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  3. Do the tests cover everything you need to be tested for or are there things you should add to the usual list?
  4. I don't understand the asphyxiation thing either but it really can't be that uncommon. I would say without question my GF enjoys some level of asphyxiation as she enjoys being choked (this freaks me out) and being throatfucked where she can't really breathe (this doesn't freak me out as much anymore because she can always just bite her way off if it ever went too far - but OUCH). So I always thought from that perspective that asphyxiation was a turn on for her because it was part of the dominant/ submissive play. However, you also see men who sometimes die asphyxiating themselves while masturbating. So maybe their is some kind of pleasure when asphyxiation and sex are mixed together? Either way, I personally don't want to find out.
  5. On a larger scale outside of just blowjobs, I think asking "why certain acts" is an interesting question. We've come across a lot of guys with some kinks and fetishes that range from mild to bizarre in our opinion. And we don't really get into the psychological aspect of "why this act" or even really question it that much. We rather just think of it as "to each their own." But it would be interesting to maybe learn or gain insight into certain why people like certain sexual acts.
  6. It all depends on the setting. In a sensual setting where a woman teases a man and slowly begins a blowjob I can definitely see that. In a setting where a guy puts her down on her knees, slaps her, and fucks her throat.. not as much,
  7. she also like to eat pussy but it is much more work usually
  8. we usually went to that place and we were fucking other couples too
  9. I woulnd't mind, but eating pussy is much more work honestly....with guys it was easies as some would cum in seconds
  10. Last week
  11. For me, it makes me feel, actually know that I am controlling a man. With his dick in my mouth he will do anything that I ask. Perhaps I overthink my sex acts and situations afterwards, but I really enjoy that aspect of it. Turning over how my sex partners reacted both with me and others, those momentary surprises, how it all settles into my mind. Despite my comfort with our lifestyle, the lingering perversion of it all.
  12. Here is a "today" piece from the NYT on syphilis. If you or your partner are non-monogamous, you should know these data.
  13. Here is a "today" piece from the NYT on the syphilis situation in the US. It's not pretty.
  14. Wise words, Tricia. In my experience overthinking is a sure way to kill sexual joy and fulfillment.
  15. Explaining why we enjoy certain things in our lives is difficult to do to people who don’t understand trying new things. Look up a list of sexual kinks, some will interesting, some will be horrifying, some outright dangerous. There is a kink for every letter in the alphabet. Start with A and you will see Ass as in Anal and analingus, also Age Play. Asphyxiation is very dangerous, I never got that B is for bondage C choking, D dominance. You get the picture? Some may say Michael is a cuckold, I never think of him that way. Once you see a list of kinks you may find some you want to try. The big problem is finding a partner that knows your boundaries. Your reason for enjoying giving your husband a blowjob can be drastically different than the reason you give other men blowjobs. Sucking my husband is an act of love and connection, giving a blowjob to a stranger is about me, my kink, my fetish. There is no way to explain my feeling, my ecstasy of seeing a man I just met get erect while I take him out and enjoy that one part of him. It’s about me, not him. Can I make him cum fast or do I take me time and make him squirm from my teasing. My suggestion is not to think why, my suggestion is to enjoy. Try things you think you will enjoy but be careful as your partners can have other ideas of what you really want. Another big suggestion that you must follow, Get Tested.
  16. It's fair to say that when a closed group admits another, it is (at least transiently) no longer closed. From a medical perspective, there is risk assessment and risk management that should be part of the decision making and planning. While there is little evidence that swingers are more likely carriers of a sexually transmitted infection than persons who report monogamy, STIs are known in both groups. There are five general groups of STIs worth considering: 1. Common, very easily transmitted, easily detected, easily treated. Chlamydia and Trichomonas are examples in this group. Transmission rates from a single sexual contact with those untreated and shedding the organisms are very high. 2. Common, very easily transmitted, easily detected, must be identified early and treated aggressively to prevent serious health issues. Gonorrhea and Syphilis are examples in this group. Same story--a single contact with an infected person who is shedding pathogen is very high. 3. Somewhat common, transmissibility moderate, often detected late, curable but costly to cure, no preventive immunization is available. Hepatitis C is in this group. 4. Less common, less easily transmitted, often detected late, chronic and must be managed with suppressive treatment. Herpes and HIV fall into this group. The former is a nuisance, the latter requires care forever to suppress the viral load. (Side note, those with HIV who responsibly use their meds and suppress their viral load to undetectable are highly unlikely to transmit the illness to partners/playmates. ) 5. Less common, transmissibility harder to assess, often detected late, chronic, for which preventive immunization is available. HPV and Hepatitis B fall into this group. All of the above is invites closed groups "adding" a single or a couple or whatever to stop, think, assess, and decide how they want to proceed. There are two major considerations. 1. Are all members of the (currently) closed group free of these pathogens? Are the proposed new entrants similarly free of these pathogens? Those considerations suggest adding members should prompt _all_ members, current and proposed new ones, to simultaneously test. 2. What is the probability that the group is actually remaining 'closed'? The larger a group gets, the lower the probability that the group is actually remaining closed. It's worth taking 30 seconds to read this article in New Scientist: https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn913-six-degrees-of-copulation The salient quote from the brief piece: By checking how many sexual partners people had in one year, they could estimate the number of sexual liaisons needed to link two people. “We found it could be much less than six,” says Amaral. “Any two people might only be two or three connections apart,” he says. “Those people who think they are in no way connected to those with STDs are very wrong.” (Disclosure: One of us was a peer-reviewer of the original publication in Nature, an archived form of which can be found here: https://arxiv.org/pdf/cond-mat/0106507 )
  17. I admire you more and more. Knows what she wants, in control. And at a young age. I hope that my daughters grow up to have the early insight and maturity that you and PSU Lioness have.
