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Turning the Tables on the Neighbors


It had become somewhat of a regular event thought Kent, to watch their neighbors, Ricky and Krissy, have long evenings with the cross-street neighbors, Sarah and Ronnie.


Since Kent and Alice had discovered their own awakenings as swingers with their church friends, Gary and Sandy, they had several of the same sorts of occasions they imagined that their neighbors were having.


“You know, I used to be jealous of how liberated our little neighbor seemed to be when I overheard her talking to Ronnie and Sarah across the street,” offered Alice as she watched Kent drying off from a shower. “I think it's clear that they are swinging with the neighbors, and I,” she paused to adjust her dildo, “think we could approach them somehow. Ummm,” she now moaned a little, “to see if they would like to swing with us, and maybe with all of us, including Gary and Sandy, mmm.” She was getting closer to getting herself off with her dildo.


Kent looked down at his wife, who just a few months back had been living inside a pent-up shell of stoic once-a-month sex life, if they happened to schedule it, to now a wife that was comfortable masturbating in front of him just to get him super aroused. Clearly, the many years of marriage were full of love and yet, both had settled into the typical dullness helped by age and the resultant life conditions brought on by gravity and ordinary habits.


“You know, we have Krissy to blame for all of this,” he said as he took control of the dildo and began to control the future orgasm Alice was building, “when she was a little bit of an exhibitionist with her neighbors in the front garden, don't you think?” as he leaned into her shaven pussy, delicately teasing Alice's clit with the tip of his tongue.


Alice heaved her mound up to Kent's face instinctively seeking greater sensation from his tongue, crying in a tense voice, “Yeah, the little bitch made me horny and it all went downhill from there, I ...,” she was interrupted by Kent accelerating the dildo's speed causing her to start bucking and taking sharp guttural breaths.


“I what?” asked Kent emphatically, “I what?”


Alice screamed, “I want to watch you fuck her and then I want to eat her out!”


Kent pulled the dildo out of her wet pussy and with one easy thrust he inserted his hardened cock fully into Alice. She gasped and pulled him down to her chest, yelling, “Fuck Krissy, fuck her, fuck her, that's it, fuck her deep, ohhhh gawd, she's coming Kent, fuck her, fuck her,” as she began to buck wildly against him.


Kent leaned into Alice's ear, whispering as he grunted faster towards emptying his cock, “Alice wants to eat my cum from your pussy Krissy, Alice wants to eat my cum from your pussy!”


“Yes, yes, ohhhhhh, yes, now, now, arghh, arghh, ohhhhhhh, give it to Krissy, give it to me” cried Alice as she rolled to a hard orgasm. Kent could not hold back as he embraced the role play of fucking his “neighbor's image” using his wife's pussy. He felt his cock enlarged and her pussy tighten, squeezing the semen from his cock into her.


They laid there for a moment after Kent had softened and rolled off of Alice. He stroked his hand down from her breasts to her swollen pussy, then gently inserted first his middle finger, then combined his index finger massaging upward towards her G-Spot ever so softly. He extracted his fingers, pulling semen with them, and then offered them to Alice's lips saying, “Alice, would you like to lick the creampie from Krissy?”


Krissy quickly grabbed his hand and pulled them to her lips, sucking Kent's seed from his fingers, then she reached down between her legs to retrieve more with her own hand.


“This roleplay is fun, but I bet we are missing out on the real thing,” Krissy mused aloud as she licked her fingers repeating her retrieval of more cum.


“Yeah, but it sounded like Krissy wants to be the 'controller' from how you described her encounter with the neighbors and she hasn't even offered to approach you,” he observed. “Maybe it's me," he thought aloud.


Alice was now down from her sexual high and alarmed that Kent would think that he could be the impediment to Krissy's overtures. “You know, I think it is us, not you,” she suggested.


“How so?”


“Well, think about it. Do we provide any external clues that we might be interested in flirtation, exhibitionism or, dare we say, 'swinging' to anyone that might observe us? I mean, the definition of vanilla is the appearances we have as neighbors and in the community, right? And for family, church, and professional reasons, we need to keep that same appearance to everyone except those that we fuck,” she stated.


“Guess you are right. We got ourselves all primed for fun but went in a direction that no one predicted last winter with Gary and Sandy. I don't think you can even write a script for how that happened. Yet, there was one underlying driver - Krissy's actions that you first observed,” Kent posed.


“Krissy's actions with the neighbors drew your interest, and, I'm guessing she knew you were keeping an eye on them. But, dumb ole me. Well, I never saw it coming nor did I provide any follow-on clues that we were watching that little exhibitionist. She probably chalked it up to her own satisfaction that she sensed you might know what is happening, but that it didn't convey to me and to you any action,” said Kent.


“So, do you want to roleplay or play for real with Ricky and Krissy?" asked Alice. “I mean we could just be happy with Gary and Sandy and stay a little naughty with the Ricky-Krissy roleplay if you want,” she muttered looking down pensively then back up into Gary's eyes with a 'please, can we?' expression.


“Fuck that, I say let's fuck the neighbors and let's see if Gary and Sandy want to play as well. After all, we need to keep the circle somewhat contained. I'm betting that Gary and Sandy would love to expand a little bit more than just us," Kent enthusiastically replied.


“You know this is going to be fun, sneaking up on Krissy a little bit. Do you think Ricky will be an issue?” he asked.


They paused and looked seriously at each other for about two seconds before they both burst out into laughter. The planning began.



Gary and Sandy join the planning...


