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First party in 6 months... it's kind of like riding a bike.

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So we made it to our favorite social last night for the first time in 6 months. I can't believe it's been that long, but it's been a rough summer (and spring). We missed our friends a ton though and really just wanted to see everyone. That said, we figured we'd feel a little out of our element since we hadn't been there in so long but that wasn't remotely the case.


Our typical party style (at this party anyway) is to find a location to store our cooler and then mix and mingle. We rarely sit down and more often than not whatever table we stick our cooler at will be filled with other people by halfway through the night. When we stop later to get a drink refill we'll usually here "oh did we take your seat?". To which our answer is always "no, not at all, we don't sit". And I forgot just how true this is. That said, we both figured that since we hadn't been in so long we'd be sitting last night and kind of hiding in the corner. It didn't happen.


The second we walked in the door we were bombarded by our friends, letting us know just how much we were missed. We felt a little weird in the early part of the evening, more because it was a slow start party than anything else. However, once things picked up they really picked up. We met some great new people and had an awesome time mingling and dancing. Before I knew it was it almost midnight and I was worn out and ready to go home and to bed.


We did have a couple of run-ins that were a little weird though... I was hanging out up by the front desk and I saw a guy walk by. I said out loud "I know him". One of the others who was up at the front running the check in told me who he was with and showed me his (sls) name on the sign in sheet, then said his first name. As soon as I heard his first name I knew who it was. It was a guy I'd met several years earlier... who also happened to have gone to school with Pet. Once I knew that I tracked him down and touched base with him to say hello. That wasn't all that wierd.... but later....


I was out in the lobby of the hotel talking to the owner. He's a really cool guy and was nice enough to ask about us when we missed so many parties, so I went to say hello. While I was talking to him I saw someone come into the lobby to go to the attached bar. It was my neighbor and friend. Yeah that was awkward. She came over and said hello and then commented "I guess you are in and out here?" referring to the bar that had a well known live band playing. "Yeah, I'm in and OUT". Then made every effort to make sure we didn't run into her again. EEK! This is the one downside of a party at a hotel that has other things going on at the same time.


All in all it was a great night and just reminded us why we go to this party and what about it we've enjoyed for so long.

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Glad ya'll had a good time and were able to find your party groove again. Seems every other party we go to, Mr. Sweet runs into someone he knows on the "outside."



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In this case I'd say more than acquaintances. Some of the friends we've made at this party are people that I'd really call friends. One of them is one of the few people who have really made an effort to let me know they missed me in the last few months that I've been kinda MIA from everything. I talk to her on the phone so much I added her # to our "friends and family" free calls list.

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