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AndrewandAnn last won the day on August 29 2022

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About AndrewandAnn

  • Rank
    Swingers Board Addict
  • Birthday 12/01/1963

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    SW Florida, Midwest and Rocky Mtns
  • Interests
    Sex and sensuality, hedonistic pursuits, fine dining, travel, leisure. Andrew is a Certified Reflexologist and we're very much into massage therapy and the mind-body connection to overall health.
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  1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Peter. Evidently, your sarcasm meter needs recalibrating. I thought the intent of my opening remarks were rather obvious, even to you 😉 Likewise, I generally avoid your responses. And, since we're being frank, and continuing in your genuine spirit of being helpful, I avoid them because I find them poorly reasoned, factually unsupported, and unnecessarily wordy. Rarely do they warrant serious attention. Today, my wife is out of town and I'm rather bored, so I'll make an exception. I must confess, I find it rather humorous how you said you won't speak for anyone else on this board, then went on to do exactly that. Did Lioness lose her roar? Lol. You have a greatly overblown sense of self, my friend. Actually, it's quite charming 🙂 If you're offering to be completely honest, Peter, I do have a serious question for you to answer: If I were promoting positions with which you generally agree, instead of those you oppose, would you take offense to my supposed "prosecutorial zeal"? I imagine, if you're being painfully honest, the answer is, No. If I was busy acting as the cheerleading squad, instead of the loyal opposition, I have little doubt you would find me your Internet Hero. Peter, your feelings are yours alone and you only speak for yourself. True, some may agree with you, more or less, and you may find comfort in that. I don't require such comforts. I've reached the station in life when being straight and honest with people is more meaningful to me than being popular or receiving pats on my backside for parroting the agreed upon Talking Points. I prefer to risk someone think I'm a bit overbearing, rather than being afraid to call balls and strikes and deal with the epithets. Inevitably, when one pushes back against the prevailing winds, they tend to howl. By the way, you may find this difficult to believe, but historically I've received my fair share of unsolicited private communications from those who appreciate the way I articulate my positions and encourage me to continue to do so. Like me, they grow weary of the dystopian world where feelings matter more than facts, and group think is more important than independent thought. Peter, should my posts continue to bother you, I encourage you to continue to ignore them. Otherwise, I suggest you prepare to have your replies examined with the same honestly, wit, and zeal with which you have attempted to examine mine. That seems fair enough, yes? Have a good day 😉
  2. I presume some of this is aimed at me. So, I'll be glad to respond: I reviewed my posts and say with certainty that none of them included anything that remotely resembles "harassment". However, since it appears you were somehow (?) caused distress by something (?) I wrote, please allow me to apologize. Causing you, or anyone else, "anxiety" was not my intention with this thread or any other. With that in mind, I hope you will afford me the similar courtesy of not assigning negative motives that are clearly not present. I approach this forum in the following way: It is a public place for free-thinking adults to discuss adult-themed topics. Publishing one's personal statements, opinions, and conclusions carries with it certain realities. One of those realities is that they will be examined by others. During that process, one will almost certainly be exposed to people with differing, sometimes opposing, statements, opinions, and conclusions. Additionally, people have different communication styles. Some people, like me for instance, prefer being coolly objective, and matter-of-fact in their approach. This can be off-putting to others who prefer a more "feeling-based", subjective style. I believe the point of these discussions is to share our statements, opinions, and conclusions with other free-thinking adults with the aim of arriving at a better, or at least fuller, understanding of the issue at hand. Rather than feeling "offended" when being "challenged", we may want to take the approach that someone else's statements, opinions, and conclusions may be better reasoned, and better informed, than one's own. Admittedly, this approach takes a certain amount of intellectual honesty, and detachment from "feeling-based" opinions and conclusions , that some people find difficult to muster. Lastly, on the particular subject of prostitution, the facts are these: Prostitution is connected to a host of social ills including sexual exploitation, drug addiction, physical and emotional abuse, criminal enterprise, the sex trafficking of minors, and human servitude, to name just the obvious ones. I do not consider these to be trivial matters. I will, without hesitation, or apology, push back against the false narrative that prostitution is "just another form of sexual liberation" when the evidence so overwhelmingly, convincingly points to the contrary. Have a good day.
  3. "Brothels only exist in Nevada..." LOL. Before you form an opinion, you may care to educate yourself about the subject matter. In 2014, Business Insider ran an expose on the sex trade. The article aggregated and analyzed crime data and other statistics from eight US cities: Miami, Dallas, Washington, D.C., Denver, Kansas City, San Diego, Seattle, and Atlanta. The article was based upon research funded by the Urban Institute. Here's what the article concluded: "Erotic Asian massage parlors and Latino brothels were found in almost every city." The article went on to say prostitution exists in every element of the sex industry, from traditional street prostitutes, to Internet hookers, to strip bars, to escort services. And virtually all of them are tied to some form of crime hierarchy--from low-level pimps to criminal gangs, to mafia/organized crime (Italian, Asian, Russian) to drug cartels. Likewise, the New York Times extensively covered the findings of the Urban Institute's study during the same time frame. It pointed out the undeniable link between the commercial sex trade and an even more grievous and insidious problem of child sex trafficking and human servitude. The notion of the PhD student sleeping with white collar business executives to pay for her Ivy League graduate degree is mythological nonsense. In the real world, prostitution is the industrialized dehumanization and exploitation of the most vulnerable portion of our population. I want nothing to do with it other than to clean it up as best as society can.
