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Aquarius last won the day on March 19 2016

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37 Excellent

About Aquarius

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  • Birthday 01/23/1967

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  • Location
    Middle Tennessee
  • Swinging Experience
    waiting to begin
  • Anniversary

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  1. Great thread ! As this has been my wife's biggest concern since I finally told her my Kink 2 years ago ... Thks for the thread !
  2. I love the terminology as this most fits my Kink also ! "Cockold" has never been a part of my Kink but as with Swinging and Hotwifing the wife is in control of the kink and I assume that is part of what turns all us fellas on to what ever our Kinks maybe ... There is nothing more exciting than being married to a sexually liberated women willing to explore the fullness of her sexual self !
  3. I see you apart of the Nashville community ... My wife and I are playing with the idea of swinging but she doesn't want me to play ... I'm more that fine with that because I guess I'm into the Hotwife stuff also ... My Wife is a 10 on all levels but we don't know how to start ... Can you help !

    Thks Aquarius

  4. I have pushed with my wife my fantasy of watching her have sex with another man in a similar way as your husband has ... I should be less pushy but I can tell you this once a man gets this desire/kink it is almost a over powering desire ... It has taken 2 years for her to come to the point were she accepts it and she even enjoys a Role Playing my kink with me ... But I have let her know that this will not go past the point she is willing to go and that she is in charge of her body and the speed we will progress if she desires to go past Role Playing my fantasy ... I can tell you this for sure that I don't want to have sex with anyone else that my kink is to watch her and allow her to open up and explore her sexual self ... Good luck

