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For those who are shaved... if it wasn't "in", would you still do it?

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Definately! All my lovers prefer it, says they have more access and hey girls whatever gives those tongues more room to work is fine with me!

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I don't like flossing while performing Oral. Either does my hubby. We're staying shaved....LMAO

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I love a smooth pussy!! Nothing better then eating a smooth pusy!! Now I have shaved for years, and the mrs. was back and forth on it until recently now she is smooth all the time.

I decided to let mine grow, and one night the mrs hands me a bottle of nair and says if u want sex then get rid of the forest down there!!



Need less to say, i will be bald for ever!

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I (him) keep most of my hair trimmed short, but shave around my balls and near the base...I figure good grooming is essential and now after having done it for a while, I don't think I could ever go back. Not even for anyone else, but because I like it for me. Biggest challenge?...upkeep!!! :)

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Ok, it seems like so much from the 70's and 80's is coming back in vogue... the skinny jeans, gouchos, men's mustaches and long hair. So many of us shave our pubes (guys and girls) in this lifestyle. Do you think if shaving goes out of vogue in general, would you stop shaving because the "in" thing became a full bush? Or do you think you'd keep it shaved? If shaving went out of general fashion, would it still be in fashion for swingers?


Maybe some of you who can remember swinging in the 70's will fill us in on what going down was like back in the day of big bushes... would YOU want to go back to that?



I think I would keep shaving. It took some getting use to when I first started shaving, I have always loved a shaved pussy, I have gotten us to having "me" being shaved.


I am visual and love the look of a shaved cock with beautiful shaved pussy lips wraped around my cock. :fun:

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I don't care if there was a Presidential mandate stating that women shall not shave their pubic hair. I'm still going to have some sort of shaved "hairstyle" down there.


Doesn't matter how brave you are or how hard your ardor is, I'm not asking Hubby or anyone else to go swimming in the salty sea with the Kracken!


**Midway through our marriage K asked me to grow out the bush because he'd never seen me with a full one. (Frankly I hadn't seen me either because I've shaved since I was 17. ) So I grow the bush....for the ONLY time in our married life.

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We shave, have let it grow, but like it better when it is shaved. The sex seems much better, plus then we aren't flossing our teeth with pubic hair. Will keep doing it until I am old and feable. lol

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I can answer for my wife on this one.


I was bugging her to shave for quite a while, shave as in bare eagle.


She was reluctant to do so, shes really quite conservative when it comes to changing something shes used to, but finally did.


Now she just likes it better and doesn't want to go back to having a bush at all. She has never had much issue with pimples or irritation though.

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I had always kept myself trim in the past, but when I had a vasectomy a year ago I had to shave the boys in preparation for that, and I loved the feeling of it so much I have kept the boys shaved ever since. Plus, women comment on how smooth and soft I am down there, too. So there is a bonus!

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Yes I would. I have been shaving it all off since 2001 and I love it. It makes sex and oral feel a lot better and it just makes me feel sexier.

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We love oral sex, and not catching hair in your teeth makes it well worth the trouble to go bare. So, we shave, and appreciate others who do too.

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we're both shaved, and it has noting to do with that fact that its in or not. we just prefer the shaved look ourselves.


I personally started shaving well before I knew if it was liked by others or not.

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Both the Mr and I have been clean shaven since our early 20's. I occasionally grow a very small "landing strip" but I like to keep it very short so that people can see my jewelry :cool:

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I prefer to keep myself trimmed (but not shaved) -- I swear, I look like I'm 12 years old when I shave myself bare ... and that's not really something I'm shooting for. (*laughing*)

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I shave for the guys. They seem to like it completely bare. I'd actually prefer a full bush.

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My husband prefers a full bush on me, but I keep it shaved at the lips and then very trimmed just above (the landing strip). I'd do that no matter what was in style.

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I'm a fairly hairy guy. While I know some women are not into that, it's not like I really have a choice. It helps if you think of me as a "Cuddly, wuddly bear."


I do trim, but I don't shave. It would look a little weird have a full chest of hair and then being bald down there. I'm not sure which adjective would apply: "sexy" or "appearing to have the mange".

