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  1. 11 points
    Hello My name is Leah, also known as PSULioness an alumna of Pennsylvania State University where I belonged to a sorority I will not name. A little over 8 years ago I attended a football game with friends I knew from school that ended up a snowy day and a day that changed my life. I know some here think I was bullied and quit posting because of an individual saying nasty things to me which I only wish was the reason. I will now try to clear up any thoughts or questions on what happened in my life. If you are uninterested please skip my what may be lengthy history. First I want to thank a few friends who supported me through some trying times the last few years. I never thought I would seek guidance from older than me strangers who I found to be wiser. To continue, on that snowy day, a friend and guy friend convinced me to stay with them instead of driving in the snow. The 3 of us shared a bed in a local hotel which I agreed to innocently. At the time I was living with my future husband and was monogamous. You don’t need to be a scholar to figure what happened that night. To this day I don’t know how things went from innocent to much more. My girlfriend who was in the middle put her arm around me while I was sleeping then went further. How or why I didn’t stop her I can’t say. I never had any sexual desire for any girl in my life. I’ve told this story so many times I wonder how much is memory or how much is how I remember it. That night I became non-monogamous and had my first of many bi-sexual encounters. I’m not sure what bothered me more, the girlfriend or having sex with a guy I didn’t know. It was around that time I found out some of my sorority sisters were bi. That’s all background to me getting married, my husband getting to enjoy my friend’s openly sexual parties, me sharing my friends with him and me coming close with my husband’s best friend. Details aren’t important but his friend became my best friend when my husband traveled for business. My husband encouraged me, I didn’t do anything that he didn’t approve. My narrative turns now. At that point we decided to start a family and I became pregnant, something we were very happy about. That is when darkness set in, I had a feeling that his friend was the father. Stupidly I continued to be with our friend after stopping birth control. Call it bad timing, it had to be our friend. That is when my lies started, I had the pregnancy terminated, telling everyone I had a miscarriage. Dark days led to fights and a divorce. Darker days were ahead. I met a man who took me in. Older than me, he was a swinger and used me as an entree to parties. Things got worse after we moved to New England. He started to have friends come over just for sex. I swear he was a pimp, the men were nasty. I should have run away but had nowhere to go, I couldn’t admit what I was doing to my parents in NY. The sex also took a turn, he started being into sadism, spanking. The men he invited wanted to spank a young girl. He made me dress in school girl clothes for the men. I just couldn’t do it anymore and called a friend who saved me and moved me back to NJ. That is the reason I stopped posting, not because of nasty comments, I only wish that was the cause. I’m doing better now, moving on with my life with the help of good caring friends. Thank you to the friends I made here who check up on me and my well being. As my Dad would say “Peace”☮️
  2. 10 points
    Thank you all for your kind words.
  3. 9 points
    So sorry to hear of the sad events that occurred in your life. Glad things have turned around for you. Open sexuality can be light and fun, but in the wrong hands it can be destructive. I always enjoyed your posts and I am happy to hear that you have moved past bad situations and I wish you future happiness and fulfillment.
  4. 9 points
    Thank you all for advice, guidance and help setting up our first meeting of someone for sex. We had previously set up to attend a party that we drove hours to get to then decided not to join. Our first swing was terrific with vacationers at an adult only resort. No planning it happened in a very fun meeting. Since coming home we wondered what meeting others would be. With help we used a profile to search for a long distance meeting. We had plenty of fun looking and wondering, we also had plenty of frustration. We weren’t in a rush to meet others knowing the longer we waited the more difficult it would be for me. My husband did most of the searching and I would read the profiles he chose. We found an attractive younger non married couple. I thought too much younger and I posted my thoughts here. The advice we were given was they weren’t that much younger and age is a number. Some of you stated that you met others 20 years older. More advice, meet at a neutral site to see if we liked them stipulating no sex on first date. It worked we liked them, we felt they liked us. We set up a “date” for the next night if we could get someone to watch our kids. Next night was our first swinger meeting. It went well, even great. The best part is I know that I can swing. I can meet others for sexual pleasure without guilt. I felt this was my only opportunity, if it didn’t work out I most likely would go back to a quiet life.
