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BradAndJanet last won the day on December 29 2007

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70 Excellent

About BradAndJanet

  • Rank
    Only slightly cracked...
  • Birthday 04/13/1959

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  • Relationship Status
    Married Couple
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  • Interests
    Photography, computers, games, gardening, sewing
  • Occupation
    "Computer guy"/Nurse

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  1. Us either. Without this board we never would have known anything about it.
  2. Lights on! I gotta be able to see what I'm doing...and who! -B
  3. I knew a woman once with a clit the size of your thumb. Fun to play with...
  4. Yep. If you value your relationship, that is. Also, and I mean this in a friendly way, go back and read what you wrote. I understand the quid-pro-quo you're looking for, but your analogy is superficial. The two situations are not really alike and carry with them whole different sets of risks and rewards. You can't let yourself become bitter. Not everyone swings. Is it really more important than her?
  5. I have a whole bunch of them in various places, so I completely understand. They are easily removed in most cases. One dermatologist even offered to cut me a deal - 5 for $100!
  6. Oops, what I should have said is "What lovinher is trying to say..." Got the wrong name there, sorry. Now I'll be thinking of pink elephants all day. Good questions, but I'm afraid I don't have any real answers. I suppose it could be that some guys, especially when new to swinging, are feeling a lot of nervous pressure to perform with all that sexual energy around them (in other words, everybody else is 'doin' it', so I'd better be up for it too),but I can't say it's happened to me, so I really don't know.
  7. I think what Tybee's trying to say is simply that the more you try not thinking about something, the more you end up thinking about it.
  8. Yes, you should talk to her about it. Why not start with telling her how much you enjoyed watching the two of them dance? She may be afraid to open up to you about how she's feeling (and she may not understand it herself yet.) Keep it slow, don't push and don't try anything 'on the sly'. Open honesty is the best course. A swingers club would be the best place for exploring further, but she may not be ready to take such a step. It's not uncommon to see women dancing together at 'regular' nightclubs, actually. Any more of those community events coming up soon?
  9. Try again, but don't put yourself under the pressure to perform. If you tried a little same room sex, or soft swapping during the next encounter, it might go better for you. The idea is to plan on not having intercourse with anyone but your own spouse. I'll bet that will do the trick and as you get accustomed to that, the rest will follow.
  10. Yes, at first I would be startled. It's an uncommon sight and would make me curious. I'd think she was very brave for revealing herself. That would make me want to get to know her. I'd smile at her and make her feel welcome. Maybe chat her up a bit and play if there was chemistry. In short, I'd treat her like any other women at the club... -B
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