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I'm shaved - have been continually for about five years - before that it went from trimmed, landing strip, shaved, bush, shaved - etc. Each time I shaved for the first time in 'a while' it took me some time to not feel like a juvenile! That look of bare pussy was weird. But after a few days I got used to it aain. Now, after five years, I can't imagine having a bush anymore. I like the clean shaved look and ease.


Mr. Tropical is trimmed and a bit shaved - and I like it like that too!


I don't think any of it has to do with the fashion of the moment - it's just what we are comfortable with.


Mrs. Tropical

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We recently started shaving - she a 'landing strip, me very neatly trimmed. We both love the look...but the added bonus has been the oral sex. Without being too graphic, it's amazing how smooth her lips are and that's been a real turn on during oral. Same for her. Since I've kept the boys smooth, she's much more likely to make sure they are taken care of. Amazing. Also, no more having to stop to pull the perverbial hair out of your mouth.

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My husband begged me to shave for years... I resisted... last fall I finally gave in, when we started swinging, and now I'd never go back. It's so much more sensitive in a good way, AND it feels so much more comfortable, especially when hiking.

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It seems SO many women go shaved now. I must be one of the only guys left who actually likes to see a neatly trimmed bush. Maybe because Im a hairy guy myself? :D

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I would continue shaving below my clit...keep the little trimmed triangle on the mons. It just feels so much more sensitive shaved (yummy), and so much better for oral....I also do not like seeing those little grays peeking out....

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We go back and forth. Sometimes we shave, sometimes we just keep it neat and trimmed. For us, it's personal preference, not about what is the "in" thing to do.

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LOL!!! If you knew Mrs. CXXC you would know that she does NOTHING to be with the IN CROWD! LOL Shaving is all about comfort, pleasure and simplicity for her. As for me, once she told me that she prefered giving head to a shaved man, well, DUH! No brainer..... I keep that area as hairless as possible at all times!! Never know when the mood might strike her!

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For many years, and long before she met me, my wife thought she'd never want to shave her pubes. She trimmed of course, but shave? No way. After I suggested it a few times, she decided to trim tightly and go for a waxing. Since then, she's never allowed her pubic hairs to grow back, and she says she never will. FAR more comfortable, and feels so much better.


And once again I agree with CXXC; Mrs. BB asked me to shave when she got a waxing, and said basically the same thing. I've been shaved since, and will remain so. Though, it's not the first (by any means) time I had done so.


Years (20) ago, a doctor at a plasma donation center gave me a negative lecture about shaving my pubic hairs when he discovered I had. Didn't dissuade me, and had I been older at the time I think I would have given him a return (polite) lecture.

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Guest warrencouple

Short answer, yes, I'd keep shaving. Partly for the reasons others have given (wife prefers not to floss while blowing,) and partly because, it's become a bit of a habit, and as the hair grows back (sometimes I slack off,) it ITCHES HORRIBLY.


The wife shaves as it keeps things neater down there, and just like her, I prefer not to floss while eating. :D


I don't know that she'd ever go for a waxing, if in part due to the tales of OH MYGAHD THAT HURTS, and partly she's still a rather body modest person.



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Keep it clean.... I mean shaved. Now I don't shave everything and leave more of a heart shaped patch rather than a landing strip. Like others if I don't shave, the itching drives me nuts and not in a good way. Besides the sensations are so much more accented just after shaving. As for guys, I prefer manscaped but not bald. This is just my preference. Hubby says that when he shaves bald, the sensations are way to strong.


Now I am off to floss with floss.

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Hmm... my wife and I have pretty much always trimmed up until we started watching a lot of "real" and/or staged porn, some amateur, some models, and reading on this forum. Since then we've started shaving it all. It's very erotic... but here's a question and/or problem that diverts a bit from this thread topic: How does a woman (and a man for that matter) get the shave close enough so that that tiny stubble doesn't feel like your getting a bit sandpapered? Doesn't seem to matter how close we try... it's still there. That brings up the next question: Razor bumps and ingrown hairs. (I know, ewwww). It's ugly, can be painful, and it's another problem that can get bad enough for us to say "forget it, trimmed is good." Comments?

