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  1. I am interested in knowing because I like to suck a dick with a woman every now and then. I have done it by myself and it is not as exciting. I have done it with 9 different women and I am not sure how they really feel about it. Women would you like to see your man suck another man or perhaps get sucked or both. Would it change your opinion of him. Would you like to watch two strangers.
  2. It would be a real turn on for me to see Ronny do it with another guy, but he gets the 'I'm not gay' thing going. When we talk about fantisies, he says that he would like to eat me while I was getting fucked, which he admits would mean eating the other man's cum, and licking his dick. He's even said he would suck his cock if I wanted him to, which I would like to see. I'd really like to watch someone fuck him. Do couples do this, or is this outside the lines?
  3. I'm in a relationship with this chick and she likes anal and vaginal sex. I have been offering to have a mmf threesome but she continually declines saying that she couldn't get over the idea of having sex with someone other than me ... or something like that. So yesterday I ordered this custom-made type strap-on to dp her myself. So I was wondering for those of you who dp, is it the mental aspect that made it incredible for you (as in oh my gosh I have several men willing to serve me etc.) or can it still be as pleasurable with one guy that has a toy attached to him? I would like to know because I don't want to put in a bunch of time and effort for something that is only marginally worthwhile. Personally I know that caressing, sweet nothings, dirty talk, and things of that sort heighten the experience for the woman but I can't help but feel that since I was not born with two penises, I probably can't satisfy her the way I know I could. Thank you.
  4. Mrs. YZF here. Are there any other ladies here that prefer anal over regular sex? There have been quite a few times over the last few months that even though YZF and I have sex several times a week we would go up to a couple of weeks with my pussy getting no action and I really did not care. On the times that we had regular sex we would wind up finishing things off with anal. Our polymory third, Quita likes anal but only gives it up once or twice every couple of weeks or when she is on her period. When we have played with other couples I can't wait for my playmate to stop fucking around in my pussy and taking me anally. The only time that doesn't happen is when my playmate's SO has anal listed as off limits. I have no problem having an orgasm with anal and they are usually more intense than vaginal orgasms. Among some of the couples YZF and I have played with it is well known that I am always down for anal and at parties I wind up taking more than one guy. What got me to thinking that something may be off was a couple of parties ago I went the whole night without getting any cock in my pussy and if not for getting eaten out by a couple of females my pussy would not have gotten any action at all. This has gotten me a little weirded out. YZF sees no problem at all.
  5. And what did you think when you found out? My wife found out about my bisexuality when I told her I sucked a dick once and wanted her to watch me do it again. She was all for it and hoped to join in.
  6. Hey all, Well I need some insight from the ladies. My wife and I have played at a few clubs but just let others watch as I totally respect her boundaries. Each time we went she got so wet when we had sex in front of others but she was still shy looking at people. Well we were talking about if she would feel more comfortable if we chose a guy to watch us in a hotel. Then I asked what about an erotic massage from me and another guy.....she said she thought she could do that. Well last month we took that next step and did the soft swing. We invited another guy to join us in a hotel and gave her an erotic massage. The guy was so respectful and we NEVER got rough. When we flipped her over, she got so wet when both of us gave her oral and fingered her. We made her have the most intense orgasm I've EVER seen her have. She almost fell off the table it was so intense. Then just me and my wife had sex in front of the other guy. Oh, she was blindfolded the entire time and never saw the other guy in order to make her more comfortable and avoid embarrassment. The thing is, after he left and I took off the blindfold she started to cry. I asked her why and she asked why I didn't look at her as a slut now.....WHAT!? I assured her I loved her immensely and I would never see her that way. My question is, she got so wet and into it but cried after.....do you think she felt guilty for enjoying it so much? Or do you think it was too much for her? I try and talk with her but it seems like she's scared to talk. I guess I'm confused.....did any of you feel that way after the first time? I'm hoping that it's normal.....kind of like loosing your virginity......She said she enjoyed it and wants to do it again in a few months but the crying thing has me concerned. Any advice or how you felt the first time would help......thanks.