  5. 8 points
    I was always adamant on enjoying a partner privately in a separate room away from my husband and others watching. My feelings go back to our original, and still my favorite swap partner. Normally we meet our friends for vacations, cruises, and occasionally at their home. This past weekend they came to the Jersey shore with several other couples who were interested in going to our clothing optional beach. Swapping for us started on a cruise and a visit to a nude beach about 10 years ago. Those who know Gunnisons beach know there isn’t many hotels on the beach, our friends rented a shore house a half hour away. Also you need to get to this area early if you want to get a parking spot. We met them on the beach and being the locals we brought the best bagels, lox, cream cheese and a Jersey specialty, Pork Roll. No fights, Taylor Ham. Meeting on a nude beach is the best, no problems later being naked. Back at the rental things went perfectly as all was done in a huge family room. No pairing off for private play as I usually do, it was just fun for fun’s sake. Mr S2P and I were the newbies to most of them and became the attention of those who wanted to welcome us to their fun. This is not the first time we were with a party group, I always felt uncomfortable in front of a crowd. I enjoy staying with one partner so I needed to change my attitude and let go.
  6. 7 points
    Leah, I'm glad you're back and glad you're doing better despite a fair amount of tragedy in your life. I'm sure your caring friends would agree when I say please don't beat yourself up over what transpired. Honestly, it sounds to me like the men who should have supported and respected you didn't. Having been in the LS 26 years, my wife and I are aware of some of its pitfalls. Regarding the pregnancy risk, we have had close calls. As the husband I have always accepted full responsibility in the event something went wrong. Had it been an accidental pregnancy I made it clear from the outset I would support my wife through whatever outcome she chose - including the prospect of raising the child as our own. It sounds like your confusion and lying was the result of being afraid and feeling unsupported by your husband. It shouldn't have been a burden you felt like you had to carry alone. Forgive my conjecture, but I feel like the destructive relationship with the older swinger gentleman may have been the result of undeserved guilt and self-loathing resulting from the messy divorce etc you suffered through. None of this should be your burden to bear alone. The men in your life didn't support you. I feel like if your husband could have been more supportive your story would be very different. I'm sure he enjoyed the threesomes he shared with you, but when the very real repercussions came home to roost he let you down. Welcome back! As you know, we in the LS are supportive and non-judgemental. I am happy to have you back among us!
  7. 6 points
    A friend of mine showed me one in HS. The cover featured a POV photo facing down at a woman on her knees, mouth open, a circle of 4 or 5 hard cocks around her face. Inside were those grainy b&w photos of people who looked like our parents - engaged in unspeakable acts and seeking willing partners. My friend and I laughed and made fun - but my mind was reeling. I had no idea a lifestyle like this was available! From that moment on I knew I wanted to be a swinger when I 'grew up'. I would casually float the idea to girls I dated, and if they were repulsed I honestly saw no future with them.
  8. 6 points
    From a physician: we have heard it all, seen it all, and have one priority--your health. Please, tell us relevant information and help us help you stay safe.
  9. 6 points
    I learned like you Lioness that things can change drastically in moments in life. I had friends who were healthy have heart attacks and die. The word LIFE is in lifestyle nothing is guaranteed. I am learning to be a survivor, you need to go on and be a survivor too. I don’t know how we went from fun to disaster, it came on quick. I question how I let it happen but won’t blame myself as you shouldn’t take the blame. Step 1 is accepting Step 2 move on. Step 3 don’t repeat. You are young, younger from most on here, young enough to make a new life. You also are smart enough now to look for the signs of abuse. As others mentioned we are happy you are back as sad as your story is. We are scarred but not defeated. Leah you wrote a short summary of what I know is a much deeper horror. Thank democracy and freedom as a woman that you took the steps you needed in what had to be the darkest point. WE WILL Survive.