  4. Have I changed my thoughts? No. See my earlier reply to couplers. Just because I find something to be repugnant, doesn't mean I think it should be illegal. I grew up in a densely populated urban environment, inhabited mostly by first and second generation Italian immigrants. Some of the questions you pose are not theoretical: Would I live next to a gun store? Yes. In fact, one might argue I have a gun store of sorts in each of my homes. Lol... Would I live next to a bar? Yes, and did. I lived three doors down from a tavern that sat on the opposite corner of my Catholic church, where my parents were married and I and the rest of my family was Baptized. My grandmother lived in the house next door to mine. My two aunts lived across the street. Would I live near a dance club? There was a bar-dance club three blocks from my house. It was a clean, upscale establishment, with live musical entertainment every Saturday night, not the seedy strip clubs you find in bad parts of town. Two decent restaurants sat on either side. Gas station? There was one at the other end of my block and there was a small auto repair shop in the middle of the next block. Motel/hotel? Since I grew up in an urban environment, motels were not part of the landscape, but hotels were. Your attempt to paint businesses like taverns/bars, gun stores, gas stations, and motels/hotels, in the same light as brothels is a very weak and specious argument that holds no sway. We both know these businesses do not exist on the same social plane as brothels. By the way, strippers don't have sex with patrons. If they do, they have graduated to being prostitutes. It's not a subtle difference. And if you cannot make a distinction between a porn performer, and a prostitute, I suggest you head over to the stroll in the city nearest you and educate yourself. Then make your way to the nearest Salvation Army or Harbor House and take a good, long look at the women they are trying to help. Ask them about what it is like to live on the streets, selling their bodies to any paying john, to support their drug habits, and keep their pimps from beating the crap out them for failing to earn. Lastly, being in an open relationship has nothing in common with prostitution. Literally, nothing. The fact that you attempt to paint swingers with the same brush as prostitutes is likewise a specious and weak argument that holds no sway. And it tells me you have a very shallow understanding of what an open relationship is about.
  5. What I actually wrote was that I find prostitution to be repugnant. My position on prostitution is simple enough to understand: I think it should be legal and regulated. As a social libertarian, there exist many things I find both repugnant, and immoral, that I believe should remain legal. Regarding prostitution, I think some of the social ills attached to it could be mitigated if it were both legal and regulated. Take the lottery, for example. I don't gamble and believe it is a tax upon ignorance and stupidity and, as such, is immoral. Statistics overwhelmingly demonstrate the poorest people, the ones who can least afford to gamble away their meager resources, are the ones who participate in the largest numbers. However, I understand the lure. Also, I understand society is better off with the lottery, and other forms of gambling, being regulated, rather than having them exist in the shadows and run by organized crime. I feel the same way about tobacco. Smoking or chewing tobacco are two of the most damaging things a person can do to his/her body. Tobacco is a known carcinogen and the largest direct, and indirect, cause of cancer deaths in the US. It is a highly addictive substance, intentionally made more so by tobacco companies. I find it repugnant and believe tobacco companies are, by definition, immoral. Yet, I believe it should remain legal and regulated. If people want to poison themselves by ingesting smoke into their mouths and lungs, or by chewing it, so be it. Do you understand my positions?
  6. I believe the Lioness and I see the subject very differently. I believe the point she was trying to make is that we are not to judge (quoting her, "Who are we to judge others' needs? He who is without sin..."), and that we are all a little guilty of prostitution-like behavior to one degree or another. I find the analogies she attempts to make to be not very compelling. Jaywalking, re-selling tickets, or singing "Happy birthday" is in no way analogous with prostitution. They don't exist in the same universe.
  7. For me, the line is not very difficult to draw. I do not consider stripping/dancing, or even performing porn, to be the same as prostitution. Strippers/dancers are, obviously, not actually performing sex. Porn actresses/actors are hired on a contract basis and determine what sex acts they will, or will not, perform and with whom. They are not performing under duress or threat of violence, or under the (obvious) influence of drugs, and often have the benefit of being surrounded by an entire crew of people, some of whom have the responsibility for looking out for their welfare . Also, they are subject to health screenings and often drug tests. However, I will acknowledge, some people will lump all these things together, and see them as being about the same.
  8. There's a universally recognized swinger's logo? After being in an open relationship for decades, and having traveled the world over, that's news to us. Lol...
