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On Love and Loss

On Mother's Day, our circle of friends was rocked by the death of a dear friend. It was an especially tragic accident, as L was a beautiful person, inside and out. She was great teacher, devoted wife and mother, and volunteered at an animal shelter. She and her husband C were known as one of the most devoted couples you could ever meet. He is, understandably, bereft without her. Hell, were all stunned and heartbroken to learn of her death, and have done our best to make sense of it all a




The Great Outdoors

Last weekend was the Sweet and Flintstone annual family camping trip. A few other friends joined us, and helped make it a most memorable weekend. Mr. Sweet actually took the day off on Friday (gasp!), so I had extra help loading up the car and setting up camp. Friday was also Boy’s birthday (he turned thirteen), and we all enjoyed the S’mores cake I made for the occasion that evening.   I also enjoyed a lovely walk around the lake with my twin’s hubby Friday evening. It was so peaceful




Technical Difficulties

Alas, my laptop is very sick and requires major surgery. It started with a treatable illness (a new power source was needed), so I took it to one of my personal geek squad members. The initial procedure was successful, but a larger problem was discovered. Power was getting to the machine, but it was not starting up. Apparently, the connection between the power switch and the motherboard is a known issue with Dells. A new motherboard was ordered, but I do not have a date for the surgery yet




Surprise Under the Hood

After test-driving a friend's hood piercing, I determined that it was not the obstacle I thought it would be, and decided to get one of my own (and surprise my hubby). I peppered her with questions about the procedure, where to go, etc. It turns out her piercer had moved on to parts unknown, so I asked a couple more folks for recommendations.   One of my gal pals and I went yesterday. I was hoping for a horizontal piercing, but upon inspection, the piercer recommended a vertical for me. As




It's So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday

I think I may be losing a friend, and it breaks my heart. We were very close once, and at one time we were playmates.   It's a rather long story, but the shorter version of it is that he got almost . . . possessive about me. He seemed to expect playtime when we were at the same event, and would get upset when it didn't happen. After the second incident, I told him if he wanted to remain friends with me, it had to be platonic. He accepted my terms, though things were never quite the same.




Gut Wrenching

The last two days have been just that for the Sweet family. Mr. Sweet had his surgery yesterday. He didn’t want to let it show, but I knew he was very nervous; even before they took his blood pressure. I was more worried about his nerves than the surgery itself. Perhaps that was because at the very same time, in another hospital, a good friend was undergoing surgery to remove at least part of a cancerous mass. His wife and I kept each other company via text.   Both guys thankfully had su




Sadness, Studying, Surgery, and Sweetness

We have had quite the roller-coaster week here in the Sweet household. It began with some terribly sad news. The sweet, beautiful l nine-year-old girl across the street (a good friend of my daughter's who practically lived here) was killed in a horrific car crash that also claimed the life of her father. Her mother is still in critical condition and may be paralyzed. Her older brothers (with whom my son was close) were also injured. The older boy has a severed spine and is paralyzed from t




Vacation Vexation

I’m baaaaaaack! That’s right, folks, I survived what had to be the Busiest. Vacation. Ever. The drive out to Pittsburgh was uneventful, but I wish I could say the same for the return trip. I’ll get back to that in a moment.   After settling into our room, Mr. Sweet and I took the kids to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 2. I was quite pleased to see that the series was finished off as well as it had begun. MIL chose to go to the casino, but was already in her room when we returned




Shore Thang

Last weekend turned out to be one of the most fun weekends we've had in awhile. Our dear friends came down to stay with us, and we all spent last Saturday at the Jersey Shore. (Yes, that Jersey Shore.) No celebs were spotted, though we did see a camera crew on their break.   We hit sand and surf. Or should I say, the surf hit us. The water was unusually rough, and while we set up 'camp' about a dozen feet from the water's edge, a couple of big waves rolled in and soaked our stuff.   Th




The Dog Days are Over

Well, folks, it finally happened. My bad luck streak has come to an end. I had a date with my SM friend (the one for whom I played wing woman a few weeks ago), and it was worth the wait!   I was practically vibrating with excitement all day, during which I did my best to keep busy. I met my hubby for dinner and to hand off the kids. While at dinner, my friend messaged me with his estimated arrival time, and advised me not to get dessert. “Besides you, I want ice cream, and there’s a Frie




Real Men of Genius

I'm in a private group on Facebook for folks with dirty minds. I suspect some folks might be in the lifestyle, but there are definitely some that aren't. Either way, today's conversation was about things we've stopped doing that we shouldn't have. It was based on a list in this months "Cosmo" magazine.   Of course, several of the things listed are things I still do, like: Running around naked just because; Playing Spin the Bottle; Always having a crush (celebrity or otherwise); Dressing fe




Summer is Here!

So school is over, and we spent that first weekend at our (platonic) friends' "Shore Shack" by the Jersey Shore. Mr. Sweet spent his birthday sleeping on the beach (under an umbrella) and wandering the pier. I highly recommend Park Seafood in Seaside Heights, NJ.   On Father's Day, Mr. Sweet and the other hubby wandered off to the bar, and returned with the declaration that we were not going home until Monday. Mr. Sweet had the whole week off, so that was fine with us.   Later in the we




The Wet Weekend

It was a dark and stormy night—for three nights in a row. The campers huddled under awnings or in tents playing drinking games or card games, and hoping for a break in the weather. Campfires lasted long enough to cook meals and roast a few marshmallows before being drowned by the pouring rain.   Yes, it rained every night of our annual camping trip with friends and family, but it usually cleared out by late morning. For those who read my last post, I am happy to report that the only drama




Is it Friday yet?