  7. From a open discussion with LS friends on Friday night. Everyone at the table have been in the LS for eight or more years and have been quite active and have explored and experienced various activities and fantasies that interested them. The common thread was the women present ( several wives, girlfriends and three single ladies) had all experienced and enjoyed having at the least two men (MFM) to several at a time (or throughout the evening at a party). It didn’t take long into this conversation for it to turn into a ladies only animated conversation of their experiences and accomplishments with only their husbands/boyfriends asked to chime in verification/confirmation of the event, act or result of the experience. Hands down all of us males had enjoyed whatever happened in the shared stories. It was awesome to sit and listen to these women sharing their adventures, thoughts and results of their experiences and there was quite a bit of excited chatter and teasing…..lots of loud shouts and laughter. I was glad due to our number and time of the evening we were seated at the back corner of the dining area well away from the few dinners still present. I am sure there were a few servers who got an ear full. One noticeable revelation from observing all this was the common result of these experiences for the women. All revealed in one way or another the personality…..confidence…..level of comfort the all experienced as a result of their sexual sharing and experiences in the LS. Echoed by their spouses (those present). 1. Ability now to discuss openly anything with their SO. 2. Discuss, ask for what ever they had an interest in, desire, openly on any topic as well as sexually. 3. All openly discussed that sexually in their private lives prior to the lifestyle they rarely if ever initiated any activity with their SO only were reactive to initiation by their SO. And NEVER asked for or discussed their personal desires, needs or fantasies. (the single ladies present agreed they felt the same with any partner they might have. Including the husbands and boyfriends of other women that they shared) 4. Their personal sexual/sensual lives in their relationship have become broadened and deeper, a much closer intimacy (not just sexual) then before. Far more satisfying. It was not just a fun evening out together as a group (sex was not part of this evening at all, just social gathering) but so enlightening. Sitting having coffee this morning it occurred to me that all this, generally, is probably true to some level to anyone who is involved at some level in the LS. Dependent of course on what level or type of involvement in an alternative Lifestyle they are in. I also thought that there are common takeaways: 1. Situational shyness, intimidation, lack of confidence, appearance concerns and feelings/concern of being judged negatively. 2. That last part “feelings/concern of being judged negatively” is they largest shared issue that women have. From the time they are self aware 6, 7, 8 years old and on…..they are told, threatened, educated etc that their sex is private, not to be displayed shared discussed experienced and in many cases told any negative experiences are their fault….not being a good girl. 3. The confidence, personal strength, emotional discovery over growth and feeling at peace with themselves. Acceptance of who they are. 4. Sexual preferences and desires. Even with in their group a funny but eye opening discussion…and truth concerning size, preferred size and what/how it all relates. It really isn’t what it seems. LOL everyone grows in this lifestyle to their own comfort level. But to watch these women and listen to them (including my Queen) was just hands down amazing. This group of women discussing to only their experiences but some of their not yet experienced fantasies/desires. Their emotions. Support…..no negative judgements at all. Even bragging rights and one up man ship between them. A chance to get a peak into a part of the LS not often discussed……at-least with males present.
  8. I love blowjobs! Ive always liked giving them. Do you like blowjobs? Giving? Getting? I'm always a little surprised when I run acroos a guy who says he can take them leave them.
  9. The thought occurred to me, I have never had sex with a virgin. Have you? If so, tell us about it. It never crossed my mind before because I don't see any benefit.
  10. Does anyone else have this 'one in each hand' fantasy? I'm probably much too nervous for a threesome or more men... but I can't shake this fantasy of just holding an erection in each hand. Please tell me I am not alone.
  11. I haven't been around for awhile, so figure I'm long overdue for a post. My question is probably more for you wonderfully liberated ladies, but your hubbies or s/o's can answer as well if they are certain they know the answer. My question is this: What is it you liked best about your MFM encounter(s)? It may seem silly that I ask, but let's take your classic porn movies. They most always feature a woman getting stuffed with a dick in her mouth while she's also getting screwed. Looks pretty erotic to me, but it also seems it might be kind of hard to focus on the vaginal pleasure while you're trying to blow a guy. I know my wife commented once that she didn't think she'd like a threeway. I thought to myself... Damn! Isn't that one if not the most favorite fantasy of a woman? From a guy's standpoint, a FMF looks delightful for the attention you're receiving from two women, but I think it would be difficult to do both of them justice from a pleasure perspective because when your tongue is dialing in, your dick is probably forgetting that it has a mission to fulfill and vice versa. Not that I wouldn't give it the old college try, mind you, I just don't think I'd be as "good" as I should! I'm sure the attention that's being lavished upon you is probably as big a thrill if not more so than getting two dicks. And, I'm a firm believer that the receiver in a 3 way should just get to sit (or lay) back and enjoy. I guess I'm just curious. What made for your best MFM and also what made for your worst MFM experience? Please be as graphic as necessary, I'm a big boy, I can handle it. Thanks!
  12. Awhile back, a thread made a comment about sex being different for women because we're accepting something to be inserted inside our bodies whereas men don't. I suppose it's like saying it's easier for everyone to want to explore something by poking our finger at something but we're much more sensitive about someone putting something into our ears. Do you think there's anything to this? Does a woman require a bit more trust in their sex partner than a man does because something will be going inside them instead of doing the insertion? Or could there be something else to it?
  13. For the women: if someone is giving you oral where do you want their hands? Playing with your tits or nipples, stroking your stomach, finger in your pussy or finger in your ass?