Alice and Kent had yet to invite Gary and Sandy over for an entire evening. It wasn't planned that way, but it seemed that Gary and Sandy always wanted to host at their place. But an upcoming event was going to be different with Alice and Kent hosting Gary and Sandy.


The foursome had just finished a Sunday dinner at Gary and Sandy's followed by a great romp in the master bedroom when Alice said, “Have you two considered adding another couple or two to our fun?”


Sandy replied, “Well, sure but we wouldn't consider it without involving you guys. I think I speak for all of us in that we are still somewhat apprehensive about being accepted by others. After all, we are all church friends and have known each other a long time.”


Kent said, “Of course, but you know we told you about our neighbors, Rick and Krissy, then there is Ronnie and Sarah across the street. It was Alice overhearing and then observing our neighbors talk about swinging that got our sexual interests primed. But, we were fearful of our neighbors rejecting us and frankly, just didn't know how to get it going. It didn't help that we had been so close to getting on with you two and just failed to recognize how all four of us wanted to swing together until last winter when we popped our mutual swinging cherries with you guys in the van. Omigod, I sound like a teenager.”


Everyone laughed. Sandy offered, “Yeah, I thought I would never get to fuck you two," she winked at Alice, “and I do love when you and I sixty-nine.”


“Me too,” cooed Alice as she laid down beside Sandy and they began to mutually fondle each other's clits, “it would be fun to add a few more of these, huh?”


They made plans to lay a trap for Krissy and get her to 'come clean' as the local instigator of swinging in the neighborhood. Gary and Sandy would come over ostensibly several times during the next few weeks in preparation for a camping trip planned which would become changed at the last minute to a 'staycation' instead of a weekend vacation. This preplanning would give an opportunity for Gary and Sandy to cleverly meet the neighbors. As the warmer temperatures were upon the neighborhood, it became a constant thing to see the neighborhood foursome of Ricky, Krissy, Sarah, and Ronnie together most evenings in one of the other's garages or front gardens.


Wednesday came with Gary and Sandy arriving in the early evening. True to form, the local foursome was just next door gabbing about something in the garage when Kent and Gary walked up to them.


“Hey, Ricky,” called out Kent.


“Hey Kent.”


“Meet Gary, and that's his wife Sandy over there,” as he waved to Alice and Sandy, “they are our church friends. We're going on a camping vacation for the weekend the second weekend of next month. I wondered if the four of you guys were going to be home that weekend. You know neighborhood watch and all. I'm thinking bad guys will see a pickup loaded with camping gear and think they might have an empty house to target after it's gone.”


“Sure,” said Ricky as he looked around his fun foursome, "Krissy and I had planned on being home, how about you Ronnie?"


“Yup, us too. We'll keep an eye on your place, uh this is my wife Sarah, but Ricky is too rude to tell you this is Krissy,” joked Ronnie.


“Uh, that's my embarrassment,” said Kent. “Hey Alice, come here!" he shouted across the yard. Alice and Sandy walked up and Kent introduced Sandy to the neighborhood foursome. They chatted for awhile and talked about the upcoming camping trip.


“Yeah, we have been on a waiting list to get to use the campsite. We are only allowed one tent, so it will be a little tight on space said Kent. “And no, we are not taking any baked beans,” he joked.


The neighbors laughed with Krissy and Sarah casting a sideways glance. “Wow,” thought Krissy, “they have a little sense of adult humor, wouldn't have guessed that from the church folks.”


“But we are taking the cake,” said Sandy.


“I love her cake, it is the best you have ever had,” offered Alice as she swung her arm around Sandy's waist pulling Sandy to her side, “her cake is the best ever.”


“Wow, must be tasty,” remarked Krissy watching as Alice provide an enthusiastic physical moment. Look at them, they are almost swaying together, thought Krissy. Sandy extended her arm around Alice's waist pulling the two ladies closer saying, “She makes me feel so good, really good.”


“Oh, you would definitely love the cake,” said Alice beaming a knowing smile as she and Sandy giggled.


Sandy offered, “I'll leave one with Alice for you guys tomorrow.”


Gary and Sandy said they still hadn't been home yet and needed to leave but that they would stop by the next night.


“Well, there goes the church folks, all happy about a cake,” said Krissy as she watched her next door neighbor and church buddies walk back to Alice and Kent's driveway.


“Hey, if it makes them happy, so be it,” chided Ricky.


“I like cake,” said Ron, “even from church folks.”


True to her offering, Gary and Sandy arrived the next evening with a Bundt cake divided into separate boxes for the neighbors with Alice. They left quickly knowing that the first stage of the plan was “in the cake.”


Kent took Friday off, to complete some errands. He and Alice waited for Ronnie and Ricky to leave for work then he and Alice separated paths, with Alice going across the street to Sarah's and Kent going next door to see Krissy.


As a habit and almost like clockwork, Krissy goes to her backyard after Ricky leaves to attend to her vegetable garden in the cool of the morning. Ricky would be paying her a visit with the cake a few minutes after he saw Alice disappear into Sarah's garage. “Hmm, look at that,” as he watched Sarah's garage door go down.


Krissy being Krissy, would have on the minimal clothing especially in her backyard. She often would drop her shirt off wearing only baggy waistband shorts. Typically, she would roll down the waistband below her ass crack to gain more of a tan. She was never more than a few feet away from her shirt if she heard a knock or front doorbell. What she didn't count on was Kent being home that morning.


Even though it was the cooler part of the day it was still hot. Krissy had already worked up a glistening of perspiration from the garden tending she was doing. She was bent over from the waist with her shirt off and her normal roll down of the shorts that were barely hanging onto her body, when she was startled by a “Uh, Krissy?”


