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About alicat69

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  1. Ohh my.... umm. I would really really like to see my hubby get it on with a guy orally and otherwise, and he was very encouraging of me and the girl I did... fair is fair. However, it isn't really the same, I have been making out with other hot girls at straight dance clubs since high school and it is totally acceptable. Everybody likes to see two decent looking girls getting it on. "Gay man" is still such a negative stigma for men, and too many people consider even dick sucking making you GAY...rather than bi. It is such a shame, because my man is so hot and has so much fashion sense and style, he has great hair, he can dance and he isn't personally a homophobe so he really should be bi damn it Just a few weekends ago one of our gay friends was dancing with us and he was hitting on my hubby and he said 'I can't believe you are straight'. I keep hinting, he keeps refusing. I hope to slowly wear him down Just kidding I truly wouldn't want him to do something that he wasn't comfortable with or would regret later. I can dream though...
  2. Just adding my info in as well...I am a social worker by trade and I am non judgmental and (unfortunately sometimes) people just love to confide deep dark secrets to me. I know a ton of people with herpes. I know women who have had children after herpes, they were fine. I had sex with someone who I found out through the grapevine has herpes, I don't know if he had it when I was with him and didn't know it or not, or if he lied. I have never had any symptoms and have since had a child and all the testing done during that time and no one mentioned anything. Do I think I could be asymptomatic... maybe. It is possible, after reading the comments on this site, I will not make the mistake of being tested. If I do happen to have it, it is not causing any problems. Just a couple thoughts...I know so many people with it, I think those who have had a lot of multiple partners are kidding themselves not to think that they probably have it. Same with HPV. Just to put it in numbers, if you have had sex with 10 people at least 3 HAVE HAD IT, and either didn't know or didn't tell you. Denial, denial, denial.
  3. Oh come now Lovedoctor, the things I would do to Brad Pitt should be on FILM, Angelina would definately be welcome too It depends on the person, but the attraction on some level needs to be there or why bother? Everyone has to have standards. Everyone I have ever slept with has been 'hot' to me, though it may not be in a traditional way and not everyone would think that they were hot. By the way after my last child I am a curvy size 12 and never have had a problem getting who I want.
  4. Amen sister. I was one of the people who wrote 'the more the merrier'. I grew up on on a horse farm and I knew how nature worked. I am not proud of it, but I really couldn't tell you the last names of 1/4 of the people I have been with. I was really lucky not to catch anything... My husband also had more than his fair share. We are just proceeding with caution on adding new people now, because truly we are satisfied with each other and we have been with enough people to know we are the best for each other, but... variety is the spice of life.
  5. Okay Paramour, I am as 'newbie' as anyone can get. However, I can tell you that I have no 'spiritual affiliation' and I don't want you preaching to me about your beliefs in God, morals, or anything else. I will not take anything that you have to say to heart at all because I feel it will be biased by your religious beliefs and NOT actual facts. I guarantee that I will disregard anything that you post, because I am not a Christian. I took theology in college. Who says that your version of God is right? As long as I am good, and kind I'll take my chances, and if I'm wrong I guess I will go were all the other fun people go I imagine that you are just really bored to need to post to this forum or that you like drama. Or that you are trying to atone for your really freaky, nasty past by trying to 'save others'. No to be rude but, get a life. J9
  6. Wow, it is so great reading all these. I am not as perverse as I thought I was... Last year my husband and I met an attractive group of friends at a dance club. We have become close and some of the friends have selective 'sharing'. A few weeks ago we were f'd up at a club, and we went to an after hours at a friends house. The other wife approached me (she is very bi) and I was feeling very good so to the suprise of both of our husband we started in on eachother. It was a really good night. I love her husband, but not attracted to him at all. She screwed my hubby which was hot, but I really didn't do much other than 'fluffing' to hers... and I really dont think I would want to do any thing with him again. I'm a visual pig, no attraction Anyways... looking very forward to another couple where both parties are smokin'.
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