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Rediscovering last won the day on September 17 2017

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About Rediscovering

  • Rank
    Just Getting Started
  • Birthday 04/02/1983

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  • Interests
    Reading, Swimming and recently Sex
  • Occupation
    Kindergarten Teacher
  • Swinging Experience
    6 months
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  1. So I'm brand new here, only been swinging for 6 months. But I've/We've had a good deal of interactions. I suppose the one that sticks out at the moment for me was after my daughter's soccer game. We are good friends with a couple whose daughter is also on the team, we've swung with them once at a part we went to very early on. After the game the girls were all going for pizza and that kinda left us parents with some time on our hands. Now honestly sex isn't always on our brains or anything but I guess K (the dad of the other girl on the team) was thinking about it all day. He said it was because of my sports top, a long sleeve spandex purple crop top. My stomach was showing a bit, little bit of a muffin top i'm still trying to get rid of. I'm not a busty girl at best a B but more an A cup. He invited us over to their house which was just a few blocks down the street from the fields so we walked. It was really hot out and so we were all pretty sweaty when we got inside. K invited me into the kitchen for some water while his wife J and my husband L went to the bathroom (not together just to actually go). In the kitchen we chatted about the game, drank some water and then K, as bold as I've ever seen sat in a dining room chair and asked if I'd ride him. I was stunned to say the least. I mean we are still really new to this life and hadn't been so very upfrontly asked something like that. Well it was why we were there after all so, blushing like a little girl, I started to take my top off. He told me to stop and keep it on. It was stained a bit with sweat and really clinging to my breasts, I wasn't wearing a bra so my nipples were poking through. He told me he loved seeing my breasts bounce when I was cheering on the girls that's what gave him this, and he pulled down his track shorts. K isn't especially long, maybe like 7 inches at best, but he's thick. And wow he was as hard as I've ever seen a guy get. Well i pulled my yoga pants down, i was wearing some simple seamless purple lace panties with a wide waist. They were kinda sweaty too. Honestly at this point I still wasn't used to the whole, other man inside me thing. It was still and still is like some kind of strange dream. He told me to leave the panties on too, so i straddled his lap. He pulled my panties just enough to the side to see my vagina and complimented it. Telling me he loves how smooth and tight I looked for a mom. Surprised me a lot but was kind of a turn on. His penis was straight up and so he very gently but firmly put his hands on my bottom, half exposed in the panties, pulled me to him and lowered me on. I told you he's thick so it was intense. I'd only had sex with him one time before and that was after I'd had a load of semen inside to help lube me up. Now it was just me, my sweat, my already warming juices and him. His eyes were locked on his tip pushing my lips open, entering me, slowly sliding in. I'm kinda tight so it was slow, pushing in a little sliding back out then going further. It took several minutes but soon every inch was in me and it was soooooo intense. He was long enough to just tickle my cervix but it was that girth, stretching me that was making me shiver. K just sat back his hands on my bottom and slowly helped me rise and fall on him. Going about halfway up then down, hitting my cervix. Then almost all the way up to the tip and back in slow. He kept that pattern and pace up for a while. He'd alternate watching his penis slide into me and watching my breasts gently bounce in my top. We were already sweaty from being out in the heat at the game but this worked up more of a sweat, like we were dripping on the floor more than my juices, which themselves were dripping down his balls to the floor under us. My tummy was bouncing a little too as I rode him. He has some incredible staying power and I think we were like that for nearly ten or more minutes before I couldn't hold back anymore and I orgasmed. I'm a little bit of a crier when I orgasm so I teared up whimpering, crying, body shaking and vagina squeezing down hard on him just making the orgasm more intense. I'm not sure if it sent him over the edge or he just let himself go because right in the middle of my orgasm he pushed deep into me right up against my cervix and blasted thick streams of semen. He's a very heavy thick ejaculator and i felt it splashing inside so hot it was amazing. We just sat for a minute after that, dripping sweat and now some other fluids. Then we saw the clock on the wall. Our girls were due to get done with the pizza party soon so we were going to need to pick them up. K pulled out of me and put my panties back over me before anything could drip out. He patted my stomach and kissed my stretch marks and said he loved filling a mom's tummy. Totally made me blush. I put my pants back on went to check on my husband and J. I walked in on L orgasming onto J's beautiful C cup breasts. She kissed his tip and thanked him, waved to me and got up. Gave me a kiss on the cheek as she walked by going to take a shower. I left with my husband to go get our car and pick up our daughter and the entire ride home my vagina was FULL of semen. My panties were a total mess! I'm just glad it didn't leak and show through my yoga pants. That's a stand out experience for me.
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