She went upright quickly up and spun around to see Kent standing in her backyard with the rear gate open holding a cake box looking carefully only into her eyes, “Uh, Sandy sent you a cake as promised. It is really, really good.”


Krissy's nipples hardened as she felt his eyes and she blurted out, “Jeez, Kent, I'm nearly naked.”


“Yeah, but still, it is a good cake,” as he continued to look only at her eyes.


“What?” she reacted, thinking this guy is unbelievable, he isn't even looking at my tits. Fine, she thought, if he wants to act like its nothing, I'll act the same way.


She took her off her gloves dusting the dirt from them and taking her time to place them in her garden cart as she ignored her shirt draped over the pull handle of the cart. She walked towards him using her hands to brush off unseen dirt from her chest and extended her arms to take receive the cake. As he passed the box to her, she lowered her arms so that he would have full view her exposed breasts with very hard nipples.


“Kent, really, Alice will be upset with you seeing me like this, I mean with my tits exposed,” she said with a voice feigning concern.


“Sorry, to have intruded, but Alice and I have gotten used to seeing you dressed this way. Alice sees you more than me, she's home more. Our fences aren't that private. But Sandy wanted you to have the cake as a thank you for watching the house. Their car will be here all that weekend.”


“Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to, I mean, really, you have seen me like this?” she asked as she moved the box to one side and motioned with the other hand across her tits.


“Yeah, I'm surprised you haven't noticed, at least Alice. She said if that behavior is okay for the neighbors, then she is willing to participate as well. I mean, you look great. Maybe a little muddy from the garden, but great,” he replied pointing to a smudge of garden dirt just below her left areola.


“You really need to try the cake, it is wonderful. I have a lot to get done, don't worry about covering up for us, we are fine with nudity. I mean really. Oh well, what the hell, that's where we are going camping that weekend, at a nude campground, so no don't worry.”


He turned and started out the gate, “Wait, a nude campground. Really? I thought you were church folks?” Krissy asked as she walked towards the gate entrance.


Kent kept walking towards the entrance, stopped and turned back, “Uh, yeah, so?”


“Well, I mean, I thought... Never mind what I thought. I'm confused,” she stammered completely forgetting that she was standing nearly naked in her backyard with a neighbor she thought was a dud. She did have an interest in his wife but had given up on any future. But now, maybe now that she finds out that they and their friends are nudists. Well, it reminded her of how she and Ricky got started.


“Before you go, do you mind if I talk to Alice about the nudity thing you guys got going someday?” asked Krissy.


“Look,” said Kent, “I just wanted to give you the cake from Gary and Sandy. I didn't see your shirt off since you were bent over and when I did, I didn't want to distress you. Alice and I don't want a neighborhood issue, we just thought since you go topless and sometimes totally nude you wouldn't be bothered should you happen to see us. Mentioning the campground was probably going too far with information and maybe you aren't ready for such implications. Just enjoy the cake, the cake is really special. Don't read so much into us 'church' folks.”


Krissy was not going to be put off. Her personality was one of trying to best folks on quips and one-liners. She wasn't going to let him beat her. “Well, I just thought that it was sort of sexy to hear about you and your friends enjoy nudity like us. Sounds sexy,” she dripped with a sultry tone as she cast her gaze from his eyes to his crotch and back up to his eyes.


Kent knew she was trying to start controlling the situation, but he was not going to let her control the direction. Krissy was shining with glistened skin offered by the heat and very erect nipples that prominently showed her body's excitement to this encounter. But he was going to make her pussy twinge with anticipation. He smiled and closed the distance to within nearly a foot of her, casting his calm unemotional gaze into her eyes saying softly, “Guess it could be. Gotta go, lots to do, enjoy the cake. Really, enjoy the cake.”


He turned and walked out of the gate pulling it behind him leaving Krissy quite literally 'holding the cake.'


"Fuck, what just happened?" she thought to herself. “Alice going nude, really, Alice,” she pondered, “and what's up with their church buddies going nude with them. They have to be fucking each other.”


Krissy went inside to put the cake on the kitchen counter. “What's with this damned cake,” she said aloud to herself. She removed the clear sealed container lid and smelled it. Sensing a flavor, she quickly grabbed a knife and sliced herself a sliver of the cake to taste.


“Go to hell,” she exclaimed aloud as she took another bite, “it's full of fucking rum.” Her thoughts raced. “He catches me almost fully nude; says it's no big deal; tells me they are going as a foursome in one tent and now I find the tent is going to be at a nudist camp; then all of them say the cake is special. Yeah, it is special, very special.” Krissy knew how to make rum cakes and she could taste the raw uncooked alcohol that was soaking this cake.


These “church folks” were definitely more relaxed than she thought.


As Kent was delivering his cake gift to Krissy, Alice had gone to Sarah's across the street with her cake. Alice had purposefully discarded her bra and had put on a burn-out fabric shirt that essentially did not hide her areola and nipples which were jutting way out in anticipation of her encounter. She thought, no one in the neighborhood has ever seen me braless let alone wearing this shirt without a camisole.


Sarah had the garage door open and was adding trash to their rolling street can when Alice walked up to her with the cake box close to her upper body hiding her chest. She and Alice walked back into the garage.


“Hey,” greeted Alice as she approached with the cake, “Sandy sent over her special cake.” As she handed the box to Sarah she saw Sarah's eyes widen viewing her essentially see-through t-shirt. Alice caught Sarah's gaze and looked down at her tits saying, “The girls aren't always holstered. Now and then, they just have to be free,” while lifting one then the other, “right?”


