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Learning last won the day on May 7 2012

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About Learning

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    Swingers Board Addict
  • Birthday 09/08/1972

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    Couple-Wife posts
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  1. Excellent reminder about pacing. The good thing is that there’s no expectations and 8 years feels like it was yesterday. I think what will balance too is that we realize now swinging is not a race but a long stroll through the woods with some side trails. The opportunity will be there.
  2. We put the lifestyle on hold for about 8 years while raising our kid. Well, he’s at that age we don’t feel guilty anymore about leaving him as he’s getting more invites for overnights and now we are like “it’s time for us again”. We ended the lifestyle going to a nudist swinger camp. We met an awesome couple that weekend who we enjoyed their company (dinner/flirting/nice grinding on the dance floor) nothing else though because I was two months pregnant and the partner was on her monthly. We keep in touch over the years with each other via Facebook. Honestly, it’s been a huge fantasy of mine to link up with them again as the chemistry of terrific. We are going to my 25th class reunion and we are staying about 3 hours from home which is near their house so we are meeting up for drinks. I’m nervous but excited as it’s been so long just wanted to share the excitement. Any tips always welcomed too...
  3. We hit my 20 year high school reunion this past weekend. There was this couple there that were a tad on the tipsy side. I looked at a former classmate's wife and noted to her "this is either going to be really good or really bad". She shared how she loved to people watch too (a favorite past time of mine). So a bit later he had her dress hike up, panties showing and all, hands totally up the underwear. They left the dance floor and proceeded to screw in the bathroom while others watched. So freaking awesome...lol...inappropriate for a reunion but it was the talk of the night and everyone was bragging how legendary the reunion was. Hopefully the coupe will find an outlet.
  4. As an observer, I have noticed that your husband has posted on this topic several times. It must be very frustrating to keep on encountering the same situation throughout the last two years. That's hard. I still wonder though if there is too much "trying to swing" instead of encountering more organic situations? People can pick up on things like couples trying too hard, couples not connecting with each other trying to swing, and other little things that may send off a red flag. I wonder if just going as a couple, connecting, having fun with each other with no other agenda except to enjoy each other's company will attract others. People love to pick up on fun loving individuals who are high energy. People like that are magnets for fun. The other is the weight. DH is about 6'1 and 245. He carries it well but he is still 245. I am also chunky...no matter how "curvy" I look, I still am 210...it is what it is.
  5. We have friends that have been there and they say it's a blast. Good luck and keep everyone posted if you go.
  6. Nope never in high school...my favorite story of not giving it up in high school because I just was so naive. There was this guy that I had a major crush on. When I went grocery shopping at Krogers, he was a bagger and I always made sure we went through his line every week for two years. I had a friend who worked with him and she set me up with him. We had these heavy makeout sessions that of course were awesome for any 16 year old who was totally in like with the other person. One night, we were parked in a boat launch and he looks at me and goes "Hey, you wanna go?". I'm like "go? heck no..." (I was enjoying what we were doing so why would I want to go). Later I found out that "go" meant sex. He ended up dumping me after that. A few years ago he found me on facebook and apologized for being such a jerk and how much he really liked me. Nice closure for him because he felt so bad but I never even gave it any thought.
  7. For us, there was this amazing time of nonstop fun. This happened for a good six months but things got complicated for us with some close friends who we adored but we didn't want to swing with. The way we were treated by them was probably the worst I have ever been treated ever. We allowed a situation that was messed up to spoil the fun for us. We began to second guess ourselves, then we were afraid to really engage again after that. We didn't leave swinging on a high note...which is said. In the future, I hope we can start on a high note and just have fun again.
  8. Maybe you are trying too hard? That's a lot if sites so why not just narrow it does to 2 or 3 and call it good. The energy put into all the sites, why not just concentrate it on a kick butt profile.
  9. A big fat zero but that's the way I like it. If we were ever to get caught, a cert would make us for real. As I've said before, I find certs to be helpful on others. It gauged if they would even find us remotely interesting. Since we are not dipping our toes in anything for a while, I listed our weight to 400 lbs. (which is not true) and not one hit in the past three months with an email. We were getting emails before and I didn't want to keep responding to "thanks but we are out for now".
  10. Keep on trucking because the signs are not looking good. Maybe he found a more traditional relationship? Maybe not but silence speaks volume. Leave him alone and if it's meant to be, he will bounce back into your life. Good luck searching for another partner
  11. I didn't circumsize my son because it's his body, his penis, and if wants to get it cut he can but it will not be me deciding that for him. When I was interviewing new daycares for because of our mood, people had no clue on how to take care of it. I had to note "wipe what is seen" because they assumed they had to retract it. I hope his future partners will roll with it.
  12. Glad to hear that you linked with a great therapist that specializes in sex addiction. Keep going to process and get stronger atta girl!
  13. Wow this is a really good old thread. Wonder if there are other good spidey sense stories out there....
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