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good times

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good times last won the day on June 29 2009

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991 Excellent

About good times

  • Rank
    Mega Contributor
  • Birthday 01/21/1959

Personal Info

  • Relationship Status
    Married to Mrs Good Times
  • Location
    Reno, Nevada
  • Interests
    Sex, Flying, shooting, Reading - the usuall stuff.
  • Occupation
    Business Owner
  • Swinging Experience
    5 years

Swinger Info

  • SLS Name
  • Favorite Club(s)
    Ten99 club, Pokher Knights, Dilligas Saloon

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  1. I have been to a quite a few clubs in the west, where we live, and a few in the east, they all seem pretty much the same to me. I have seen some people that are what some folks would describe as cliquish or snobbish regarding the types of folks they were willing to interact with, but I don't personally look at it that way. The way I look at it, we go to the club hoping to meet folks we would be interested in playing with, so why would we hang with those we are not interested in. In the end we would either be wasting each others time, or giving someone the wrong impression that we are interested when we are not. Regarding clubs that screen members, I don't have a problem with the few clubs I know of that screen members. The bottom line is, if I didn't measure up, I probably wouldn't have a good time there anyway. And to be totally honest, I have been to clubs on some nights where the clientele led me to have the thought that screening might not be such a bad idea after all. I have never attended a club that screens members, because the idea really doesn't appeal to me, But I have had the thought on occasion.
  2. Have to agree with most of the others, don't tell your vanilla friends about your involvement in the lifestyle. And if you do tell one, be prepared to make a lot of new friends. The reason for that is that it has been our experience, learned the hard way, that if you tell one friend and that friend doesn't accept it, shortly, all of your mutual friends will know about it. And sadly, most of them will no longer want to associate with you any more either.
  3. I have to agree with the others, wearing an anklet means absolutely nothing.
  4. Damn, guess we have been doing it wrong, we don't have a party bag. I guess you could say we have a minimalist approach to it. If it doesn't fit in my pockets or Mrs. GT's purse, it probably isn't needed.
  5. While I would agree with Julie that your profile could use a little proofing and cleanup, and pictures of both of you, I think it describes who you are and what your looking for pretty good. I only have two suggestions; First, for my taste your profile is a little long winded. Some people prefer real long profiles, but most, like myself are turned off by long winded profiles. Second, I would get rid of the meaningless warning at the bottom of the profile. It won't stop anyone from using your profile any way they want, as your profile is public domain and their are no legal ramifications if someone did use it. So, for those that add this type of statement to their profile, it kind of tags them as a person who is misinformed about the legalities of internet content.
  6. Doesn't surprise me in the least, as an mfm does not imply m/m activity at all. My question would be, of those guys listed as straight that you actually hooked up with, how many were actually willing to participate in m/m sexual activity? I would guess very few, in fact, it wouldn't surprise me if some guys would even say they were bi-curious when they really are straight, if they thought it would better their chances of hooking up with your wife. My only point, seeing as how I could care less if someone, male or female, is bi or not, is that even if their were 100 times more guys who are bi in the swinging population than are willing to admit it to me, it wold still be a relatively small percentage of all swingers. Don't get me wrong, I am sure their are a lot more guys that are bi or bi-curious than are willing to admit it openly, I just think it is still a relatively small number. And to my earlier point about guys saying they are bi just to improve their odds at hooking up, this is not just speculation. One of the most often heard topics at the clubs is bi women complaining about all the women who list themselves as bi or bi-curious who are not. These women claim to be bi or bi-curious either because they think it improves their chances at hooking up, or it is the husbands fantasy and the wife goes along with it in the hopes that eventually he will get over it. My wife is straight, and I cannot even count how many couples we have hooked up with that the woman claimed to be bi, but when alone with us revealed that she really wasn't (for the sake of this discussion, I consider a woman truly bi only if she is willing to perform oral on another woman). In fact, of the couples we have played with in the last ten years or so, at least 70-80 percent of them list the wife as bi, yet I can count the women who liked to play with guys and girls equally well on two hands. Most, when asked, say that they can be bi under the right circumstances, but they prefer to play with men. And the large majority of those we later find out from our female bi friends that try to play with them, will not go all the way with a woman. So while I can buy the idea that a straight guy like myself may know some guys who are bi that just won't admit it to me, I think the same is true in reverse. Their is most likely an equal number of guys who might let someone who is openly bi think they are too, with the hopes of hooking up with the bi guys wife.
  7. % Actually the 32% would put themselves as a three on the Kinsey scale. But that is really irrelevant. To better illustrate my earlier point about forum polls though, at any given time on this site we have about 6-7 thousand active members. In the 5 years that thread has been up only 2694 people have been interested enough in the topic to even click the link to the thread. Of those, only 152 have bothered to vote in the poll. From my experience with forum polls, I would assume that if a person was bi and he read that thread, he would be more compelled to answer the poll than someone who is straight. In fact, while their is no way that I know of to test the theory, it would not surprise me to learn that nearly 100% of the bi-males that saw that thread voted in the pole. Yet, of the 2694 people that looked at that thread, less than .03% answered the poll that they were bi (including everyone who voted a 3 or more). From my experience meeting folks in the lifestyle, the actual percentage of bi, or bi-curious males in the lifestyle, is considerably less than that. My point is, even if you just consider the members of this forum, their really are not a lot of bi-males in evidence. All we know for sure is that about .000002% of the 88,011,000 members here have voted they were bi in one of the poles relating to the subject.
  8. Might you have couples blocked? If so that might explain it. Anyway, your public profile looks fine, clearly explains what you are looking for.
  9. I think your profile looks fine. From our experience you are getting a pretty normal amount of responses. We live in a tourist town and we still only get about one new couple contacting us a month.
  10. While I have seen an increase in the mount of men willing to admit they are bi-sexual in the last couple of years (just a few years ago their were virtually none), I haven't seen any increase in male bi-sexual activities in swinging. Regarding your theories, I can't say that I agree with either. I can think of no reason why a bi-sexual male would be more willing to swing than a straight male. In fact, since bi-male sexual activity is still somewhat taboo amongst most swingers, I would guess that a bi-sexual male would be less inclined to swing than a straight male. As to your second theory, I have yet to meet a straight guy that would be inclined to "explore same sex behavior" at all. So, I am curious what gives you the idea that this may be so? I think that internet polls actually give the wrong impression. This is because most people only answer polls that interest them, so the numbers tend to be severely skewed towards those interested in the subject of the poll, in this case bi-sexual males. Thus, when looking at polls on swinger sites recently, it would be easy for someone to get the impression that male bi-sexual activity is much more prevalent, and much more accepted, than it is in the real world. The fact is, we have been to swingers clubs and parties all over the country, some in areas where gay activity is very high, and we still have yet to meet more than a hand full of males that admit to being bi-sexual, or even bi-curious. The only place we have ever seen any male/male sexual activity, in fact, is at a gay club that also hosts swinger parties. Even in that case, the males involved were not swingers, but were the gay clientele of the club.
  11. No preference exactly, it depends on the couple we are with. More often than not though, we find #2 to be less fun than #1. My guess is that this is because we are both straight. If more than two couples are involved #2 can be more fun.
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