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About aaaflirt

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  1. Wow Talk about a threadjack. It is a pretty important rule in most clubs and parties... ASK BEFORE YOU TOUCH because a punch in the face often offends (not to mention hurts). Ok Back to the original post. Mate if your going to try bi then you need to tell your wife. Don't just spring it on her with just cum with some young guy and let her find out by seeing it for herself. Honesty is the only policy and open communication is a great way to have a happy continuing swinging relationship. There are of course a few of ways this could go. One is she doesn't like the idea and you have to decide how you are going to satisfy the situation. Two is she loves the idea and is in a great position to help you to satisfy the situation (get her to ask the bloke if he minds you doing what ever you have decided is good for you). Three is she may like the idea but doesn't want to see it. Don't forget to set some boundaries and talk about how it went the next time you have an opportunity to talk. Good luck and happy swinging.
  2. It was fourteen years in January. 15 years together. Planning on doing the big honeymoon for our fifteenth anniversary. Hopefully will be visiting a few clubs round they world while we are at it. Answer to the question is very married very happily.
  3. I had to answer other as well. Was chatting a lot on MSN chat back when it was available. Had a great conversation with a few people and was told about an on-premise club with a very informative web site, I visited the web site and printed some of the more pertinent information and gave it to Mrs aaaflirt. We went to the club for a look after much discussion. We went again the next week and then after 6 continuous weeks of going, mrs aaaflirt played with three other women and we ended up going every week from then on. We play now very freely with very few boundaries (rules). We do think that setting "Boundaries" together is very important. It opens communication and you don't have to ask "is this ok honey ?" because you already know. Don't do it till your sure, once your sure relax and go with the flow.
  4. Sounds like a great idea, I'm not sure you could call it poly though. We have experienced something close but it was not so closed and jealousy crept into the pot. Some didn't play outside of the group while others said they weren't but were. We didn't even realize we had made any such commitment. Once again open honesty wins best. It all eventually lost momentum and the whole group, bar two of the couples, went different ways. I believe the only couples that actually stayed together did actually live together in the same house. I have a five bedroom house if there are four other couples interested in giving it a go. It would be an interesting experiment.
  5. Buck ... your an arsehole and I think I love you.
  6. well my 2 cents worth are, well done you have discussed it with your partner now its time to discuss it with both of them (as in all three of you together) and then discuss it privately with them both again. May be your partner can discuss the situation with the other woman privatly also. Get back together and set some ground rules together. That way every body is on the same page nobody has to feel like the executioner, and nobdy feels ganged up on. Remember that every body is responsible for their own feellings and that every body must deal with the consequences of their own desicions. Once again congrats on the way you have handled this so far. Good luck with which ever way you all go from here.
  7. gee mate, it's not up to you. It is really between mother and daughter what they get up to. Your only choice is "do you want to have a physical relationship with your girlfriend's daughter." I'm guesing the answer is yes. I would swing the answer back to mother's court and tell her it is up to her and her daughter to decide. Then all three of you get together and discuss the boundaries between you. Swinging only works when there is open honest communication between all parties involved.
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