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The other swinging benefit...

The recent 2 night visit with friends is still reaping benefits.   When I was with my playmate and she started to suck on my nipples, I told her to go ahead and bite them and get rough. She was quite surprised of my tolerance. I'm not normally a pain person, but please, bite them till their sore two days later!   So this morning, three days removed from the moment, she sends me a text. Apparently she tried the same on her husband last night and they were both pleasantly surprised how much h




Reflections on two days with them

We finally went to visit them. They invited us to spend Tuesday with them while the kids were in school. We headed over Monday night, after further arranging to spend two days with them.   If you've read the previous entries, you know that I knew the male from school many years ago and many miles away. That lead to our unlikely reconnection via SLS, hook up at a party, and finally the two days together.   In the week leading up to the visit we all engaged in sexting, which is unusual for Mr




Awesome time at the 13th Floor

The wife and I went to the 13th Floor in Dallas Friday night. This was only our second time to attend. Period. We are brand new to this. We got there kinda early so we could get a table near the dance floor. We were having some drinks and checking it all out when my wife noticed the couple next to us were having Jello shots. She loves Jello shots!! She made a comment out loud about the shots and the couple offered us a couple of them. Within a few minutes we had moved to their table. I think w




Skyline Drive, Zepp Road, and the Shenandoah Valley

We spent the most wonderful Memorial Day weekend in the Shenandoah Valley of northern Virginia. As we have so many times, we headed the two-seater roadster in a general direction with no particular destination in mind. What we found is "another world": wide, aromatic fields of hay for horses, barns for egg-producing hens, fields for horses and dairy cows plus the most wonderful bed-n-breakfast accommodation ever to be found by pure accident in Mt. Jackson. Life goes on at a slower pace, cultur




Our first Meet and Greet

Saturday, as I was broken and unable to play, we decided to skip our usual date night outing (a local swinger's club we enjoy hanging out at) and hit a meet and greet listed on SLS. In spite of the fact that we've been going to the club for almost a year now, we still consider ourselves to be newbies, and were more than a little nervous about the new setting. At the club, we know a lot of the regulars, and we feel like it's a situation where we're never pressured to do something we're not read




From humble beginnings...

September, 1982: We moved to a new neighborhood, forcing me to switch schools in 8th grade. One day not too much later at school, the kid living upstairs from me, Sean, introduces me to his best friend, Don. I would see Don here and there for that school year and the next, but we ultimately travel in different circles and have little in common. When Sean moves away a year later, mine and Don's contact is reduced to an occasional hello in the hallways and lunch.   October, 1985: We leave Ne




It's been a while... and I'm putting them in the ER.

Sorry I haven't written in a while, I've been busy. I've returned to American soil and I've been trying to get situated so I don't spend the summer rending Mom's basement. I also got a new motorcycle so I've spent more time riding a machine than I have riding friends. My girlfriend, for some reason, has been avoiding my junk like a bad disease. But she lets me play. Go figure. So I'm at a group thing at a local Clothing option resort, and without getting too involved in what lead up to it,




Peeling away our newbie tag

Had a first last weekend. We went to a hotel takeover. Had fun dancing and mingling, but wasn't able to find a couple where the interest was mutual. We eventually retired to our room and had great sex, dozed off and woke up to some more. We both had a great time.   While getting ready for this party we'd found a couple on Swing Lifestyle that we were trying to negotiate some time with. We finally came up with a Wednesday of all days, breaking our self-imposed rule that we only play on Satu




Amp'd on Solar Power

After so many years working with people on electrical transmission and distribution systems, I was finding it difficult to become excited about any new technology. The application of so-called Smart Grid technology has, for example, left me cold. It all driven by computer hacks and the one thing these geeks are completely unable to do is develop an organized approach to solving a problem. Managing computer "professionals" is like trying to herd cats -- they cannot be made to head into the sam




Great time out of town, bad reason for being out of town

So this week we were able to take some time away from the kids and work, the reason was not a good one, but we also were in the mood to have some fun while we were out of town.   On Monday we had a possible play date with some friends in a town about half way between where we live and our final destination. The date fell through early in the day, before we even left home. So we decided to throw up a “booty call” on a few of the sites we use, listing the town we were going to be spending the nig




Funny, at least from my green perspective

Anyone who looks at my entries knows I'm still pretty amused at the differences between the vanilla and the swinging life. Having just stepped to the dark side, I still laugh at some of the situations we find ourselves in.   This morning Mrs. Dont.Stop was awakened by the sound of a condom wrapper opening. And there was her husband, mounting the woman in the next bed. We giggled at the thought of telling this to a non-swinger:   "Oh my goodness. This morning I woke up to my husband having




I want candy...

