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Would you PLEASE dance with my husband!

When we arrived at the club on Saturday night we noticed a few couples that looked familiar. We hadn't been to this club in a while but we used to frequent it, so we knew some faces just looked familiar from having seen them there, and others might have looked familiar from having seen them online. One couple in particular seemed familiar and kept looking at us. We had some friends meeting us there, and shortly after they showed up, the male half of this couple came up to us and asked "are you




We Need to Talk - Swinging & Friendship

Very shortly after arriving at the social on Saturday, the male half of one of a couple that we consider friends and think extremely highly of, pulled me aside "We need to talk". I knew he was right and I knew what we needed to talk about. You see, at the previous party he and I were dancing and it came up that I am very attracted to him. He was surprised saying that he always thought I was more into girls! "WTF! Seriously! No, I like cock. Girls are cool, but no, we are not one of those couple




It's Just a Party... Where Anything Can Happen

That's what I just messaged a GF that is going with us to a social tonight. It's her first time going and I can't help but remember how nervous I was going the first time, or even how nervous I still get sometimes. I can only imagine what she must feel like. She knows she will know 3 people at the party. Myself (of course), and she will meet Pet at dinner before we go. And, she will know the SM that introduced her to the idea (well, sort of).   Evidently, she has another female friend who is al




Oh "You're the No Picture Couple!"

At the social last night we being our usual friendly selves approaching random couples. We weren't approaching as many because we were trying to focus more on couples that we thought there might actually be a match with rather than just being friendly and approaching everyone. Most couples are friendly with this approach and some not so much. We approached one attractive couple that we spoke to for less than 60 seconds because they just seemed like they wanted us to go away (no smile, no nicety,




So How do you want to end your Anniversary Night?

That was a question we were asked last night... sadly the response we wanted to give was "not with you".   We were at a pre-party M&G in a hotel suite with anywhere between 3.5-6 couples. There was one couple there that we would totally play with (if it was just us and them)... unfortunately, that wasn't the couple who asked us this question (and yes their intentions were obvious). Sadly, she was overly aggressive with every man (and woman) in the room, to the point of making everyone unco




Trying to Find Something to wear

Am I the only one whose bedroom looks like this on the afternoon of a party. I think it took me 2 hours to find something to wear last night. It's been almost a year since we've been to a party and I've lost so much weight in the last year and a half that almost nothing from last year fit. I actually had to go way back into my older dresses from 10 years ago to find one that fit. This left me standing out from the crowd a good bit. Any other night maybe 25% of the ladies would dress to theme, ev




Are we living a Lie?

I'm watching a documentary about the country singer, Chely Wright, coming out as a gay woman. It really makes me sad to watch it and to think about how hard it must be to put yourself out there so publicly as one person, when you are someone else. As I think about it, I can't help but wonder if it's so different than who we are. Perhaps, it's more so for someone like me who has a large part of their life built around swinging. It is my business as well as my personal life. It does often drive m




Home Again

Given that we've basically been on a break from swinging for the last 2 years and have hit up our "home" club maybe once every 6 months during that time, we jumped back in with a bang the last few weeks. For the month of June we hit a different party every Saturday night and it was exhausting! LOL. Yes, we had fun, but none of them felt quite "right". Last night we finally made it back to our "home" club and they moved back to their "home". The hotel that our favorite social was in closed last




What Am I Going To Wear?

So, last week as we were getting ready to go to a new-to-us social for the first time and I was trying to figure out what I was going to wear, I realized I had nothing to wear. How many times have we gone through this? Oh, at least 50% of the times we've gone to a party or club (AT LEAST!). You'd think I'd learn by now, but if I have, I've forgotten. After going through it last weekend, I KNEW I had nothing to wear this weekend for the "Playboy lingerie" themed party. And yet, I waited till toni




Would YOU Swing With Us?

I've actually long tried to keep this site and our actual swinging separate. I've found too many times that people judge us based on the fact that I own a swinger site (or wrote a book on swinging). Until the book came out, it wasn't something that we really promoted much at all. Our primary club has always tried to help me promote this site (and the book) as much as they can (and I help them as much as I can in return). But, I always find myself shrinking back when an announcement is made at




Stupid Bullets!

We realized the other day that my bullet had a crack in it. It still worked but whenever that crack hit me just wrong, it didn't feel so good. So, we headed to the local shop to pick up a new one. They have the bare bones basic bullet but it's just in like a baggy and it kinda skeezes me out. So I went for the next level up. The last bullet I had had a nice little slider bar to change the speed, and it seemed like it had an endless # of speeds. This new one has a button and only 2 speeds. First




It's been a while since...

well anything.   We did finally get back to our favorite club again back in March. Then we went with a group from said club to our other favorite club (on-premise) a couple of weeks later. It was a fun trip. We hadn't been to the on-premise since we started going to this particular social (if not before). We just haven't had the need between not really playing much or going much of anywhere AND having a really good social nearby we could go to when we did want to get out.   However, being




First party in 6 months... it's kind of like riding a bike.