“Uh, yeah, of course," said Sara, “I'm sorry. It's, it's..."


“It's just we don't seem to visit much or you would know that I'm just like you,” as she pointed to Sarah's breasts, “I don't like bras either. Damn guy conspiracy thing, right?”


Sarah placed the box on the nearby benchtop and lifted her tits through her light top, say, “yeah, it must be a guy thing,” with a wide smile and chuckle.


Alice offered, “Yeah, I know. I think they are attractive to look at as well, don't you? I mean after all, it's okay to admire everyone for what they are." Alice took a bold move sensing that Sarah was indeed comfortable as she lifted her own breasts through the thin fabric and walked up closer to Sarah, “I mean, look, we both are bra-free, nipple-high happy, and, good neighbors. It's a neat thing to be comfortable with friends, huh?”


Sarah was surprised yet she was calmly comfortable with Alice's overtures as she had seen Alice last winter watching herself and Krissy make out in the garage window. She sensed where this might go and decided, what the hell, let's see how far this neighbor wants to go.


She said, “Well, I think my nipples might get a little more nipple-high happy if I encourage them." She started to reach down to tweak and twist her nipples, when Alice said, “Wait, you encourage mine, I'll encourage yours,” as she reached for Sarah's nipples.


“Wait,” commanded Sarah. Alice's stomach sunk had she gone too far, did she read this wrong?


Sarah stepped back towards the house entry and pressed the garage door button to close the door. “Shall we encourage them?”


They mutually reached towards each other taking both hands across to the others nipples, lightly at first teasing and tweaking nipples to become even harder and protrude more against the flimsy fabric that stood between them and the sensitivity of raw skin.


“Yeah, now that's encouragement” breathed Sarah. She looked at Alice and said, “This is sort of not expected from you; nice, but not expected. Do you like girls?”


“Do you?” replied Alice with a little unsteadiness in her voice.


Sarah slowly leaned cautiously towards Alice within inches of her lips, then pulled back hesitating, saying softly, “I like both, girls and guys.”


“So do we, I mean me, uh...” and then Alice lost her edge and focus, “I mean, I haven't seen Kent take on a guy yet.”


Sarah pulled back slightly, “Haven't seen Kent take on a guy. Does that mean you have seen him with another woman?”


They both had stopped fondling each other's breasts and it seemed to Alice that perhaps she had chosen her replies wrong. But no, it can't be, she thought. She had seen the actions of the neighborhood foursome and knew they were swinging as neighbors. She pressed on with the balance of her plan.


“Let me answer it this way, you will love the answer and you will love the future, I promise,” she said gleefully. She reached over and opened the cake box where a small slice had already been cut. “Please, first taste this wonderful cake from our church friends that we are camping with next month, you know, Gary and Sandy. I'll answer your questions while you try it.”


Sarah said, “Crazy, but okay.” She reached over and gathered up the cake. She took a bite and then her eyes opened wide as she began to take another and another.


“Tastes good, doesn't it,” cooed Alice as she reached up under Sarah's shirt to touch skin to skin her gentle hands against Sarah's nipples.


Sarah swallowed and said "This cake is laced with rum, lots of rum. I thought they were your church friends. Uh, umm,” as she breathed more deeply sensing the massage of her nipples.


“They are our church friends, they are also our lovers, and it is your doing that made that happen,” she said as she lifted the waistband of Sarah's shirt to expose her nipples to her tongue. “I know you saw me watching you and Krissy last winter making out. I know that the four of you are swinging. I just didn't know how to approach you and I didn't want Krissy to be the ringleader.”


Sarah was now relaxing and enjoying the attention she was getting from Alice. “So, you have seen Kent with another woman after all, and I take it that you and Sandy have enjoyed each other as well.”


“Of course, but you will be my first girl , if you would like, to be with – if you want?”


Sarah reached over and pulled Alice's shirt off and began to devour her nipples then pulled her to the house. Each woman had only a pair of shorts on to be discarded as they made their way to the master bedroom. They embraced and kissed deeply with their tongues exploring their mouths then exchanging nursing of their tits to tingling sensations felt in their pussies as they lay in the master bed. Suddenly, Sarah rolled Alice onto her back and spinning herself then placing her pussy on Alice's face as she buried her own face into the swollen shaved pussy of Alice.


Alice noted that Sarah was cleanshaven as well and began to expertly massage Sarah's clit with her tongue. Sarah was a little heavier and Alice had to work a bit more than she did with Sandy to reach around and begin to finger Sarah's pussy. Sarah was very, very wet and the lubrication on Alice's fingers made it easy to begin to probe Sarah's rosebud. She felt her own pussy being expertly licked and fingered with Sarah moaning into her pussy almost on demand in sync with Alice's probe of Sarah's rosebud.


Alice felt Sarah's sphincter relax and she pushed her finger in and out with each finger penetration rewarding Alice with a vigorous pelvic thrust by Sarah against Alice's tongue and fingers all the while as Sarah made high-pitched moans directly onto Alice's clit. It was overload. Alice was causing Sarah to almost become her human dildo and she was achieving a final approach to a climax like she never felt with Gary, Sandy, or Kent.


Sarah was beside herself. In her mind, she was beating Krissy to the punch and for that matter, Ronnie as well. She loved to do sixty-nine with either sex and Alice was treating her to ecstasy. She knew she was treating Alice back with the same care and sensed that Alice was building to a massive orgasm.


