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Are you totally new to swinging or do you have experience?

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I am so new to it I don't even know what to ask.
If I was in CA, I would be asking for your phone number. You fine thing you! I just let somebody know. You're it! I live in Missouri, too bad.

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We have experience but we have been very selective so far. We have two couples we regularly swing with and one single guy we find very reliable and two single women as well. It's been a lot of fun and we're not quite sure why we are branching out of our happy little network but I suppose it's just curiosity. And to see what others experiences have been and everything.

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We are totally new, closest thing to any experience has been meeting a swinger couple when they moved into a nearby home in our old neighborhood. That's it, just talking with them in the yard and discovering they were swingers, nothing else. At the time the wife wasnt really open to the idea (didn't help that she had no attraction to the guy or how he acted at all), so we turned down the party invite.

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I have been thinking of it for a while but my wife is resistant. She admits she thinks of other guys but will not consider doing anything yet. Do you have any ideas that I can try to get her interest up or at least to consider having an open marrage.

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:male: Actually I think I would be considered new to the swinging lifestyle. Now I will admit I have been in a couple of menage a trois' but I would hardly call it swinging. I guess at the time I would probably call it luck and being there at the right times. :D My experience here will come gradually and hopefully meet the right folks to take me by the hand, so to speak.;)

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Hi All, A number of years ago I was involved in a FMF. I enjoyed it (go figure???) and have mentioned doing this with some more recent (ex-)GF's. I am now VERY single, and, from what I have read so far, it looks like getting involved will be hard (no pun intended). It looks like this is all geared toward couples. Even the clubs I have read about, so far, are "couple only". Am I right? or have I just not read far enough? Being new to this, I appreciate any and all answers. Thank you.

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My husband and I went to our first "party" this past weekend and I loved it! But he was very reserved. Afterwards he said that he didn't think it was for him! What can I do to "get him into it"? Also, just because I will make out with a woman while "partying" doesn't make me bi curious, does it?

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We are relatively new to swinging, and have had one wonderful experience. We are looking to become more involved in the lifestyle.

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Hi first time posting here, so far we have been reading.....we are basically new to this, we have some light swinging experience, same room sex, the girls play and sucks us but we didnt swap....this happens like 7 years ago but we like to fantasize about it a lot...we are looking to become more involved, besides that we like to tease a lot, like really short skirts, bending over to see what happens, u know small play to keep our sex libido up...nice to be here and hope to make friends

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My wife subscribed us to a local swingers site and we became involved fairly extensively. We have had some ups and downs (no pun intended) since then (about 2.5 months ago) and most of our original issues were centered around my getting used to the idea of my wife actually having sex with another man (although in retrospect, we probably dived in too fast with a MFM threesome and my involvement being restricted to bystander--since that initial somewhat uncomfortable rendevous, we have had an MFM that went swimmingly and some soft swaps and two full swaps that went well). Our problem now is that my wife (whom I love with all my being and she, me) is having difficulties with my having sex with another woman.


We don't NEED the lifestyle to have a happy marriage, but there is no denying that it has made things more exciting, has GREATLY improved our sex life, and, as far as I'm concerned, brought us closer and made our marriage stronger.


Question: are her apparent qualms with my having sex with another woman, at this stage of invovlement, just growing pains, or is our life in the lifestyle doomed? :confused:



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We just had our first swinging experience last Saturday. Some mistakes were made, some discussions were had, but all in all it was a great time that we can't wait to repeat.

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We are completely new to this. It's a topic we've discussed every couple of years for the last 6 or so years, but we've always decided we weren't quite comfortable with it. More now over the last few months my husband has started mentioning how hot it would be to see me with someone else. He'd more often mention a woman, but I wouldn't be comfortable enough with that. I definitely find women attractive and love breasts, but the whole girly parts area isn't exactly my cup of tea. Then he brought up another man, which I'm pretty sure I can handle. ;) We've never so much as flirted with other people since we've been together, so we'll take it slow and see where all this takes us.


So we plan at this point to swing as a couple only, and for my husband to be there and watch my involvement with another man, possibly getting involved himself if he feels so inclined. I'm not ready to see him with another woman though, but again, we'll see what happens further down the road as my feelings may change.

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Hello all, Jeff here. Not new to swinging, been having fun for about four years. I am recently divorced and my ex and I have been seven times to swing clubs and all were a great time. Hoping to find another girl who is into the lifestyle too. Any females out there who is interested? Thank you.