  14. I’m not bi. Or so I thought, until yesterday evening. My husband had dinner with one of his clients, a female CEO. I know they are friends and he never actually hit on her, until yesterday. He told me « tonight I’m gonna try to seduce her Join us at the end of the dinner ! » So, around 21:30, I joined. Obviously they had had a good time already, smiling, laughing, drinking an excellent wine, and their hands were sometimes touching above the table. This beautiful woman was obviously into my husband, but also into me. She was looking at both of us like if we were delicious cakes behind the glass of the pastry shop. That’s when it hit me. I wanted her too!!! For the first time ever, yesterday evening, I felt a strong desire for a woman, a beautiful girl with massive breasts, a body to die for, and a smile that could conquer Rome! I am not sure I would know how to handle her in bed, though, cos I’ve never been with a girl before. But for the first time, I am REALLY attracted !!!!!! Hubby says it will come naturally, and that I should not worry. Still, I would appreciate your advice, ladies. How was your first time with a female body in bed? How was the first time you ate a pussy, you played with boobs that were not yours, etc. ? :))) Sorry, I feel stupid but all this is very new to me.
  15. I think I can speak for most men including myself that guy's really get turned on by watching a women masturbate to completion. Does it do anything for you women to watch a guy go at it alone?
  16. A question for the ladies... did you experience any negative feelings after first time with a male other than your significant partner? Feelings like guilt, shame or regret? If so, how did you reconcile them so you could happily move on and enjoy the lifestyle? I should add... I don’t mean if the sex wasn’t good... assuming it was a great experience.
  17. We all know how much people vary in talent for sport or music or dancing etc both before and after training. Indeed some people are better as beginners than others will be after years of practice. Take the effect of simply drawing a bow across violin strings. It can sound like a tortured cat or something heavenly and deeply moving. Now the same thing no doubt applies to sex. The stroke during intercourse may have just as much variation in terms of how good it feels to the woman as the sound of a violin does. There must be big differences in how skillfully men move their cocks in and out. There is the skill of each stroke and the skill in being able to vary it just right as things build i.e. to make music inside you. Of course the size and shape of his cock must also make a difference but most women seem to say its much more about how he uses it. In your experience ladies just how much variation is there in thrusting skill out there? Do swingers seem any better than non-swingers? Does practice and more variety improve a man's skill or do most men never learn anything? If possible could you identify what makes thrusting good or bad? What difference does all the stuff that happens before any thrusting make? What about other things he may do during thrusting? I'm aware that a lot of other stuff from talking to touching to kissing and oral action happens too and that there are huge differences here too. I'm also aware that looks have an impact on the overall experience as well. However I don't want to make this discussion too broad. Lets talk about thrusting skill for now. If other skills contribute via preparation or atmosphere creation then mention it.
  18. So I have been reading on here a lot and I see more often than not the MFM threesomes. I was just curious is this something highly desired or fantasized by women in general? Now I understand everyone has their own favorite flavor but are there many women who do not or would not enjoy this or fantasize about this. The conversation came up the other night with the wife and she was opposed to it and said she would not enjoy it nor wanted to try it. I think we have a a very open and honest relationship as she has spilled the beans on just about everything else she likes or dislikes now, past relationships like and dislike, etc. but I just found it shocking that she would not enjoy this. Sorta made we wonder if she was just holding back for some reason or maybe she just isn't interested. So I would love to hear some opinions from the ladies... Do you/would you enjoy? Do you fantasize? Do you fantasize but keep it a secret? Do you do it just to please you partner but don't really care either way? Other??
  19. You know, a lot of men would love to see their wife with another lady. And, I know some wives feel the same way about their husband with another man. So, would you wives like to see your husband with a guy? And, guys, would you like for your wife to be there when you're with a guy?
  20. Ladies heres the dilemma im in... i want to be safe but i also dont want the weird looks etc from being that open. Have you found GYN docs that are understanding of the situation we are in or are they all sort of... well prude. I have approached this conversation with one other doc in the past and it went..... not so good.... so im a little gunshy for sure. Any tips
  21. Ladies, just wondering if there are others out there that have a glory hole fetish? We frequent a club with a G-hole room and I absolutely love it. I love the anonymity. I love seeing, stroking and sucking so many different cocks. My friend and I will actually have orgasms from the experience. Any other g-hole sluts out there?
  22. I thought I'd lighten up the topic forum by asking, "What special something is it that ladies do to prepare before a special play date?" If you're a lady, share your secrets If you are a guy and so one of the lucky beneficiaries of sexy beauty secrets what are some of your favorites you seen or experienced?
  23. Ok...I'll go out on a limb here and admit I have a female foot fetish and I wanna know what the ladies out in the viewing audience think about it. My particular form of this individual madness takes the form of liking to watch a woman's feet move and wiggle as well as massaging and tickling...I'm not so much into toe sucking, although I'll do it if the lady asks me to...I also like to work it into various creative things that would overlap into other fetish areas... I would like to know from the ladies if they think that's cool, gross, boring or whatever.....
  24. Just curious, a bit of fun really. For women that have experienced MFM, moresomes, gangbangs, etc. Where you have had to handle more than one man at a time, how do you prefer to do it? Please share your thoughts? I've also added a poll. Gentlemen, feel free to speak for your girlfriends and wives if you know their preferences.
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