are about 25% of the big houses only.
I came across this person several times and he came to visit me at work and he invited me one day to eat lunch in his modest house (tenant) . I used to go to the village in the morning and go back before sunset, and in January, by chance, I met someone who was acquainted with the city.
I learned that he was married and had found a job in the village. I moved in to live with him and his wife. After several days, one night be brought food from a restaurant to eat in his house. After eating, we sat and talked, and he said some students were staying there that night, but I could too if I wanted. I told him: How, you have just have one bedroom? He said don't worry, I will manage. I decided I would sleep here instead of going back to Medina.
In the evening we had dinner and prepared three separate mattresses on the tiles without a bed. His wife was at the end of the room adjacent to the wall, and he was next to her. My bed was not far from them, so I told him I would sleep in the yard, but he told me that the cold was getting worse and there was no problem with me being with them. I was surprised, because we are not familiar with this because of ideology and living in a conservative country (on the surface).
He turned off the lights and laid down, but due to the unfamiliar circumstances, I couldn't sleep quickly of course. After a while, I felt that he and his wife had started touching and caressing, so I felt blood boiling in my body. Then, not only touching, but they had sex in a way that made me notice what they were doing. Then I understood that he wanted me to feel that. I was very horny at that time and wanted to fabricate sleep so they wouldn't know. His wife was not moving still, only he was, and then he issued groans and low voices.
He ended quickly and his wife got up and went to the bathroom. When she came back, then he went. His wife sat on her husband's bed next to me and she said "I know you're awake." She put her hand on my chest and said "I am not satisfied with my husband. My husband's dick does not erect well and is premature ejaculation."
I tried to tell her that we should not, but she said, "Do not worry, my husband will do nothing," I could not resist and got naked and began to devour her body. I mounted her while she put her legs over me and kissed me until I finished while she was at the top of the orgasm. And I kept wondering whether he was really angry or was pretending, and after a few days he came to my office and during the conversation he told me, "he is asking about you, she wants to invite you to dinner."
This is a true story that happened to me and perhaps this person weaved an inner desire to try to trade off my wife for swap or sharing.

I started fucking this lady I was doing some work for. I’m in my late thirties and she is nearing retirement age.
It all started when my boss sent me to her condo to do a drywall repair. She was super nice and stood around talking while I was working on the hole. She dropped a few small hints that I picked up immediately that her and her husband were in the lifestyle. So I was like, “You know, if there’s any more holes you’d like filled, I’m hired for the better part of the day.”
She started blushing. I said, “Why don’t you see if your old man would be okay with me filling up a couple more holes?”
She called him and came back and said, “Yes, he wants you to fill a hole or two in the bedroom.”
That’s when she took me into her room. She climbed on the bed and pulled her skirt up. I slipped a rubber from my wallet on, pulled her panties aside, and slipped my dick in her. A little bit in she asked me if I wouldn’t mind using her phone to take some video for her husband.
I had already figured out before that turning your phone to FaceTime helps you see more than you can just trying to take a selfie with the regular facing camera. I slid it underneath her facing up so he could see my dick going in and out of her and my balls slapping up against her. I even put on a show a bit, but the idea of it started getting me excited and I busted in a few minutes. It was good though and I went back to work so technically I got paid to fuck an older lady. Lol.
I hope they call back for more work in the future.

Sara and I had been seeing each other for over a year. I am a 50+ male, and she is a 30-year-old female, beautiful, small but very sensitive breasts, and extremely erotic and sensual. A dream too good to be true for an old war-horse like me.
We had been talking about inviting a man in for a three-way. It has been a lifelong obsession of mine to see my lover with another man. Or, for that matter, another woman. She is fascinated with the idea of going down on a female. But, that is a story for another time.
This night we started out in a gentleman's club. We have done this before, but little did we know how the evening would turn out. Sara likes it when I buy her lap dances and fantasy room dances. She tells me the feel of another woman's soft skin is like no other, and it really is a sight to see her face reflecting the dream state she gets in when one of the dancers rubs her breasts along the side of her face. This particular night the featured dancer was a very erotic blond, Tricia, who was very tall and very well proportioned. She was also an excellent dancer. And, she turned Sara and I both on.
After several lap dances with various dancers, we settled on Tricia. Shortly, we ended up in the fantasy room. Tricia put on an extraordinary show, and Sara and I both were enjoying things immensely. At one point, Tricia even asked that I leave the room so she could put on a private dance for Sara. Of course, Sara was agreeable.
So, I went out and had a drink while they stayed in the room. I get a lot of enjoyment out of knowing that Sara is enjoying herself. That night was no exception.
After my drink, I went back to the room, and we talked with Tricia for awhile and invited her back to our table for a drink. Try as we might, we could not talk Tricia into going back to the hotel with us. At closing time we left, both of us feeling very frustrated.
As we were driving back to the hotel, we passed an adult bookstore and novelty shop. I swung the car around. Sara had expressed a desire to get some ben-wa balls, and I thought it was as good a time as any. After looking at the novelties, Sara picked out a set of the brass balls. I also purchased a handful of tokens so we could go back to a booth and watch a flick or two.
Settling into the booth, Sara sat on a stool, and I stood behind her. By the way, I failed to mention that Sara was wearing knee-high black leather boots, a black leather vest, and a black leather skirt. She had on sheer black stockings, a black garter belt, and black panties underneath. No bra. She looked fabulous, and earlier many of the dancers had commented on how much they liked how she looked.
I neglected to lock the door when we entered the booth, and sure enough, SURPRISE! Someone opened the door, saw us, and immediately shut the door and went into the booth next door.
Almost immediately, I hatched a plot in my sexually frustrated brain. I slipped out and knocked on the booth into which the man had gone. The guy opened the door, and I could see he was a man in his thirties, clean-cut, and nice looking. I questioned him about whether he could 'behave' himself if I invited him next door. He answered that he would only do what he was allowed to do or prompted to do. I liked the answer, so I told him to come on.
The first thing I did when we got back to our booth, besides locking the door, was to slide Sara's vest down to expose her breasts. We could hear her suck in a deep breath. Her nipples are always semi-hard. The coolness of the booth, and the fact that a strange man was standing next to her , made them stand out like strawberries on a sundae.
I asked for his name, and he told me it was Bob. I asked him if he liked Sara's breasts, and he said indeed he did. I agreed and told him there were nice to touch, too, and that was his cue to go for it.
As he massaged her breasts and lightly pinched and pulled on her nipples, I could see the bulge grow in his pants. I said something to Sara about him being excited. I also noticed she was breathing in rapid shallow breaths. He unzipped his pants and Sara reached over and put her hand in and started to massage his cock. I was feeding tokens in the coin slot, but none of us were paying any attention to what was on the screen. It got really intense, and Sara soon had an orgasm. She is probably not unique that way, but it seems as if there is a direct connection between her nipples and her clit. She often has an orgasm when I play with, and suck, on her nipples.
Things settled down after a bit. It seemed like an hour but was probably no more than ten minutes. I asked him if he wanted to go back to the hotel with us. He said yes. I told him to wait five minutes, then come outside. If we decided it was a good idea, we would be waiting for him. If not, we would be gone.