Both ladies were screaming, low guttural and faster sounds that were rising in their rhythm as both now were fingerfucking each other's asses as well. Both had already had minor orgasms and were now spreading their legs as wide as they could to offer each other access. Their bodies were sweating and becoming slippery as they were pushing their actions driven by the many desires pent up inside of them.


Alice felt herself going and pulled her finger out of Sarah's ass then reached up to pull Sarah's pussy closer to her as she sensed something new happening to her. She screamed into Sarah's pussy as she jammed her legs up high in the air and as wide as she could towards Sarah's face. She couldn't stop what was happening and she felt a rush of fluid escape her, then she felt Sarah jam several fingers into her pussy pumping her more and more and fluid kept gushing out. What seemed like several minutes, but in reality was far less, she relaxed her arms slightly which signaled Sarah to roll and now Alice found herself in the top position of their sixty-nine.


Alice wouldn't let up on Sarah especially as Alice pushed her face down onto Sarah's pussy. She reinserted her finger into Sarah's ass and was rewarded with yet more groaning into her own pussy. She felt Sarah spread her legs more and Sarah's lower belly become hard as a rock. Sarah's clit was so engorged that Alice felt like it was almost like sucking on Kent's cock tip. It was huge, much bigger than Sandy's. She was in control of Sarah and she knew she was bringing her to yet another great orgasm.


Sarah screamed and bucked nearly throwing Alice off of her. Alice jammed her middle finger into Sarah's ass and then her thumb into Sarah's pussy to hang on while she sucked and licked Sarah's clit. Then it happened. Sarah began to spurt, and spurt hard. It shocked Alice but now she knew what she had been feeling earlier from her own body. True to mimic Sarah's actions on her pussy from moments ago, Alice continued to suck and gobble Sarah's pussy as she felt her face and hair swamped by the repeated spurts from Sarah. Sarah screamed a series of “oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah,” then squealed a high-pitch unintelligible sound as she pushed hard with her legs lifting her ass and Alice completely off the surface of the bed that was now soaking wet.


Sarah fell back to the bed with Alice still fully coupled with her, crying and laughing at the same time. “Gimme a moment, hold on, oh, ohhhhh, that's good, oh shit you can fuck, oh,” as she was feeling lightning bolts of sensitivity from each tongue licking Alice provided.


Alice did not come again, but did manage to spin around and cuddle with Sarah feeling her own clit was still swollen and tender.


“So that's what they call squirting?” she asked.


“Yeah, I think we soaked our bed, but it was great and I have a waterproof protector,” said Sarah.


They laid there for awhile caressing each other's pussy when Sarah asked, “Are you and Kent going to fuck Ronnie and me?”


“If you think Ronnie would have me and you would have Kent,” replied Alice. “Look, we have wanted you and our neighbors ever since I determined you guys were swingers. We just didn't know how to approach you and it seemed that any approach needed other input rather than just our lovely extroverted Krissy,” replied Alice.


“I just enjoyed a moment that I have never experienced and I suspect that there are many more in our future as a couple. While I did enjoy this, I want you to know it was with my husband's full knowledge that this was intended and our preference is to be as couples doing this. Sandy and I keep each other going while the guys recover. It would be nice to have more husbands so we can have fun with them as they recover at different times,” posed Alice.


“Oh, I agree and I haven't had this type of solo fun since college dorm days, but it is a 'couples thing'. What about Ricky and Krissy?” asked Sarah.


“Well, Ricky is delivering a cake to Krissy while I'm here,” smiled Alice.


“Oh crap, is he fucking her now?”


“Of course not, he is teasing her. You know how she dresses, half naked all the time. We can see that through our so-called privacy fence. He is going to catch her with her top off, make like it is no big deal, tell her that we skinny around in our backyard as well since she does, and that we are going to camp with Gary and Sandy at a nudist camp this weekend. He is also going to tell her to enjoy the 'church folks' cake, which is of course laced with a lot of rum. Our sense is that she is going to go get her dildos out and pump herself raw imagining fucking us while we seemingly show no interest. We are just having some fun and we fully intend to fuck them as part of the group if they are interested.”


Sarah understood. “Krissy can sometimes be a little pushy, but she is fun and she sucks and fucks like a champ for the guys, or the girls. I guess that can be a little fun, but how are you going to approach them. Do you want us to break the news?” asked Sarah.


“Actually, we were wondering if you would like to be a part of the fun? Frankly, I never had cum like this before, but I think I'm up to so more fucking if you are, and I know Kent is. Do you think Ronnie would like to fuck some tonight?” asked Alice.


“Are you kidding," Sarah said, "he is a guy and he is on daily Cialis. But Krissy will see us getting together, it's not like us, and she is ever as much as anxious to nail you two as you them.”


Alice picked up her shorts and pulled out a small note. “This is Gary and Sandy's address, do you think you could come over to their place around seven tonight? We are going over there in just a bit, well after I shower and can walk better. We would like to invite you two to join the four of us for some relaxation and fucking tonight. Then next month, we will have an unexpected change of plans and not be able to go our campout. We will leave like we were going, but return later that night. Gary and Sandy's vehicle will have been out in the driveway, but we will ease back into the garage. Since you guys have all volunteered to watch our place, we know that our neighborhood swinger foursome will be home,” she explained.


“We will call you and you just come on over, then Kent will go knock on Ricky and Krissy's door to invite them to a casual cookout since we don't want to waste the weekend's camping trip food. Kent will tell Krissy that since the campsite plans fell through it will be camping attire in our house. That is why when they come over, they will see us in our camping attire. Remember, we were going to a nudist camp and they will walk into a house full of naked folks,” laughed Alice.


