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About rick181au

  • Rank
    Active Contributor
  • Birthday 04/12/1942

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  • Relationship Status
    Married male.
  • Location
    Sydney Australia

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  1. In a M F M threesoms session we call it silky seconds and Loe it' and I wil clean up her cream pie as well before going in for my silky seconds, love it all.
  2. A bloody big step from drinks at the bar to your buddy's wife sucking your cock! "One thing leading to another" sure covered a lot of ground in a hurry. As long as everyone enjoyed their selves.
  3. A couple of mates and I were returning from fishing off Sydney heads, we decided to stop off at Lady Jane beach, anchored the boat off the beach, stripped off and swam ashore, walking along the beach with the mates and a woman's voice called out "hi Ricky Strong" looking to see where the voice came from I seen my best mates sister inlaw who we did socialise with at parties, we started chatting and were soon joined by her husband. Nothing was ever said to the mate and his wife, Mum was the word. PS I enjoyed our conversations with her in a different light after that meeting.
  4. I love cleaning up other guys cream pies, tend to lose the urge of cleaning up my own just after cuming, best is cleaning up after wife's lover has cum in her, then slipping in for silky seconds, all the better if our friend is into cream pie eating, if he cleans up after me then goes again it can go on all night lol.
  5. There does not have to be a lot there, it's as much a mind thing to me just knowing another guy has cum in my wife.
  6. It was me Rick for sure, we started going together when we were 17, she was a sweet innocent church going Catholic virgin, I took her cherry when we were 18, we married at 21, had our family at 28 and 30, we joined a nudist club when we were early 30's and soon found out their was a lot of swinging going on ther, naturally I wanted to join in, it took a lot of talking but the wife finally went with her first EVER other guy when we were 35 and married 15 years, what a Pandora's box I opened, it was very sexy and fun seeing my 35 year old wife exploring her new found sexual freedome, she had me biting my tongue a few times with some of the things she got up to. We are now mid 70's, married 55 years and still very much in love, our playing with others has slowed to almost "ALMOST" a stop, but we sure have had a wonderful and exciting sex life. Rick.
  7. Have been down that road ourselves a few times, going back in the 80’s B C (before computers and mobile phones) we were into meeting guys for M F M threesomes through swinging sex magazines, it was a complicated procedure of placing or replying to an add “with fee attached” and making contact by snail mail you finally made contact by phone to arrange a face to face meeting. Our modus operandi was to meet at a hotel not far from our place, if the guy was OK the wife would give me the signal and I would invite him back to our place for sexy fun and games. A few times the wife gave the OK signal to a guy that I thought she would not be interested in and when I quizzed her about it she said we were only after a quick romp in the hay (bed) not a life time commitment “which was true” she thought that as long as the guy was clean, respectful and could hold a reasonable conversation why not after all we had gone through the ritual to make contact to meet him. And she was right some of the guys I thought she would say NO to turned out to be just the sort of guys we were looking for, we have it so easy these days with computers and chat rooms. PS we are still meeting guys through chat rooms where you can view each other on web cams, still very sexy.
  8. We are 70 (but not for that much longer), we started going together just before out 18th birthdays, I took her cherry when we turned 19 (wife was a very strict church going Catholic girl), we married at 21, had our family at 28 and 30, we joined a nudist club when we were 34 and found there was a lot of swinging going on there, it took me a year to convince the wife that we should try it, we were 35 and married 15 years when she went with her first ever other guy and she took to the lifestyle like a duck to water, she really enjoyed her new found sexual freedom, we started swinging and swapping and progressed to M F M threesomes and her being a hot wife with other guys, I love watching her going with other guys and going silky seconds as well as doing the cleaning up. As I said we are now 70 and have been married 50 years, still very much in love and we still have an active sex life, life sure is good.
  9. We started swinging back in the 70’s, (a little background, we started going together just before our 18th birthdays, I took her cherry when we were 19, we married at 21 and had our family at 28 and 30. We were 35 and married 15 years when the wife went with her first ever other guy, I was not present when she went with him but I had set them up and when she told me that she had done it with him I went down on her pussy before we had sex and she loved it)! We were members of a nudist club at the time where there were a lot of swingers and a lot of swinging parties going on, when word got out that the wife had done it with another guy we were welcomed into the swinging scene with open arms “and legs” , some of them large parties with as many as 30 couples attending, a part of the wife and my sex play when we were with couples or having a M F M threesome (which we were right into at the time and