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PSULioness last won the day on October 7 2022

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755 Excellent


About PSULioness

  • Rank
    Swingers Board Addict
  • Birthday 05/02/1988

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  • Relationship Status
    D. Female
  • Location
    Rhode Island
  • Swinging Experience
    6 years
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  1. Hi, just ran across your profile. WE ARE!

  2. You listed all the evils of prostitution but you miss the basic premise of the original poster, would you sell your sex. No exploitation, no trafficking, no drug addiction, no underage sex, no servitude, just sex by a willing adult for cash. You are thinking in antiquated ways, many of the ills of your generation have now become mainstream and accepted. How many of your listed social ills can be connected to liquor and the prohibition, gambling which is now not only illegal but promoted by the sports that have in the past fought to prohibit, and cannabis sales that have now been legalized in many states, all had been connected to organized crime and other so called social ills. Have you forgotten that sex outside of marriage was illegal, sodomy was illegal, interracial marriage was illegal, homosexuality was illegal. What we have found is that those who force their own opinions on others do so because are lacking in other parts of their lives. It is a person’s insecurities that make bullies. It is comparable to the man who has to have a big car to make up for what they lack in other departments. Have a good day Andrew. ROAR!!!!
  3. Thank you Petra Don’t know if I am welcomed back by all the others. Posts like this scare me away. I can handle self absorbed people but ask why I should get worked up by someone who thinks they are the brightest star. Why do I need to argue and have anxiety, I have nothing I need to prove, I just look and things from another side and share. Opinions are just that, there are just too many who have been taking their opinions way too far. A nice person just sent a DM thinking that I stopped posting due to harassment, it wasn’t the primary reason. I have had some personal issues that a bigger influence on my absence.
  4. I read this post years ago and just skipped over it because it didn’t mean anything to me or my life. Now I came across the post again and reading some of the answers trouble me. It reminds me of an old adage, or is it a bible verse, He who is without sin, let them throw the first stone. Let’s substitute other situations for the word sex. If it were legal would you: Speed while driving Smoke pot, I know it is now legal in some places. Talk on your phone while driving. Have a few drinks before driving Jaywalking Not picking up your dog’s poop Littering Using a false name on the internet How about singing Happy Birthday in public, it’s a copyrighted song. Playing cards with your friends Public drunkenness Certain sexual behavior and the big one everyone is upset with PROSTITUTION. You might think of many of these acts as Victimless Crimes or consensual crimes, crimes that don’t harm. Bigamy, ticket scalping, gambling, and prostitution. Some have noted that many of us are prostitutes without thinking we are. Do people in the lifestyle bring a gift to a meeting or party knowing sex is involved. Others noted that we have been rewarded for sex with a dinner, a movie Or possibly a small trinket. Do you think getting a reward for having sex is wrong? Why not ask why a person would accept a gift, cash, for having sex. Is accepting a gift any different from getting satisfaction from sex with a stranger. We all have needs, some are physical, some emotional, and others have needs to pay rent or bills. Who are we to judge others needs?
  5. Ewww. I thought the post was about swinging with my doctor.
  6. Always a great idea whether single or married when meeting a man you hardly know and decide to spend a night. When I was single and living off campus I would sometime invite someone I just met back to my place and even it was my home it was risky. I never had anyone choke me and never had a reason for a safe word. If I thought I needed a safe word I wouldn’t have invited the person. I most likely did let a friend know I was leaving with a guy, I don’t know how that would help if things got dangerous during the night. Even the pepper spray in my drawer wouldn’t help if I was restrained. More than one date has pulled my hair, never to the point of me being scared. Butt slapping was not uncommon, real spanking was one guy and I allowed it. That same person wanted to be spanked in return, I did it, I did not find spanking him exciting. Now a little older I see I am fortunate to have survived my single years unharmed. I have heard real rape stories and too many of my friends sexually assaulted. It makes me angry to hear from friends the horror stories.
  7. It’s like a Buckeye showing up at one of our PSU games. I heard Eagle fans are the absolute worst fans.
  8. Other than age, he is from Brooklyn and she is from Jersey, so they have to be fun.
  9. I do enjoy being with my girlfriends but it’s not based on breast size. If you want to know what size I find attractive, I am thinking B/C. I don’t understand the attraction to DD or bigger. Again, I think there is much more that attracts me other than breast size. My best friend is larger and I love her to death. I would play with alone, with my husband, with our guy friend or all together. Lol, I Do!!!
  10. I laugh when someone says “chilly?” When I was younger I cried about being small, now I am happy after seeing friends complaining about back pain and seeing strap indents on shoulders. My best friend is much bigger and when my husband plays with her he does enjoy sliding between them something we never do.
  11. Not sure of statistics, I was taking Yaz and there were reports of it causing blood clots. I changed my options because it also caused irritability and made me feel stressed.
  12. I have friends on dating sites who say they can’t believe how stupid some guys are. You would think they would want to make an impression. I would definitely No him.
  13. We were with friends this past weekend. I credit her as my first, my first threesome and my first bisexual experience. She was my introduction into swinging and give her credit indirectly for me being married to my wonderful husband. She came with her current boyfriend, not the guy who she was with years ago for our threesome. I had seen her many times at parties on football weekends up at school. This is the first time in years that she has come to visit us and it was fun to talk about that first time when we shared a bed in a hotel because of a snow storm and I woke up with her nudging my legs apart and her mouth attacking me.
  14. We both received our Positive results for the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid 19) DiaSorin Ab IGG The results do say there are false positives possible due to other past human coronavirus infections which infrequently occur. Being we both tested Positive I’m not sure of the odds we both got false positives. We have plans with out of town friends that both have been vaccinated to visit us this week. They want to see NYC and have waited for this week but knowing we weren’t vaccinated they were unsure if they should stay with us. She was one of the first friends I played with and it’s been a long time since we have seen them.
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