Sara and I went out to the parking lot and talked about the possibilities, dangers, and whether she was attracted to the guy. She stated her attraction wasn't real strong, but that he seemed OK. We had long talked about including another man, and this seemed like an excellent opportunity.
Soon, Bob came out and got in his pickup. I got out of the car and went over and talked with him again. Still a little nervous about the whole thing, I questioned him some more about his ability to do only what he was asked to do and that he understood, NO MEANS NO! He agreed, and I told him to follow us to the hotel, park, give us a few minutes, and I would be out to get him.
Sara and I entered our room. We decided the leather look was sexy and she would stay clothed for the time being. One thing Sara likes is to be blindfolded. She loves that because it allows her to concentrate on all the feelings she experiences from unknown hands caressing her body and allowing her body to bring her pleasure. I tied a black scarf around her eyes, kissed her, told her I loved her and then went to get Bob.
Upon entering the room, we found Sara sitting on the bed. I took her by the hand, faced her towards Bob, and told her to say hello. Then I started to untie the front of her vest and let it fall open, revealing her breasts. The effect was way different than it was in the darkened booth. You could see the delight on Bob's face. Then I unzipped her leather skirt and let it fall to the floor, revealing her black garter belt, stockings, and panties. Still in her boots, she looked very sexy, and her shallow breathing indicated she was also getting excited. I told Bob to slip off her vest, and he kissed her breasts and sucked on her nipples as he did so.
Sara suggested he get undressed and as he was doing so, she sat back on the bed. Not wanting to unhook her garter belt to remove her panties, I took my pocket knife and cut a large hole in the crotch of her panties. Basically, I presented Sara's most intimate parts to our new found friend for his enjoyment.
By then, Bob was undressed. I handed him a condom, and he put it on, then laid down on the bed next to Sara and started kissing and nuzzling her neck and breasts again. Her nipples resumed their previous 'strawberries on a sundae' proportions.
Bob reached down and began to rub Sara between the legs and found her pussy. He remarked about how wet she was, and I said she was always like that. Kissing his way down her belly, he ended up with his head between her legs and began kissing and sucking her. I could tell she was enjoying it by the look on her face, that dreamy, faraway look she gets when she is allowing her body to do what it will. I bent over her and kissed her lightly and asked her if everything was alright? She responded with a quick nodding of her head, YES! I got the camera and began taking pictures. We wanted to preserve the moment for later enjoyment and to share with friends.
By then Bob had moved into position and took her legs and pushed them back over her and entered her, slowly at first, then all the way. He began a rhythmic stroking, and I could tell Sara was off in la-la land. Bob was not super endowed, but he was sufficient in length and thickness to give her the 'full' feeling she so enjoyed. The sight of his cock entering her pussy through the hole I had cut in her panties was very much a turn-on for me as well!
Soon he was banging her hard with full force and Sara was responding and pleading to be fucked harder. She could stand it no longer, pushed him off, and got on her knees begging her to fuck her hard from behind. Soon his thighs were slapping against her ass with smacks almost loud enough to make one think she was being spanked.
I like watching Sara in this position because it allows me to see her tits swinging back and forth in time with the fucking she is getting. Before, all I could do was watch in the mirror. This was a whole new perspective, and I wasted no time getting more pictures.
Sara was cumming and cumming. Of course, she had been cumming ever since Bob first entered her. She is multiorgasmic and has told me she is not sure if it is one continuous orgasm or one building on another. Perhaps some of you ladies reading this can relate.
It wasn't long before Bob stiffened and let out a low throaty growl. He pushed in as far as he could, and you could tell he was filling the condom with his white-hot sperm.
Then Sara did the most surprising thing. She pulled away and turned on her hands and knees to face Bob. She pulled off the condom and quickly took it into her mouth, sucking some of his cum into her mouth. Then she grabbed his cock, stroked it a few times, and bent down and took him in her mouth. She voraciously sucked and ran her tongue around his semi-hard cock.
Sara soon had Bob's cock at full hardness again, and she proceeded to suck him with a simulated fucking motion. He quickly caught on and grabbed her by the hair, another thing she likes, and began fucking her face almost as hard as he had just fucked her pussy. She reached out and grabbed both his ass cheeks with her hands and helped pull him into her harder and harder.
Her talents soon had Bob reacting as he did before only with more voice. Growling and telling her to suck his cock. Soon he exploded for the second time, and I could see Sara was doing her best to keep up and swallow all she could get. But, as hard as she tried, she couldn't, and soon driblets of cum escaped the corners of her mouth.
His balls having been emptied twice into Sara's greedy pussy and mouth, Bob's cock went totally limp. He stumbled back to the chair on weak legs and sat down.
Then Sara did another thing I was wholly unprepared for. She left the bed and came over to me, stared deep into my eyes for a moment, and then grabbed the back of my neck pulling me to her, and kissed me very hard on the mouth. There was no mistaking her intent or the different taste. Here I was tasting the cum in my lover's mouth. Cum from another man's cock!
Things then settled down, and we talked for a while. Bob got dressed, thanked us both profusely, and left a happy man. I was sort of glad he didn't overstay his welcome because I was anxious to talk to Sara to see what she thought about the experience.
As we cuddled and kissed, I never felt more in love with her than I did at that moment. We went over the details of the evening, and we both got excited, and I tried to take care of Sara's needs. By the way, did I mention she was insatiable?
We began to lay plans for our next adventure. As we fell asleep, I contemplated the thought of Sara having kissed me with her mouth bathed with another man's cum. The look in her eye when she did that was pure carnal desire from somewhere deep inside herself that she had never shared before. I drifted off to sleep, wondering what was next in store for us.

Bob is an old friend who has been coming to visit Cheryl and me for some time now. However, he called recently to tell us that he is taking early retirement and moving to North Carolina. We were crushed to hear that as we have known him for more years than we care to admit and have swung with him for the past few. He usually visits us when he is in Tampa on business, and we get together for fun sex.
Yesterday, he called again and said that he was in town with his replacement, Fred, another old friend, although we have known him less time than Bob.
Bob asked if the four of us could have dinner together as they were in town to introduce Fred to the accounts and would be together in the evenings as well. Naturally, we were delighted to hear that we would have the opportunity to see Bob again but were sorry to hear that Fred would be along. Or I should say, Cheryl was sorry about that more than me as she was hoping for some time in the sack with Bob.
We met at a nice restaurant on the causeway. After dinner and a few drinks, we decided to join Bob and Fred for a nightcap at their hotel near the airport. They had adjoining rooms, but both had a mini-bar so we could have some more conversation away from the noise of the restaurant and not have to drive all the way to our house as it was getting on toward 10 p.m. and they had to work the next day.
We got to the hotel and had a drink when Bob asked Cheryl if she was up to one more screw for old times sake, and to cement the memories for him as he didn't expect to see us nearly as much in the future. Cheryl blushed from head to toe as Bob said this in front of Fred. As it turned out, Fred already knew that Bob and Cheryl were screwing, something that we would have preferred that have been kept private. However, Bob and Fred are long-time friends, and Bob felt that maybe Cheryl would like to enjoy Fred occasionally. Cheryl said that she was up to it, but asked if Fred and I would go into Fred's room for a few minutes as she felt uncomfortable with both of us there.
