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hkdilbert last won the day on December 28 2021

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181 Excellent


About hkdilbert

  • Rank
    100 Posts Club
  • Birthday 09/25/1956

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  • Location
    Panay, Philippines
  • Interests
    Nude fun in the sun
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  1. For us it's very simple - good manners, proper hygiene, and mutual attraction. In online only environments, for us at least, we've found that good manners eliminates almost all from consideration. There are of course exceptions but they seem to be harder to find than the elusive unicorn.
  2. Be careful about Greece. Many years ago they had regulations in place that prohibited foreigners from selling and taking capital out of the country. I don't know if these are still in place, but worth checking into if you are serious about Greece.
  3. Costa Rica comes up often however it is my understanding that safety concerns are an issue there. When we were looking into this a while back the destination that looked best for us was Portugal. Have heard many good things recently. Might be worth a look.
  4. Not that I am aware of. One of the compromises we made. Guess we'll just have to see what we can do once we get fully settled in. Hope we can find a small community in the lifestyle down that way, but if not, it's not a deal breaker.
  5. In our travels around the world (including living in many of these places) it seems like there is no perfect place. Every place has its own list of pro's and con's associated with it. It's a matter of looking at all of this and sorting out which compromises you are most comfortable taking. Things like safety, government, affordability, taxation, weather, culture, being accepted into the community and others all go into the equation. Our eventual choice is an island in the Philippines where my wife is from. It's far from perfect but seems the best balance for us. And you can't beat the combination of beaches, fresh fruits and fish and community!
  6. Guadalajara? When I was there many years ago it felt like such a nice and peaceful place. If I remember correctly there is (or was) a large American retirement community there. How are they getting along? As a now distant observer (we've just escaped China and are in transit to an island in the Philippines) it seems like so many great places are no longer fit to live in or visit. Many of my old hometowns in California fit this description and they are far from the worst in the USA. Hope some sanity and rule of law can return to the world soon.
  7. Not all. Neither of us are interested in seeing or being part of that kind of activity.
  8. I would certainly hope not. We've got enough people in the world these days trying to rewrite dictionaries to meet their own agenda - hope and pray it does not come to the LS community. Our take on this is simple - we believe in total truth in advertising. I hear the stigma thing, but don't buy it. Common now - there is stigma associated with everything in the LS in the non-LS world. I thought one of the more appealing aspects of the LS was honesty. We know what we are, and advertise as much. People who read our profiles know what to expect, and we expect the same from others. If readers don't like what they see, then they know we're not a great match and move on - a win-win solution IMHO. Anyone who does not have the balls to admit and be truthful about why they are here and what they are looking for should probably not be in the LS to begin with. Sorry for being so brutal - we're not trying to hurt anyone's feelings but feel rather strongly about being able to openly communicate about who we are and what others are looking and expecting.
  9. I could not have said it better myself - mirrors our feelings 100%.
  10. Or perhaps a way they can justify the removal of inactive (dead) accounts?
  11. I agree with how you feel about the dick pixs, but not on your conclusion. Do they tell me something about the poster - yes and my interpretation of them mirrors your general impression. Where we differ is in that I would rather know who I am dealing with upfront than get blindsided later. So go ahead and keep the dick pics - better we see the warning signs in advance. ?
  12. Also beware of your provider's terms of service or any other agreements you sign when establishing the service. Many have clauses for adult content or worse yet vaguely articulated terms that could be widely interpreted. Laws in the hosting country could also be a hindering factor.
  13. This mirrors our position as well. We're seeing too many conflicting reports at the moment. They're probably isolated incidents but no reason to rush this. Will give it another six months or so to see if new developments (if any) come out. We're not going anywhere before then anyway it would seem...
  14. I've had sex with coworkers in the past (very long time ago) and it was a big mistake which I wish I had never done. Just too many complications. With that said, would there be situations where I would consider it? Maybe. Let me rephrase that - BIG maybe. It would have to depend on both of us being completely involved and all the right business conditions in place. You never want sex to have the potential to be used as a tool in your employment and means to make a living. Most people can't simply walk away from their work the same as they can casual lifestyle relationships.
  15. I guess it depends on where you are and the situation. I used to run a company in the Philippines and from time to time we ran employment ads in the local paper. The guys would occasionally come by and ask how things were going, but the women would come by in groups demanding to go through the resumes. They were not there to look for good employment matches - they were all there to go through the pictures and try to figure out which of the candidates would be the best date material. I'd also take groups out to some of the more adult oriented venues (when requested). The women were always more animated and into the moment. Anyway, I've seen people behave this way on both side of the gender aisle. The ones that tend to get more graphic and explicit, at least in my experience, tend to be the women. I think this may just be a bit more well hidden in western societies.
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