still are) was we would always finish off the night together where I would inevitable go down on her, so I was no stranger to a well-used pussy, I was not the kind of guy who would go straight down on a woman after blowing in her myself as I lost the urge to go down straight after blowing in her, I needed the extra kinkiness of the expectation of knowing another guy had been there before me. The usual protocol at swinging parties at the time was when you met a person you wanted to go with you would go off somewhere private and do the deed and then you would shower with the person you had went with before returning to the party “my wife often had three or four showers during a big party”! This night post fucking and talking to the woman I had just finished having sex with as we waited for the shower I commented on the fact that one of the things I missed at these parties was the smell and taste of a well-used pussy, as the women all turned up at the parties all prim and proper and showered after each session so when a guy went down on them it was like kissing a bar of soap that had been washed with perfume, she took my point and suggested that at the next party I wait and save myself for her and I agreed to it. At the next party she caught my eye before heading off to a room with a guy, they were not gone all that long at all and she gave him the slip heading to the shower and came straight to me and asked if I was ready to go with her, so off we went, man had he ever pumped a load in her and she had retained all of it, guys that are into it know how you start off with a kiss while you feel the woman up and I could tell she was all eager for me to go down on her so I went down on her MMMMM very very nice, and then slipping my cock in her put me in heaven, word soon got around as to what I liked amongst the women and it was not long before I had another couple of women wanting to join in on the fun. Having said all that my biggest turn on is still watching another guy with my wife and then doing the cleaning up before going silky seconds, to me it just adds to the kinkiness of the whole situation when it’s your own wife. As for red wings, only once, and that was with the wife when we were having a session and she got her periods, I just thought she was expectantly wet at the time until I finished (it was in the dark) until I went to the bathroom to clean up when we had finished, man did I ever have some cleaning up to do, it was everywhere.
  10. Where did I get my sex education? I did the usual show and tell with other kids while at school. When I turned 15 I was sent to live and work with my Uncle (Mother's brother) who lived 600 mile from home, he was a bachelor who owned a café he also employed a few female staff, we worked six day and nights a week only having Wednesday’s as our day off. We were working late one night doing the cleaning up after we had closed, and the conversation got around to sex and he asked me if I had ever been with a woman or girl to which I replied “no”, he than asked if I would like to go with a woman, naturally I replied “yes”. Later that night I was in bed and he came in and carried on the conversation, I started to get hard and he seen it and started playing with me, we ended up having sex together, it was by mutual consent, I was not forced into anything I did not want to do. The next Wednesday we went into town as we usually did on our day off only instead of going for lunch and a show as we usually did he took me to a house where I was introduced to a couple of women, one in her 20’s and the other in her 40’s (I am only guessing their age), after the introductions I was told that the young one would look after me and the Uncle and the older woman went to another room, the younger woman came up to me and reached out and touched my crotch and said “let’s see what we have here” and we were soon having sex, as we were going at it doggie on the lounge for the third time I think I looked up to see the uncle and the older woman watching us going at it and the older woman said she wanted to try some of my young cock, so we swapped partners, I must admit that I thought the older woman was the better sex partner by far (not that I was complaining)! “Maybe that’s why I ended up marrying an older woman”? Most Wednesdays after that we went to the same place for the same thing, and their were no combinations I could think off that we did not try, the Uncle was also a ladies man as far as women he employed in the café as well as with the customers and if he had the chance he often pointed me in the right direction with the women and girls. After a year and a bit working with him I had to return back home to my parents, things dried up considerably sex wise and I started playing around with guys for fast casual relief and then just before my 18th birthday I met my wife to be who is three months older than me, she was a sweet ever so innocent Church going (at least three times a week with family) Catholic girl “who was a virgin”, she knew absolutely nothing about sex at all, she thought that every time a woman had sex she had a baby and that her Mother must have been a very sexy woman as she had seven children “she was also a very strict Catholic woman” lol. I had to buy sex education books and educate the wife, I must have done a pretty good job of it as I took her cherry when she turned 19. We married at 20-21, her Father would not let her get married until she was 21 (I had to get my parents permission to get married), we had our family at 28 and 30 and she had her tubes tied after our last child as she did not want any more children which was