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Newbie's Journey - Club 1 - The club that shall not be named

In late June, after lining up a baby sitter for a special extra late Saturday night date of "dining and dancing", our first club experience ended up being an unmitigated disaster. The event was billed as an open house and meet and greet for a newly opened club. We were very much looking forward to this event, but were careful to keep our expectations low. If we got some dancing and flirting out of the evening we would be happy.   However, the event didn't even meet those low expectations. Ther




Newbie's Journey - Intro

Having begun our journey, I've decided to document (with proofreading and input from *A*) our progress for prosperity.   We've taken the approach (initially anyway) that we are not going to hunt for new partners. The pursuing, wooing, and seducing of another couple isn't all that interesting to us (that may change of course). Our sex is currently between the two of us, and other people are simply an accelerant/catalyst for that. We are not adverse to the idea of having others involved in our se




Been Gone For A While

Just haven't been on here much in the last year or so ... mostly been pre-occupied with a few different social-networks (i.e., Facebook & Fet-Life)   There've been a few life changes in the past year ... job situation has changed & my time in the Lifestyle has greatly reduced.   I'm still online and checking messages from this Board ... hope everyone is good.





We're about to break the news to our dear friends and favorite swing partners.   We can't see you again for a while.   The sex is great; the chemistry electric. We met almost two months ago at a party. We've played together 4 times in that span, three times spending the night, one of those times spending two nights. And we're spending two more nights next weekend.   We haven't seen anyone else in that span of time. Not for lack of trying, but it just hasn't worked out. We've known for a




Its not you.. Its Us

Disappointment... Our new friends J & J whom we have had 2 playtimes with... have just ended it... alas... they are having issues... Now I get it.. we have been in this lifestyle for 15yrs and they have only been thinking about it for 4 yrs and have only had 2 bad experiences before us... We really wanted to give them a good experience... maybe it was too good... I dont know... they say after 4 yrs of talking about it they just are not ready... they thought they were...   Now they are wan




The Dog Days are Over

Well, folks, it finally happened. My bad luck streak has come to an end. I had a date with my SM friend (the one for whom I played wing woman a few weeks ago), and it was worth the wait!   I was practically vibrating with excitement all day, during which I did my best to keep busy. I met my hubby for dinner and to hand off the kids. While at dinner, my friend messaged me with his estimated arrival time, and advised me not to get dessert. “Besides you, I want ice cream, and there’s a Frie




Real Men of Genius

I'm in a private group on Facebook for folks with dirty minds. I suspect some folks might be in the lifestyle, but there are definitely some that aren't. Either way, today's conversation was about things we've stopped doing that we shouldn't have. It was based on a list in this months "Cosmo" magazine.   Of course, several of the things listed are things I still do, like: Running around naked just because; Playing Spin the Bottle; Always having a crush (celebrity or otherwise); Dressing fe




Wrong Couple

So.. we have known this couple for like 4 months or so have gotten together with them 4 times.. everytime has been amazing for me... on the other hand not so much for hubby... the first time we met up he couldnt get an erection... the second and third time they focused most of thier attention toward me... left him out... I mean he did get to have some fun but not much... the 4th meeting we didnt even get to play... I have to say that the sex was incrediable... just the way I like it... but hubby




Summer is Here!

So school is over, and we spent that first weekend at our (platonic) friends' "Shore Shack" by the Jersey Shore. Mr. Sweet spent his birthday sleeping on the beach (under an umbrella) and wandering the pier. I highly recommend Park Seafood in Seaside Heights, NJ.   On Father's Day, Mr. Sweet and the other hubby wandered off to the bar, and returned with the declaration that we were not going home until Monday. Mr. Sweet had the whole week off, so that was fine with us.   Later in the we




Swinging with kids

Saturday night we hosted a new couple... This was the first time we have hosted... This was also our first meeting with this couple... We met them on Swing Lifestyle... had only chatted once on yahoo chat and felt very comfortable to meet... well they couldnt get a sitter for their 3 kids... we also have 3 kids and we could have gotten a sitter... we felt that we would leave our kids with us so that their kids would have someone to play with... so we set up a "date"... we would go swimming...




Awkward moment avoided...

There are times when you want to advertise that you are part of the Lifestyle, and times when you'd rather not.   I figured the trip to Fredrick's of Hollywood I recently took alone was part of the latter. I came looking fro something sexy for the other woman in my life. I'd previously bought her a baby doll (with her husband's permission) but it was a size too small (note guys: a good way to flatter her is to guess too small).   Mrs.DontStop had been out shopping a couple days prior and sai





So... Tuesday night we went out and met a new couple... it was spur of the moment... got the email late and got ready in 30 min... We went downtown and met them at a bar... we usually are not bar people but figured it couldnt be too bad... so we met them there and it was great... we bar hopped a couple bars... and talked about a bunch of topics... now if you have read my other post... this new couple is 15 yrs older than us... we were a bit apprehensive about meeting them... we have never been




Looking back... three months into the LS.