“Oh, that will work," Sarah said, "and we would love to meet up tonight."


Alice put her shirt on and said “Sorry about the bed. I never squirted before, it was wonderful.”


“We will be there tonight," Sarah said. "We did notice how nice Gary and Sandy looked the other day. The cake was indeed revealing.”


They embraced and kissed each other deeply once again anticipating tonight.


Krissy did not notice Alice's departure from Sarah's as she was busy in her bedroom riding her Kent dildo. She had tried the cake a second time.


Upcoming...The church folks meet some of the neighbors.

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    • By C3po
      This all started around forty years ago when my wife Beth and I had dated for a few years then married. It wasn't long after we married that I introduced her to her first big realistic porn star dildo.  When she first saw it she laughed and said, "That'll never fit in my pussy, are you nuts?!" But she agreed to trying and found not only did it fit but she really enjoyed it. She was amazed by how much she enjoyed it.  So much so that she requested I use it on her quite a lot. She also discovered she enjoyed big cock porn, she was fascinated by it. Soon was I combining using a huge dildo on her at the same time she watched big cock porn, this led her to experience huge orgasms. She couldn't get enough. She was finally exploring her sexuality and expanding her outlook on sexual pleasure.
      One night after some really hot sex I  questioned her if she ever fantasized about fucking other men, especially well-hung men. She responded that of course she did, stated that most women had this fantasy, and she believed it was quite common. So I pursued it further and asked her if she wanted to try another man's cock and how much did she really desire to do it? She said that it sounded exciting and fun but she would never do anything to endanger our marriage. I said,  "What if I told you that I wanted to watch you have sex with another man, one that had a really big cock. Would you then consider it?" She laughed and said she'd be game if it was something I was serious about and really wanted her to do. She said, "Come on, let's be real. It's exciting and fun to imagine it, but to really do it? Please! That's a major game changer."
      So I said, "I'm very serious. I've watched the way you enjoy the dildos especially while watching big cock videos. It turns me on big time seeing how excited you get and how many times you climax from doing these two things at the same time. I want to watch you do it for real. No BS, just watching you getting slammed by a big cock would be a huge turn-on for me. So what do you really think now that you know that I'm serious and am giving you this opportunity?"
      I could see her giving it some serious thought, she didn't get mad or upset at me or the idea, no resistance whatsoever to my request.  The more she considered the idea the more it appeared to me that she was very intrigued with the idea and it excited her.
      She started asking all kinds of questions, like wouldn't I be jealous, or think the worst of her, or what if she really enjoyed it and wanted more or didn't feel comfortable screwing another man, then what? Were there any rules and what were the consequences? Was I absolutely sure that I really wanted her to do this, because once done there was no going back!
      After she finished asking everything she had concerns about I answered all her questions and we talked about the rules/boundaries we would have in place to keep it fun and exciting without any reservations or guilt. This was to make sure she fully understood my concerns and alleviate all of hers as well. It seemed she came to a decision at which point she smiled and enthusiastically said yes, she'd do it! Did I have someone special in mind she wondered? She said she had to agree to my choices for her sexual escapades or it wasn't gonna happen.
       I then informed her I was thinking of Bruce. Beth squealed with glee, she admitted she has had fantasies about Bruce for some time now and I couldn't have picked a better choice for her first time. She would absolutely love to fuck Bruce. She said she was getting wet thinking about sex with him.
      A few days later I met up with Bruce for an after work drink. As we enjoyed several drinks we talked a lot. Soon I steered the conversation towards my wife Beth. I asked  Bruce to be honest and tell me what he thought about Beth. He admitted he thought Beth was smokin' hot. She had a killer body and was just gorgeous, always was friendly, and liked flirting with him when they were together. I asked him if he' ever had the chance would he consider having sex with her? He looked a bit concerned by my question but answered yes, he wouldn't hesitate to take advantage of such an opportunity. So I told him that Beth really wanted to have sex with him, and that I was okay with them hooking up. I explained that was my kink watching her get fucked by other men, it really turned me on. Bruce considered it for several minutes then said okay sure, he'd love to fuck Beth. Just give him the details when we're ready to make it happen.
      When I got home I told Beth about my conversation with Bruce and what he said. She looked startled and said she couldn't believe I did that. So I asked her if what I did was so wrong and did she still want to go through with it? She excitedly said Oh hell yes she did, and no I wasn't wrong! So we made plans and set a date for Beth's first cock. 
      The night arrived finding Beth both excited and hot with anticipation. She was dressed to kill showing off her sexy body wearing no underwear. When Bruce knocked on the door I answered it and escorted him into our house. Beth entered the living room and gave Bruce a big hug pressing her chest and pelvis into him and then kissed him on the lips. Bruce kissed her back and he sat down pulling her on to his lap. Nether one of them wasted any time, tongues going everywhere, hands exploring and groping each other, clothes coming off. Soon they were both naked and Beth got a pleasant surprise, Bruce was very well hung. She giggled with delight.
      Beth took Bruce's hand and led him to our bed. She pushed him down on the bed and went to work on Bruce's big cock giving him an enthusiastic blow job. After a while Bruce flipped Beth on her back and went to work on her pussy and clit. Beth orgasmed in minutes, fully enjoying Bruce's skilled tongue. I stood in the background watching the show.