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We are pretty new to this. Although I have had fantasies in the past about girl/girl playing, my girlfriend has too. What a pleasant surprise to know I had found someone who wasn't put off from the idea to play a little to enhance a couples sex. We had talked about it for some time because, well I wasn't going to push someone into trying something they would only be doing for me (him). We decided to try a club in So CA that had many members and seemed to be well into the life style with out any singles males, which is what she wanted. The first experience was a bit to fast for me but ended up be very exciting and after we went back to our hotel room, had sex for 4 hrs. We were so tired the next day that we ended up just going home and staying in bed until the next morning, of course having sex on and off all day. Our next encounter will be even better I hope. And not too far between (from her)..... ;)

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Guest Butterfly

This is all totally new to me and not even totally sure where to start or what to ask. As a single 41 year old woman, I am looking to expand, explore and enjoy what life has to offer and to release the real me inside.

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Not new at all - I did several swinging type get togethers before my wife decided it was time to "come out" she too had been haveing extra sex with freinds & co- workers

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The first few times can be very emotional, particularly for me since I had not been with very many other men in the past. To see your partner do very intimate sexual things to another woman and to witness both her joy and your partners joy is a difficult emotion to overcome to say the least. Just keep in mind that you can share your body, but your heart belongs to your man or vice versa. Good luck, Tina





We are completely new to this. It's a topic we've discussed every couple of years for the last 6 or so years, but we've always decided we weren't quite comfortable with it. More now over the last few months my husband has started mentioning how hot it would be to see me with someone else. He'd more often mention a woman, but I wouldn't be comfortable enough with that. I definitely find women attractive and love breasts, but the whole girly parts area isn't exactly my cup of tea. Then he brought up another man, which I'm pretty sure I can handle. ;) We've never so much as flirted with other people since we've been together, so we'll take it slow and see where all this takes us.


So we plan at this point to swing as a couple only, and for my husband to be there and watch my involvement with another man, possibly getting involved himself if he feels so inclined. I'm not ready to see him with another woman though, but again, we'll see what happens further down the road as my feelings may change.

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Long ago my wife and I discovered that it was all about more sex and not love - we have never had sex with someone else that we did not talk about it befor or right after - it was many years befor we had any real swings - same house-same room. But when we did it was again a fun new experiance - many of them

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had an experience when we were dating, I think she wasnt into the male to much. she was having fun then she may have got cold feet..

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The Loomster's are returning to the lifestyle after seven years of marital bliss. Mrs. Loomster is brand new, but her parents were swingers, so she far from naive.

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We have been in the lifestyle for a year and a half now, and have met some great people along the way. My husband and I were high school sweethearts and each others "first". We began swinging after being married and monogamous for 26 years. We have not had any issues with jealousy, although we were in a relationship with another couple for about 6 months (it was their first venture in swinging) who both had issues (at different times) with jealousy. For us, it has heightened our sex lives tremendously. We are excited by the anticipation of our swing dates, as well as recounting the experience afterwards. We prefer full swap same room because we both find it very hot to see our partner pleasing and being pleased by another. We also enjoy the interaction of all 4 people when everyone "clicks".

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Guest Gental1961


I am totally new never did anything like this before I am looking for a mentor Friend. Gental1961@yahoo.com my name is John I live in Converse near San Antonio

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Guest Gental1961


Thank you! Yes I am new totally

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what are you looking for?


lol, people? We got discouraged early on because the people we ended up meeting creeped us out a little....


Just looking for pressure free times. If it happens, great, if not, fine.

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We're both whores who have done FMF and MFM (not together) lol Neither of us has tried swinging though and we thought we'd give it a try. 29 white M 21 black F

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I've had several FFM experiences with couples and have really enjoyed them. I've had one MFM experience but my partner had an unexpected issue with jealousy so that didn't happen again (but it sure was fun, lol).


I've been to a club once, with a platonic male friend (we went in as singles, not as a couple) and it was a wonderful experience.


I don't know if any of those count as swinging, though - do they?

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We have had 2 great experiences.

1st was same room, same couple. 2nd time was soft swap and girl-girl.


But it has been a while....

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This will be my wife's and my third trip to Hedonism II this year. It's because of that place my wife has really opened up sexually. She met a friend of a friend on facebook and really connected. He is from Jamaica and we plan on our first MFM with him this May. That's if we have more than one encounter, which we do plan on. I just want to watch those two together first.

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Before my divorce (5 years ago) i had a couple MFM and FMF experiences, after the divorce I explored LS more with couples and also MFMF would like to explore more FF experiences also but last couple years has flown by with barely even any vanilla interaction, so.. that puts me kinda back at newbie or is it just nervous jitters?

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Hi Julie,


We r new to swinging but have had mfm and fmf before. Only just this last year with a couple. It was girl girl play and same room sex. We are wanting full swap and they aren't. So even though we still hang out with them and will play we are looking for more experiences. Just trying to be selective cause we have ran into lots of crazies out there lol. Never been to a swingers club but are planning on trying that approach in a few weeks. Thinking about TSC or Menages in nashville can anyone give us and idea of what to expect and which they prefer.