  10. 6 points
    I was raised in a very strict rural area where sex was never discussed in my house. The fear of God was my upbringing. Everyone knew who were the “loose” girls. My sex life stopped short of losing my virginity before marriage, my husband was my first. I know that is old fashioned and after meeting a more worldly woman on our vacation we realized that our beliefs were just fear. I now the stupidity of ridiculous godly fears. Thankfully we are young enough to enjoy ourselves now for many years.
  11. 5 points
    Do not depend on thinking your not fertile week is foolproof. Every body is different and cycles change even if you are regular. If you aren’t on some method, pill, mechanical, or shot, be prepared for surprises. Can you live with what may happen or is your partner?
  12. 5 points
    Once we were on Gunnison. A couple moved their chairs closer and closer to us. We had dinner with them. Played the next night. They admitted they were trying to pick us up, which was flattering. Another time we met a group at Gunnison. Chatted with a couple we did not know. As we were leaving, we asked where they were staying. The hotel room next to ours! Blah, blah, blah, dinner, we did each other. I said we often have sex with the couples next door.
  13. 5 points
    If I need a label I am becoming sexual. A Lesbian is both physically and romantically attracted to other women, I am much more attracted to men and enjoyed the additional fun with a woman. I was first curious of having sex with a new man which led to going further with a woman for the first time. Our second was primarily for exploring sex with another man, his girlfriend was just part of the fun. Timmy and I thought she was attractive, neither of us were romantically attracted to her. I have no regrets having sex with the women, both were fun and rewarding. Both and now my third female were not my primary attraction, they were more a dessert. I think too many labels are put on people which causes decisiveness.
  14. 5 points
    Anyone on the Board longer? I think I need twice the Viagra dose of when I started! Glad to still be here!
  15. 5 points
    Leah, it's so good to have you back. I remember you fondly. I'm so sorry about all the trying times you've gone through, I so hope the rest of your life is happy and fulfilling.
  16. 5 points
    I admired you and your approach to life and the lifestyle while it was going well, and now I admire your resilience when things became difficult. And I appreciate you sharing with us here.
  17. 5 points
    for all you've been through, your inner strength and resilience shine, and it is always harder than imagined, we admire you. Thankful for good friends, they are a true blessing, unfortunately they are hard to come by. Wishing you the best forward, you deserve it!
  18. 5 points
    Leah, I'm glad you're back! It's horrendous what has happened. We stand with you!!
  19. 5 points
    What the exact words were I don’t remember. She was telling us about the other resorts, one was Hedonism, I don’t remember the others where there is sex parties and nude beaches. I let her know I was a virgin when we married and Timmy is the only one who I had sex with. We joked about that, I then said I did have other kinds of sex before. Don’t know why I told her about hand and oral sex before we married. She said she loss count on the men she had sex with. We talked about my childhood and didn’t want my reputation in our town talked about. The conversation was going to an embarrassing way about did I ever wonder what it would be like with another man. Think my sunburn didn’t cover the other shades I turned. We talked religion and then others finding out. She said nobody at the hotel is from my town and she thought Timmy would enjoy another woman. I said I don’t remember the exact words that convinced me, maybe that we will probably never get this chance again. Now we know it’s hard to get a second chance of meeting but not impossible.
