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Body Image & Weight Loss

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I've discovered that since I lost 20lbs over the summer I'm having a bit of a body dislexia. Even though I'm wearing much smaller clothes and I look at the clothes and can see they are smaller not only by the number on the tag but just by looking at them, when I look at my own body in the mirror I still see it as the same size that it was before I lost weight. I think it's because it's the same shape overall and because I was seeing it the whole time I was losing weight so I don't really SEE the change.


I was shopping the other day and there was another girl there trying on the same size jeans I'm wearing now and I was looking at her and seeing this girl that is WAY smaller than me.. but obviously she's not much smaller if she's wearing the same size as me. I find that I look at other girls and try to judge their size now and I can't... the ones I would say are the same size as me are typically bigger... and the ones I think are much smaller aren't. It's really messing with my head.


Pet says he can see the size difference and that I am definately smaller. The time I notice it most (besides when buying clothes) is when we are having sex. I obviously have less of an ass... I just about need a pillow under my butt to put me back in the same position I was previously.... or I've found that throwing my legs over his shoulders works quite well now (and is much easier).

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20 pounds is a lot of weight to lose. I'd have to wonder how long you were at the 'larger' size. It could just be that you haven't adjusted to the way your body looks now and are still envisioning yourself as you were. I'll bet that with a little more time and a wardrobe that reflects your lighter reality the thinner Julie will be norm not only in the changing room (or bedroom) but in your mind as well.;)

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I agree with K&J. It'll just take a lil time for you to get used to the 'new you'. Congrates on the weight loss btw.

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I was the heavier weight (or an even heavier than that weight) for close to 10 years. I am currently the smallest I've been in at least 10 years... so yes I guess it will take some getting used to.


Thank you both for your kind words.

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I'll vouch for the "not seeing the change".


I lost a total 80 lbs on Atkins, and I've kept it off for the last 5 years, and took off another 8 lbs this summer.


It took about 3 years before I stopped seeing myself as I was even part time. I think I've finally accepted my current size and see that size just in the last year.


I always think of "The Matrix" with all the mumbo-jumbo about "residual selves". But I think it has a ring of truth. In this case, the longer you had the weight, the harder it is for your brain to recognize and accept the new image and subsequently swap it out for the old image.

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I think you hit the nail on the head, Julie, when you said that you don't see the change because you saw it every day. It's much the same as when we notice our hair changing color. We know it didn't happen overnight, we just don't notice the gradual change because we see it in the mirror every day, and to our perception, nothing is changing. About 12 years ago, I lost a dramatic amount of weight (50lbs in 7 months,) and even though I saw that I was a smaller size, I kept seeing that 'spare tire' around my middle. I haven't varied more than 6 or 7 lbs since then, and I still have that little bit of a gut, but I can live with it.


Congratulations, by the way. I can tell you that it's never easy to lose and keep it off. Good job!

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