  5. Do the two of you Role Play his fantasy ? My wife and I started Role Playing my fantasy and we both have incredible sex when we Role Play ... She has found that Hotwifing turns her on but she insists that Role Playing is as far as she is willing to go ... I am more than happy with were we are and I have told her that this goes at the speed she wants it to go and that she is totally in charge and that it will only go as far as she wants it to go ... If.you haven't Role Played try it and then talk to him about you being in charge of the pace of moving forward and how far you will go with his fantasy !
  6. We have been role playing this fantasy for over a year !! IT has added to our great sex life ! We seem to have some of the most intense sex and she cums multiple times when we role play this fantasy and my orgasm is over the top intense ! Because of this we role play at least once a week ! She knows my desires and she enjoys it as a fantasy herself ! We have no problem talking about it but she doesn't want to act on it ... We have been married 16 yrs and have a strong relationship and we are best friends ! Maybe one day she will make our fantasy a reality ! SO enjoy the ride as I am
  7. I finally was able this weekend to discuss with the Mrs. why she is so reluctant to make our fantasy a reality and WOW what an insightful answer she gave me. She said that she was afraid that after I saw her enjoying the experience that she feared that I would be resentful and would use it against her and that the experience wouldn't be worth hurting our wonderful marriage. The answer has made me reflect on the fact that she sees this as you said, GoldCoCouple as opening Pandora's Box ... I told her that I really respected her feelings and that I felt honored that our marriage is so important to her! I left the conservation at that because I felt any other discussion would dishonor her feelings. Does the fact that she said, "ME seeing her enjoy the experience" tell me that she that she is still open to the idea if I am able communicate and show her my love and trust. I am in no hurry to make this happen because the process seems to make me feel closer to her.
  8. My wife and I have been married for 16 years. A year ago I finally told her of my desire to swing. She has lovingly accepted my desires and has allowed us to role play these desires in our sex life and she truly gets turned on by them in bed! :)I love her for her acceptance and her willingness to role play, but as soon as she seems ready to take the next step she goes back to step 1 and says she could never do it. I have never pressured her and never will but I was wondering how I could help spark a flame in her to go to the next step. She is extremely fit and would her posting a pic of herself on a site such as this and hearing the positive feed back on how sexy she is spark something? Any suggestions?
  9. This kink is explained in great detail in the book "Insatiable Wives" I to have inherited this gene and my level of passion and the strength of my orgasms are mind blowing when the Mrs. allows us to role play my MFM fantasy!!!! We have yet to act on it and hopefully my patients will yield me the dividends I desire!!! Watching my wife let herself go into the realm of ecstasy is my desire whether it's with a male or female it doesn't matter to me!!!!
  10. When I first talked with my wife about my desires for swinging she said no, then she did things that made me think "what?" For example, after she said "NO" and I accepted it then she set up a night out on the town!!! With friends, two couples I had told her months before I believed were swingers. She dressed in her hottest shortest dress without panties! We had a blast that night with her being the hottest thing in the clubs with many guys hitting on her and she loved it! She even found a hot young guy at the bar that she pressed her legs up against and had a long conversation with that was only broken up by our friends. When we went home in the limo she spent the drive with my friend with his hands on her legs and shoulders while another friend's wife flirted like hell with me and it didn't bother my her. WOW this was a first! When we got home that night we had amazing sex while I told her that the whole scene got me off and she loved it also! In the morning I told her I loved that night and she agreed! But when I told her a few days later that I wanted to enjoy the Lifestyle with her she said "no". Wow... Then we went to Vegas and again another experience. I will not go into that story but "WOW"!! I approached her again and "No". Wow... Lately it's been amazing and she has been giving me all the signs! But I'm not going to ask again. But this happened. This weekend while we were in bed, no sex just reading, when I woke and found she was reading on one of my old ipad's that had some swinger books on it that she knew about, and she was reading one of the books. She was reading "Swinging for Beginners". She didn't know that I saw it as she was sleeping. When we woke she brought the ipad to the room we enjoy our coffee in together in but didn't say a thing but she was very happy and enjoyed the morning with me as I waited for her to approach the subject of swinging as I knew it was on her mind! Should I ask again??
  11. Ladies, What were your mental and emotional processes when you were approached about swinging from your husband or S/O? It seems my wife has been on a bit of a roller coaster ride. At first she was stunned and didn't believe it, then she was hurt that I would be willing to share her, and then angry that I would want it. Then she thought all I wanted was to have sex with other women. She even asked if I had gay thoughts. Later she seemed to settle down and was a little turned on about it in bed at times. Then she went back to square one etc... Now she has accepted the idea and allows for me to talk about it even when we have sex, which I rarely do because I don't want to push her or make our sex just about my swinging desires. When I do send her sexy little text messages or talk about my fantasies in bed she doesn't respond to the fantasy but seems to quietly enjoy the thoughts. I am hoping this is part of her process because I don't want to ask her directly about swinging again until she is ready to bring it up. Lately, she has been telling me all the time how much she loves me and how she feels closer to me than ever! Could this part her process? If not it doesn't matter, it is great to hear that from her! Because I feel the same towards her! That's why I feel the desire to swinging with her as strange as that sounds! Thanks and I can't wait to hear your responses!
  12. Hello Paintedlady !! My wife and I are in the talking stage also and we have a very similar situation as u do ... My reasons for wanting to be in the LS is to watch her unlock her inner sexual beast!!! She is still struggling with the whole idea but her mind is opening up to the idea as time goes by ... She offered to let me swing without her but I have no interest in that ... I don't have any desire to do anything that she is not involved in ... in fact I would love for her to be the center of it all lol ... What I want is for my amazing wife to experience and have the most sexually pleasurable life possible with other males or females and share with me her amazing experiences whether I'm in it with her or not, whatever she is comfortable with ... I am so much like you in that I'm turned on by watching her have sex talking about her having sex and flirting watching her flirt and being flirted with as well as us socializing!!! We are both extremely social ... I am just as you are in that the sex for me is not what it's about but I do see myself wanting to enjoy the sex if my wife grows to enjoys the lifestyle ... Good Luck and PLEASE KEEP US POSTED !!!!
  13. I love the taste of sex !!! I love the taste and smell of my wife's pussy ... We both love to kiss and share each other's taste after we have even each other oral !!! I love the the taste of her mouth and tongue after she has given me a BJ !!! And the taste of her pussy after we have had sex !!! Sometimes after oral sex we kiss for long periods enjoying the smells and tastes of our bodies !!! This is one of the reasons I desire swinging with her ... I can only imagine the taste of her after she has experienced sex with others ... I love this post !!!!
  14. Thks for the welcome !!! Enjoying the SB & waiting on the Mrs to come around to the LS ...

  15. How Kinky Are You - Test Yourself - ProProfs Quiz I know it's cheesy but it was a lot of fun and it Got her at least talking a little she even asked " If we did it who would we do it with"
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