So we made it to our favorite social last night for the first time in 6 months. I can't believe it's been that long, but it's been a rough summer (and spring). We missed our friends a ton though and really just wanted to see everyone. That said, we figured we'd feel a little out of our element since we hadn't been there in so long but that wasn't remotely the case.   Our typical party style (at this party anyway) is to find a location to store our cooler and then mix and mingle. We rarely si




Friends Again....

I still need to go back and listen to my interview on SwingerCast again to see if I really did say this...   Someone on the SwingerCast forum understood me to say that couples who are looking for friends first should just go for Polyamory (or something to that affect).   I think a lot of people misunderstand my/our take on the whole friends first thing. It's not that I'm against making friends in the lifestyle. Nor do we go out to clubs looking to get laid that night (or every night). What




Good Party

Saturday night we headed to our local social, and as usual had a really good time. But, we noticed something seemed a little off... it was a little bit us and a little bit something else. Pet has not been feeling well, we are thinking (and kind of hoping) that it's his turn for his gallblader to go out. By hoping, we are hoping it's nothing worse. So even though he's not been 100% lately he was feeling ok and we went to the party anyway.   Actually, if there was ever a day to skip out this




That was fun

I just got off the phone with John & Allie of SwingerCast. After 3 years of talking about having me on to do an interview, we finally got our acts and schedules together and did it. What fun that was. Talking to them was like talking to two old friends, even though we've never met in person. Isn't it funny how you can get to feel like you really know people without ever meeting thanks to the internet.   There are many people on here I feel that way about. Then when we meet in person it




The adventures of mailing the Swinger Manual

We've had a pretty wintery winter here this year for Alabama. It seems like it's been snowing off and all since the first of January. The first week of January we got about a half inch of snow (which is a lot for us) and hubby almost didn't make it home (we live up a pretty steep hill) and we watched many others who didn't make it home walking up our street (and back down again) over the course of 2 or 3 days while they waited for the weather to warm up and the street to thaw.   Twice alrea




The Anatomy of the Swinger Manual

I have to admit, I really did not expect the response I've already gotten for this book. I don't know what I expected but it certainly wasn't to sell the number of books I've already sold in the first 5 days and to have my first print (however small it was) sold out before it even arrived.   I had intended to be doing a lot more marketing of the book this week, but now I'm waiting to get caught up on the current orders before I start TRYING to increase them. They are increasing enough on thei




I have a case of the green eyed monster

and it relates to swinging, but not in the way you'd think. I'm not jealous of my husband, I'm not jealous of women who pay him attention. I'm not jealous of someone that is getting to play with someone I want to play with... well Ok maybe I am, in a way.   I'm jealous of anyone who gets to enjoy swinging instead of just living vicariously through message boards. I get to go to parties, I get to have fun and flirt and make out and dance and have a wonderful time. But, we can't play! I think




Momentum - or it's not quite like riding a bike

Talking to Spoo and another old face around here that has bee popping up again about the concept of taking a break and then returning to swinging has brought forward some realizations for us.   We took a break, not even a long one, just about 6 months last year while I was sick. Prior the break we have worked up this momentum. It had taken a while but we were finally getting to a point where we felt totally comfortable at one club and comfortable enough going to new places that we could not f




Masturbation is Dangerous!

So Saturday I was dead tired, I hadn't slept well the night before and we had plans to go out that night and host a group dinner. I needed a nap. So I headed to the bedroom to lay down, then I thought "well maybe a hot bath will help me relax". So I got in the bathtub. One thing led to another and I was horny so I started playing with myself. Next thing I know I'm going pretty hard but I realize that in doing so I'm bouncing the top part of my body around pretty hard (including my neck/head




Last minute plans

Ok, we started it so we are just as much at fault. We messaged a couple on Wed or Thur to ask if they had plans for tonight and wanted to get together.   TODAY! We finally get a reply back from them, "Saturday? We're on". No set plans for when or where were suggested in our original message, nor by them.   So we replied back with "how bout xzy place at 8pm. Our numbers are.....". Pet had sent the message and thought that implied that they should get back to us one way or the other. I sugg




Adventures in .....

We've been wanting to check out the Xchanges group in Knoxville for quite a while, but it seems like every time we've tried to something has happened that's kept us from going.   This week we saw that they had an event coming up and again (as in prior times) the signup list on SLS looked awesome. Around 100 couples signed up with a large majority actually in our age range and attractive (to boot). We aren't closed to older couples but we really would like to meet some couples in our age range




Clubs Competition

I may have blogged about this before, but it's really getting under my skin (especially after tonight's debacle).   Ok, so in our local area (within an hour) we have 2 (really 3 but I just can't count the one that shows 8 signups on SLS and 2-3 of them are the same host with different usernames). Then 2 hours south in Birmingham we have 3 socials... and of course the same distance north in Nashville we have actual on-premise clubs.   The hosts of one of the Birmingham clubs was coming up here




I shaved my legs for THIS?

So for the second time we went to a social and didn't actually go in.   Some background: The local socials have been hit or miss at best.... and by "local" - I mean this place is close enough we typically drive home at the end of the night (or whenever we leave) but it's still about 45 minutes to an hour drive. We had gone to several at this location over the last year and really I can't say that any of them were a success for us. The turnout is usually low, and of what is there most aren't



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