      Soon Bruce moved into position between Beth's legs. As he rubbed his cock against Beth's open pussy and clit she responded with loud moans and started pressing her pussy against Bruce's cock. As he slid his huge cock into Beth's pussy she had a big climax. As he went deeper he increased his speed and Beth climaxed again. She was enthralled with his big cock pumping her pussy, she was moving her hips and swearing, telling him his cock felt so good. She looked over at me and said she loved how good his big cock felt inside her. She told Bruce to stretch her pussy good, to fuck her hard. She was in sexual ecstasy, a place she'd never been before. Her facial expressions showed pure bliss and the sounds she was making were hot as hell. I never seen her so turned on, she must of had a dozen orgasms, many of which were huge.
      They fucked each other hard for a good twenty minutes then Bruce erupted into Beth's pussy, filling her with his cum. This gave Beth another climax. Afterwards he laid on Beth for a minute then rolled off her. He'd destroyed her pussy, it gaped open with his cum dripping out of her. They kissed and he got up to dress while Beth laid there spent. She looked at me and smiled big time. She said, "Your turn!", so I took sloppy seconds and enjoyed it beyond belief. Bruce watched us have sex then commented that watching real sex was so much hotter than any porno ever could be. He understood my enjoyment of watching my wife fuck other men. He said he'd like to do it again and Beth was all for it. So they made plans to hook up again. Then Bruce left.
      Beth and I talked about how well things went, and how she wasn't prepared for how much she enjoyed his big cock. It was mind boggling! She thanked me profusely for asking her to do this, the opportunity to experience such awesome sex. She says she'll never be the same again and is looking forward to more big cock sex. So our new lifestyle began.
    • By Falcon88
      My wife and I have been together for almost 25 years. Through out the years sex has been fantastic. No complaints on either side. We are very faithful and never cheated on each other.
      Then one day two years ago we were having a few drinks and watching porn. We watch all kinds of porn. That night we were watching some really good gangbangs. Curiously, I turn to my wife and asked her if she ever thought about swinging and group sex. If it ever crossed her mind. Surprisingly, she looked at me and said she’s been thinking about it for while. So we ended up talking about swinging and group sex for hours. We got online and read stories on experiences about swinging and group sex. The pros and cons. It turned me on taking about it but at the same time I got a crazy feeling in my stomach. Nerves I guess.
      So to make a very long story short we ended up having an open marriage and took up swinging. We both decided to have (safe) sex with other people until we felt comfortable on having our first group sex. All this took very long planning and preparing, especially mentally.
      Finally last November we planned out her first group sex. We carefully selected three familiar friends to join in the fun. Of course they decided to do it and agreed on our rules.
      So, it finally happened that November night. I really enjoyed watching my wife get screwed by more than one man. She had the time of her life. She had multiple orgasms one after another. The crazy feeling never left my stomach but I really enjoyed watching though. After the guys left we kicked back and talked about our experience. Then we go back about agreeing on what we’re doing and never to do it without the other knowing. We keep an oath of trust. Every time we have a date with someone we let each other know. It’s always planned out days in advance so it will never interfere with our personal lives. We have a great understanding.
      Since last November she’s been involved in several group sex averaging 3-4 guys each time. Of course I joined in most of the time. Lots of lube is needed. But now she wants to go a little further. She wants to do a gangbang of 6-8 guys. Seriously.
      Lately she’s been playing with large toys to get her vagina ready. She wants to try double-vaginal penetration. I’ve been preparing her by inserting a dildo in her while I’m inside. Very carefully with lots of lube. We practice every time we have sex. She even carefully inserts a large thick toy in her vagina while watching a movie and keeps it in there. Yes, our sexual curiosities has increased tremendously. My wife wants to explore even more and I’m all in.
      Well the day we both have been looking forward too occurred this past weekend. We managed to round up 7 guys for an all night gangbang. It involved a lot of planning and phone calls. We’ve noticed that guys will be all in at first then drop out later. But eventually we got things going. That night when everyone arrived she was kinda nervous but excited to have that many cocks at once. Most of all, she finally had double penetration in her vagina from two guys for the first time. The strange thing I seemed more nervous than her. Lol But she absolutely enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed watching her. She came hard many times. She doesn’t like anal so that wasn’t attempted.
      So after joining in all the fun and after almost two hours of great sex we had the grand finale. My sexy wife knelt down and we all gave her an awesome bukkake. Her face was drenched with cum. It was one heck of a hot night. After everyone left we took a long shower and stayed up almost all night talking about it. We were both so turned on that we were already making plans for the next one. But we are gonna take a break for about three weeks. It’s just going to be me and her for now.
      Yesterday she mentioned about having a messy cum sex in the near future after watching a great creampie movie. I was like, a messy cum sex? She asked me what I would think about her having a messy gooey bukkake and creampie night. Having about 4 guys cum all over her face while 4 guys cum inside her. Then rubbing the cum all over her breasts. Man, just listening to her drove me crazy. My wife was willing to be explosive. But that would take lots of planning because we are very cautious. My wife cannot get pregnant anymore so that’s really something we don’t have to worry about. It’s about the unprotected sex. We do know many cool friends well enough that we can trust but still we must remain careful. Yet, I’m sure it’s gonna happen very soon.
      I’ve been asked if we have taken it too far. If there’s actually any sign of regrets. Some close friends wonder about my wife wanting too much now. Our answer is no because we enjoy it and have a deep understanding and trust. We are responsible adults and are having fun. We first talk about what we’re going to do and have to both agree 100%. Any sign of doubt from either side we will not do it. We are friends with our sex partners but no feelings are involved or ever shared. We have proven that to ourselves already.