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There is little choice for me. My body hair is very sparse, so I don't need to shave, just occasionally do a very small trim. I have just a tuft of pubic hair that along with my slender body and small breasts makes me look like an under-age girl. I shave under my arms, but that too is soft, sparse and like down.

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Definately prefer to stay clean shaved. To me, its just easier and more hygenic. Trimming actually takes longer, and wouldn't guys prefer not having to part the forest?

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Me and my husband both enjoy bold shaven But sometimes we let it grew a bit before shaving it all That would give us the refreshing feelings

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We would continue, other than the periodic episodes of lazyness where we get a little bushy at times, which gets to be a pain because you have to endure the itchy new shave period again until the routine is back in place.

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I would still be partially if not fully shaved for 2 reasons:

1) My hair is very thick and therefore decreases some of my sensitivity.

2) I do wear skimpy swimsuits.

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We discovered the attractions of a hairless pussy with chemotherapy. Laura liked it so much we kept it that way. I found I liked licking skin a whole lot better than licking hair. But the best reason to keep her shaved was the fun we had when I shaved her, especially if we were getting ready for a play night.



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I started shaving long before it was necessary as in no one was down there to see. I've stopped and done the trim thing a couple of times but always go back bare. for me hair seems to hold odor and secretions so it will always be bare for me. hubby is clean too.

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We have been shaving/waxing since before we were married, I got a bug up my ass one night and I tied her to the bed and brought out the clippers, shave gel and a razor and shaved her clean. I then spent the next 2 hours going down on her. I still remember that first time. I was hooked on smooth pussy, after I untied her she decided that it was my turn and returned the favor. She was hooked too. Neither of us has gone long with hair down there since that day. Now she is shaven or waxed clean all the time and I keep the root and berries smooth and trim the top to a #3 on the clippers. Like someone else said I have a full chest of hair and if I go much more than an inch above it just looks funny. A note for the guys if you shave and trim close your dick looks bigger..lol


Nothing breaks the "mood" faster then the pfft pfft sound during oral.



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I started shaving to get my wife to suck my cock more, feeling that the hair was a hinderance to our sex. Now I just love the feel. Shave with an electric personal shaver daily and look at it like a sensual experience, and have been thinking about waxing. Just don't know where to go or who to ask about waxing a the genitals of a male. Do I have to go to a male bathhouse or a gay technician.

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Big Nikki here --


I always keep myself neatly trimmed. I have since I first grew hair; dunno how I got the idea, but I did. Pre-teen-Nikki, nicely trimmed (and hiding it from family and gym at school). And fashion didn't influence that.


Girls from my ancestry don't get bushy; we have straight hair and it's rarely thick. Nevertheless I've always trimmed, always will, irrespective of fashion.


When I trim, I trim to a short-haired landing strip with an arrowhead on the bottom (as if anyone needed directions as to where to go).


My John goes bare which is a lot more work (and potential pain) than for me. Sometimes I can talk him into doing a landing strip, but mostly he goes totally bare.


-- Big Nikki

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Bob keeps himself neatly trimmed mostly, on occassion he shaves it all off and I help him with the sensitive areas. I alternate between closely trimmed, shaved and wax. Use to keep a small lamding strip years back, but started doing full brazilian which Bob and others prefer.

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Progressing quickly, we are thinking about looking local clubs. This brings up the topic of manscaping. I wouldn't say that I have the genetic profile of Sasquatch, but close. So grooming advice, ms. Likes the clean shaved nether regions for multiple reasons, bj and the NPR. But my teenage treasure trail is a full out treasure parking lot. Go for the full hair removal (waxing/shaving), continue to shave the trio (which may look like a _______ poking out of a brush pile), or neatly trimmed? Have fun!!!!

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I like shaved and always have. The Mrs like the hair, so I keep it trimmed. It's all good!



(Sandy Hook baby, it'll be warm enough soon!)


Gunnison beach rocks! I live close to many beaches, but it's the only one I want to go to!

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