  20. 5 points
    My fantasy has always been to watch my wife get fucked by another man. We have been with another woman before which is a whole story in itself that I’ll tell you about later. One night several years ago my wife and I had gone to a club. Not your ordinary club, but a good club for swingers and singles. The night had started out rather slow and we were not finding any action that I had hoped. My wife knows what she wants and that is what we go with. And that night we found what she wanted and it was such a great experience she knew she wanted to do it again. She had gotten fucked by a black guy and she had enjoyed it. So, when we got the chance, she wanted to try it again. Being at a swinger’s club isn’t really her thing, but fucking in front of people or listening to them fuck is a big turn-on for her. Since we don’t live close to any swingers’ clubs or anything of that nature, we don’t get many opportunities to do anything like this. A couple of years ago we got a chance to go to another club. Yes, one of those clubs. We were looking for a little fun and hoping to find something as good as the last time we were out. We talked to many people as the night went on and my wife was trying to figure out what we were going to be doing to have fun that night. There was a hot blonde that was interested in us and kept on grabbing my cock which my wife was loving because this was getting her going. My wife and I decided that this was not what we had in mind for tonight, so we just kind of let that slide and we went on to pursue something else. She said she would know it when she saw it. My wife had put a couple of drinks down and was feeling pretty good now. She was a little more daring and said she wanted to go change outfits like she did when we had been to a club previously. We had brought the very same sexy outfit that was see through, so she went and changed into it. When she came back out, there was not one guy's eyes on anyone but her. Even the women were looking on in awe. She is a beautiful woman that knows how to control a room. One guy came up to me and told me he was jealous. He said he would do anything to get to fuck my wife, but she just didn’t feel right with him, I guess. As we were standing around, in came this well-built younger black guy and I think she almost came right there. The look on her face was almost mind blowing. She got this horny grin and told me she was ready to start our night. As he walked by her, she gave him this dirty smile and took her hand and rubbed down by her cunt. He stopped walking and came over to her and asked if he could help her with anything. She just smiled and said that I think you already know what you can do. They danced around a little bit, but I could tell she couldn’t take it anymore, so she quickly unzipped his pants and took out his cock and grabbed it and lead him into another room like a dog on a leash. I stayed back a couple of minutes to give them some time to get to know each other. When I did finally get to the other room, they had already undressed and she was sucking his cock. It was larger than mine. Not much longer, but thicker. I could tell she liked it. My wife had picked a room where people would be able to watch if they wanted to. I stayed back in the wings and was kind of hidden so she really didn’t know I was even there. As I watched my wife in action, I could tell she was enjoying every second of this guy’s cock. She was sucking it like there was no tomorrow. Now it was his turn to return the favor. He got his face down to her pussy and started licking like it was candy. She was turning red and I could tell she was already about to cum. She was squirming and shaking and he was getting her cunt all ready for his big shaft. But before he fucked her, he now spread her legs out and started fingering her pussy to the point that she started squirting fluids all over the sheet they were laying on. It was like the flood gates had opened up and all the juices were flowing. She finally had all she could take because I’m sure she had cum multiple times already and I could tell she just wanted to have him inside her. I heard her say to give me your big, black cock. He asked her if she wanted him to put on a condom and she told him no, she wanted to feel him inside her cunt. He took her and spread her legs wide and slowly inserted his bbc into her tight cunt. She told him to go slowly because she said it was so big that she needed to get used to it. After several minutes of the slow movement, she said she needed him to fuck her harder so he started to go full penetration into her dripping wet cunt. She was telling him how good his cock felt, and how she loved fucking him. They switched positions multiple times with her sitting on top of his cock and riding him like she has never ridden before. My wife took his whole cock inside of her as deeply as she could, rubbing back and forth and cumming time and time again. They finally switched back to missionary style and were fucking hard when I heard her say to him, she wanted him to cum in her pussy. She said she wanted to feel his cum drip out of her pussy all night long. When he heard her say that, he started to pick up the pace and finally started moaning and said he was about to cum. My wife was now cumming herself and as he shot his load inside of her, she started squirming and shaking with every pulse of his exploding cock. Her body was red from all of her orgasms, and I could tell she was getting worn out. They had gone for almost 40 minutes of nonstop action. Not to mention that all the other people that had gathered around to watch started going to other parts of the place as they had gotten a show that they would remember