As we left the room, Bob winked at us, and Cheryl just smiled, saying, "We won't be too long, so have another drink while you wait." I asked if we could leave the adjoining door open and she said yes but no peeking. Then I noticed that the mirror above the mini-bar on the wall would allow us to watch if we sat close to the door.
As soon as we were out of the room, Bob began to kiss and undress Cheryl like a couple of newlyweds and then laid her on the bed where he spread her legs and started to lick her love button to loosen her up for him. Since we hadn't planned on sex, we didn't bring the KY jelly which she usually needs. Soon she was moaning and mashing her pussy lips against Bob's mouth like she does when she is ready to cum, and you could hear her outside in the hall I'm sure.
Then Bob climbed aboard and with his left hand spread her pussy open for his 10" dick and began to rub it up and down until she was begging for it. It was at this time that she looked in the mirror and saw Fred and me watching from the other room. She said, "If you two are going to watch anyway, you might as well come in here and get comfortable."
We jumped at the chance and came into the room in time to see Bob slide that monster all the way home with Cheryl's legs over his shoulders and her ass off the bed. I thought she looked uncomfortable, so I grabbed a pillow and put it under her ass. Then Bob began to thrust with vigor, and you could see her pussy lips red and bright rubbing in and out with his every stroke until I knew she was about ready for another orgasm.
So was Bob. He began to pump faster and faster until he and Cheryl came together and he unloaded a big load of cum in her pussy that was running down her leg. I went and got a hand towel from the bathroom to clean them up. Hell, I should have gotten a bath towel. What a load of cum had squirted out of Bob's big cock!
Bob then rolled off exhausted, and Fred asked if he could have some now. Cheryl looked at me to make sure I was ok with this? I gave her a nod yes and a smile. So then Fred got on the bed and lay on his back so that Cheryl could get on top. After Bob's big dick Fred's tool looked small although it must have been about 8" or so. Cheryl was so stretched that she rode him like a bronco and worked her kegel muscles to milk him dry, which she did in a matter of minutes. Now Fred was rolling off, and Cheryl asked if I was ready? Surprisingly I said no, as I wanted to wait until we got home so we could relive this experience alone.
We then got dressed and told them both goodnight and drove home. Bob called this morning and said how much he was going to miss Cheryl, and she told him that she would never find another like him. I almost wanted to cry; it was so sweet.
We may see him again, and I guess we'll see Fred the next time he is in town, but it just won't be the same.

I felt Debra's hand cup my testicles as I raised my head from the moaning and begging Dee. Tony and my eyes locked. Dee was lovely; especially in her high state of sexual arousal. Her eyes were out of focus. Her face was flushed and twisted with sexual desire. Her body was begging for release, and her hands were busy working towards that end now, playing with the same molten flesh that, only moments before, I was caressing with my mouth.
But she wasn't Debra. And I wanted to satisfy and be satisfied by my fiancee, the woman I was in love with. The one that stood behind me; the one that currently, literally, had me by the balls. Especially during this first swing. Maybe I would feel differently the next time.
"Do it, Tony," I said as I lifted myself from between Dee's parted legs and moved aside, "fuck her, fuck her pussy." Reaching behind me, I found Debra's arm. Gently, but with a sense of urgency, I pulled her from behind me to alongside me. I pulled her naked body to me and kissed her hard on the lips. There was fire in her kiss; the same sense of urgency that I was feeling. Placing my arms around her waist, I guided her to the bed and laid her down beside Tony and Dee as Tony slipped between Dee's parted legs and began driving his hard manhood into her hot and lubricated cunt.
Debra's eyes were glassy. Her face had its own look of love, of need, and of desire. When our lips met for the second time, it was not a tender kiss, but one of heat, of the passion of our feelings for one another. One of wanton sexual desire fighting desperately to be released. And as our tongues explored each others' mouth, we touched and fondled one another's intimate body parts.
Debra's passion held me tightly, pulling me as close to her as possible. Then, suddenly she broke our kiss, shook her head as if to clear her throes of passion. Then, just as suddenly, she pushed my head to her breast, guiding me to first one and then the other of her swollen hard nipples. Sucking on them was like sucking on the end of her pinkie finger, they were that fat and turgid. But she only allowed herself the briefest of this pleasure before she pushed my face further down her naked body to where her craving and desire really existed.
Her hips rose anxiously to meet my lips as my cheeks touched her thighs. And when I parted her pussy with my tongue, she grabbed my head, twisted her fingers in my hair, and screamed. She held me tight against her womanhood, moaning, twisting and turning while her love nectar flowed into my waiting mouth.
I had never seen her so sexually excited, nor had I been. My heart was racing, my testicles ached, my need to please and be pleased was unbelievable. As I positioned myself between Debra's beautifully parted legs, I took hold of my male member. My semi-erect male member.
In a panic, I took it and began rubbing its head, up and down and in and out of the heat and wetness of Debra's body. I pulled at it, I toyed with it, I begged for it to become rigid. It didn't!
Desperately, I tried to insert it into Debra in hopes that being in her and feeling her wetness and body heat would bring my member to life, but it was too limp for insertion. I almost cried as I watched Debra. Her face begging for me to hurry. She twisted her hips and thrust her hips towards my limp member, wanting and begging for penetration; her body was on fire, wet and open, pink and inviting. Craving and desiring to be entered, stretched, filled, taken. But I was helpless. My body had failed me; I was unable to give Debra the sexual satisfaction that she so desperately wanted and needed.
I was embarrassed! I wanted to scream. What an ass. I couldn't satisfy the woman I loved. I wanted to hide. I wanted to cry. I wanted to please Debra.
The movement of the bed had ceased as Tony and Dee sensed that there was a problem. In total frustration, and in a desperate measure to relieve Debra from her current state of arousal, I got up and went to her dresser drawer to locate her friend, her trusty vibrator. When I turned around, I saw Tony lifting himself from Dee parted legs and reposition himself between Debra's. I watched as his rock solid male member, shiny with Dee's juices, parted Debra's swollen labia. With a slight roll of his hips, he easily penetrated her to the hilt, and with that, Debra's head lolled back, and I heard a sigh escape her lips. She had found someone to give her what she desperately needed.
With painful mixed emotions, I watched as Tony began to slide his cock in and out of Debra's grasping womanhood. Her pussy so wet it that each outward stroke of Tony's cock brought more of her girl cum out of her pussy to run down her crack and into a spreading wet spot on the bed. I looked on as she raised her hips, locked her legs around his waist, and began bucking and thrashing to his rhythm of penetration, burying every inch of his steel into her soft womanhood.
I stood in pain, yet in awe of what was going on around me. Tony was furiously making love to my fiancee while his wife lay naked beside them, one hand buried between her legs, satisfying herself with several fingers sliding in and out of her hot body.
I was happy to be watching Debra in such throes of passion and to be having this passion so satisfied; that was quite obvious by her moans and outward cries of pleasure. I was excited to be watching Tony's member, slick with Debra's love juice, slide in and out of Debra's grasping vagina and his balls bounce off her ass with each deep thrust.