  18. Just to be clear, the only reason I'm hesitant is because we started playing exclusively with this other couple so that we could play bareback. I enjoy a man's cum on and in me (mostly on) but didn't feel safe doing that if we had partners where we weren't certain of their sexual activity. This single woman is very nice, has an amazing body but very humble and giving, and in no way am I worried she's going to steal anything. She has been honest about her sexual activity, and I'm worried about adding her for that reason.
  19. we just find a little asymmetry is a nice addition to couples' parties 😁.
  20. Many of the comments in this thread surprise me. I have been rejected by groups, but only because of my age when I was not yet 21. I have never been rejected by a group because I was single and might upset the dynamic. Having said that, I have encountered a number of hostile married women who thought I, as a single woman, was there to steal their man. I had to explain many times that I'm in the lifestyle to avoid being in a relationship and still getting my considerable sexual needs met. Most of them became less hostile as they got to know me, but a few didn't. Of course, I'm in the lifestyle for a lot of other reasons, but that is one of the more important reasons.
  21. Hi all, looking to make some new like minded friends. 

  22. @J&Wu I'm pretty sure she was always posing, although it wasn't always in classrooms and studios. Sometimes she posed privately in artists homes. I never pried for details. A year ago we ran into one of her old artists. He was so glad to see her and, right in front of me, invited her to his home studio for a session. I encouraged her to do it but she declined the offer.
  23. I agree, definitely want to taste that pussy to orgasm even better!
  24. Art models have a lot of musing time, have the two of you ever discussed where she went during all those hours?
  25. I appreciate everyone for sharing your experiences and advice!
  26. I would just like to start by saying that I would rather give oral sex as recieve. I don't care if she has been freshly fucked or on her period, I will still go down on her. Women's smell and taste being unique is what makes cunnilingus so good. Having retired from a factory of 3000 employees, I heard a lot of sexual do's and don'ts of those employees. I guess what surprises me most was the number of men that don't do cunnilingus. As far as women that I have been with, I can only remember 2 that would not let me go south on them. I do believe as women get older, they get better at oral sex. They fondle the balls more and explore the anus while giving oral. But for me, you can't beat 69 when it comes to oral sex, 2 people really into it, nothing better!
  27. When I first met my GF she told me she didn't really enjoy giving blowjobs and now she loves giving them. And I mean she really loves it. She'll almost never turn down a blowjob and will go as long as you like. And she LOVES getting facefucked. So what changed? I'm not sure. But we've come across many guys who are curious or just taken back by her excitement to give oral sex. And some of these guys say their SO won't give them blowjobs... like not at all. Which is kind of crazy to me. I have asked my GF what changed. Why didn't see like giving blowjobs but now she loves it? And she just says "I don't know. I just enjoy it more now." If I had to guess, I would say there are a couple of reasons that may have caused her to fall in love with giving blowjobs: 1) She is very good at it and everyone tells her. Guys praise her oral skills all the time. If they text her before they'll tell her how badly they want to fuck her throat and if they text or talk to her afterwards they'll tell her how amazing her blowjob skills were. She now knows with certainty that she is talented at it and that guys really appreciate it, and I think that gives her confidence and excitement in sharing her skills more often, which makes her feel sexy and special. 2) She loves the submission aspect of it. She had originally never told me that she was so sexually submissive but it was something I learned more and more over time. And while blowjobs can be seen in some respects as somewhat submissive, hardcore facefucking is an extremely submissive act and she loves it. So I think this adds to her whole sexual fantasy dom/sub play as well.
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