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MrsPandMe last won the day on September 21 2010

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150 Excellent

About MrsPandMe

  • Rank
    100 Posts Club

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  • Relationship Status
    Happily Married Couple
  • Location
    Woodstock, IL

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  1. I would say conservatively that 1/3 of the profiles on SLS that advertise as a couple have zero pictures of the men. I can't understand why the guys would not put a picture of themselves up. Really, at some point you're going to have to show your face. Mrs. P and I generally ignore profiles that have dozens of pictures of her and nothing of him unless they have some other compelling trait like a very well written profile, in which case we proceed with EXTREME caution.
  2. profiles with no punctuation at all i thin they are very hard to read espshilly wen they have poor gramer it seems like it would be very easy to at least sometimes accidentally brush your finger over a punctuation key at least once even if it was random my god its hard to do this so i have to assume it takes ssome effort to type this horribly ugh this flies in the face of my years of college english excuse me i have to wash my hands now if feel dirty
  3. Best advice is already given. Thanks for writing, but I just don't think we're a good match. If condoms make her sore, he's doing it wrong. Proper condom usage involves lubrication. Gotta do it, boys. Those things dry out faster then a worm on a Las Vegas highway.
  4. It just seems to me that it's a term that is exclusionary in general. We've also met couples in gatherings who we had seen previously on SLS with a "HWP" disclaimer on their profile. They had a fantastic time with us, and I would not categorize either of us as "ideal" weight.
  5. So Mrs. P and I were having a discussion about finding couples, and the question came up about dick pics in profiles. My immediate reaction is to think they are creepy and generally inappropriate, but we do occasionally get requests in the course of a conversation for one. We have of course been sent dick pics and one thing that occurred to us is that most of them have no reference for size (which I imagine is really the only reason you're sending one to begin with, to show size). As an aside, I feel the same way about dick pics as I feel about pussy pics. Though there is some merit to a dick pic in that, much as we don't like to admit, size and girth do actually have some bearing on the conversation (on BOTH ends of the scale... Dudes, my wife is 4'9". If you're hung like a horse, that's actually a WORSE problem then having a small dick). As for pussy pics (and by that I mean close-up, lips spread, you know... porn type pussy pics, not full frontals or action pics), I'm relatively sure you have a pussy, if we're going to play I'll surely see your pussy, and I can almost guarantee that I will like it because, well, it's your pussy! Anyway, I am beginning to think that there is some merit to putting a dick pic on our SLS profile and I wanted to see if some of you had an opinion on how to be classy about it and still accomplish the objective of giving reference to size. Also, where to put the picture. I'm figuring I'd put it in the private gallery separate from our other pictures, clearly labeled as a dick pic and open it upon specific request. So, what say you?
  6. Common problem. We seem to especially have that problem with couples we meet at parties, even the ones we play and have a great time with, but especially the ones who seem very interested but didn't play. I'm sure there's many reasons why, but we've sort of gotten used to it and have really tempered our enthusiasm about "repeat performances" with couples we meet at parties. I think in the almost 7 years of swinging we've managed to strike up a "regular" type swinging relationship with 1 couple.
  7. Would YOU want to party with these two? Of COURSE you're not Ken and Barbie! Your sex life would SUCK then!
  8. I've found that more often then not concerns about dick size have to do with what other MEN perceive about each other. I am lucky to have a respectable package, and found that the one most responsible for boosting the ego of smaller guys that we play with is me, not Mrs. P. Odd though that sounds. Technique is 90% of the equation!
  9. I think the point my esteemed colleague was trying to make is that couples that strive for a 50/50 ratio tend to get upset when that doesn't happen, thus the drama. In this idyllic world, a couple meets up with another couple and both get their rocks off, and I have seen many new swinging couples go into this with the idea that they're both going to "get some" and thus equality. Then they actually get into the situation and one of the guys ends up having a failure to launch, the other couple is happily fucking away oblivious to this and suddenly the "perfect 50/50" ideal is broken. Some couples deal with this by getting envious or jealous, others try to "even the score" the next time, which invariably just skews the ratio even more because now he (or she) is "under pressure" to make things right... The successful ones are the ones that come to terms with the idea that there will be days where one or the other might "strike out" and that that is okay because in the grand scheme of things it's not about keeping score, but about being happy and enjoying yourselves. Mr. P.
  10. At least on SLS, there's no differentiation in an online profile between "I smoke socially" vs. "I smoke like a diesel tractor at a tractor pull", so we don't make our decisions based solely on a smoking disclosure. I am much more sensitive to smokers then she is, but I think in the 6 years we've been swinging we've run into one couple that really was too much to bear. Most everyone who knows we don't smoke have done everything they can to "de-smoke" themselves and it turns out to be no problem at all. And the statement is certainly true, if we were to pass on anyone who disclosed smoking in their profile, we'd have missed out on some incredible times with some truly great couples.
  11. I was going to quote the questions I am going to address, but that would be a bit of an exercise, so I'll just summarize... I did do a lot of research on HSV before we decided to engage in bareback encounters. One of the things that was remarkable was how ineffective condoms are against transmission of herpes. Main reason is, herpes virus isn't confined to the genitals. Indeed, herpes outbreaks can be found on the pelvis, lower torso, inner thighs... All of which are exposed and can potentially make contact with your partner regardless of whether you're wearing a condom or not. Even dormant, HSV lives in the nerve ganglia and can shed to the skin surface without the carrier knowing. An HSV positive carrier sheds about 1 to 2 percent of the time he has the virus when he is not symptomatic. Outbreaks tend to reduce in frequency the longer a person has the virus to the point where outbreaks no longer occur, but you never are rid of the virus. Anti-viral medications can greatly reduce the shedding frequency. There is not currently a 100% accurate test to determine whether a person who is asymptomatic is HSV positive. The HIV virus is biologically fragile and dies quickly outside of the body. This is why most doctors rate the risk of infection orally as statistically as close to zero as you can get without actually being zero. Saliva is a hostile environment for the virus. To facilitate HIV infection, one must basically introduce the virus directly into the bloodstream. Orally this is virtually impossible without chemical interface with something else en route, and even with vaginal sex considering the environment it's difficult to infect someone, though clearly the risk is much higher.
  12. I'm another guy who sometimes has this problem, and it is pretty common in our experiences. For me, it's no so much anxiety, but more what I'm concentrating on, which is making my partner feel good and paying attention to her needs. What's helped me is mentioning to my partner that if she wants me to come to say so. For me, it's incredibly hot for my partner to tell me she wants me to come. If I can't, I'll let her know. Mr. P.
  13. I think this number is GROSSLY underestimated. Combined HSV1 and HSV2 carriers in the United States probably is closer to 75% to 85% of the population over the age of 16. As mentioned earlier, a SIGNIFICANT percentage of infected people have no idea they are carriers. In reading your original message, I'm concerned that you have a bit of an unreasonable fear. It is certainly good to be prudent, but it is not good at all to be paranoid. As with all things, sex with others is an exercise in calculated risk. So is walking. It's all a matter of perspective. Mr. P
  14. We have had success with responding to free members, but statistically less so. When dealing with free profiles we are careful to look for an intelligently written profile, RECENT certifications (if they're from other couples we know, even better) and how old the profile is. If a profile was open a couple of years ago and is free, it's a warning flag that perhaps it's being "kept alive" by one or the other of the couple, often without the other's knowledge. Either way, we don't summarily dismiss free profiles for being free, we just take more steps to ensure it's legit.
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