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WildMiCouple last won the day on February 19 2011

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325 Excellent

About WildMiCouple

  • Rank
    Never up.....never in
  • Birthday 09/08/1960

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  • Location
    se Michigan and se Florida
  • Interests
    Boating in MI and FL, trips to Hedo II and Desire's, cruising topless in the vette ;-)
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  • Favorite Club(s)
    Cap City Dances, Wild Walkers, Motor City Socials

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  1. If they are your friends you've made in the past, I don't see an issue with it. We'd understand and would probably go, catch up on things and meet your new boyfriend.
  2. OK......does it really surprise you that another couple you know from your nudist club are swingers? It's been our experience that at least half of the couples we've met at nudist clubs are swingers. Then again.....maybe we are just easy to spot with swingdar and thus attract swingers
  3. We were in Barcelona summer before last. Enjoyed a week there exploring/sightseeing before we departed on a clothing optional Windjammer cruise through the Mediterranean. During that time, we went on a winery tour in the hills north of the city with another swing couple (who were also on the cruise). With us were two younger vanilla couples. The one couple was in their early twenties and from the Buffalo area (Midwesterners like us), the other was a thirtyish uppity couple from NYC (they obviously came from big money by the way they talked). We ended up visiting 3 wineries with plenty of wine and tapas at each. Each time we'd get into the small tour van, we'd switch up seats. By the end of the second winery, the sexual innuendoes were flying everywhere between us and our swing friends. We were having a ball and wanted to stay longer at the last winery. The NYC couple wanted to get back so they could shop. The other young couple latched onto us "fun people" and wanted to stay longer too. So we extended our stay perhaps 30 min until we got tired of the incessant whining.....as in nagging lol......and finally left. This time I climbed into the back seat with both our wives, with my buddy in the middle bench seat with our new younger friends. Pretty quickly, our wives started with the sex references.....joy stick comments, wine makes me horny stuff, can we go parking for some fun, each sliding over and grinding on my lap, a pair of thong panties appeared My buddy and the young couple are laughing along with us. The uppity couple in the front bench is still whining about not having much time to shop After nearly an hour ride back of non-stop joking and laughing, we near our stop. This is when the guy of the uppity couple looks back at us all and says "You guys joke a lot about sex and stuff, but you would be shocked at the stuff I've done." We all looked at each other and burst out laughing. Yeah kid......if you only knew Cool part was after the van ride (and after the NYC couple finally went shopping ) The young Buffalo couple didn't want the day to end, so we (both of us couples) invited them to dinner and drinks. We enjoyed an outdoor Barcelona café chatting and joking with them for a few more hours and a few more bottles of wine. And as we would with our kids of similar age, we paid for the dinner tab. They protested, but I told them to do the same when they were our age......show a younger couple how much fun life can be. Don't know if they suspected us swingers.....don't really care either. But it sure was obvious the other whiney couple were prudes! Brett
  4. We've been keeping ourselves trimmed long before we started playing. I found out quite a while ago that Tammy gets very horny after I tweeze her landing strip Chicup, that's nothing.......I've never seen it Brett
  5. We've enjoyed some boat sex Both on our pontoon boat in Michigan and the Windstar on the Mediterranean. OK.....the Windstar was a very small cruise ship (74 cabins) during a lifestyle friendly nude cruise.......but a boat nun the less Next up is while we're out fishing in Florida We haven't been either, but they do look fun. Please let us know how your weekend went Brett
  6. NY Flirts, that's quite a first full swap OK....don't mean to laugh, but the way you discribed it was kinda funny. If you do meet up with them again, I would suggest you consider playing in separate rooms. This would allow you to focus on your partner without having Mr Pornstud distract you as he's pounding your wife right next to you. And getting more into your partner will no doubt have you as hard as ever. It's all about being comfortable, and I think separate rooms would certainly help you in this case. Good luck! Brett
  7. drinnt.......perhaps it's semantics, but I still don't see how I'm proving your point fantastically. I am very happy for the love of my live if she's happy. Her happiness does give me joy. So that joy is what I'm getting out of it. I don't have to be involved or eating my cake too to get that joy. Is that joy I get out of her happiness this selfishness you speak of? If so.....guilty as charged But that's certainly not how I understood your point. Brett