forever. When he pulled his now soft cock out of my wife, I could see the cum dripping down her ass. She was getting what she wanted, I guess. She would be able to feel his cum dripping out of her the rest of the night. But I didn’t realize that she was not done yet. She wanted more. My wife took his cock and started sucking on it again. I guess he was young enough that almost instantly he got hard and she took his cock and guided it into her cunt and said she needed more of his cum. He fucked her for another 10 minutes until he exploded with more cum inside my wife’s pussy again. Again, as I watched the cum drip down her ass, she was getting what she wanted. She was going to feel this the rest of the night. They both started cleaning up a little and I slowly came out of the crowd that had gathered. She saw me and gave me that dirty little smile she sometimes gets. My wife asked me if I had enjoyed her show. She said she needed to have a little more cum in her pussy tonight and she now wanted mine. Her new little friend just kind of sat back in the corner and decided to watch us. I knew I wouldn’t last long because I had almost cum multiple times just watching her. With some of the crowd still watching I got undressed, and slid my wet with pre-cum cock into my wife’s cum-loaded pussy. I fucked her until she started cumming. Her cunt convulsed so hard that it squeezed my cock and made me start to cum. I came in her pussy, mixing my cum with my wife’s new fuck buddies cum. I pulled my cock out and watched it all slowly slide down her ass. She got up and went over to our young fuck buddy and she gave him a long passionate kiss and said thank you for such a great time. He gave her one last little finger fucking and handed her a card of his if we were ever in the area again. He left after he got dressed and we got cleaned up and went out to the main room. I had multiple people including women and even the bartender say that my wife was one of the women they would like to fuck if they ever got a chance after seeing her in action. I guess I’m the lucky one here. Later that night when we were driving to our resort, she slipped her hand down pants and put her fingers in her pussy. She brought them out and rubbed them on my face. She smiled and said we gotta do this again sometime as we pulled into the parking lot to call it a night. And what a night it was.
  21. 5 points
    When we and a special couple went on vacation together - one as long as two weeks, we slept with the other spouses most nights. We all seemed to enjoy it. But . . . it leads to knowing the other person, and you get to thinking of them as more of a friend than a sexy person. Puts a different perspective on it.
  22. 5 points
    Both my wife and I have gone on vacations with someone each of us considers "special" in our group, for between a week and two. I've gone on trips with another wife with whom I share non-sexual interests (classical music, theater, museums), which our spouses don't. The trips includes good, fun sex as well, but it's not the primary motivation. My wife has gone on vacations with both the husband and wife of another couple, and with the husband alone. The interest there among the three of them is romantic. In every instance it's worked out fine. The wayward spouse comes home happy, the spouse left at home is glad to see her/him, we all agree it amps up the marital relationships.
  23. 5 points
    The whole thing sounds like an excuse for the women to get pedicures. Good luck and let us know how it works out.
  24. 4 points
    Someone asked me why I enjoy doing a sex act which has had me thinking the reason I do at the strangest times. I even woke up in the middle of the night thinking of the answer and thinking of the first time I did this act. I used the search button to see how others answered, I’ve searched the internet how others feel about the subject and the reason some women give for doing it. Prior to being asked I hardly ever thought about my limited premarital sex acts or why I was able to enjoy this one thing with several boyfriends. BLOWJOBS. The question was why do I enjoy giving my husband blowjobs. Some answer there is joy in giving someone you love pleasure, something that is true for me and should be enough of a reason. The more I think the more I know there are other reasons, I didn’t always love the person I gave a blow job and didn’t love the men I just met. I feel I am not the only one who gave a blowjob before having lost her virginity. Others were more advanced and guys expected things. I went from through the clothes touching to using my hand. The first time making my boyfriend ejaculate was very exciting to me, but messy. As others mentioned that sexual excitement makes us “wet” too. My next step was a blowjob, a penis a barely saw in the dark, only felt already erect. What made me kiss and then take him in my mouth was my wanting to as much as he wanted it. Over 25 years later I visualize the taste and scent. His moans and movements made me excited. I don’t know why I continued knowing what was next, I enjoyed it. I only had a few boyfriends before Timmy yet each one was happy that I enjoyed the feel, the texture, the growth from soft to hard or was it the power, or the safety of staying a virgin. Do men feel the same way when doing oral to women or do you make it just the first part of sex. Will you be satisfied if she orgasms and doesn’t reciprocate? Has everything changed with swinging or do others enjoy what they always enjoyed. I saw the poll Do you swallow, do those that don’t is it because of taste or something else? I don’t have answers to feelings or the why I enjoy, I just have an increased imagination and thoughts now.
