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What is your ideal swinging outcome?

What is your lifestyle goal?  

796 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your lifestyle goal?

    • Find "the" couple to play with long term.
    • Find "the" single to play with long term.
    • Variety is the spice of life, we will always be seeking new partners.
    • A select few over the duration is our goal.
    • Experience as many partners as possible.
    • Continue to meet new and exciting people but do not intend on sexual relationships.
    • Looking to add others to our primary relationship (polyamorous).
    • We really don't know what we are looking for.
    • We have no expectations from the lifestyle.
    • We are just curious right now, still deciding if it is for us.

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We like going to the club and meeting people, but don't necessarily intend to have any sexual encounters. If something happens, it happens. If not, we enjoy the atmosphere of the club, and have each other alone. Our real ideal would be to meet one couple who was just like us and had our exact preferences (man, if only we could clone ourselves!), but the odds are pretty slim.

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visiting new clubs each year where we seek a variety of new partners. We dont have sex with our friends...In our ten years swinging we have seen many unintended consequences of the 'friends first' approach among couples we have seen vanish from the local swinger community.


Because of very busy careers and family, we dont have a lot of time for endless online preliminaries, sizing people up thru viewing pics, messaging back and forth with a couple trying to determine if there is chemistry, or what some call premeditated swinging. We like to go to a club every other month or so and keep it spontaneous and fun.....

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We WERE looking for a couple that we could have a long term relationship with, and WE FOUND THEM!!! So we have our ideal outcome!!!!!!!

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Our ideal outcome will probably occur just around the same time as big lizards (AKA dinosaurs) are back in control of the planet.


Ideally, we'd like to spot someone (jointly or collectively) whose underwear we would like to get into.


We'd like to be able to approach them in complete sincerity and state our lust for them, at which point we would either be rebuffed (which is cool :( )or invited for a cup of tea and a toasted muffin at the nearest bakehouse, while we discussed the "rules".


After that, we'd retire somewhere and fuck like stoats, exchange telephone numbers and be on our way.


Realistically it will, over the course of the next few years, to have hopefully gathered together a group of close friends who are trustworthy (horny would be nice ::P: ).


With the occasional holiday fling thrown in for good measure.


Either of those is Not so different to a vanilla wish list as we may have thought.

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Either of those is Not so different to a vanilla wish list as we may have thought.



Mr. Fun had an interesting conversation with a coworker today.


The guy was talking and however the conversation came up said, "so, if a threesome opportunity ever came up for you, do you think you would go through with it?"


Mr. Fun immediately had a flashback to this past Saturday ... :cool: then gathered his thoughts and said, "how in the world could I turn down a man's ultimate fantasy?"


So Bud, I do believe you are correct, my friend.

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Our desire is to find a couple or single person who would be able to live with us to share, EQUALLY, the home we own, share a relationship of equality, share the rewards of ownership and maintenance, and share each other intimately in ways that we grow together. As we mature it would be great to support each other to continue maintaining, as one family, this home, travel together, share the many activities we are involved in together, with compromise and "give and take". Yes this is an ideal outcome and we fantasize and dream but what is life if this isn't a part of it. Along with this dream we would also desire each to be able to bring others into each relationship as desired and continue to enjoy other activities that include sexuality and pleasure. How this would come about must be with total honest communication from each as to their aspirations and goals.

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To have as much fun as possible for as long as possible, making friends along the way (whether we sleep with them or not) and having some great sex with great people (plural).

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Having great lifestyle friends that we see again and again, as well, as some house party flings and the occasional hook-up through sites which might turn into regulars too, who knows?


Oh heck, we want it all. Don't just want every Saturday night to be a club experience with whoever. We like the ongoing thing.

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We have a wide variety of interests, and no single couple seems to be 100% compatible. Therefore, we like to meet others who share different subsets of our kinks. In time, we'd satisfy all of our urges, and it'll take several different singles and couples to get there!

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