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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/10/2011 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    You will find most folks feel that way, I know we won't play with anyone with the "no kissing" rule. Unfortunately, it will severely limit your pool of prospective playmates. Hopefully your wife will see the problem and rethink her decision. Wouldn't count on it though. Our experience, and the main reason we don't play with folks that have a no kissing rule, is that it is often a symptom of more serious underlying insecurities with swinging. The only thing you can do is hopefully find someone that you are compatible with that does not find "no kissing" to be a problem. If it is the case that your wife does not have any other issues with swinging, then usually the "no kissing" rule goes out the window after the first play date. That is the point when most people that have rules like this realize that all those rules do is get in the way of the fun. Good luck.
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