  9. I'm not sure if you're just wanting to make a statement? Or, if you're actually interested in discussing the subject? I'll give this the benefit of the doubt and assume your intention is the latter. Respectfully, the people who say they have "no problem" with prostitution are, knowingly or unknowingly, being intellectually disingenuous. And it's easy to prove. To those who say they have "no problem" with prostitution, here are a few questions to ponder: Would you like to live next door to a brothel? Would you like to raise your children while living next door to a brothel? Would you like a brothel located next to your children's grade school or high school? Would you like a brothel located next to your place of work or your place of worship? Would you like a brothel located next to your mother's or grandmother's house? Would you invite a prostitute and her pimp to your house for dinner? I'll go out on a limb and say the answers to those questions are, "No." So, in reality, the people who say they have "no problem" with prostitution actually do have a problem with it. They just haven't thought through the question thoroughly enough to realize they do. As informed adults, we understand prostitution carries with it certain inescapable social ills. Prostitutes do not sell their bodies because of the "glamour" of the job or because they "like sex". That's ridiculous fantasy that bears no semblance to reality. Most prostitutes are young, poor run-a-ways and lead very troubled, miserable lives. Many have been sexually abused. Many are addicted to illicit drugs. They are broken, desperate people (mostly girls) at the ends of the ropes. Prostitutes are not sexually liberated. They are sexually exploited--both by the "johns" who patronize them and by the pimps they work for. In fact, it is usually the pimps who "farm" the young run-a-ways into prostitution, first by getting them addicted to drugs, then by coercing them into prostitution to pay for their habits, then by terrorizing them with physical violence to keep them earning. The girls are objectified and dehumanized, and are essentially subjected to a modern form of human bondage. Then, when the girls are in the deep stages of their addictions and have lost whatever sex appeal they once had and can no longer turn tricks, their pimps discard them like used toilet paper. How many "happily retired" prostitutes have you ever met or read about? I find prostitution to be repugnant not because of some holier-than-thou moralistic position, but because the objective evidence provided by law enforcement, researchers, and healthcare workers leads me to that conclusion. I'll be glad to read your reply.
  10. This again? Lol... People: It's pee. Women do not have any organ attached to the vagina other than the bladder that can forcefully expel copious amounts of fluid. Women do have two small prostate-like glands, called Skene or paraurethral glands, that arise from the urogenital sinus. These glands gradually release a thick, white secretion during sexual arousal. These organs do not "squirt" and the amount of secretion is marginal. So, if seeing a vagina spray like the Fountain of Trevi is a turn-on for some of you, great. We are not judging. But, there is no medical mystery. She's urinating.
  11. Age and maturity has a way of sharpening one's sense of what really matters. And what doesn't. To our tastes, sex appeal and desirability has far more to do with attitude and personality, and much less to do with some shallow, idealized notion of what 'sexy' is supposed to 'look' like. We don't know anyone who makes his or her way into the later innings of life without some hard won scars--physical, emotional, or otherwise. We'd like to think we wear ours well. And we're attracted to others who do, too.
  12. Um... sleep. 😉 Really depends upon the particular event. Generally, because Ann is multi-orgasmic, I try to time my release to happen sometime after the seventh inning stretch, and her toes have been curling for a while. I'm fortunate that, usually, it doesn't take long for me to recover. And, maybe I'm a little different than other guys, but my second orgasm is almost always significantly more intense than my first.
  13. Home administered STI/STD tests is an idea that is overdue. However, whether or not the test results can be delivered at home is not something about which I can offer an educated opinion? It may be a case where, like COVID, home tests can quickly deliver (somewhat) reliable results in a very short period of time. Or, it may be the case where patients will need to send off samples and have the test results communicated by a professional, similar to home test kits used for screening certain colon cancers.
  14. Ann and I have been having sex together for more than 40 years. Given our ages, that may seem unlikely to some. But, I assure you, it is true. In more than four decades of having sex with the same woman, here's what I have to say about it: Great sex, is great sex. But, how we define great sex today is different than how we defined it forty years ago. Why? Our sexual skills, likes, dislikes, responses, and physiology, have all certainly changed with age. As a young woman, Ann was almost hypersexual, and she could cum, multiple times, by just about any kind of sexual activity--manual, oral, intercourse (vaginal and/or anal), and sometimes she would get so worked up she would cum simply by giving me head. And, she didn't need any foreplay. She was game to have sex just about any time of day or night, at the drop of hat or the bat of an eye (with the exception of when she was having her period.) We didn't experiment with a vibrator or other sex toys until years into our marriage. In fact, early on, she actually disliked even the weakest vibrator because she said it was overly stimulating and an unpleasant distraction. Today? She is still multi-orgasmic, but it takes more focus and the right conditions. Can she still cum from intercourse alone? Definitely, but not as frequently as in years past. And a vibrator is her frequent companion, having graduated to the ever popular Hitachi plug-in wand as her "go to". But, we have many, many other sex toys, including a Sybian and a Hismith, and our sexual experimentation has lead us in many different directions and scenes. The bottom line? The sex is still fantastic. And I don't really care how she cums, just that she does.... and does... and does again. Intercourse? Oral? Manual? Sex toys? A combination of everything? It's all fantastic.
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