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couplers last won the day on June 2

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4,204 Excellent

About couplers

  • Rank
    Lifestyle Mentor
  • Birthday 03/02/1984

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  • Relationship Status
    female in poly family
  • Location
    New England
  • Occupation
    technical manager

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  1. And in the "Nothing wrong with that" category, the OP says So as a couple, they are a mix of provocative and conservative. Nothing wrong with that, but I would think that they would have more success looking in the gay world for oral only encounters where the wife could watch. I question, however, how she will be "off limits for anyone but me," potentially engaging in sex with her husband, yet "but never nude."
  2. Although I hope that for our children non-monogamy will be normalized in society, still personally I agree: "I thank God I was raised Catholic, so sex will always be dirty."
  3. Pre-birth control on an instinctual level, women wanted more than one man, but are (unlike men) choosey about who they reproduce with. So I wouldn't say "sluts." With bc, women can put the reproductive aspect out of mind and have the option of recreational sex and being sluts. In that context, it is attractive because of its daring. Paternity testing has also added an intellectual aspect to what once was instinctual.
  4. Hopefully, a day will come when having a spouse does not demand nor expect monogamy. The story of King Arthur and Lancelot sharing Guinevere is a Disney movie.
  5. Good to hear; that sounds a like us, except we're a 3 woman, 2 man family with children of mixed parentage. And some occasional lifestyle play. Our happiness and success as a family is a result of each understanding the others and being selfless, but also a tremendous amount of luck at finding each other
  6. That's because it's not the same. If a woman only posted close-up pictures of her pussy, that would be unappealing.
  7. Any wives enjoy showing their husband off? I do appreciate when a woman compliments David or Red, and when the talk turns to sex, speculate on their physical attributes. In our early days of just David, Red, and me it was a thrill when I set up David with other women. Recently, showing off Red and David to Shannon was exciting for me. Any other wives feel the same?
  8. In my opinion, under two minutes. We engage in morning quickies in our poly family, and they last around two to five minutes, and we women definitely get there in that time. When time permits, a session can happily go on for hours, 45 minutes of p-in-v is definitely fine for me before switching around. Never. Women can just keep going and come again.
  9. We've continued to play with Shannon and Joe - one or two of us visiting them and staying at their house since they have no kids, or they visiting us and staying at a nearby hotel because we have children. Either way is fun, but in different ways. At their house it's more intimate and the sex more intense, while near us we rotate through their hotel room one or two or maybe three at a time, and one of us will stay overnight. Them visiting us also has a greater social aspect. We'll all go out together with the kids and sometimes vanilla friends. Overall, Shan just enjoys the physical pleasure (she says that it's like college), while Joe is also into the psychological aspects of what is happening. He can't get over stories of Shannon’s past, her fucking David and Red, him fucking us other women in front of Shan, Shan's Lesbian acts, etc.
  10. I have a special pillow that is often needed to keep the angle right during missionary because my ass is too skinny. 😞
  11. I was happy that another young woman was joining me on the SwingersBoard, then I looked at the date of the post and realized that she's now somewhat older than me. 🙁
  12. If you marry this woman, and I think that you should, the feelings will only get more intense all the way around. Your wife, mother of your children. Please give us her perspective as well. How does she feel about the other men, you, and especially herself?
  13. You were doing him a favor. She went home happy.
  14. Let her know that you love her and it would make you happy for her to have some fun sex on the side. Let her do whatever, whoever, whenever, wherever she wants with you there or not, all up to her. Once she is comfortable with playing, she'll get you involved on her terms.
  15. I have trouble answering this question the same way I did the post about my first swinging experience. It started with just us (Red, David, and me) being young and them sharing me, first separately then the occasional MFM. As we explored further, that's how it was with us, a few couples, many single women who were curious, eager to have sex with an attractive man who was safe because he already belonged to another woman and she was giving permission.
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