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Found 93 results

  1. We had this poll a while back but it was prior to the software change, so it got lost. Figured I'd post it again. Do you use online personal ads to meet other swingers?
  2. How do you handle privacy on SLS? I am unsure of whether I should put faces in my pics or not. I just don't want these pictures to be harvested by pic collectors or stalkers or things like that. I am debating on what to do. Any suggestions?
  3. I just posted a similar thread in the Swinging & Single forum, but I thought it would also be a good idea for couples as we do occasionally have couples who come here asking for a critique of their ad. So if you'd like to have your ad critiqued by others, please post your link here and we'll all take a look and give you some honest feedback.
  4. HI guys, Ok we have been trying to find the right single male for a threesome and are having terrible luck. We make contact... they respond say they are interested... we respond back... then nothing! Let me preface this by saying that when we make initial contact there is a pic sent with the email of both myself and my hubby full shot of face and body. We also state that he is extremely straight and we also say exactly why we liked the profile and what we are interested in. So if they don't like how we look or what we want they simply can decline. What we are wondering is why contact us back say interested and then when we say lets chat (basically that's all the next email states and we give our IM address and ask for his) NOTHING. Do they get cold feet? We normally also pick people who have certs too (not that that means too much I know) just makes us feel better that maybe they are actually swingers. Any advice on what we may be doing wrong or why they don't make further contact? Just trying to get into the single guy's mind here, lol Thanks guys
  5. I wanted to know if anybody on here knows of any 100% free swinger sites. Me and my girlfriend been looking for a threesome for a while now but it seems like every swinger site cost money or its some free trial. We need a swinger site thats 100% free.
  6. Do single guys really think that writing on their profile that they are a dominant bull is going to get them lots of responses? It almost seems like maybe they watch to much porn thinking every woman out there that likes sex is looking for guys to dominate them and all the wives in couples must have some limp dick loser for a husband that has no idea how to please them. For us at least as soon as a guy writes anything about being a dom he is quickly taken off the list as a possible extra. It is a huge turn off for her. She knows how to please a man and does need to be told or pushed to do anything. There is nothing special or sexy about a man that can dominate a woman. It is actually pretty lame. She prefers givers over takers. We have on all of our profiles no interest at all in dom men, but yet they always message anyways thinking they will be the exception. When we tell them not interested at all in dom men they usually say something like I don’t have to play that way. Well that’s nice, but she is not into men that want to play that way. She can and does do better.
  7. We have been on a swinger site looking to meet a like couple close but not too close to us. We have decided that Deb would go through profiles then share with me interesting people before reaching out with a message. Last night she called out to me very excited that she found an old boyfriend from before she knew me, and his wife lives about an hour from us. I have two questions: Do people ever see people they know on swinger sites and how do you deal with it? An old boyfriend? Tell me I shouldn’t care. So far I said hold off contacting. As far as appearance and profile I would normally give a 👍🏼
  8. So we got a message from a couple on one of the sites we are on that says we can’t stop looking at your pictures can you give us access to your private pictures! Open their profile and there is not one single picture on it. Meanwhile we have close to a hundred pics of both of us on our profiles. Why in the hell would we want to give access to our private folder when we already put ourselves out there so much and they have put absolutely no effort into giving anything of themselves? Are people really that clueless about what it takes to get interest back?
  9. So I am looking at the profiles of new members on a worldwide, somewhat well known internet swinging site. A single woman’s site lists the “services” she provides and her cell phone number. It sounds like a prostitute to me. I alerted the site. This is the second time for this site.
  10. How do you respond to a message that just says Hey or do you respond at all?
  11. SLS has replaced the term "Lifetime Member" with "Life of Website Member". Sounds to me like their legal counsel is trying to protect them. When they are bought out our "lifetime memberships" will evaporate.
  12. We are a Bi/Bi couple and have been on a couple of websites in the past but it seems the face of the swinger scene has changed. We have a lifetime membership on one site but it is not nearly what it used to be. I was wondering if there are more Bi/Bi friendly sites out there now. Any suggestions? Thanks
  13. We always politely say no when a couple we aren't interested in messages us. A lot of our messages go unanswered. What is the general opinion...don't respond or nicely say no thank you?
  14. Many people blur their faces on pics. We'd like to do that but I'm having trouble. I tried messing around with the pixels in MS Paint. But that's not working. Other than just blacking out our faces and cropping, what are other routes on a windows computer to just slightly obscure/blur faces? Thanks!!
  15. Hi beautiful people! I am a single male that is trying to shift into the lifestyle. I live in Sweden and I am Italian. I wouldn't define myself as super hot but not ugly either, I would say the regular guy. I have read all the suggestiond here about building a good single man profile ad. I found them very useful however for somebody like me that is not an english native speaker would extremely helpful to have example of what you girls or couple mean. Wording is very important even when the message is the right one the way in which is communicated can be wrong or out of balance and spoil the whole thing. If some of you would post some example or a good bios would help a lot those of us that learn from examples. Let me be clear here, I know that some people will just copy paste those examples (very poor choice is my guess) that wouldn't work, like has been said already, you need to be able to backup your claims with your character, your manners your whole being. A copy paste wouldn't help anybody but few example to build on, to use as guidelines would be very helpful for those who wants to put the effort and earn the beautiful experiences waiting on the other side. Thanks for the help in advance
  16. As the title says, do you update your pictures on the sites you are on frequently? Show people what you look like now not ten years ago?
  17. I never found close up pictures of genitalia in online profiles to be a turn on. I much prefer to look at happy faces or even erotic outfits. Microscopic shots of pussy and penis don’t rev my engine. Am I alone?
  18. We recently met a new couple on an LS site. We had a great time with dinner and drinks. They invited us back to their house for play. We ASSUMED they enjoyed their time as much as we did because they mentioned us staying at their house next time. We sent them a lovely KIK message thanking them for the evening, and they replied. We provided a kind validation to their account, and noticed they had approved that validation. Well, we are 48 hours away from them accepting our validation and not returning the favor. We have taken this as they DID NOT enjoy their time enough with us. We feel this is rude. We are assuming they are trying to send us a non verbal message to us of "we did not have a good time and wouldn't repeat." Are we taking this wrong? We have no intention of discussing this with them because we don't want to create drama or an awkward situation. We feel like even if we didn't want to repeat with a couple we would still return the favor of a kind validation.
  19. Ok BE 100% honest people, How many times did you write, delete, rewrite, change, delete and add the HEADLINE and/or DESCRIPTION of your PROFILES. I know there is some bright, word savy, super confident in how they describe themselves individuals and I envy and admire that about you. But for some of us, at least us, it was kinda hard. I mean how do you sum up who you and your mate are as individuals, your sex life, your expectations and try not to sound creepy ALL AT THE SAME TIME?!?!?!? THEN DO IT IN A FEW WORDS ON THE HEADLINE TO ATTRACT PEOPLE!!! LOL I'm glad to announce ours ended up being LETS HAVE A BLAST. smh I just said fuck it, I know sexually we can hang with the best of them and that we're good down to earth people so LETS HAVE A BLAST it is. To all that went thru our dilemma, cheers! Hope we get contacted, if not we'll be right back trying to come up with some catchy 5 word phrase that says WE WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH YOU BUT I NEED YOU TO WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH US TO SO HERE IS A BRIEF SUMMARY OF WHO WE ARE AND I HOPE IT WORKS! To those who didn't stress, NO sex for you tonight because your headline probably scored you and your partner some bomb ass swinging nights! But we still love you!!!! Well thanks for reading, we hope our humor tickled you a bit and feel free to share your thoughts!!!
  20. We’re lifetime members on SLS, find its a good place to find parties, clubs, social events. Meeting people? Hit or miss. A red flag for us is single guys immediately asking to see our private photo albums which says pushy photo collector (plus they ignore our lack of interest in singles guys). With that occurring all the time, it creates another red flag for us which is ‘couples’ either saying they want to see our albums or without any real conversation, opening one of their albums and then demanding we open ours tit for tat (and thats without knowing the content of ours). Anybody else see this as an issue?
  21. Guest

