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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/28/2009 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Here's the deal, yet again: the Unicorn isn't something we couples have to give away to single guys. She's her own person - she's not yours to "have", any more than she's ours to have. If she wanted to get together with you at a club, she would. We aren't stopping her. We aren't cock-blocking you. And your whiny, entitled attitude isn't helping your cause, or the single-male reputation, out at all; it's pretty clear to me from your posts why you are being cock-blocked by couples and unicorns alike. You know, I always find it insulting when a single guy bitches about the club scene and how he can't get with couples or unicorns for whatever reason, but then pops his mouth off about he, a single guy, not wanting his SO, girlfriend or wife to get into this? It's okay for you to fuck those of us who are already there, but you wouldn't bring your own wife or girlfriend? Falls a bit too close to insulting hypocrisy for my tastes. I think if you are truly looking for success as a single male on your local scene, you need an attitude and expectation adjustment. Your posts, taken as a collective, just remind me that a good and respectful single male in the lifestyle should be called a unicorn, too, because they seem to be just as hard to find among the chaff of the single men who seriously need a clue-by-four in their expectations and swing-world view.
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