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  1. One of our friends loved gang-banging. She and hubby used one of the frats at the college as a local resource... She's the only one I ever knew personally that wanted more than three guys at once.... my wife loves (doesn't always get) two at the most, but no more. I just prefer one woman at a time by myself, or mfm secondly. (The variety is nice.)
  2. In California, we swung with my wife's sister and her husband quite a bit. That relationship was established with wife and her ex, and in fact pre-dated any of their marriages. Whereas wife's ex had had some problems with both SIL and BIL, with us, it was really good relations all the way around. This, by the way, was the couple with whom I had my first experience ever swinging. It really is nice when you can get into with a couple like my in-laws. They're really great. And for sisters, they get along delightfully well. Mother in law and father in law were long time swingers too.
  3. My wife says she's never met a too small or too mishapened or bad penis of any shape or form--and she's met quite a few...some much smaller than me, but several that made me pale in comparison. Personally, she's far more interested in the size of the heart, intellect, etc. I know that's not everyone's way of looking at things, but we've encountered several like us over the years. Just tell him stiff upper lip, lots of confidence (fake it til you make it) and expect no problems.
  4. This comment is right on; it fits in the "shit happens" catagory; nothing to do but move on and fergit it. (I wouldn't tie myself up in knots over it because everything really is pretty straight forward.) It seems like no one (except maybe the dude's wife) saw this coming. It may be that dude has some things to figure out; but whatever, you're clean.
  5. If I haven't cum yet, I eat other the other guys' jit right out of my wife's twat. It usually makes her cum again, almost immediately--especially if she's sucking his cock. He reciprocates with his wife. Now as someone above mentioned, if I've (we guys) have also cum, then if the gals want us to eat them out, they just have to hold it a while, 'cause we'll not be up to it for a while--as was written--mojo out the door. (Note: I had read, a while back, that lifesavers are one way for a female to eat a male's cum when giving him a blow-job. The same works for eating creampies... especially wild cherry.)
  6. This is totally the shits, man. I am so sorry. I can't fathom how much you're hurting right now, but as best I can, I'll grieve with you. Again, so sorry.
  7. Sorry, The Fuse. It was late last night and I misread your question. To address what questions are off limits, we have a bedrock principle which seems to work for us that goes: A marriage can survive anything except dishonesty. So all questions are kosher. And we especially talk about our swing sex and associated feelings a lot. (It usually ends up getting us hot and bothered for each other.) Occassionally questions are such that we can't give the right answer or go to the depth that the question requires with a hip-shot answer, so I (or she) might say, "I have to think about that." And we do come back to it. If one of us is having a bad day and asks a question that's not designed to communicate, but rather attack, the questionee will call the questioner on that and say, "Is that a real question, or just an attack?" If it is an attack, we'll both try to figure out what's driving the anger behind it. But as most swingers contend, swinging just doesn't work without a trusting, honest relationship.
  8. I'm not sure what the question is asking, but venturing a guess, I'd say overwhelmingly yes, we are each other's best lovers. I qualify that by saying it's simply because our hearts, minds, beliefs, and lives are so intertwined. And being lovers, by our definition, goes far beyond our swinging sex, or even our sex with each other. The cuddling, compliments, presents, kisses, helping each other out, throughout the day is all part of the lover thing. That being said, when we swing, we both throw ourselves into our sex with our other partners. Our goal could be defined that the last sex any of us had was the best sex of our life. Whether it wife and I had it or whether it be with other partners. In our tenure of swinging, different partners do different things, and we've learned a lot by our experiences. There are some guys that for whatever reason, wife is very attracted to and has massive and multiple orgasms. And vice-versa. Interestingly, early on in our relationship, wife (then girlfriend) had introduced me to several very cute women (her girlfriends) who were either in open-marriages or single. And I learned a lot about loving (wife's), sharing, technique, and massively pleasurable sex. So bottom line, we expect each other to have mind-blowing orgasms with our swing partners. And when our weekend's done, our couple friends usually stand outside, arm-in-arm and wave, and we wave out the window as we leave for home, usually with wife's head on my shoulder.