    One Word / Sentence I Hate?

    One Word / Sentence I Hate? Been reading a lot of profiles / messages of late and I have discovered I really don't like the word “Discreet” I hate it in fact. I mean what does even mean? Does it mean you won't tell anyone? Does it mean your going to sneak in my house under the cover of darkness? Does it just mean your cheating? Does it mean you have a really high flying job? Does it mean your paranoid? Are you going to wear a disguise? You know the only explanation you get is..... Discreet. Secondly I have also come to dislike the sentence, or question. What you looking for then? What you into? Well I'm looking to win the lottery thanks and I'm fairly into eating ice cream. You know like I'm on a swingers site for sex, what do you think I'm here for to make balloon animals. I think that's what I'm going to do, when someone asks what I'm into / what I'm looking for then I'm just go give the crazies answer possible, you know I'm here to learn about naked jam making, or that I'm a test pilot for Viagra's new secret drug Any words.... Questions..... Sentences that annoy the hell out of you in this lifestyle? An please don't say Sun & Moon.... Of Cliffy!
  22. Ok, I just pulled up SLS and of course the first page is the listing of random ads near you or something like that and some of the pictures that went with those ads just got me thinking so I had to come and post this. Why is it that when people post pics with their ads they pick the post awful pictures? I mean, do they not look at them? Just on those 10 matched ads, here's what I saw.... Webcam shots of a couple that looked completely pissed off.... or in the case of the guy made him look like someone you don't want to piss off. A picture of a woman lying on her back in water... the picture chopped her head off (which is ok, I understand why people do that), but the bad part was that since she had rather large breasts and the pic was taken at an angle, it looked like one was fake and floating on top of the water while the other was real...flat and sinking. One woman evidently felt that all she had to show off was her cleavage, because that is is ALL you can see in a picture of her wearing a black dress... make that 3 pictures of her. Perhaps we need to put together some tips for how to take pics for an ad, maybe. So what things have you seen (besides the obvious crotch shots), that make you wonder why these people opted to use THAT shot?
  23. On the profile note... I've noticed a lot of ads focused on finding people to DATE, lately. I've found this odd but at the same time kind of understand wanting to make sure potential matches are open to swinging if it's something important to you... What do you all think? Is SLS an appropriate place to be searching for a significant other or should it be strictly focused on finding casual sex partners/FWB?
  24. Please stop saying "her preference" in your personals ad. It’s understood. Besides, you sound ridiculous, redundant, and PC when you do. Kinda like the people who continue talking after saying “it goes without saying”. Try it next time, you won’t offend me. I’m not PC.
  25. It seems there's two schools of thought regarding profile photos. 1) Go completely 'G-rated' / 'Family Friendly' to simply show who you are as a couple, or 2) Do a mix of 'family-friendly' and 'adult' photos. We can do 'family friendly' no problem (well, cropping-out family and friends takes some photoshop skill, sometimes). It's taking the sexy adult photos that give us some grief. Rather than having professional 'boudoir' photos taken, what if we do them ourselves? This is the route we're trying to take. The problem is everything is turning-out poorly focused, badly framed, or just stupid-looking dick pics. Suggestions for taking nekkid pictures while keeping it classy?
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