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How old is everyone and how long have you been swinging?

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We are both late 50's and we have been swinging since 1983 after being married for 10 years. We never hesitated to get right into it. We honestly told each what we desired and we have enjoyed ourselves and our good friends ever since. At the end of April we will be married 38 years. We are certainly glad that we started when we did because lots of the pleasures in life should be enjoyed in youth and repeated often.

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I'm almost 38 and my husband is 25. (Rawr!) We've been swinging for almost three weeks.

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At the age of 68 I have missed out on a lot of fun...


I first heard of the LS back in high school (the 50's) and a girl I knew had young parents who entertained a lot and showed stag films, which she got to watch too. Don't know if any actual swapping went on, but the possibilities were there.

Years later, up where I live now, my then new gf, told me about the horrible Key Parties that went on up here in the addition. This should have sent a big red flag waving "Danger Will Robinson", but I was just happy to have a gf. I did get to spend some good years with a lady who was certainly open to the idea. We just never managed to pull it all together. That has been the story of my life.

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I am 26 and he is 27 and we have been swinging for a year and a half. Our first trip to a swing club was for my 25h birthday.


Another good question.....


How long have you and you significant other been together?


We have been together for 11 years and married for 2.


He's 53 and I'm 51. Started off swinging about 1981 and on again off again throught the years. Before you ask caused by life in general kids, work, moves etc.


As to how long married we're working o 33 years now

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Hubby is 35, and I am 30. We have been together 5 years and marrried for 3. We have been "full in" into the lifestyle for a year, and "play in shallow waters" for a year before that, originally started discussing while dating (took us a while to jump).

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We are late 60's and have been active in the lifestyle for well over 35 years.

I was the only guy my wife had been with, we started dating just before our 18th birthdays, she was a sweet ever so innocent church going Catholic girl who never touches alcohol (still never does), she was so naïve that she thought every time a woman had sex she had a baby and that her mother must have been a very sexy woman as she had six children (the Catholic church has a lot to answer for) I had to buy sex education book to educate her to the facts of sexuality, it finally paid off as I took her cherry when we turned 19.

We married at 21, had our family at 28 and 30 and she had her tubes tied after our second child “her decision”. Without going into a long story we joined a nudist club when we were early 30’s and soon found out their was an underground swinging group at the nudist club, we talked about it, “we found out that some of the people we had became friends with were swingers” I kept trying to steer her in the direction of swinging and when we were 35 and married 15 years she went with her first ever other guy, that opened the doors to swinging, swapping, M F M threesomes and her being a hot wife with other guys to us, “and she took to the lifestyle like a duck to water”, in fact at times I started to wonder just how big a Pandora’s box I had opened, she had me biting my tongue at times with some of the things she got up to!

We are now late 60’s, married 48 years and she is still a player, it’s been a pretty good life I can tell you.

PS She still never touches alcohol “a lot of women use alcohol as an excuse to explain what they get up to, not my wife, I tell her everything she has done she has done “stone cold sober out of pure lust”.


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I am 28 and have been "swinging" for almost a year. It can be very fun. Sometimes it can be hit and miss. Most for me, mostly hit.


I'd love to meet with a single female who also into the scene. If only I could find, the one...

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I'm 45 and my wife is 36. We've been together 17 years, married 12 and been swingers since we met in 1994. We first hooked up through an adult BBS, so we were both honest with each other from the beginning about our mutual interest. Our first club was (what I believe is the now defunct) Club Eros in Toronto , we were taken there by another couple that mentored us in swinging.

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25, I've been swinging for 3 years since I landed a job in the adult video industry. When the camera was off we didn't really think of it as swingin but looking back at it I suppose thats what we did. My first real swinger couple I met was twice my age and perhaps the best sex of my life

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He is 42. She is 46. We had a couple FFMs over the years but neither experience was quite what we hoped. It was almost 6 months ago that we finally jumped in... a week after our 5th anniversary.

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I've been around as long as Rick18, if I have the right person. Hey lets wave the flag for the oldies still hanging in, and haven't died of some horrid medical problem, (at our age more likely cancer) and still going strong -- even if a little recreational drug is required on the odd occasion to achieve the desired outcome.

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I'm 48, Fiona is 46 and we've been swinging for 2 years, married for 27.


Rick's post has a lot in common with us, we were full-on fundi Christians in the southern baptist church, and had only ever known each other as lovers. Obviously fornication was a terrible sin and homoseuality right out of the question. That's the benefit of fundamentalism: everything is black and white and the answers are easy.


Luckily changing country allowed us to slowly slip away from church and study and the internet slowly turned us atheist.


Fiona brought up the swinging idea, and as she has progressed in her 40's she has flowered and grown and is such a wonderful person I am very proud of her. I wish I was as liberted and free from hang-ups as she is!

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Near 50 here. Been swinging since I was about 36, so about 14 years. I was invited by a friend to visit a vacation home in the mountains for the purpose of giving a painting estimate. Got up there and began measuring and she came up and kneeled in front of me and began giving me head. She told me her husband wanted her to. When I protested she called him and he told me it was what he wanted. Needless to say it all escalated over the years.

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I was just thinking that this is something that really hasn't come up on here before. I know it comes up every day in the chat room so I thought I'd see what the deal is here :)


So how old are you guys? And how long have you been swinging?




Hi im R(m30) and A(f24). swinging for over a year. married for 4 yrs.

