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About flkeyscouple

  • Rank
    Sarah&Roger's Female Half
  • Birthday December 3

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  • Relationship Status
    couple-female half
  • Location
  • Interests
    music, socializing, outdoors, & boating
  • Swinging Experience
    Started 15 years ago, but steadily only the last few years.

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  • Favorite Club(s)
    The Roof Top Beach Hotel, The Groves

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  1. We feel the same. We've never had any 'guilt' feelings about our experiences either. iapr your full post was great, and I'd 'ditto' the whole thing. But especially wanted to point out the quote above - no guilt feelings. Sarah
  2. I thought that too, but I figured I'd just say that 'that's the number of people in the US that were starving on the day that such and such an organization had their fund raiser' or something equally as lame. No one wants to talk about starving people or whatever else you want to assign to the bracelet - so that would end the conversation. Mrs. FLKeys
  3. It doesn't seem to me that you did anything wrong. You've played with this couple before so how would have known it could/would fall apart. I appreciate your 'learning' list. We've never played without our vehicle before, but I could see it happening - now it won't! Drama - everyone wants to avoid it, but I don't see HOW you could have seen it coming. Having played with them before (and no drama then) I'm not sure we'd have reacted any different than you did when you first noticed 'some tension'. Chalk it up to experience, and you've already learned from it. Sarah
  4. InNY, I was about to say 'troll', but I see where you are coming from. Your first post to this board was you seemingly deciding whether to leave your wife or not - because you didn't think she'd be willing to swing. So the statement you've made above seems to be a reflex reaction because of your own situation. I agree with your latest post in this thread. There is more drama in this thread than in many - so as you and your wife are trying to decide about the lifestyle, make sure you read through all the posts - not just the ones full of drama. There are many, many successful swing relationships that don't post because they don't have any drama to post about! I'm sure you've read through some posts that tell the successful stories too. Now... sorry for the thread-jack. Mrs. FLKeys
  5. It's good that the kids are with you - it should keep you calmer than you could do without them there. Just breath and read them a book - it might not make sense to you, but they'll enjoy it and it will keep you breathing. The more time that passes the easier your taking a breath will be, and you need to stay calm. I'm so sorry that this happened. It's hard to even suggest, but stay calm and as time passes your thoughts and emotions will play out - and even out. Time heals - even if it's a temporary fix, time will help you get through the day and night. Keep writing here, and as much as you don't want to hear it, just remember that if she left with a new partner, then there had to be deeper issues - the marriage couldn't have been too strong - at least in her mind. Again.. breath and spend time with the kids. THEY need YOU, and believe it or not, YOU need THEM. Mrs. FLKeys
  6. I can easily answer 'yes'. We have a great sex life (as do most of the couples on this board) but aside from the quantity, the quality is fantastic. This is not to say I haven't had great sex from partners, but the emotional connection that I have with my hubby makes it 'over the top'.
  7. I, too, am confused. I can honestly say loud and proud swinging hasn't caused any problems for them because swinging HASN'T caused ANY problems for us. So.. what is your point "Its sad though, that the point is ignored." I don't understand that comment. Can you explain?? Mrs. FLKeys
  8. I'm with you, SexyShelby! I have a few pairs of heels - 2 inches is about the highest I can go! But I know it's what you are used to - I used to wear business clothes and heels daily - and I could easily do 3-4 inch heels without a problem, and higher for 'dress up'. But now that my 'work shoes' are flip flops and until we got active in the lifestyle again (2 yrs ago) I didn't even OWN anything with heels, now I get a lower back pain if I wear anything higher than 2 inches or even wear 2 inch heels for any long period of time!! But I like the look of legs much better with heels! So I do wear them!
  9. No, it doesn't! Not in the least! Cheating is drama. Swinging is honesty! HUGE difference!!
  10. Very well said, lovinher! This sums up our feelings about cheating spouses in swing situations!
  11. You need to tell her your thoughts. If you are uncomfortable with her meeting him without you, she needs to know you are uncomfortable. Your relationship should always come first and she should abandon the idea once she knows your feelings. Just remember (and remind her) that everything should move at the pace of the slowest member! Personally, I won't do any meeting without my hubby... but I know that many others do. I'm sure you'll hear from others, but whatever happens, you both need to be comfortable!! Good luck. Mrs. FLKeys
  12. It's still great to have you on the board! I hope you'll stick around and keep reading. After a quick check of the links that Julie gave you, I think you'll have your fill of info. on your original topic! And good luck with child number 4!! Mrs. FLKeys
  13. iapr, you said it perfectly! completely!! Mrs. FL Keys
  14. You sound like lots of the swinging friends that we have - you love your wife first and foremost, and just want some added excitement. I don't think that's necessarily a bad reason to swing, although I do think that most of the couples we know have a great sex life at home. BUT... having said that I will also say that our sex life after our first swing session became even bigger and better! And we weren't all that sure that it COULD get better!! So, I guess I'm saying that as long as BOTH of you agree to try it and have NO second guesses about it, it would be a great way to add some spice to your sex life! Good luck!! Mrs. FL Keys
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