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Okay guys, let's talk Stamina!

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I guess I’m lucky- from a young age I’ve been able to control just about everything when it comes to my penis (with the exception of getting hard at night when I’m asleep). I can last as little or as long as I want- with the longest being about two and half hours with my orgasm on demand from my partners. Typically I go until I’m certain that my partner has enjoyed herself- unless she wants to make me cum for MY pleasure. If that’s the case, and I let go, I usually last about 10-15 minutes, depending on her “enthusiasm,” before I do the funky spunky.


I fear the day that I lose control over Mr. Happy.

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One hour of fucking seems a lot to me. Even Johnnie Keys said in an interview that when he fucked Marilyn Chambers for 45 minutes in Behind the Green Door, both about passed out and Keys admitted that it was a lot of fucking! An hour? They must have been on some good shit!

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