As Debra's cries of passion got louder, Dee leaned over, took her finger dripping with her own pussy juices, and offered it to Debra's mouth. To my surprise, Debra immediately opened her mouth to suck on Dee's finger clean. Dee then took Debra's left nipple into her mouth and began sucking, and Tony increased his pounding between Debra's parted legs.
Moments later, I heard Debra moan out her pleasure and watched as her nails racked down Tony's back. I saw her legs grip him tighter so he could not dislodge himself from within her throbbing and contracting vagina. I was still watching when Debra finally relaxed and allowed her legs to fall hard back to the bed. Gently, Tony pulled himself out of Debra, leaving her vagina gaping open.
I watched both fascinated and repulsed as ropes of thick white semen slowly oozed out of Debra's pussy. Tony had satisfied my fiancee. Something that I hadn't been man enough to do. As if to emphasize that fact to all, although I don't think it was intentional, Dee put two fingers together, slowly dragged them from bottom to top of Debra's slimy slit, and again offered her fingers to Debra. It was if she was saying, "Here, take my man's cum, my man who just fucked you while your man could only watch." Again, without hesitation, Debra's mouth parted to take Dee's offering.
I looked at Debra's face. Her eyes were rolled back, and her facial expression was one of contentment; yet, I also saw a face of sorrow, of sadness, of discontent.
That was the last time Debra and I were intimate. She moved out of our bedroom several weeks later and within a couple of months, broke off the engagement. But, most of all, I will never forget the exciting, yet painful, experience of watching a woman I was in love with being expertly made love to by another man while I could only watch.

Our next door neighbor came over one night last week and told Cheryl that she had just had the most sensual massage of her life! When we asked her about it, she said that Cheryl just had to experience it for herself.
The man is named Larry, and he has his own shop about a mile from our house, so I went over to check it out. He told me that the charge is $80 an hour at his shop but $100 an hour if he comes to our house. Naturally, I wanted to secretly video the massage, so I gave him the okay to come to our house last night. Before he got here, I set up my camera in the bookshelves in the family room to get a recording of the whole thing. Cheryl didn't know precisely what a "sensuous massage" was, so she was ready for anything.
When the doorbell rang, this tall and muscular man said he was the masseur, and if my wife was ready, he would bring in the table and get started. Of course, we were more than ready. While he went to his van to get the table, I turned on the camera, and then helped him get the table through the door and inside the house.
Larry started to set the table up in the bedroom, but I asked him to put it in the family room as the light was better. He at first shrugged and said it didn't matter to him, but when he saw Cheryl, he said that it would probably be better in a good light.
First, he asked Cheryl to take all her clothes off and get up on the table. She was just in a robe, so that wasn't a problem. When she laid down on the table, she asked if he was going to cover her with a towel as that was the way she usually got massages? "No," he replied, "I like to be able to work without any covering unless you are uncomfortable with that."
Naturally, we agreed, and he went to work right away. He spread warm oil all over Cheryl's back, buttocks, and legs and then began to massage the oil in from the feet up to her neck. This was interesting to watch for me as I had not seen this before. When he finished rubbing her back, she said she was all tingly, and he agreed that it was a normal reaction.
Then Larry asked Cheryl to turn over and he repeated the oil on her front including her breasts and her vaginal area (Cheryl keeps her pussy bare and baby smooth), and then began to knead and massage her neck, shoulders, and arms before moving to her breasts, which he kneaded quite a bit, at least it seemed to me. I noticed the more he worked on her, the more Cheryl relaxed, and her legs began to part just from pure relaxation.
Larry next went to work on the pubic area. He spent a lot of time massaging her mons and outer lips. Finally, he spread her pussy lips apart and inserted a special lubricant. Then he worked his fingers in and out until they were shiny from the lubricant, and also Cheryl's natural lubrication, which had really started to flow, and the scent of her arousal was filling the room.
All this time I was watching and wondering what was next. Larry told Cheryl to relax for a minute during which time he removed his clothes, and with the table at just the right height, he pulled Cheryl down until the tip of his penis was rubbing her labia. Cheryl was squirming like she couldn't wait for him to put it in.
"This is the sensuous part of the massage," he said, and with that, he sank his dick into Cheryl. While it wasn't the biggest she has had, it was fairly long and unusually wide. As she was filled up and their pubic bones began to mash against each other, he started working on her breasts again with his hands. Cheryl loves to have her tits grabbed while screwing. No way he could have known that, but a lot of women do too, so I guess he just knew that from his other clients.
After both he and Cheryl had a mind-blowing orgasm, he pulled his cock out, encouraged Cheryl to leave her legs relaxed and open, and then went back to massaging her vagina, this time using the creampie of their mixed juices as a lubricant. He did this for a few minutes until Cheryl's tummy quivered with a gentle second orgasm. He then sensuously cleaned her up with a towel and helped her up off the table.
He told us that the charge was $100. We had already agreed, but Cheryl insisted that we give him a $50 tip since he had relaxed her more than she had thought possible. He left, and we watched the video and then invited our next door neighbor over to watch it again with us. Our neighbor told us the same thing happened to her at Larry's shop, and now she was going to schedule another session with him right away. Talking about it got us worked up, so the three of us had a little fun that night, but that is another story.

I saw her at the past two competitions. They were just 'sprint' duathlons, where you run two miles, bike ten, and then run two more. I'm in reasonably good shape, but not outstanding, so I've never won a race, but neither have I lost; I place in the top 3 of my age group, though that doesn't count for much because at 23 I'm one of the youngest male competitors.
But her... Oh, man, she was in great shape. I'd estimate her in her late 20's or early 30's, not short but not tall, perhaps 5'6", with a lean body yet with wonderful curves. I always finished the first run portion a few minutes ahead of her, but she would pass me on the bike. My goal was simply to catch her on the last leg of the second run, and finish near her. I have no shame at getting bested by a woman, and in fact, I admire an aggressive woman, but with her, there was some unique competitiveness.
The latest race was the first triathlon of the season, starting with a ½ mile swim, 12-mile bike, and then 3-mile run. I have always performed poorly at swimming; I have no lack of endurance, but I just feel out-of-place in the water, not able to relax and glide. I knew she would be there because we spoke briefly after the last race. She won first in her age/gender group while I took second in mine. She came up and laughed with me about the sprint at the end where she had almost finished before me until the last 100 feet where I gave it all I had and crossed a split-second before her. But this race, she'd have the edge. I had a feeling she was a much better swimmer than I; hell, everyone was. Out of the 300 participants, I'd be lucky to beat 20 out of the water. I knew I could take her on the run, so I figured the only chance I had was to improve my biking.