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I was just thinking that this is something that really hasn't come up on here before. I know it comes up every day in the chat room so I thought I'd see what the deal is here :)


So how old are you guys? And how long have you been swinging?


hi am new jacob and new to this site!!!!!

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Mike is 43 and tammy is 42.


We had been in the lifestyle for about 7yrs starting in texas and then moving to Virginia. Due to a move to oklahoma and having kids we have not been active for about 8yrs. Looking around to see what is out there but have not seen much going on in Oklahoma yet. We have been married for 20yrs.

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Guest mmbny47

I'm 64 and have been swinging for 44 years.

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Hello everyone i'm new to site, I have been swinging for about 6 months now and i'm 44 years old

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Hey everyone. I'm 31 and the love of my life is 33. we have been married for over 10 years now.


and we are also newbies. cant wait to learn more about this lifestyle.

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We have been swinging for about 1 year now. We have jumped in head first and are really enjoying it. This site is really helpful.

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I am 40 and wife is 35. we've been married for 27 years and have 3 kids. we have been in the lifestyle for 10 years


we love every second and we love getting others involved.

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He is 26, she is 24 and we've been consistently swinging for about two and a half years, but have sporadic experiences going back seven years :)

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I’m ninety years old and it’s been four years since I expended my last sustainable erection. I can still however, experience the yearning of the groin to be pressed against a warm female puss and have a wealth of memories of such encounters.

During fifty nine years of marriage, my wife Ingrid and I thought we had hundreds of occasions to invite other couples to share our California King size

bed but there were only forty two such occasions that we could recall last time we strolled down memory lane. Fourteen were one time flings and six were regrettable catastrophes.

The remainder were ongoing affairs with friends and neighbors who are remembered with affection.

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I am just a few months shy of 22, hubby is 24 and we have been swinging for 4 1/2 years.

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I’m ninety years old and it’s been four years since I expended my last sustainable erection. I can still however, experience the yearning of the groin to be pressed against a warm female puss and have a wealth of memories of such encounters.

During fifty nine years of marriage, my wife Ingrid and I thought we had hundreds of occasions to invite other couples to share our California King size

bed but there were only forty two such occasions that we could recall last time we strolled down memory lane. Fourteen were one time flings and six were regrettable catastrophes.

The remainder were ongoing affairs with friends and neighbors who are remembered with affection.


duncan69, you are my new hero!

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Chuck is 47 and Mary Ann is 42. We have been married for 21 years and swinging for the last 14 months. So far its been a blast.

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I'm 52 & new to the lifestyle. I was beginning to think I was the oldest person on the board:lol:

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I am 45 and I have been swinging for 5 years. I am single so I fit in the lifestyle whenever I can find a partner.

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I'm 21 and ms.yng is 19 we started last year after having a few same room same partner experiences with friend's of ours.

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Mr OCC is 56, I am 49, we have been swinging for just over a year

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Mr is 42 and Mrs is 43. We moved from swinging as a fantasy to swinging in reality just over three years ago. It's been fun so far.

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M 49. F 48 just became a swingers club member this past April and are slowly working on doing more tan soft swing (have had previous experience with my wife in an MFM which was about only 3 diff occasions with same male almost 17 years ago which she loved but ended due to him moving on and her not wanting to seek another male

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Mr. Lateboomer is 60, Mrs Lateboomer is 54. Just joined the board and are looking for ways to start slowly with other like couples. Right now we're still in the talking stage but the idea of going to an "on premise" club in our area has not been rejected. We've had some hot discussions about what we might like to do at the club, Hell, we're having fun just laying out the groundrules! Haven't really been able to get completely through a discussion about what we'd like to do without the talk just melting into a heated session. Is this a normal reaction for a couple after the concept of swinging is introduced into their relationship? So far, we're liking it!


Regarding the club, we're both a little unsure about whether or not we'd look a bit silly attending a club at our age. The last thing we want to do is to "creep out" any of the younger club attendees. Ideas?

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Haven't really been able to get completely through a discussion about what we'd like to do without the talk just melting into a heated session. Is this a normal reaction for a couple after the concept of swinging is introduced into their relationship?


It was normal for us. In fact, it took us over two years to transfer the thrill to a playcouple. :)



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We are both 44. It's been 4 months of some crazy good and some not so good experiences. Life tends to be like that. We should have started doing this along time ago. Its downright silly how much I've learned about myself and about my wife of 19 years! Our bedroom life was always pretty good but for some reason it's only been the last 4 months where we really started talking about ourselves to each other. There is so much that I wish I would have known about her. It makes me think that if I had this much to discover, this much fun to uncover, how good are the next 19 years going to be!

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Both of us are 58 and look pretty good for our years. We have only been swinging for 1 1/2 years and having the time of our lives.

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I'm 49, Mr is 52, he's had a FMF threesome and a MFMF foursome, me not so much, so we're pretty new to swinging. Been together this time 3 years. We were college sweethearts, broke up, married others, kids, divorce, and discovered each other again. As I said in my greetings post, the second time around is the sweetest!

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Bryan is 36, and Alicia is 37, going on 38 in Dec. And we've been swinging for the better part of 11 years, we've taken breaks from it during the past 11 years, but over that time, most of those 11 years we have. Lately we haven't but it's not because we haven't wanted to, it's mainly due to Bryan's work schedule, he's putting in some long hours, and also a combination of not having someone to watch the kids for us.

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Greetings I am 39 years old and started swinging in 1994 when I was 20 years old almost 21 I have been swinging since then but stopped in 2005 I say 2007 for different reasons but I'd like to maybe get back into it thank you for the site

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