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ClosetSwinger last won the day on April 27 2011

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About ClosetSwinger

  • Rank
    100 Posts Club
  • Birthday 07/23/1977

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  • Relationship Status
    Wife Half of Married Couple.
  • Location
    Where the Sun Shines

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  1. This is exactly what I was thinking. We always have condoms with us before we go to a party or out to meet a couple. Usually we have a whole box and if anyone needs one we share.
  2. Yes I would just tell my hubby I was interested in playing with said person and then ask him if he was okay with it. The answer is almost always "fine with me honey, I trust your judgement."
  3. I am laughing so hard right now and BOY did I need that. "corset shrapnel" bahahahahahahahahah
  4. I loved this whole answer, especially the last line.
  5. Soft swapping is actually very common and we started out that way too. As long as everyone makes it perfectly clear from the get go what is okay and what is not I don't think you should have a problem.
  6. I don't smoke, the hubby does. I don't care one way or the other if the other couple smokes or not. As long as they are not stinky and blowing it in my face I'm fine. Everyone we have met that does smoke is usually super respectful about it.
  7. Every woman wants to look her best and so of course she is going to play up her good features and hide her bad. I have been in play situations and not known about certain "flaws" people had until we were naked and getting ready to get down. A little extra padding here and there does not bother me especially if the person has a great personality and is attractive. If the woman really was able to diguise the amount of fat she had I say KUDOS TO HER. I wear corsets and while they can hide a lot, there is also a lot that still shows. Now if you are telling me she looked like Britney Spears before the clothes came off and then it was more like Rosanne....THEN I totally feel you. My go to answer for couples that are hounding to play is that we dont plan ANYTHING ever. We always get together in a group or at a club this way no one is truly pressured or expected to do anything. This leaves room for everyone to mingle and not be cornered.
  8. This is such a sad post and I am sorry to hear that things have ended this way for you. Please keep up posted on how everything pans out in the future.
  9. I wouldnt do it. It seems too much like "Indecent Proposal". . I try to imagine what I would feel like if I did accept this trip and then how it would feel when it came down to doing the deed. I wouldnt want to but would feel like I had to and that makes my skin crawl. Oh and I agree this isn't swinging this is a "gold digger/prostitution" type scenario.
  10. From what I have seen everyone that I know that's done the exclusive thing has ended in a disaster. If you WANT to do an exclusive thing I would not do it with a couple that many miles away. I can't see how on earth that would work. I'd look locally if that is what I was wanting.
  11. I have not had one since high school. If I got one from a swing partner I would only be annoyed if it was visible to others. Next timewe played I'd probably half serious half jokingly say "no hickeys". I gave a couple recently, never had before in my life and it was NOT intentional. I was biting, kissing, sucking his neck but I wasnt doing it any harder than I normally do (at least at the time i didnt seem that way). He was fair skinned though so maybe that was why. They were small though and went away quickly.
  12. I like that you are trying to be open. It took us a very long time to get to the openness we have now. I still have some hang ups but the more I let those go the more fun I find I have. That being said there is a man that comes to our club and he has a handlebar mustache and for the life of me I can't do anything but giggle when I see him (discreetly of course..... ).
  13. If your wife is THAT turned off by a mustache or facial hair I would put it in the profile. That being said, I would just tell the couple that right now you are taking it slow and that in the future when and if you are comfortable you will let them know. I say that because there are things that in the beginning of our swinging experiences would have bothered me but now that we have been doing this a while I find a lot of it silly. There have been couples we have met in person at the club that I would not have talked to had I just seen pics or their profile for whatever reason. Then once I've met them in person they have been really amazing fun people. I just am saying not to cut someone off if it's just over something like a mustache.
  14. It happens sometimes and BOY IT DOES SUCK! In the past I have gotten "Instead Softcups". Most pharmacies carry them. They are not easy to get in or out (for me at least) but they do work. If you don't get them in just right though the guy can feel it. The only times I have used them is if I am with a partner I'm pretty comfortable with that knows and is okay with it. I've played once on day four of "my visitor" and didnt use anything. The guy was the bf though and he didnt care.
  15. I have some limits but for the most part I would try JUST ABOUT anything if I thought it might fulfill a fantasy of my husbands.
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