The shot rang through the mid-morning air, and the masses surged to the water's edge, churning it to a chilly 60-degree froth. I waited about 30 seconds until the 'real' racers were already paddling out toward the far buoy, remembering my first race where I was kicked and bludgeoned by the stronger swimmers as they passed me. I waded out until the water was chest deep, and then dove forward, concentrating on my breathing, legs, and arm strokes. In short order, I rounded the first orange float, turned to the right, headed for the second. Images of her in her skin-tight wetsuit, perfectly outlined, showing off her perfectly rounded ass and her tempting breasts (hard to judge in a wetsuit, but estimated to be about 34 B or C). I kept her image in my mind, trying to mimic what I imagined her smooth strokes would be, and soon found myself at the second buoy. I wasn't even winded. As I turned to finish the final stretch of the swim to the shore, I knew I had a fighting chance. I climbed the sandy bank, looking back briefly as I unzipped the back of my own suit, noting that I beat about 75 people; a new personal record.
I dropped my water-soaked suit on the grass by my bike, threw on my shoes, sunglasses, and silken jersey, finishing with my racing gloves and helmet. I jogged the bike to the 'chute,' stepped on and began peddling, relaxing and 'opening up,' trying to focus on a steady rhythm to keep pace with her, or possibly even gain. I had no idea she already had an 8 minute lead on me. I ride a 24-speed Fuji; a decent racing bike, but by no means top of the line. Even for a 'big guy,' with the seemingly most non-aerodynamic body in the world (broad-shoulders, slim waist, stocky legs), I've always had a knack for the bike. I was passing the others by ones and twos, steadily moving my way up the places, shifting gears up and down to maximize efficiency. Turning left about one mile from the turn-around, I saw her drawing near me. Just before we passed each other, she tilted her head toward me and blew a kiss, so quick and remarkable, the moment passed almost before I realized what she had done. I was about 2 miles behind her; at my current pace, that would mean I'm still trailing by about 6 minutes. I locked my gaze on the road about 50 feet in front of me, leaning forward, staring between my Aero-bars. The road was hypnotic, and soon I was in a quasi-trance, only conscious enough to make the necessary adjustments with the gears and steering; I was shocked to realize I was nearing the last turn before the chute, less than ½ mile from the finish. My focus was again broken as I saw her bounding up the hill, following the running course towards me but staying to the far side. I was in awe at the sight; the muscle of her legs rippling with each step, her breasts plainly clad in a sports bra, but still managing to bounce ever so slightly, her smooth skin glossed over with a sheen of sweat, long dark curly hair pulled back in a pony-tail. It was as if Michelangelo had been resurrected to create another work of art, perfectly sculpted in flesh and blood. And as she passed by, she tilted her head, smiled, and said in a voice barely audible, "You better hurry or I'll win!" I needed no more encouragement.
I coasted into the chute, dismounting even before I stopped, and trotted my bike back to its rack, hooked the handlebars, dropped the helmet and sunglasses into the cradle of the Aero-bars, turned, and started running. I immediately unzipped my jersey to just below my sternum, and settled back into my trance, focusing on breathing, arm-swing, foot placement; two steps for every inhale and two for every exhale. My mind only allowing enough thought to realize she was probably still about 3 to 4 minutes ahead of me; my steps quickened of their own accord. "C' mon!" she hollered, as she came out of the run portion turn-around, heading back to the start, just as I was entering the same turn. I finally caught her at the same point where we crossed previously when I was finishing the bike. Looking at the last football field's distance of the competition, she asked between breaths, "Do you... wanna... race?" I took a deep breath so that my response would be smooth and seem more confident than I felt, "What do I get if I win?" As we started into the chute (the final 100 feet), she began to sprint, turning her head over her shoulder and yelling, "ME!" She already had a 6- or 7-foot lead, but nothing in this or any other world was going to stop me from winning. I was not aware that the triathlon's sponsor cried out, "Ladies and Gentlemen, it looks like we actually have a race here!!!" The only sense that remained of my five was sight; the image of her, from her head, down her shoulders, across her lovely sloped spandex-clad ass, down to her thighs, calves, and shoes, consumed me. My legs pumped like the pistons in my project '68 Mustang, giving every last drop of energy I had to that final stretch of a foot-race.
We crossed the line, jogging the distance of the bike staging-area, slowly coming to a walk. I was breathing so hard that I began to feel dizzy and faint, clasping my hands over my head, continued walking in a large circle, concentrating on controlling my erratic breathing. I looked to my left and saw that she was beside me, hands on her hips, panting. After the burning in my lungs started to ebb, I turned to her and asked, "So... Did I win?" Facing me, still taking measured deep breaths herself, she placed her hands on my waist, stood up on her toes, and kissed me, briefly letting her tongue flirt across my lips before slipping it into my mouth, and slowly withdrawing it.
"Follow me home after the awards if you'd like to claim your prize," she whispered. "Um... I hate to sound like a prude," I replied, "but you're the first girl I've ever kissed before I even knew her name." She answered: "Amelia...Or Amy if we're friends." My reply was quick, "Well, Amy, it's a pleasure to meet you finally. I'm Fletcher... Or, since we're friends, Fletch."
With that, she turned and walked to collect her bike, wetsuit, and other gear. I went through a quick series of stretches, gathered my own gear, and ferried it to the bed of my truck ('94 F-150; back when the trucks were 'tough'!). Relaxing in the warmth of the sun, I continued stretching, drinking absurd quantities of Gatorade, waiting for the ceremony. It came and went, bringing me my very first age/gender group first-place award for a triathlon (I finished about 40th overall), while she again took first for hers. As she received her trophy, she winked at me and then walked toward the back of the crowd. I followed.
The drive was brief, and I found that she lived only about 1 mile from my place, in a suburb of Tacoma. She turned her Jeep into the drive, and I parked along the side of the road. It was a beautiful, yet modest, two-story house, painted off-white with a very light-blue trim and with neatly trimmed hedges. I wrapped my wetsuit with a towel and tossed it, along with the other loose gear, into the cab of my truck. I called out to Amy and asked her what to do with the bike, which she said I could stand in her garage. I wheeled the bike into the garage and followed her through a side-door into the house. Trying to walk the narrow line of witty/erotic /playful, I commented, "I see you keep your bush trimmed." She kept walking, led me to the kitchen, opened the fridge and handed me a long-neck Bud, and said, "No," pausing for effect, "I shave." I chuckled and said: "Well, Amy, I traditionally follow a race with a few bottles of water... Is this how you usually conclude a competition?" She gave me a long look. "No," she said, "I like to have sex."
Keeping her eyes on mine, she downed half of the contents of the bottle, tilted it back, and set it on the countertop. I was always used to a more dainty, innuendo type talk, and was stunned by her bluntness as I slowly let the suds trickle down my throat. With nothing short of pure lust in her eyes, she stepped forward, placed her left arm around my back and her right hand behind my neck, stepped up to her toes while pulling her lips up to my neck, and she kissed me, slowly dragging her tongue against the right side of my neck. She tilted her head to the right, and began to lick across the front of my neck to the left side, and up to my ear, nibbling gently on the earlobe. Whispering, she sighed, "Mmmmm... Salty." I set my beer on the counter, and turned her face to mine, kissing her fully on the lips. She softly cooed as I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her still sticky-sweaty body to mine.
And then I heard the front door open. The corners of her mouth turned up in a smile. "Who's that?" I asked. "Mike," she chirped. "Mike?!" I asked. She repeated, "Yes, Mike." I opened my eyes, loosening my grasp of her, looking down into her face. "Who exactly is Mike?"