  25. 4 points
    There are two versions of my answer. This is the long answer: We have been together for over 40 tears, and have three children. We used the body temperature and physical signs of ovulation as Natural Family planning, as it was taught in the 80's. It does require vigilance, trust, and cooperation in the couple. It does keep in the conscious mind ones continuous fertility. As a matter of philosophy and religious belief, remaining open to children suited us. We never used any other means of birth control. We have three children, all conceived on the schedule that we chose. One of them we can link her conception to a particular evening with very much certainty. This suited us as a couple very well and performed as we wished. That being said, you ask about a sexual relationship with a woman who is married to someone else. The common interest and the trust in sharing that interest that is part of the marriage relationship, is not present for you. She potentially has loyalties and agendas of her own or that belong to her own couple. We knew, that whatever happened, we were in this for the long haul. You two are a LS pairing. There is more than just your evening enjoyment involved. There is the possibility of another life, and how you choose to deal with that life if it occurs, or if it will even be a common choice. How ever that plays out, each of you each will be at the start point and will have it as part of your life stories . Being in the LS it is very tempting to minimize some of the choices that we make. There is the tendency to minimize, sometimes unwisely, these concerns. That was the long answer: The short answer is , no. Use condoms at all times.
  26. 4 points
    Use a condom at all times. Also provides limited STD protection. Also slows your ejaculation, hopefully in a good way.
  27. 4 points
    We played the Bar Pickup many times with both success and failure. Our first was after reading a thread here we figured it could be fun to try. It had to be 10 years ago we went to a hotel bar in Princeton where I struck up a conversation with a businessman, Michael next to me. It was fun to tease even if nothing happened. We tried another guy at the bar who wanted to pay me but backed out when I said my husband wanted to watch. Our first success was a salesman at a bar who was training another young salesman. It was 10 years ago but I remember they had just met for the training. I had to convince them my husband was just going to watch. Most likely it was because there were two of them and they were young they brought me to a room. What was fun was getting two virile guys naked, once they were things went great. That was a scenario we repeated many times with varied results.
  28. 4 points
    We enjoy this game 😃 Weirdest time was when we played it in a bar in Santa Fe NM. A guy with a big cowboy hat approached my wife. It seemed to be going well until she waved me over to introduce me. I could see by his face it wasn't going to go well. He loudly berated us both as "sick" and stormed out. You could hear a pin drop and all eyes were on us lol
  29. 4 points
    The 5 daily plus a boost is a fairly common regimen. Mr. FL has been on tadalafil (Cialis) for about a decade for some mild pulmonary hypertension and the boost noted here is precisely what he does.
  30. 4 points
    They didn’t ask for us to pay we volunteered. Timmy said the hotel is about $150 and not a big deal if we do end up paying for it. I laugh because he is so excited that there is another woman involved, 3 of us and only 2 men. It is still so new to us.
  31. 4 points
    We def have a bit of an exhibitionist streak 😜
  32. 4 points
    We met our first on a cruise so there may be something about vacations that loosen your inhibitions. The couple we swapped with joined us on a nude beach followed by plenty of liquor on the ship. All these years later I say it was the best romantic night in our swapping life. The way he touched me, kissed me and made love to me is burnt into my memory. He saw be naked as I saw him that day on the beach yet it was so much different alone in a cabin and allowing him in me. MT how did you feel when a stranger entered you that first time and did you have concerns? We meet our firsts who don’t live near us and I’m wondering why you don’t contact them or meet them.