    • By SPaige24
      My husband and I have been together for almost 10 years. I have always been bi- curious, but kept it as secret until the last month. Little did I know that he had a small feeling (thanks to a few drunk nights with my friend). Our marriage is very strong, and we are very opened with each other. I told him that I wanted to have a have sexual encounter with another female. He is on board, and we even talked about a MFM threesome as well.
      Here is my issue... How do I find someone? That friend is no longer a friend, I can't do dating apps because of my job, and I personally don't want someone we know. I have looked into Swinger Clubs, and I realize that finding a bisexual/lesbian female who is single is hard. We are opened to a couple if need be. I just want my husband there and or involved.
      My question is... What is it like going to a swingers club? Will there be people our age (27-30), are "predators" real, and how do I find a club? We are located in Washington, PA.
    • By jjtrindc
      It's Monday so I thought we all could use a fun post to kick off the week. I just read a thread about "indicators or signs" about how you can identify yourself as a swinger which reminded me of a fun podcast I heard where they listed off all the ways you may be able to tell if your neighbor, co-worker, etc is a swinger.
      So I'll kick it off...
      If you see your neighbor's wife headed out the door in a trenchcoat on a Saturday night...in August...well, they just may be swingers.
    • By AdamGunn2
      It was a fairly typical night at D.J.s Island, an early autumn evening. Mary and I hadn’t set anything up in advance, we’d decided to go almost at the last moment. From the second we entered the door our radar was beaming across the club, searching for a couple that might be searching for what we were also interested in - an enjoyable tryst.
      Mary took a few minutes to change into what she called a ‘trolling outfit.’ As I remember, that night it was a black babydoll with a loose bodice, thong, low heels. Many men admired her legs as I checked the forty or so women, many as scantily clad as my wife. None of our regular playmates seemed to be in attendance that evening, but we had our customs, we weren’t concerned. Perhaps an hour and a half later, I sat at a table next to the dance floor, Mary was on her feet, on the parquet, moving her body, seeing if anyone would move in. A slow sequence of men approached her, danced with her. Some would take liberties such as moving their hands under her garment, feeling the small of her back, perhaps place their palm on the roundness of her ass.
      I’d seen this many times before, I waited for one of two reactions.
      The first was that she’d spin away from the man; it signified she wasn’t interested in what he had to offer.
      The second was that she’d get closer, I’d watch her whisper in his ear. I knew the question, “Where’s your wife?” Some of them would shake their heads, they were attending as one of the few single men the club allowed, and when they received Mary’s response, they’d move away - that’s not what we were looking for at the moment.
      But the man might indicate where his wife was dancing a few feet away. When this kind of thing happened, Mary would glance to me and give our special signal - she’d put one hand on the back of her head, one on her stomach. When I got the cue, I’d come out, we’d dance as a foursome.
      As I approached, a man grasped the elbow of a tall attractive lady who was more modestly dressed, at least for the club. There was no conversation on the dance floor, the heavy volume of music and the thumping of the bass wouldn’t allow for speech. But I could tell the woman was interested in me, the four of us paired off and I often found myself facing this vixen. It was obvious they were as interested in us as I was in them, I could tell by the way Mary was rubbing against the man that she felt the same.
      After a couple of songs, Mary led the way off the floor, holding his hand, leading us off into a corner away from the speakers. As we sat, the man said, “I’m Ed, this is my wife, Marilyn.”
      Marilyn and I softly shook hands, I believe she raised the hem of her skirt to give me a view of her upper thighs. Ed had no problem seeing Mary’s legs, or where they met - she was sitting so that the babydoll was gathered to her side, leaning forward so her globes were exposed to his view.
      “Do you come here often?” Ed asked.
      “Every few weeks,” I responded, “you?”
      “This is our first time here.” Mary gave him a look that asked for further info. “We’re just starting this,” he admitted.
      Marilyn picked it up. “We’ve only had one time with a couple of friends. We liked it, heard about this place, decided to see if we could get into more trouble.”
      “Trouble’s our middle name,” I joked.
      Our conversation continued, where do you live, what movies have you seen lately, etc. It was a screen, of course, we were all calculating if the four of us would be pleasurable bedmates. I paid my attention to Marilyn, my wife had told me numerous times not to worry about her, she can take care of herself. My hand found Marilyn’s knee, she smiled at me, encouraged me to reach a tad higher. We bent towards each other, our mouths met.
      Marilyn opened her lips to me, the kiss was ardent, her mouth moist. She licked at my upper lip, her hand fondled the back of my neck. Our tongues clashed, promising cupidity, mimicking what I presumed our bodies might be doing in a few scant moments.
      We broke for a moment, Marilyn invited, “Would you guys want to go to one of the rooms?”
      I, of course, was all for it, but then I heard Mary. “Uh, not right now. But thanks.”
      We’ve always had the guideline that if one person doesn’t want to do something, she speaks for both of us. Regretfully, I pecked at Marilyn’s lips a last time, we stood, went separate ways.
      “You’re not upset, are you?” Mary asked me.
      “Of course not, not at all. You’re not in the mood?”
      “Oh, I’m in the mood all right, just not with Ed.”
      “Something wrong with him?” I asked.
      “I tried to get him interested,” Mary revealed, “but his kiss was a little cold, indifferent. I put my hand on his leg, he was too busy watching you and Marilyn, he never responded. My guess is that if we went into a room, he’d be watching you two, I’m not even sure he’d get hard for me.” It was a reasonable thought, it had happened to us a couple times before. “Hope you don’t mind, bet she’d have been a firecracker.”
      “Maybe. But you’re a firecracker too.”
      We headed back to the dance floor, in search of another couple.
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