"I'm Mike," came a deep, yet gentle voice from the other side of the kitchen. "I'm Mike," he said again, extending his hand, "Amy's husband. And you must be Fletcher." He was pretty much average, in every sense of the word. Not too tall and not too short, though maybe an inch or two taller than my 5'8". He had a solid build, though not as broad-shouldered as me. His hair was a sandy brown compared to my freshly shorn scalp. He had no facial hair with very trim sideburns extending less than ½ down his ear, while my face sported a thick dark brown and blond mustache. He wasn't fat, but clearly in his mid-30's, he wasn't exactly thin. He was handsome, in a conservative, upstanding-citizen way, though nothing quite remarkable. With a very puzzled look on my face, I took his hand and said, "Please, call me Fletch. You walked in on me kissing your wife, I don't think formal names are terribly appropriate." With a chuckle, he said: "Okay, then Fletch it is. It's great to finally meet the guy Amy's been talking about. Hey hun," his attention shifted to Amy, "can you pass me a beer?" She complied, and began nursing her own again, smiling smugly.
"Wait a minute," I stammered, "What's going on here? I've never intentionally hit on a guy's wife or even a girlfriend, and I've never kissed another guy's wife before..."
"Ah," Mike smiled, looking at me with a hint of envy, "A swinger-virgin." Motioning to Amy, "But look at her! Can you tell me you're not interested in the prospect?" I looked back at Amy, as she unabashedly stripped off her shirt, leaving her clothed only in her white sports bra, black spandex shorts, and shoes. My nervousness only added to the excitement, which I was already feeling plenty strong as my eyes devoured her beautiful body. "Yeah, I'm definitely interested, but what will you be doing?" Mike answered: "I'll just watch, for now... Depending on how you feel, I might join in. But, Amy's been thinking about you for quite a while, and while she was sucking me off, she'd pretend it was you. She wanted to see what you taste like for real." Amy chimed in: "He's yummy!"
"Fletch, I'm sorry if you're uncomfortable," Mike began again, "and maybe we should've asked you in a little different way... But, Amy was pretty sure it would work, and she'd really like to play with you a bit. We don't want to pressure you or anything, but just want you to know that we're both totally okay if you'd like to mess around a bit." I had thought about such situations before; I don't think any guy hasn't. I figured that as long as the husband knew what was going on, and was supportive of it... Well... It didn't take me long to decide. My grin gave Amy and Mike my consent, and Amy smoothly moved back to me, draining the last of her beer and handing the bottle to Mike. Her eyes were on mine, though she said to Mike, "Here, take this... And give me some time alone." He took her bottle, carrying his, and left the kitchen.
"Now, where were we?" Amy asked, as she first kissed my chin, and then my lips. Between kisses, I asked, "Are you sure you're okay with this?" She mumbled an um-hum as she continued kissing me, her hands pulling my jersey, up and over my head and off my body. She stepped back to examine my torso with her eyes. I don't exactly have a hairy chest, but there is a significant amount of curled hair across my chest and down the center of my stomach. Dropping the shirt to the floor to join her's, she stepped back to me, turning me and pushing me backward so that I walked out of the kitchen.
As we arrived in the living room, she kicked off her shoes and socks, flicking each to the side of the room near the front door. She guided me around, still pushing me backwards until I was in front of a plush blue-gray couch. I worked my shoes and socks off and pushed them to the edge of the sofa as her hands glided down my sides and caught the edge of my shorts as well as my briefs, pulling both down to my feet. As she was already crouched, she began kissing up my legs, holding the backs of my legs in each hand, kissing the front and inner sides, working her way up in a deliciously slow manner. "Mmm... you're so yummy!" she said as she punctuated each kiss with a brief flick of her tongue. As her lips neared where my legs join, she took great care in not providing too much direct stimulation, kissing up and around my cock, pausing only long enough to lick my dangling sac. She continued to rise, trailing kisses up my stomach and my sides, french-kissing my navel as she rose. Her right hand cupped my balls and slid to the base of my shaft, but she didn't wrap her fingers around me; she just held her hand there. She took each of my nipples in her mouth, sucking vigorously while swirling her tongue around the tip. By the time she reached my collar-bone, I was terribly aroused. She extended her tongue and traced the tip of it up the center of my neck, flicking it off my chin. She closed her eyes and smiled, giggling softly, as she finally wrapped her fingers around my shaft and began to pull at it slightly. Content that I was adequately prepared, she stepped back to observe the effects of her work.
I'll be honest; my cock is nothing to write home about. On a good day, it's just shy of 7 inches long and 2 inches wide. The dimensions of my uncircumcised member have never been the most critical aspect of my sexual encounters; I have been cursed with amazing stamina. My *hope* was to find someday a sexual vixen that was willing and eager enough to keep up. And little did I know that I finally found one in Amy.
Her gaze swept up and down my naked body, as she shimmied her spandex down her legs and then pulled her bra over her head. Not very romantic, but then again, she wasn't interested in romance at the moment. "Come here," she commanded, and instinctively, I went to her. The carpeting in the front room was thick and soft, almost like cool moss under our feet. "I want to taste your cock," she said, as she nuzzled and licked at my chest again. "Only on one condition," I replied. "Which is?" she asked. "I get to return the favor," I said. I love a great pussy. The taste, the scent; few things in this world are more erotic than going down on a beautiful woman.
Pulling at my shoulders, she laid down, pulling me on top of her, and we continued to kiss, allowing our hands to explore each other's bodies. We rolled so that we were both on our sides. I kissed down her neck to her breasts, kneading her right breast while my mouth worked on her left and my hand snaked down between her legs. She began to moan, her own hand pulling at my cock in time with my fingers caressing her lovely pussy lips. With a sudden growl, Amy pushed me to my back, breaking my contact with her beautiful body, and she began to kiss me, rolling her body on top of mine, rubbing her pussy against my stomach and pelvis as she kissed back down my body. I grabbed her right thigh with my left hand and tried to pull her to the side. She got the message and began rotating her body as she kissed down mine. By the time she had kissed down to my cock, she had crossed her right leg over my head, straddling my face. She leaned down and started to take me in her mouth, holding the shaft with her right hand while her left massaged the inside of my thighs and fondled my balls.
I pulled her pussy to me, extending my tongue to taste her. She was clean before the race, and the exertion left her body covered with a clean, purifying sweat. There was no unpleasant odor or taste, but rather a powerful and erotic sense of WOMAN! I played a sort of game with our oral affections; I tried to match her actions. The more vigorously she attended my cock, the more vigorously I devoured her pussy. She would trace her tongue around my head; I would trace the tip of my tongue around her slit. She would slowly stroke my cock with her hand; I would slowly take broad licks across her pussy from front to back. She would take my cock in her mouth; I would plunge my tongue into her dripping hole. It didn't take her too long to realize how I was determining my actions, and soon, she was directing how I ate her pussy by how she gobbled my cock.