  8. You can call bullshit all you want.......but you'd be dead wrong Normally we enjoy separate rooms as it lets us focus on our partners more. But the times we all share the same bed or room, I thoroughly enjoy watching her enjoy her partner. The more she is enjoying herself and getting into it, the happier I am for her. And I know a few more guys just like me. In fact, those times we were together that she enjoyed herself the most, are the ones that often fuel my masturbation thoughts Brett
  9. Welcome to the club Glad to hear your first time went so well All of us guys know that renewed feeling of passion and lust for our wives.......that you're now recieving from your hubby Brett
  10. Dude.......sounds like your lacking in basic human communication skills or are just one very shy guy. By the sound of your posts, you need to seriously get off the schnide and lose your virginity in order to start enjoying your life. I'd go pro as others have suggested. Although I've never knowingly sampled "professional" pussy, it sure as hell ain't hard to find. All the big cities have the free newspaper magazines that have ads in the back for escorts. Call one up and you're on your way. And treat yourself to a nice hotel room for the experience......after all, you only lose it once Or find a casino in your area. Wherever there are casinos, there are ladies for hire. Get a room and go scouting for one. I bet even you could spot one. My college aged daughter pointed one out when we were bar hopping thru a casino before a Red Wing game Just man up, take control of your life and go do it. Brett
  11. This is exactly why we'd never play with a couple cheating on their spouses. My first thought after reading your original post......can you imagine what a scene it'd be if we were playing with this couple when in storms an irate husband that had followed his wife to the club. Then you post this Do everyone a favor, including you and your boyfriend, and stay away from the swing clubs. We certainly don't need to be reading about your incredibly violent husband attacking swingers in the Sunday News. Brett
  12. Play is one of the words we like And I often refer to couples we have fucked as playmates or play friends. What other word would you use......fuck friends? .......swing friends?......we've got alot of swing friends that we haven't fucked "Play" just seems a more respectful word to use. The word(s) that I roll my eyes at in a profile is "no pain". What the heck is that......don't tweak my nipple to hard or something? .....don't bang my pussy too hard.......don't pull my hair during doggy All of our years playing we've never encountered the pain thing when playing. Brett
  13. You'll find that kissing is one of the first rules that get broken and/or tossed out. It's generally a newbie rule and from our experience, typically a younger couple too. And definately a rule that would stop us from playing, no matter how hot or attractive the couple was. Kissing is just too much fun to leave out of playing Now this interesting. You both have the "no kissing" rule. Wifey breaks the rule earlier in the night and abruptly stops and apologizes after you call her out on it. Then later in the evening, you go and break the same rule when she's going down on you Kind of sounds like a tit-for-tat mentality. These are the exact type of actions in couples that we avoid.....as they usually result in the dreaded drama situations we all hate to find ourselves in. Good luck in your ventures. But please work things out between yourselves before you drag an unsuspecting couple into a mess. Brett
  14. Tom, I would have handled things much differently. Like Alura, I certainly wouldn't have started a fight had I caught the guy. But when your wife wasn't bothered... Perhaps I've been swingiing too long, but this is where I would have let it lie and kept an eye out for him at other events. To go to the police and tell them your wife was groped at a swinger dance/party? I'm betting they all had a good laugh at this one. And I hope it doesn't end up in the papers.....certainly won't get any sympathy for the swinger community there. Where I'm coming from is shit like this does happen in the lifestyle. Is it acceptable behavior......absolutely not. But I look at it as one of the risks a couple takes in venturing into the lifestyle...... like the risk of catching an std or encountering a jealous spouse. Tammy would have handled it with a swift cuff up side his head A police report wouldn't have even been in the conversation. Sorry for your ruined evening and do hope you eventually find out who it was. And I assure you I'm not belittleing his obnoxious behavior.....just giving you a different slant. Brett
  15. JAJ.........don't overthink this one. You'll only set yourself up to be disappointed. Just hang out with your friends and have a fun time. If the opportunity presents itself for the girls, then let them set the pace and go with the flow. And if they have a hottub......then things will certainly be heating up Good luck and stop worrying yourself over how or what might happen. Just look at it as a getaway weekend with friends. Brett
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