  33. 4 points
    Our first experience happened in 2016 while we were on vacation. We'd dabbled online with little success and we weren't crazy about playing close to home, so we'd talked for a long time about checking out a club while out of town. We ended up going to Secrets in Orlando and almost immediately struck up a conversation with a lovely Canadian couple also there on vacation. He was a handsome burly guy & she was a hot busty blonde and we hit it off almost too well because we all got way too drunk at the bar but the omlet buffet saved our lives (or at least our night.) amd sobered us up. We decided to go take a swim in the pool next and we all saw each other naked for the first time there. I immediately started to get hard lol. Oops. Nobody seemed to mind. After lounging in the hot tub (and fondling my wife's pussy under the water while she stroked my cock as we were both incredibly horny). Me and the husband stepped aside and had the conversation and complimented each other's wives amazing tits in the process. We confirmed we were all on the same page, then they asked to go to the playroom. We went to an open bed area first, I didn't really know the etiquette but I guess it was more of an orgy area. Our own wives each starting sucking our cocks side by side and things started heating up but we kept getting interrupted by handsy single guys trying to fuck my wife so we moved to a private room. My wife asked the other woman if she could eat her pussy and they started together. I then got behind my wife and started eating it from the back while the other wife sucked off her husband. Then he asked .."Would you like to switch?" I looked at my wife who nodded in agreement and then let this beautiful, well endowed gal I'd just met give me an amazing blowjob. And I glanced down to see a guy I'd just met spreading my wife's ass cheeks apart and tongue fucking her while she ate his wife out. We switched again and I ate the Canadian wife's pussy from the back while she ate my wife out, and I look up to see my wife taking another cock in her mouth for the first time. Was I jealous? Was I mad? Nope. I was turned on! They both agreed since it was our first time a soft swap was best, so we both played with each partner in that manner for a while and then each fucked our own spouses in front of each other. We said our goodbyes, had a wonderful time, never heard from them again and our cherry's had been popped.
  34. 4 points
    You have heard excellent commentary. Yours was a learning experience. Over the decades (OMG, it has been decades…) we have adopted a fairly standard approach. 1. We prefer a phone conversation or brief video call prior to the first meeting. We want to know who we are meeting. We like video, as the camera is pretty good at telling us whether the posted photos are 20-years-ago or accurate representations of who the couple is today. 2. First meeting is in a public place, usually a light meal, always messaging “no expectations, we do not play on the first date”. 3. When we meet the couple for dinner, we are asking ourselves four questions: a. Does this couple behave like a couple? Do they have the gentle banter that signals that they are in love and on the same page? b. Is there any depth? Does the conversation get beyond sports and weather? c. How do they treat others, such as the (anonymous) waitstaff? Are they engaged and kind? d. Can we see ourselves naked in the hot tub with this couple? 4. We always find a way to excuse ourselves for a moment — perhaps to take a call. This gives the other couple a chance to check in as well. Both of us have unquestioned veto power. No excuses or explanations required. We do this midway through the meal just to get a sense of how much we want to chat with/reveal to the other couple. 5. We always end the meal on a gracious note. Later, we will discuss things between ourselves and figure out what sort of a thank you note to send. Great matches in the LS are … rare. Cherish the ones that you make. And don’t ever “take one for the team.”
  35. 4 points
    I’ve read in profiles: “If you don’t look like your pictures, you are buying us drinks until you do.” P.S., we have met couples who post as 10 years younger than us and are 10 years older. People notice.
  36. 4 points
    Hello lilinny, Welcome to the board. Please know that anything can be discussed here and that there is a wealth of knowledge available to you here. With regards to the situation you have outlined above, I am going to be very direct with you; you let it happen. If you are ever in a situation, and are uncomfortable, for any reason, leave. End of story. Before you play again, ensure that you understand each other and know your boundaries/preferences, etc. That way, when you meet a couple, you can clearly express this. The wagon travels as fast as the slowest horse; one of you (you or your spouse) will be more conservative in any given situation; that dictates the speed of how things should proceed. Watch out for couples that try to separate you or don't respect your boundaries/wishes; walk away from folks like this. People that lie on their profiles are liars; avoid them. We wish you well in this pursuit; take your time and keep your relationship as your focus.
  37. 4 points
    I am just opposite, I like fast funk music playing and in front of people, especially if my partner likes to also. I can think of 3 different times at parties having sex surrounded by partygoers. I like it more if I don't know many of the people, yet they are shouting encouragement.