I was so absorbed in what I was doing, as well as what was being done to me, that I didn't even notice Mike in the room until he appeared by Amy's side. He knelt down beside her, pulling her hair off to the side so that he could watch my cock go in and out of his beautiful wife's mouth. She mumbled a hello to him from around my cock. Lifting her head back, she turned her head to look at Mike, still stroking my cock with her petite hands. "Kiss me, baby," she panted at him.
As he did, she began pushing herself back against me, while increasing the grip and speed she was working on my prick, at first slowly grinding herself against me and sliding her hand up and down, gradually increasing until her hips were bucking and her hand was a blur. She continued kissing Mike as her moans turned into a squeal, and her hips took up a frantic pace. She broke the kiss and returned her mouth to my cock, still moaning, begging me to cum for her and to make her cum. I just focused on my attempts to lick all of her pussy, inside and out, collecting up every last drop of her juice as her body continued to writhe against me. She began to loudly tell me, Mike, and the rest of the living world that she was cumming.
After her spasms subsided, she took a few last long licks and strokes of my cock before climbing off and turning to face me. She kept her hand on my cock as she looked at my face, glistening with her juices, her success at pleasuring me clearly evident by the smile on my face. "Did you cum?" she asked. "Not yet, but I will if you want me to," I replied. Her reply came quick and music to my ears: "I want you to cum for me, Fletch. I want you to cum in my pussy."
I have nothing against people and how they choose to swing, but I've always been very adamant about protection. "I'd love to have my cock in your pussy, Amy, but only if we play safe." Mike, being the ever-attentive husband, quickly got up and soon returned with a handful of condoms. Opening one, he handed it to her, which she swiftly rolled down my length. Facing me, she climbed on top, leaning her face down to mine, she kissed me, tasting herself on my lips and tongue. She reached behind her and grabbed my cock, rubbing my tip up and down her slit, paying particular attention to her clit. Kissing across my cheek down to my ear, still rubbing my dick against her opening, she whispered to me, "My pussy will make you cum."
With that, she kissed me on the lips again and sat backward. I can't say how long she rode me. And I've always had trouble believing those stories about how a girl's pussy could 'milk' a guy's cock. But, I can say that her pussy felt great; I literally felt her contracting against me, as though it were a hand squeezing me. Although I still felt the intense pleasure of a few orgasms (and I could tell by her flushed chest, pussy spasms, and, big hint, the deep-throated growling moans, that Amy had several of her own) I never came. After several position swaps, her trying to get me to cum, I was on my back again with her riding me once more.
I looked around the room and finally saw Mike, sitting back in a comfortable chair, buck-assed naked, stroking himself to the hedonistic sight before him. His Johnson was maybe an inch longer, but a little thinner than mine. "You want some of this action?" I asked him. "You wouldn't mind?" he asked. "Naw, not at all. She's your wife!" I replied. Mike needed no more encouragement as he walked over and stood near me, close enough for Amy to lean her head over and take his cock into her mouth. The sight of seeing her suck her husband's prick was such a turn-on, seeing it so up close, that I knew I was about to be pushed over the edge finally. I placed my hands on her hips and started pulling her down onto me as I bucked my pelvis up. She began cumming immediately, and her moans, spasms, and me still watching her suck off her husband was too much. I pulled her down and tried to hold her still so that I could relax and enjoy the sensations. She tried to lift off a few times, but finally settled down, and just began a slow rocking of her hips forward and back, seemingly squeezing my cum from my cock.
I asked Amy to stay there so that I could finish watching her give head to Mike. She smiled and happily obliged. Mike's erection had a much more 'normal' life-span, and soon he succumbed to the ministrations of his wife, spraying a full load of cum down her throat. As Mike had his orgasm, Amy tilted her head and saw me watching her. She smiled at me as his cum spurted into her mouth. I've got nothing against a woman who chooses not to swallow, but she really seemed to enjoy it, and she swallowed every drop, squeezing his cock and sucking on it, trying to get any remnants.
After he was done, Mike returned to his chair. Amy looked down at me, still smiling, and mouthed a thank-you to me. I took her hands in my own, pulled her chest down against mine, and held her against me. She realized that I had retained my erection, and began to slowly shift back and forth, not really fucking me, but just savoring the afterglow of her second workout of the day. We were kissing each other's necks and cheeks when our lips met. Though I consider myself quite straight, the kiss just seemed natural, even though Mike recently came in her mouth. I didn't really taste any residue, so it didn't really bother me at all. It's just that kissing after a great round of sex felt right.
I stuck around long enough to take a shower and chit-chat with the two of them a bit. We never made plans to meet up again, but we all decided that if things ever worked out that way, that we felt comfortable enough to try it again, and maybe go a little further. I never got to take them up on it because I came down on orders for deployment. But, I'm eagerly awaiting my return to the states. And, contrary to popular belief, it just goes to show you: as long as there are swingers, there will always be a need for single males.
Note: I know some of you think I'm just trying to impress people by talking about stamina. I know this may seem rather absurd, but please believe me; this is more of a curse than a benefit. It takes me forever to cum, and even when I do, I don't go soft. Unless you've experienced it, you cannot imagine how frustrating it is to have literally hours of sex and not have the satisfaction of cumming. Imagine my various ex's, and how they felt, knowing that they gave me a great session of marathon-sex, but were unable to get me to ejaculate. I orgasm plenty, and I came my fair share of times, but with every lover I've had, there have been more than a handful of instances where I never came at all.

A threesome cuckolding is a fantasy fetish where the husband or male partner gets his female partner to have sex with another male. Whether he participates or not, but definitely watches them have sex. In most cultures, if the husband found out he has the right to kill one or both of them and get away free. In some cultures, the adulterers meet with harsh punishment – stoning and castration. But there are exceptions. It has now become a trend and according to reports the google search for “cuckolding” is rapidly rising. There are reports that many couples are actively engaging in this kink, including yours truly. A CNN survey found that cuckolding is healthy for a marriage and for the people engaging in the act.
Why would a husband become a cuckold? In most cases it is at the persuasion, cajoling and coaxing of the husband, that the woman gets into cuckolding. Everyone likes to sleep with multiple partners and have a threesome or more, given a choice? When the woman accepts, it is because she does want to convert her fantasies into reality. Yet, she stalls because she is wary of the husband’s intention. I get to sleep with multiple men and enjoy sex without guilt, but what is there in it for him? There are psychological reasons for it, and theories have been propounded about cuckolding. I will try to give my example and let the readers decide as to exactly what he gets out of it and what I get out of it. At the end they can decide whether they should be getting into it.
We have had an erotic sex life throughout our marriage. I am a sensuous woman, and attract men like metal to magnet. My husband always gets an instant hard on around me. We have shared many of my threesome fantasies together and have had hot steamy sex after that. He was possessive and jealous about me in the first five years of marriage. But he changed around to letting me act out my fantasies, if I so desired. He actively persuaded me to fulfill my inner desire to have multiple lovers.
I have need to be flirtatious and seductive with men, since then, without going the whole way of sleeping with them. Twice or thrice, I almost did, but reasoning got the better of me. I withdrew at the last moment, after making the guys feel that I was available. Some of the reasons were that they were not anonymous, we knew them personally. I was afraid of complications. I also, did not wish to cheat on my husband. It is difficult to ask a guy, “Hang on, let me call my husband and tell him what I am about to do.” So, it didn’t happen – the risks were too high.