fine by me (all our sex since then has been bare back sex no matter who it was with). We were early 30’s when I met an old schoolmate and his wife, it turned out they were members off a Nudist club, and they invited us along, I was surprised when the wife said yes to going and even more surprised when she agreed to join the nudist club. We were not members very long when we found out their was an underground swinging movement in the club, I started putting some work in on the wife about us joining in with the other swingers and it finally came off, we were 35 and married 15 years when she went with her first ever other guy, and man did she ever take to the lifestyle like a duck to water, swinging, swapping, her being a hot wife with other guys and M F M threesomes, there is not much we have not tried over the years I can tell you. Well that’s how I (and the wife) got our sex education, I could almost go on and tell you how our sex life finished, but we are now early 70’s, married close to 50 years and are still enjoying a good sex life are very much in love, and a bit of playing on the side is still on the cards if the right opportunity comes along. PS you might think I am boasting about this, and you would be right lol, I am proud of our life together. PPS there are people in this forum who have spoken to and seen my wife on web cam and I think they will agree that my wife is still a sexy woman at late 60’s early 70’s!
  11. M F M THREESOMES! We started off swinging in the mid 70’s when we were in our mid 30’s and had been married 15 years. We joined a nudist club where we found out their was an underground swinging movement (most of the swinging was off club premises) we eventually joined in, "it was the wife’s first time with another guy as I took her cherry when we were 19". After around five years in the scene we dropped out of the swinging scene and the nudist club because of family circumstances and commitments. Move on another five years to the mid 80’s and we were mid 40’s and family matters were all sorted out we decided to give it a go again, because of our children’s ages at the time rejoining the nudist club was not an option, we had lost contact with the people we used to swing with that were still swinging “if any”. We tried meeting couples through a local sex paper (this was still BC “before computers”) but we found it hard to meet other couples where all four of us were compatible after the initial lust had worn off, and it was hard work making arrangements, meeting couples to see if you all liked each other, then deciding if you were going to do it or not, then arranging another meeting, it was quite frustrating. We talked it over to see what we really wanted out of all this and I admitted that my biggest thrill was seeing my wife going with another guy, joining in and going silky seconds, so we decided to give M F M threesomes a go, “their was never any shortage of willing guys for that” lol. My wife had no trouble at all adapting to the hot wife lifestyle and the M F M threesomes that came with it, we had some very funny sexy situations arise out of it at times, (one such experience when we were at a 100% straight day time BBQ and the wife got the hot’s for a guy ”well they had the hot’s for each other” and I eventually stood guard outside a bathroom door while the wife and the guy had it off inside), occasionally we would come across other couples we would swap with, we even took a couple of our threesome guys along when we were meeting other couples at different times where other couple agreed that a spare cock never went astray. We have had a very rewarding sex life and some very sexy times over the years with no regrets, we are now late 60’s and have been married close to 50 years and we are still very much in love, “and we still enjoy our sex”. All the best Rick.
  12. I had a reverse experience. I married a sweet innocent Catholic girl (I took her cherry when we were 19). We were 35 and married 15 years when I convinced her to have sex with a friend of ours, after her first time she took to the lifestyle like a duck to water, we have now been married close to 50 years and she is still a player. I love it. Religion, who needs it?
  13. have just fucked a woman (my wife) on her 70’Th birthday, it was as good a fuck as when I first fucked her (and took her cherry) 51 years ago. She has had lot’s of different cocks fuck her over the last 35 years while we have been swinging and having M F M threesomes and still loves sex. She still gets plenty of offers when she goes on web cam. Anyone here top that?
  14. Hi there.

    Sorry about being slack in getting back to you but we have just returned from holidays.

    Yes I do remember you, did you get any of the old phptos from the nudist club back?


  15. Just a curiosity question. Yesterday the wife and I were watching a TV show on nudism and one of the guys had a Prince Albert piercing, it bought up the subject of what it would be like having sex with such a piercing or similar for the man and the women? Any guys out there have a Prince Albert or similar piercing? If so what inspired you to get it and how does it affect your sex life? Any woman had sex with a guy with a similar piercing? If so what was it like for you? Both the wife and I are piercing and tattoo free (my wife would not even get her ears pierced), in 30+ years of swinging, swapping and MFM threesomes we have never came across another player who was pierced except for one guy at a nudist club we belonged to, and we did not play with him. Any information would be appreciated.
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