I'm all packed and ready to go! Mr. Sweet and I will be joining our friends for our annual family camping trip this weekend, and this year promises to be quite interesting.   There is a third family joining us, whom we've known for a couple years now. They actually joined us on last year's camping trip. But just recently, "Lois and Peter" have decided to dip their toes in the lifestyle pool. (They'd been vanillas in-the-know since we met them.)   They attended the same house party we d




Memorial Weekend Fun

I’m taking a step backward here, in posting about our Memorial Weekend. But It’s a fun story, so I think ya’ll will possibly forgive me. My husband’s final paper for his Master’s degree was due on Memorial Day. He had the paper finished by the Thursday before that, but we lost our internet connection due to a thunderstorm.   We still did not have internet by Sunday morning, but were on our way to our friends’ annual Memorial Weekend party, so we drove around looking for a wifi hotspot. We




Bittersweet Symphony

I was raised to speak my mind, but I was also taught that if I didn’t have anything nice to say, not to say it at all. Quite the dilemma, isn’t it? Since a lot of what I’ve had to say about the lifestyle has been of a whiny nature, I erred on the side of caution and took a hiatus from the board.   When last I posted, Mr. Sweet’s temporary travel duty had ended, and we had returned from a fabulous week in Cancun. Unfortunately, his return home did not seem to make much difference in our se




Temptation Travelogue

We just got back from our first visit to Temptations in Cancun last night, and we had such a FANTASTIC time that I just had to write about it. Forgive me if this ends up sounding like an advertisement, as it not intended as such.   As anyone who's been following my blog knows, my hubby had been on a travel assignment for almost five months. This trip was his “get out of jail free” card, in addition to a celebration of our upcoming 15th anniversary. So we really needed to get away just




A Little Fall of Rain

can hardly hurt me now, I'm here, and . . . Oh my stars, what an awful drive! I abhor driving in the rain, and it was freaking pouring today as we drove to Philly to visit my mom. We had to take separate cars, since Mr. Sweet has to be in D.C. again tomorrow (but he comes home "for good" on Tuesday).   Other than the drive, it was a good visit. Mom's birthday is tomorrow, so we put up a banner in her room, brought her some of her favorite treats (Little Debbie Swiss Cake rolls and Girl Sco




It’s the Final Countdown

In SIX DAYS, we’ll be leaving for sun and fun in Temptations in Cancun, Mexico! I have been doing a little bit of packing and/or shopping every day for the last couple of weeks. I’ve also been hanging out on the Cancun Care forums, trying to pick up some tips from TTR veterans and chat some of the folks we’ll likely see when we get there.   According to the Weather Channel, we might be getting some rain while we’re down there, but I’m not worried. I’m pretty sure Mr. Sweet and I can find




And so it Goes

We had a date this weekend. I was really looking forward to it, since we really like this couple. Unfortunately, the male half imbibed a bit too much, and it affected his performance.   While I know it wasn’t his intention, and it had nothing to do with me, it was just one more thing that put a chink in my self confidence. I even began questioning whether I wanted to continue putting up with this frustration, and told Mr. Sweet I was done with the lifestyle.   He knew I was frustrated,




Expedia My Ass!!

So I talked Mr. Sweet into adding a day to our trip to Temptations next month, but we’re having a devil of a time managing it. It took C a few phone calls to get a human with half a clue on the phone, only to find out they want to anally rape us by charging us $500 extra to do that.   After learning this, we spent a few hours online (separately, as he’s still out of town) hunting down a better deal. We found them, but when he called Expedia to cancel the trip with them, they could only offe




Valentines, Shmalentines

Last week was another rough one, so I was really looking forward to my hubby’s return home. When I got home from work, there was a package waiting for me. My honey sent me flowers! It really made my day, and I couldn’t wait to show him my appreciation. Alas, the traffic on his way home from the airport put him almost an hour behind schedule, and I fell asleep before he got home.   Saturday night, we enjoyed a lovely dinner out before heading to our favorite Meet & Greet. It was sup




All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go . . .

I found out today that two parties to which we were invited have been cancelled. The last party we were signed up for was cancelled, too. I had outfits ready for each of them. And one of them was on New Year's Eve.   We also had a date for last night that got cancelled earlier in the week. I'm beginning to think we're jinxed or something.   And we could really use some fun, what with the stress of Mr. Sweet being on travel all week and some kid stuff going on.   Off to SLS to see wh




Stranger things . . .

Stranger things have happened, I suppose, but I'd be hard pressed to think of any at the moment.   A couple with whom we used to play has gone splitsville. That in and of itself is not so unusual, nor is it that I/we "got" him out of the pending divorce.   And it might not even be that odd that Mr. Sweet and I are still Facebook friends with her. But here's where it does get weird. I got a private message from her asking me to find out about an item he wants for Christmas. Of all the




Murder and Mayhem Make For a Great Weekend!

Well, it appears I pulled it off! Despite some last minute cancellations and new attendees, the Murder Mystery Weekend was a rousing success. (If I do say so myself).   Friday night, those of us staying the weekend gathered at a local bar/nightclub to see Dr. Dirty perform.   Saturday, my gal pals and I went shopping for a few party supplies and got our nails done before joining the boys in the hotel's hot tub.   Then the party began. Not only did everyone really ge



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