I think given a choice, any woman will like to be molested and fucked by many men. Women are by nature polygamous and may be that is the reason why man has dominated them and kept them in wraps. The difference between naming the act as molestation or rape or whatever – is consent and permission. So, when my husband suggested that I have threesome sex with other men while he watches and then we fuck to relive the events, it sounded like I had won a lottery. But then, I got suspicious. I could not find an answer as to why he should be so altruistic, to let me have all the fun without wanting to do the same in return.
We were having hot sex anyway, there was no danger of things cooling down between us. All kind of doubts crossed my mind. Maybe he was no more attracted to me, but he still got stiff even from a look that I can give. Possibly, he wanted another woman and as soon as I did it, he will demand his pound of flesh. I resisted for about five years until I decided to plunge into threesome cuckolding. We have been doing it for ten years, and none of my doubts have come true.
I did not jump into threesome cuckolding, as soon as my husband offered me a chance to sleep with multiple men. He knows me so well, that he knows how to get his way with me. I wanted to test how badly he wanted me to sleep with other men. And if he had an ulterior motive, to make me stray and then follow the route. His interest never wavered. We started with first play acting that I was indeed sleeping with someone else for a threesome. So, I would name a person that I was interested in – someone we know or a stranger, who attracted my attention. He would pretend to be that man. A vibrator would be the third person of the threesome.
While we were engaging in threesome sex I would describe, what the man was doing to me. What I was doing to him and I would cry out loud that man’s name when I moaned or came. I wanted to find evidence of any jealousy or envy in him, but I saw none. In fact, he started to love, hug and caress me more and wanted to fuck every day. I knew that he was serious about me having sex with other men. His argument was if all my senses needed variety why should my vagina be deprived of a multitude of tongues and cocks? He had a point in that.
How to find out his ulterior motives? And I kept asking him. He said he had no interest in other women. I did not believe him. He does look at women, primarily interested in looking at the shape and boobs, He openly admits that he watches women, but has no interest beyond that. I could not find out about his ulterior motives, unless I plunged straight into swinging. I was so keen to fuck other men that I decided to take the chance and deal with it, if ever.
We were sure that if my fucking another guy did happen, it could not happen with someone we knew. It could not happen in our home, as we could not get a stranger into our house and bedroom. What if he started to blackmail us? It could not happen in the other guy’s home, because we did not know him. It could not happen in a hotel, as again things can go out of hand, when you go into a room with a total stranger. We do not have swinger clubs within a 100-mile radius, so we could not go to a club. Will this then remain just a fantasy? How long can fantasies keep the sex hot?
We found clothes optional holiday destination at Jamaica -Hedonism 3. We could take baby steps to fulfill our fantasy and then go full blast? It was 2004 and not much information about swinging was available on the net. We decided to go there with an open mind and see how it goes. On or first trip we engaged in lots of open public sex between ourselves. We also tried to be as shockingly exhibitionist as possible. People encouraged us on, we made friends, but no one really asked for sex. We had a great time and got addicted to naked exhibitionism. I was not sure if I would be able to live my fantasy of multiple sex partners with the onset of menopause. I suspected that most men wanted younger women, I was too old. It took me six long years after that to lose my swinger virginity.
Our next opportunity to swing was five years later, as Jamaica was a long way from home. We had visited the inauguration of Desire resort at Los Cabos, but that was a disaster for both them and us. Nothing at all happened, except lounging naked around the pool. We didn’t know that Desire is couples only, and we are not into couples. We managed to get to Hedonism 3, just before it closed. I was not sure if anything will happen. We started out with our usual stuff, romping around naked, dirty dancing at the disco and participating in all the naughty competitions.
Our week was ending with the 4th of July weekend. Around Thursday many people started to arrive, a group of black swingers from New York City. By Friday, when we were at the hot tub someone asked me if I am a swinger. He complimented me and said he will do anything to taste my pussy. I turned around, sat on the ledge of the pool and put my crotch up, opened my legs to rest on his shoulders. He lapped up my pussy like a cat lapping up milk, in broad daylight with everyone watching.
The sensation of being licked by a foreign tongue for the first time got me going. As tensions built up, I involuntarily put my hand at the back of his head. I then pushed my pussy hard against his mouth and gyrated to a loud moaning orgasm. When I heard loud claps from the watchers, I blushed and put my head down and tried to hide away from the world. It was a beginning. He asked me if he could penetrate me, but I said no. I couldn’t make up my mind. There was some soft petting with another guy, an oral orgasm and nothing else during this trip. I didn’t meet many single guys and when some male was interested, they were accompanied.
By next year we had become US residents and could visit Jamaica every year. When Hedonism 3 closed soon after our above visit, we thought that opportunity was closed. We found Hedonism 2 and booked for the next year, not knowing what to expect, again. My three trips had shown me enough to be convinced that I wanted multiple sex partners. I basked in the glory of being complimented, was eager to display my sensuality and was game to try anything and everything to attract men to me for sex. I wanted to be touched, caressed, kissed, licked and fucked while my husband watched and sometimes participated.
When I was not ready for it, I felt discarded and unwanted. Now that I was ready, it happened on our first night. It is as if I was a different person, the only woman in town and all the men wanted me. As soon as I entered the dining hall, I could feel an electric atmosphere, where all eyes were looking at me. I couldn’t explain why I felt that all the eyes and hands wanted to swarm and feel every inch of my body. I was getting goose bumps all over. My pussy going wet and may be started to trickle a few juices down my inner thigh.
If you want something, the whole universe will conspire to bring that to you – Paul Coelho. When I decided to go all out, I didn’t have to ask anyone – I attracted everyone. They came in swarms to suck honey out of my pussy. My cuckolding life had jump started. Until I was in self-doubt, confused and not convinced what I really wanted, things didn’t seem to happen. When things didn’t happen, my self-doubt became worse. Once I was ready, the same evening I had one of the most wonderful moments with my first full lover.
I didn’t know him, he did not know me. He came out of nowhere, sat next to me, and asked – do you play? I said – YES. Out there in the open, my head in my husband’s lap, my legs over his shoulder, I had the best orgasm of my life. Not because of how good he was, it was the newness of it all. He then kissed me, hugged and put my hand on his erect shaft. He put my down on the floor, lay down by my side, lifted one leg over his hips, and entered me. My husband made sure that he wore a condom. I was too far in seventh heaven to realize what was going on. He was an experienced lover, knew exactly how to please a woman. I don’t know, how long he fucked me in that position and made me cry with multiple orgasms.
During those seven days I had sex with multiple people – each better than the other with gay abandon. Even had a gang bang session with three other men and husband taking turns to lick me and fuck me. I had become a full swinger, a hot wife and a cuckolding wife all in one – and going strong in my 8th year of enjoying sex with other in my husband’s presence.
Read my Books on Kindle at Amazon
Visit my Swingtown Page
Cuckolding Goddess Style With Billy – A True Story, by Venus Shaw
Our First Swinger 7 Day Holiday at Hedonism III

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