  9. First of all, I wouldn't worry at all about feeling like a dickhead. Being out of the forest, I can assure you that you don't look like a dickhead. What the response of the other couple might be is, "Hmm. Those guys don't seem like they're on the same page; probably should talk some." Being centered is the course that I would want to take for this if I were in (or even out of) your shoes. I'm sensing here that it's not the act, per se, that is significant. On the other hand the abject, forceful refusal to discuss it is very interesting. And all of the affect around this one particular repeated instance is very suggestive. I'm guessing that there may be something underlying all of this that's not readily apparent--namely anger. Especially regarding the fact that she rather stubbornly repeated her previous behavior and again was not willing to discuss the behavior. I really am guessing here, but it may have more to do with you and her, rather than her and her other partner. It may be that she is internalizing something that's bothering her, and her rage about it is coming out in this very uncharacteristic behavior. And, there's a very good chance that she herself may not be quite aware of what it is. I remember a Friends episode where Phebes was mad at Ross, but didn't know why...but her anger just kept manifesting itself until through a twisty little scheme she revealed to everyone and herself that the anger was based on some rather kooky dream she'd had, but had totally forgotten. I'd agree with lol omg and suspend the swinging and fish a little. Suggest to her what I'm saying and ask if there's truth to it. If she asks where you found it, tell her you suspected it might be "suppression" and that you googled the word. Best of luck and love to you guys.
  10. Personally, I really like you guys. Glad that she's hanging around and correcting your spelling... you sound like a really fun couple. What you are practicing is more of an open marriage model... a lot of people do this. That's where you go on your own individual dates only you don't have to worry about losing your virginity. If you discuss this model between you, and purposefully decide that that's what you want to do, then, by no means is it cheating any more than swinging is. Right now, I would consider you guys to be in a grey, unexplored, unresearched area, so I wouldn't be quite so quick to accuse you of cheating. And I know several couples where the wife has one other boyfriend, and the hubby has one other girlfriend, and they are very much in love with each other. There are many with long-term threesomes where everyone is happy. (Personally, I don't think a long-term threesome would work for us, but I know a few where it works famously.) I'm guessing that your wife may have the "Ahh--it's springtime and I'm in love (only with 2 men) syndrome." Tell her not to worry, summer, fall, and winter come along, too. We can all be susceptible to this enamouring of "in-love-ness." You might try a joint listening session to the old song, "Escape" by Rupert Holmes.
  11. Currently, we're monogamous with another couple, so this isn't an issue. However, I would never promote a relationship with a cheating husband or wife for practical reasons. The first and greatest being the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States--namely the fact that U.S. Citizens have the right to bear arms. Fortunately, back in the day, we never had that middle of the night phone call with a shrieking spouse accusing us of a-whoring with his wife or husband with a lot of associated physical threats. We did hear stories of others who had received such phone calls and vowed that they'd be more careful about who they shared a bed with. We have had, back in the day, threesomes with married men or women who were in open relationships--ie their spouse would drop them off and kiss them goodbye for their "date." It wasn't for us, though. Our personal preference is couple/couple. As far as actually, personally judging someone for cheating, I kind of lean toward "Let him without sin cast the first stone." Whether someone cheats or not is his/her business. I won't hate or condemn them for that. I just won't be the one they cheat with--again, because I value my life and health.
  12. Hey itboy, Don't even know if you're still reading these. But just in case... sometimes things can get confusing...especially around sex and things of the heart. I've learned to recognize when I'm in the forest, and I know that at that time, it is safe to let others, who are out of the forest, to see the trees for me and to trust their judgement. And I'm guessing your intuition is telling you something, too, or else you wouldn't have put this situation out on the swingersboard. So regarding this situation with the other guy that you know, I would definitely back way off. At the top of this page (or any page on swingersboard) is some different catagories in boldfaced type--one of them being swinger advice. I would show this to your wife and use it as a springboard for some indepth discussion. And, for down the road, I personally really like MFM, but it's not necessarily for everyone, and, I would say, definitely not appropriate in the case you're describing. And I don't know if I'd do it if both couples weren't all together at the time and all enjoying themselves one way or another together during the mfm. Best of luck. Study together and talk together.
  13. We almost always do this; and generally we all guide, at one point or another, everything into everyone. For some reason, many people contend that a dp is not homosexual (and I agree-I don't think it is either). But they rationalize it by saying, "When there two cocks are both pushing up into the same pussy, they can't even feel the other guy's cock." I don't know how they can possibly not feel the other guy's cock--but I believe that they really do a bunch of rationalization to make that to be true. I sure as hell feel the other guy's cock, and I really enjoy dp. (I feel his balls, too). And yes, at the point of my orgasm, everything does blend into one giant, all-encompassing explosion, where the universe dissolves, but that's just at the end. So guiding another's cock into a pussy is really not bad.
  14. Never swung with a pregnant mother--have swung with nursing mothers. omg. nothing in this universe like it--end of story.
  15. In high school, I did several papers on it.... or was it the other way around... I did it on several papers... whatever, man...
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