Thanks glad to have found this site.

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Well I still feel new to swinging but I have had experience. I have had 2

FMF, 1 other couple and an orgy. It sounds like a lot when you see it but I just feel like a noob. Maybe just newish.

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Husband and I married young and were open-minded from the start. Began with fmf threesome and flourished from there. Have been in the lifestyle (with short periods of little or no activity) for 5 years. I suppose that's "experienced", but I guess the label is always up for debate! :lol:


Lots of fun, exciting, and memorable times (albeit the occassional weirdo, or those w/ marital issues that needed ironed out before venturing out into the lifestyle...etc). I would say the majority of our experiences, whether long-term or one night encounters, have been positive ones, even if there wasn't continuous or long-term play.


We learned a great deal over the years with older, more "experienced" couples. It's been a rewarding adventure for us. We've always really connected with couples our senior (30's and 40's...we are mid-twenties at 24 and 25) as that tends to aid in the intellectual stimulation we need and enjoy, and ignites a good physical chemistry as well.


Happy to be here! Very informative and interesting forums you have here!

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My wife and I are totally new. One club visit down, where we watched but stayed to ourselves. Played some pool, drank, did a little exhibition in a veiled room and on some of the couches. Looking forward to going back but we are on a very slow track towards involving other people. We have had quite a few discussions about all the possibilities and are prepared but we are not rushing into anything. Considering the possibility of going to the club 2x a month and we have been looking at other clubs as well. :rolleyes:

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We are new and just had our first experience last weekend. We went to a local swinger's club here in Denver on Friday night and played with a really fun couple. We had so much fun and met a single girl who told us to come back Saturday, so we did. We then played with her and her super hot boyfriend. Good times! We're looking forward to the party this Saturday.

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We consider ourselves more of an open-minded, liberal couple than what you might consider a traditional swinging couple. We aren't actively pursuing swing opportunities, primarily because we have 2 kids at home (12 boy, 14 girl) that take up much of our time when we're not working. My wife & I met in college; I got to know her when she was dating a roommate of mine. So, she and I knew each other for almost 2 years before we ever dated, and we had really good chemistry.

During college we had a few MMF, MFF, and couple experiences. When we got married shortly after college, we tried the monogomous route for a couple years. About 2 years into our marriage Judy ran into her old beau (my x-roomnate), we had a small cookout at the house to reminisce, had a few drinks, and ended up having a MMF, which we both thoroughly enjoyed. I recall our lovemaking for the next month was awesomely charged. We've had several experiences with him since, and he's just a really close friend to us.

Since then, we've had a few more relationships with couples, a few single guys, and a couple females. We've tried the swing club experience a few times; it just wasn't for us ... a bit too mechanical, I guess is a way to describe it. We did meet a really nice couple, however, that we played with several times until they split up.

I participate in a couple cuckold forums, more for fantasy than anything. My wife & I are partners in life, and we put family values above everything else. We don't go out on individual dates or swings ... we prefer to do any extracurricular activities together, although she has been out to dinner a couple times with her old beau (my x-roommate) when he's in town. So, I guess we would be what you would classify a straightlace couple ... :)

Coincidently ... my father is a Methodist minister, and her father a Deacon, in their respective churches ... so go figure! :lol:

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10 years of experience in swinging, from the ripe old age of 20 :) to now, being 30 years old and in an open marriage. Met my husband on a swingers personal ads website back in 2001.

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New to the swinging business, me and my Girlfriend are interested in fmf and some mfm non full swap same room. We're fairly straight laced so far, but we're both curious. Any info on the average age to start doing this or if people would mind experimenting with persons of 19 years would be good. No previous experience really, just testing the waters at the moment.

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hey guys,


i'm completely new to swinging :( all tips, tricks, and advice are welcome.


My two biggest questions for right now are:


-are condoms usually used?

-Where do I meet people? (i've been to pplscroll and i've been here and one other site but I didnt like that one at all and so far I haven't really met many people except for on pplscroll)


thanks all,

I hope I make a great addition to the community :D

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Hello everyone. Just found the swingers board and thought this would be a great place to get my feet wet again. I met a woman about 2 years ago who introduced me to the lifestyle. Unfortunately we didn't work out but I did meet some great people from the local clubs and the few house parties we attended. I'm looking to get back into the scene again but I've found it difficult and expensive as a single guy. I welcome any input on the best way to enter back into the scene.

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My husband and I are totally new to this, we have been married for 13yrs. We have not been with anyone else but each other, are sex life is very good and we are really into trying something new. Not quite sure how to start or even where to start for that matter, but we are more than willing to figure it out. So any suggestions would be much appreciated :)

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