  38. 4 points
    What does it for me is watching either of "my" men or "my" women having sex, getting jealous over it, then doing it myself either one-on-one with a guy or FFM. But for me, when I'm having sex I don't want music, an audience (if you'd going to watch, be quiet), multiple men at once (except DP), or other distractions. When I get into it, I'm really into it.
  39. 4 points
    We enjoy swapping. Most of our playing has been in separate rooms.
  40. 4 points
    You folks have an understanding of our poly life, but imagine living together just swapping bedrooms, having every combination of children together, that's us.
  41. 4 points
    I'm a woman who wears dresses and skirts with no panties. I do it for comfort, but it makes me feel super sexy as well.
  42. 4 points
    Mrs Doc wears bra and panties for work each day. They hit the laundry basket within 10 minutes of her walking in the door. At home, no, never!! Depending on the outfit, she will wear a bra when we go out socially but she and I both prefer a sundress (ONLY a sundress) and heels.
  43. 3 points
    To be clear, when birth control methods are compared the standard of comparison is what percentage of women in a large cohort practicing that method will become pregnant over the course of a year. So, in the context of a lifestyle ONS both look pretty effective. Over the years, and to my chagrin, two of my occasional FWB partners became pregnant. (I was a slow learner…🙄) In neither instance was sex initially planned for our time together. The regular partner of the first was vasectomy-safe and she hadn’t been practicing BC. We were together for several days and toward the end she said she thought she might be getting close to the beginning of a risky point in her cycle, so we stopped having penetrative sex. The second did not then have a regular partner, but was in the middle of her period. "I’m bleeding like a stuck pig," she said to me when I inquired about her BC status. In both cases the women had abortions. In one case there were no serious repercussions for our friendship; in the other we remained friends, but there was significant damage. I’m sorry these women and I were not more prudent partners. In terms of the lifestyle, I don’t believe I ever slipped my unwrapped cock into the pussy of a woman who might even possibly have been capable of conceiving. From a moral perspective I would not wish to be part of creating a human life that I was not prepared to appropriately support through its childhood and into adulthood. From a practical perspective, though the risk might be remote, you could end up being financially partially responsible for a child created with a partner with whom you were barely acquainted.
  44. 3 points
    Personally, I would combine the app with the pullout method, but that’s just my opinion. 95% is too risky for me. That means there’s a 5% chance she gets pregnant…
  45. 3 points
    Me too! All the reasons I stayed a virgin, saving myself for marriage were ridiculous. I was a healthy curious girl just like all my friends and nothing horrible happened to them except the one girl in HS who became pregnant. I so wanted to do more after having a boyfriend touch my breasts and feeling something strange happen to me. I have hysterical laughs thinking about “grinding” and him having a wet spot that he tried to hide. Or the time he let me use my hand but made him stop when he felt me. Different boyfriend who was the first to have me really see his penis and my first blow job. Still saving myself. I lost out on all the fun I know others had. I now feel it was all for no reason.
  46. 3 points
    People said the same about swinging. Now it's a social trend.
  47. 3 points
    I agree, I take my viagra the same way and seems like I have the same results as you. The stimulation that you mention is an important part, some women think a viagra pill is all we need , stimulation is key, especially 2nd or 3rd time. 69 works best for me especially when my partner enjoys 69 as me !
  48. 3 points
    For my wife, it's not putting on a show per se, but she enjoys knowing I am watching and enjoying watching her having sex with another man. When we first got into it with MFMs, she always wanted me to be directly involved. Over time, she learned she really enjoyed me sitting back and enjoying the view.
  49. 3 points
    We have done it with friend couple, from Friday to Sunday, we have had book rooms in two different hotels, it was a very nice and exciting weekend.
  50. 3 points
    I wear bras to work, panties sometimes. While going out it's 50/50 on the bra. I love to have my pierced nipples on display. Summer is coming, I can't wait to break out the string tank tops
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