Still very new to the swinging game, every milestone gives pause. Who are we? Who were we? Who are we becoming? How did we arrive here?   Two friends in sexually unsatisfying relationships. The "were" part is easy.   Lovers stretching their sexual boundaries. "Are" isn't so hard either.   How did we arrive here? See "were" and "are". Connecting the dots is not very trying.   Who are we becoming? We have vanilla friends that we've barely talked to since we embarked upon this journey t




Swinging = Foreplay

Yes, I love to see my wife pleasured. Yes, she loves to see me pleasured. She loves to watch me give pleasure, because as she likes to say "I know just what if feels like getting it!" I love the reaction a guy gets from experiencing my oh-so-orgasmic wife.   But in the end, no matter how far we go with our partners... soft swap or full... it's all just foreplay.   As soon as we get home, game on. It's the hottest sex we'll ever have as the memories are still fresh. We'll talk about it ove




Act one , scene two

A few years ago we made plans to meet a couple from out of town, it was about a 3 hour drive to their location. We had met them at a party and we all knew the attraction was there, since the party we had all chatted online and via phone quite a bit. We all had discussed rules and what we like. We got to their town and checked into our hotel and freshened up to meet them for dinner. We had picked a very upscale restaurant to meet them at, as dinner progressed we were all playing under the table




Relax, just do it...

In a battle of nerves vs nerves, we had our first play date with a couple that we only knew from SLS. We're only about six weeks into swinging, have visited on-premise clubs and swapped with some friends of ours... but this was new territory.   If you followed the Three Dates in Four Nights entries, this would be Couple #1. They had flown out of town the day after we had our meet & greet. Mrs. and I were definitely hot for them. The ladies shared text messages while the couple was away,




Couples Cruise Review part 2

Now the 'bad' and that bad is mostly not on CC but on Royal Caribbean.   We have cruised RC before on vanilla cruises a few years ago so we have some basis of comparison in this.   Over all the staff was very polite, and friendly. The reaction from the crew to the activities were sort of mixed. The white members of crew looked like they really wanted to join in (especially one female member who you could tell was having a blast). At night some of the officers would make it to the disco to




Couples Cruise Review 2011 part 1

Couples Cruise Review for the April 25-30th on Radiance of the Seas.   Let me preface this review with the fact that while some of the comments and review may seem negative, we are booked for the November Cruise in 2012 and plan on keeping the reservation, even though we could cancel it now without penalty. If it was 'that' bad we would not be going on another one. I say this now so people who quit reading half way don't get the wrong impression.   First lets start with the good. The orga




First time hall pass

A couple months ago I had an obligation at the same time we had an invite from friends. I couldn't participate in but wanted my husband to enjoy his evening. It took a bit for him to convince himself to go through with it and said it was an awkward feeling not having me by his side but it went well. I loved to hear about his night when I returned. He hasn't expressed wanting to do so again but then the situation hasn't presented itself.   Tonight the situation is reversed. We have several of o




Three dates in four nights, Part III

Date one was a great time, and we experienced the high of meeting a fun couple and the promise of more good times as we all clicked. Date two was another great time, with even more fun and the elation of a future with them as well. That came crashing down as they later decided the chemistry is not quite right.   But none of that would prepare us for date three.   We pulled into Hooters just a before eight. It was an hour drive for us, and just about the same for our guests who were coming i




Three dates in four nights, Part II

We originally planned to meet up at Smokey Bones, but our guests suddenly didn't have a sitter. They asked if we would just meet them at the house. They have some nice feedback on their SLS profile, and the couple we had just met in Part I knew them also and said they were great people. So, we made the 45 minute drive to their place. They said we didn't need to bring anything, but we brought strawberries and homemade whipped cream anyway. Yes, we were nervous, but that was put to rest immed




Three dates in four nights, Part I

Last night kicked off the first of three dates in four nights with couples we have met on SLS. These are all set to be meet & greets. Until this point we hadn't met any couples from the cyberworld.   We met our couple at Chili's at 8:00 (unknowingly in the midst of "Kids Eat Free" night. We initially found space at the bar but it wasn't conducive to four way conversation. Eventually a booth opened up and we grabbed it.   Mrs. and I were a bit nervous as this is the first time we'd sat




Can I get this out of your way; did you save room for desert?

Travel by automobile puts us in contact with franchise restaurants. The food and the ways it is prepared sometimes approach the flavor and nutritional value of a family or privately-owned restaurant. But the presentation is almost invariably awful, sometimes approaching frightful.   When, exactly, did waiters and waitresses learn how to say, "Can I take this out of your way?" Once upon a day, when men were real men, and women were real women, and fuzzy little green creatures from Alpha Cen




Our Exploits in Tantra Town

Local news station reports strange resurrection event in Tantra Town. Details at eleven.   I guess I haven't been very active on the board lately. I recall reading someone's post a long time ago that mentioned the correlation between forum posting activity and swinging activity. I concur with the observation.   Life has been busy lately and one of the things that slipped off our things to do list is swinging. We didn't consciously make the decision to take a break from swinging, it just kind o



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