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lovefest04 last won the day on November 2 2023

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About lovefest04

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  1. You learned things about her you didn't already know. Maybe her motivation for the video was to share with you and the video was an excuse to do so. I think it sounds SUPER hot. I hope it made for a much closer bond. I would totally be interviewed. I find the intimacy of it all to be intoxicating. I guess that's why I so love flirting.
  2. Only like 80% of the men on this board. I found that starting with the wife helped a lot. Getting revved up with her and then switching. Also, and I am not a fan of pharmaceuticals, but using a bit of Viagra helped me to believe I was going to perform regardless, and I did and it gave me greater confidence. No shame here, although we all know men are often driven by the little mind between their legs, the bigger mind of the heart can override. Good luck and you sound really loving as you describe your situation.
  3. Almost everything that happens TO us is an opportunity for growth. If she is in fact cheating and yet the relationship, in his words, is good, then exploring her need to roam and how he can either better satisfy her or expand their definition of marriage are up for discussion. It is certainly possible that she is ready to hit the road and just hasn't said anything and is now acting out in a way that will potentially blow up the relationship. I know that an expanded definition of marriage isn't for everyone and that's okay. I think as a species we tend to want to collect and control things. We want our homes, cars, wife/husband as possessions. When we learn to focus on living, experiences and sharing, our possessions, the world can look a lot different and be a more connected place. I think that's all good. Focus on life, relationships, love, connection, and giving and our lives can become truly amazing.
  4. I would totally trust her. I find it so erotic, someone grooming another. Funny Story: I was in my gym locker room,/shower one morning after a workout and I was shaving my balls. The guy next to me looked over and said: "Be careful not to nick yourself" Then he turned off his water and headed out. As if a guy shaving his balls in the locker room was totally normal.
  5. Living in NorCal as well, teasing your identity is getting me all worked up. Re: SLV - highly recommend. I saw it so long ago. James Spader was smoking and sultry. One of his best rolls.
  6. I find it very exciting that people can and do practice the act of coupling in so many varied ways. ICMIM makes a very good distinction and I find it refreshing and useful. Couplers practice a way of creating a family that many would frown upon, but it seems to work for them. I applaud them. Life is an adventure and a buffet. We should all celebrate those that choose to embrace the new, different, weird, or unconventional. They help to show us all there are possibilities.
  7. Just saw this survey and the first thing that came to mind was - HOW THE HECK DID DEPENDS GET 25% OF THE VOTE. Seems to me, a male, that you either swallow or you don't. I mean if you are a 'swallow-er' and there is a dick in your mouth then you swallow. If you are not, then don't. But why would a 'swallow-er' have a dick in their mouth and then not swallow. When does a 'non-swallow-er' have a dick in their mouth and swallow. When is that decision made? What does it depend on? Are there criteria during the act? I'm so confused. 🤔🤣
  8. OH GOD YES!. I'm breathless at just the thought of it.
  9. So far I have never met a pussy I didn't find scrumptious. That said, I do seem to be having a weird attraction to big lipped pussy. Those that hang a bit. We're all different and that's what makes it all so interesting.
  10. I've shaved my balls and cock leaving a patch above for years. Now I also take a shaver to my chest and underarms, not shaving but trimming as I've noticed that as I age I am getting hairier. I have shaved my ass on occasion for fun. I trim my face these days, gave up shaving. I'm very okay with hair on both men and women, but do prefer it's kept neat and tidy.
  11. God help us. I'm very concerned that a man who has a healthy sexual relationship with his wife might actually come into contact with students. Morality my ass. How about universities charging $50k per student, saddling students with debt all with the 'hope' of getting a good job. Let's talk about Jim Jordan..... Let's talk about the ass kissing and deal making universities do to gather donor assets and develop massive endowments. Let's talk about women being raped on campus and universities sweeping it under the rug. etc etc. Morality police always come up against reality and problems with WHO'S MORALITY. Leave the dude and his wife alone. Maybe students would see what a healthy sexual relationship can be. Not for everyone, but better than most of what we see in advertisements and on instagram. My two cents..
  12. Wonderful self knowledge. I think that's really healthy. Walking in the others shoes.
  13. Holy Shit!. This has escalated so fast and so far. You are right to stop. If what you say is accurate your husband needs to get help. Maybe he's looking for an excuse to get out of the marriage. Sure feels like he's trying to blow it up. His tone as you write it scares me. That said, you asked about jealously and feelings of inadequacy. We all feel inadequate, it seems to be the human condition. some are just better at hiding it. In terms of jealously; you won't know until you experience it. Don't confuse fear or nervousness for jealously. Our deal was that we were in this swinging thing as a couple. Us is and remains the most important thing. We accepted that we might feel jealous etc but agreed that no matter what we were a team. We approached our concerns without ego, no blame, no accusing but rather "where did we go wrong as a couple?". People says its hard to forget something, or that they can't get over it. I say you can. You just have to decide what's most important. If you can do that, you can explore adventures with a sense of calm knowing the foundation is secure. You are both supported by each other and the worst case is that you stop, swinging in this case, and continue on with your life...together.
  14. Have we all seen what kids watch. Horror, killing, dystopia. They prepare for shooters in school. They watch adults mentally fracture in public over a fast food burger. ETC ETC I'd much rather they see a couple enjoying each other.
  15. Assuming to OP knows her husband and this will be to some degree a positive surprise, then what? I'd suggest you have a Plan A, Plan B and Plan C, each of which can be pivoted too depending on your husbands reaction to the surprise. I have no idea the extent of 'playing with' you and your girlfriend includes, but having a few varying scenarios maybe ranging from soft core to hard core and allow his reaction to the surprise be your guide. He's a lucky man and you a re a generous wife. I hope it goes well for all.
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