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GuyInMD79 last won the day on August 10 2019

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1,500 Excellent

About GuyInMD79

  • Rank
    Lifestyle Mentor
  • Birthday 08/29/1961

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  • Relationship Status
    In a committed relationship
  • Location
    Central MD
  • Interests
  • Swinging Experience
    About 8 years, same room/separate room/soft/full swap, clubs, house parties, hotel takeovers

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  • Favorite Club(s)
    The Cottage in Ortanna, PA

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  1. It sounds like you are talking about cheating on your wife. That kind of thing is wrong, and risks blowing up your relationship with your wife. Please talk to your wife about this, and don’t have sex with anyone else without your wife’s knowledge and consent.
  2. Hey, Nikki and Daniel! Good to see you guys posting in this thread! And I was glad when I saw the commercial for your new show. It looks like it's a fun adventure for you two, and your personalities are great for a show like that. And I think I spied a little footage of some of your old friends from Swing- Al and Sparkle maybe? Good luck with the new show, and of course you both are welcome to weigh in here any time!
  3. Foursome is not a good model of how to meet new people! I think it's more of the "train wreck" kind of reality show. Triple Play is generally a pretty good show. They mostly portray positive experiences, though they've shown at least one less-wonderful case that rings true- a woman who was not completely honest about her age, and posted a picture online that was probably 25 or 30 years old. Triple Play does not have anything like the Swing formula of having a counselor on hand, so you see the couple sometimes flailing a bit with issues of communication, trust, and honesty.
  4. It sounds like you both are treating this as a good lesson learned, and moving ahead with a greater understanding of how you each want this to work, and a better knowledge of each other in general. I think that goodwill on both sides counts for a lot here, and it seems like this was an innocent misstep.
  5. You've gotten some good advice. I don't really have too much to add, except to say that you will feel more comfortable once you get used to things. The clubs that I go to do not have a towel rules like you describe. But I can say that, as the night wears on, people tend to be more casual about clothing (or lack thereof). By midnight, I'd say there is a good amount of nudity all around the club, near the playrooms and out by the dance floor. And of course, pretty much everyone is in their birthday suits in and around the hot tub! Believe me, it doesn't feel as strange once everybody is less clothed. When I went to Desire Riviera Maya (clothing-optional, swinger-friendly resort near Cancun), I was nervous about being naked outside around the resort. It turned out that, within about five minutes, I was comfortable and relaxed. Seeing everyone else comfortable and relaxed, unaffected, and strutting their stuff, regardless of size, shape, age, etc. was a big relief and comfort. No one pointed and giggled, no one gasped- it was all normal and accepted! So will it be with you two at Trapeze.
  6. So, I understand and agree with the point that others are making about you two being very new, though I'm not inclined to hit it as hard as some others have. It seems to me that the thing that really got to your BF was when you decided to play with the second guy, without checking in with your BF first. Do you think that this was a break of the rules and the trust that you and your BF had established beforehand? My advice is this: no calling audibles, and certainly no changing the play without talking it out and agreeing first.
  7. Hello, bigman1126, and welcome to SwingersBoard! It's true that women get more attention than men do. That is just a reality of the lifestyle. That said, I have seen guys who are plus-sized, who are great, fun, interesting, outgoing, comfortable, friendly people, who can have fun in the lifestyle. This really is a continuum- a range, rather than a binary "always get attention" vs "always get ignored" kind of thing. Will you get less attention than the trim, six-pack-abs guys? In general, probably. But I still think that you can have fun in the lifestyle, if you are all those things I mentioned earlier, along with developing a thick skin! You might want to ensure that you work out some sex positions that will be comfortable and enjoyable for your potential play partners. A while back, my wife and I had a play date with a fun couple, that included a large guy. He and my wife played in one position that worked out well, that was comfortable and pleasurable. But they switched at some point to a variation of missionary, and my wife was feeling a bit smothered during that part.
  8. Hello, Jesterpea, and welcome to SwingersBoard! I'm very happy that this has worked out for you! In general, it's taking a bit of a chance to try moving a friendship into the sexual arena. But it sounds like it's working out for you four! Good luck and have fun! Do you think this venture might inspire you to join the larger world of swinging, with new people?
  9. Yeah, I also wonder why the sites don't do people the favor of updating the age in profiles. I have also seen many profiles that haven't been updated in a long time. My favorite is the profile that talks about people being newbies, but the profile is 10 years old. What are we to do with that? Newbies in spirit still, or old hands who have neglected their profile?
  10. I agree that it would be helpful to know a little more about the situations where she felt rejected. A lifestyle couple of two women is rare in the lifestyle- even more rare than a single woman! In your play times thus far, have you been with other F-F couples, single men, single women, or male-female couples? The dynamics here might be relevant to understanding what happened. And I'm wondering if there might be a little uncertainty in others about how to play with a F-F couple that contributed to the situation somehow. I will mention that it's possible that, if your spouse has a lack of confidence, it's possible that this could be misunderstood as being a little distant or aloof. Do you think she was engaging and friendly with the people you were talking with before playing? I also agree that, as padoc said, she might be so shapely and hot that a potential play partner might be intimidated, see her as out of their league. She may need to make an extra effort to come across as friendly, approachable, and interested in the other person/people. I hope she doesn't give up! Rejection is going to happen sometimes- it is the natural result of putting yourself out there. But it's easier to have a thick skin, and accept the occasional rejection with grace and equanimity, if you've also had the ego boost of being desired and sought-after by some people. I know my ex-wife came into the lifestyle with some uncertainty about whether other people would find her attractive (for that matter, I had the same uncertainty about myself!). But by now, she has been complimented, lusted after, and devoured enough that she's pretty confident. It can happen!
  11. I really, really do not know. As it happens, this party was located in the Alabama section of PA!
  12. And don't forget to invite her to read over your shoulder here!
  13. I agree that this is a good time to stop swinging, and focus on saving your marriage. Your trust in him has been broken. That trust needs to be rebuilt, and that takes a little time. He needs to be willing to focus on you two and your relationship.
  14. I've been to a number of house parties- good, bad, and ugly. The ugliest one was a party we were invited to as kind of a last-minute thing. We did know another couple, and went to the party with them. The house was dark, lots of weed wafting around, and the people did not seem friendly at all. No one really talked to us, and the host did not introduce us to anyone. And the basement play area smelled like cat piss. Oh, and the kicker was that we had to pay to get in! We stayed for about a half hour, then we beat it out of there!
  15. I can think of exactly one time when I stayed hard after cumming, and was able to continue fucking after catching my breath for a few seconds, right into a second orgasm. I felt like such a stud! But again, one time.
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