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Fitlakecouple last won the day on July 7 2022

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About Fitlakecouple

  • Rank
    Swingers Board Addict
  • Birthday 08/14/1960

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  1. Every arrangement can vary, but it doesn't sound like you are in a 'poly' relationship to me. They are evolving as a couple - you can evolve with them or cut them loose.
  2. A plane should be no closer than 500 ft away from people. And, 500 ft would be very close in a single engine plane. How well do you see tits that are 500 ft away? Sorry, not that big of a thrill. A drone is both closer and has optics / recording capability. Huge invasion of privacy.
  3. What do you say to the Bi Guy? We'd love to suck your cock...
  4. Exactly. Love the comments from folks who say 'we don't judge, but we would never play with a bi guy'...
  5. Come on; let her have some new dick! She'll still like yours best.
  6. The only way we are playing with just male half of a couple is if we have met and played with the other couple first. Then, if that wife gives her hubby a hall pass - maybe we will play with him alone. This happened some years ago. We played with a couple and had a great experience so we arranged a follow-up date. They called at the last minute, they lost their babysitter and said only one of them can come to play - who would we like? We said 'surprise us'. We had a great time with the hubs...
  7. Kind of silly using old timey definitions to describe today's activities. The cuckold of the 1800's is hardly what we are talking about in the 2022 lifestyle...
  8. Husbands (dreaming) hoping to talk her into it. Or, she (if she exists) has zero idea, and you call his bluff - fantasy over...
  9. For what it's worth - Laying out the erotic massage - step by step, blow by blow, is spoiling the fun for others. Part of the excitement of the erotic massage is not knowing exactly what is going to happen. Just my two cents.
  10. There are counselors who have experience in ethical non monogamy (ENM) who can be of particular help. Some traditional counselor may balk and perhaps be too judgemental of the swinging topic.
  11. Wouldn’t play with them. But, unless We were close with the wife we would not inform her either - it’s not our place.
  12. ...blocking the legitimate appointment of a supreme court justice, legalizing that corpor­a­tions can now spend unlimited funds on campaign advert­ising, gerrymandering, restrictive election laws... It will not stop until we demand it. And, for one moment you don't think they'd come after our pass time??? There are no clubs in Michigan any longer for that reason.
  13. Over the top? In 1975, the women of Iceland went on strike for equal rights. 90% of women walked off their jobs and homes, shutting down the entire country. The men could barely cope. Five years later, Iceland elected their first female president. Now Iceland has the highest gender equality in the world. In the USA, 80% of Americans support the woman’s right to choose. It’s fair to say that at least 80% (if not more) of women feel this way as well. They could easily be heard just like the women of Iceland nearly 50 years ago. The clergy, politicians and judges think they hold all the power when in fact the people do if they choose to use it.
  14. Let this sink in ladies… Whether you believe in abortion or not; you do not have autonomy over your own bodies. And, you will not have autonomy over your own bodies until you stand up. Many men will stand with you, but you must stand up. Shut this fucked-up country down if you need to; but be heard. You have the power to fix this.
  15. You are hardly the only one. To begin, look for a single bi male or a couple who lists their male as bi / bi-curious. But, many "straight" males are interested in m/m play and their wives are enthusiastic supporters/participants. If you list yourself as bi-curious, they will find you. Another thought is to have your wife bring it up in a playful, nonthreatening way. Men get to watch us play - why don't we get to see them play together??? If both women make it clear that they are good with it - it might open the door for m/m touching, etc.
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