It's been three months since Mrs. DontStop went to a party thrown by a swinging couple while I was out of town. We knew they'd be the beginning of something fun, we just didn't know how or when, or what lay ahead of us.   I remember talking to Mrs. the morning after and she nervously telling me that she ended up in bed with the male. I rushed home as soon as I could and we had the most *incredible* sex we'd ever had that afternoon and evening.   In the ensuing week I found this site and took




The things kids say

My daughter is 9... We try not to say things around her that she might pick up on... but apparently we were careless... the other day my best friend told me that my daughter told her 14 year old boy that her parents (us) were going over to their friends house this weekend to play "nasty games"... So I talked with her... I asked her what are "nasty games"... she was embarressed so she wrote it down... it said sex... I had to explain to her that mommy and daddy's have sex and that we were not goi




My First Blog On Here

So... yesterday got really great news we were gonna see our "friends" this weekend... now you have to understand these "friends" we only get to see about once a month... we enjoy seeing these "friends" (we will call them S&M)... So... We get told that we can make a date for Saturday night... YaY... Well I get a text this morning saying that S started her period... I dont have those anymore (hysterectomy)... cant play... oh well...   So... what to do... well I got on Swing Lifestyle and




The Wet Weekend

It was a dark and stormy night—for three nights in a row. The campers huddled under awnings or in tents playing drinking games or card games, and hoping for a break in the weather. Campfires lasted long enough to cook meals and roast a few marshmallows before being drowned by the pouring rain.   Yes, it rained every night of our annual camping trip with friends and family, but it usually cleared out by late morning. For those who read my last post, I am happy to report that the only drama




Well once again....

We were kind of stood up for a date. But this time we knew in advance that they might not be able to make it, one of their kids was coming down with something so they had let us know in advance that it might not work.   So when they e-mailed on Friday night and let us know that they wouldn't be able to meet up with us it wasn't a surprise or that much of a disappointment.   Since we had planned on going out we figured that we would see if we could find someone else to go out to dinner with (pr





It's Friday morning and Mrs. and I have a legal issue that requires our presence in court... 90 minutes from home. So not looking forward to this. Mrs. actually didn't have to be there, but her presence and noticing a technicality may have swung things into our favor.   We had plans to visit family that live 30 minutes to the south, but that didn't pan out so we called our favorite swing couple (who live 30 minutes to the north) to see what they had on their schedule.   Female half can't get




Is it Friday yet?

I'm all packed and ready to go! Mr. Sweet and I will be joining our friends for our annual family camping trip this weekend, and this year promises to be quite interesting.   There is a third family joining us, whom we've known for a couple years now. They actually joined us on last year's camping trip. But just recently, "Lois and Peter" have decided to dip their toes in the lifestyle pool. (They'd been vanillas in-the-know since we met them.)   They attended the same house party we d




He's jealous, she's not. I'm confused.

I'll try to express this as simply as possible. I was at one of my usual dives by myself. I'd started seeing a couple there that I'd gotten from them what I like to call "The Vibe". You can just kinda tell those who play and those who don't. I don't know how else to explain it. Well, turns out the Vibe was right. But nothing happened that night. After seeing them regularly at the bar over the next 2 weeks, I see them with a 3rd, and introductions are made. Max is married to Kandy and the




Memorial Weekend Fun

I’m taking a step backward here, in posting about our Memorial Weekend. But It’s a fun story, so I think ya’ll will possibly forgive me. My husband’s final paper for his Master’s degree was due on Memorial Day. He had the paper finished by the Thursday before that, but we lost our internet connection due to a thunderstorm.   We still did not have internet by Sunday morning, but were on our way to our friends’ annual Memorial Weekend party, so we drove around looking for a wifi hotspot. We




Bittersweet Symphony

I was raised to speak my mind, but I was also taught that if I didn’t have anything nice to say, not to say it at all. Quite the dilemma, isn’t it? Since a lot of what I’ve had to say about the lifestyle has been of a whiny nature, I erred on the side of caution and took a hiatus from the board.   When last I posted, Mr. Sweet’s temporary travel duty had ended, and we had returned from a fabulous week in Cancun. Unfortunately, his return home did not seem to make much difference in our se



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