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Body Image Update

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I'm still going back and forth on the whole body image thing. One day I feel really good about myself... the next I just don't see the change and I feel crappy.


Yesterday was a crappy day. I just couldn't see the improvement and I felt bad about myself and my body image. No matter what Pet said or did, it wouldn't change.


This morning I woke up feeling better about myself. I put on a new pair of jeans (which I finally picked up from alterations yesterday) and a new top... and for the first time in years actually felt comfortable enough with my body to tuck my shirt into my jeans. Then I headed to the hairdresser to see if she should do something to help on that end... and she did.


Back in the summer, the girl who had been cutting my hair for the last year hacked it to bits leaving strange choppy bits all over my head. I've been trying to get it fixed ever since and tried a new girl today (the second since this incident). I left there with mixed feelings (on one hand my hair looked really good, on the other hand was the question of will it look this good tomorrow when I have to do it). But, something different happened today that hasn't happened in quite a while... I got compliments on my hair from just about everyone who saw it. That made me feel good.


I also updated our SLS profile with new pics taken last weekend at the meetup and we've been getting more fresh contacts again. While they may not all be people we would be interested in, it's nice to know people are interested in us. It feels good.


It may take time for me to fully accept that my body has changed, but I'm getting there.

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That's great Julie. Sometimes a little ego boost is just what we need to see our self image in a more appropriate light.


Congrats on finding someone who does good hair...that ain't easy!

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Tell me about it. This is (at least) my 7th stylist in 6 years! I think I've gotten more compliments on my hair today than I have in the last year or more... and one of those was from another hairdresser that we met while out at a wine tasting tonight.

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All those people can't be wrong Julie. We're often our hardest critics. No matter who or how many tell me I'm nice looking....I'll always be that 4 eyed nerdy kid from junior high.

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