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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/2024 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Generally I love being with women with different body types. Don't get me wrong. I think my wife is hot and I LOVE her body, but i like all kinds of ladies and body types - and my wife definitely enjoys a variety of men. If we were all the same this LS would be no fun!
  2. 2 points
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't ALL of Arizona "beach"...just no ocean? 😁
  3. 1 point
    Nine years and still getting those feelings. My pre trip excitement, anticipation, fear, self doubt, and always that fear of guilt. We always talk before any meeting, we reassure, we encourage to enjoy, he always reminds me to throw away guilt. He leaves all the options open, from going to our friends or not going. He emphasizes that we can always cut our trip short if I want. My husband is wonderful, I have no doubts that I have the best every day. I know he looks forward to these meetings, I suppress my feelings of jealousy, something that has been easier with each meeting. We always have the After talk. I feel I tell him more of my feelings, he gives less specifics. Part of my guilt is not including my husband in most of my play, I after all this time enjoy private sex. Even with all the very open play at this getaway, including me, my most exciting times were behind closed doors. Admittedly the biggest guilt feeling was telling my husband about my overnight with a couple, something I’m sure he would have wanted to be part of.
  4. 1 point
    It is hard to explain my emotional feelings or the reasons I have them. I never prepared myself to have sex outside our marriage until it happened. Our original swap was private, I didn’t watch him, he didn’t watch me, I quickly removed all thoughts of infidelity until the next morning. My original guilt was thinking how much I enjoyed that first night, a feeling we discussed and was reassured that we did nothing wrong. We don’t swing or swap often, the majority of our extra relationships have been one to one, we have our favorite friends far enough away that we are not together often. The guilt I felt last week was me thinking I had sex with more different people in one week than I had in my entire life before that. I had sex with strangers I just met, I didn’t even have a connection with. I know nothing about them as I am sure they know nothing about me. Possibly the guilt was enjoying too much.
  5. 1 point
    I liked that we stayed in the USA even if Arizona has some crazy laws that are so backwards. A beach vacation is our preference but Arizona is gorgeous too and we got to do some exploring. I will say we were pretty isolated that made me feel safe from peeping eyes and then nervous because we didn’t know everyone there. It ended up a perfect vacation with a little guilt on my mind.
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