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Crossing Over to the Fun Side of Church Friends


After one particular Saturday evening of good food, fine wine, and cognac, Alice was on her arms and knees with Kent sliding in and out of her pussy. She was fingering her clitoris with her fingertip vibrating bullet as Kent was telling her how tight her pussy felt. The excitement was getting to her and she was now pounding hard back into him screaming a guttural sound that had no intelligible phrase yet was signaling that she was in the middle of one of her multiple orgasms.


Kent was holding on in the dim light concentrating on helping her achieve as many orgasms as she could while not releasing his own load that was building. Both of them were enjoying the benefits of his lasting longer, recovering quicker, and able to be up with the slightest of mental or physical action. Kent looked down at his bride’s lovely ass as he slid in and out of her relishing the vision of their fucking. While trying to maintain his attention to her, he positioned their small digital camera to attempt to take a picture.


The results just weren’t what he had hoped to achieve. Alice was reaching a point of her third wave and was becoming exhausted. As the electronic shutter activated, she collapsed onto her belly. Normally, Kent would have just rode her down and remained inside her wonderful pussy. Not this time, his cock was left in mid air which produced a funny and blurry result on the digital memory disk.


Alice rolled over and then saw the camera saying, “Ah Kent, really? You didn’t get off?”


“No, I was trying to get a picture of your lovely pussy taking it doggy style. Guess my nominally sized cock was short by about twenty inches when you went down and forward,” he replied.


“Well, stick it in and take the pictures from topside. I think I’m done but you need to get off,” she offered.


She rose up on her left elbow and spread her legs while reaching down with her right hand and taking hold of his cock. Alice positioned it over her swollen clit and began rubbing his pre-cum in tight circles around her pussy. She still had her finger bullet vibrating and she reached between their bodies teasing his shaved balls and anus which got him even more aroused.


He lifted her up to position her ass on his upper thighs as he pushed his cock into her smoothly shaved pussy. If felt wonderful. She was expertly now clamping down on him to give him the greatest sense of tightness that she could. Once again, Kent positioned the camera. This time his multiple images seemed to be of better quality. The angle improved as Alice grabbed her own legs forcefully spreading them apart even more. He quickly pulled out rolling to his back and pulling her up on top of him. She straddled him and began to ride him placing her hands on his uplifted knees.


Again, Kent took several more shots of her. “Here,” he grunted, “take some pictures,” handing her the camera. Alice took the camera and was frustrated by the intrusion as she was starting to become aroused once again.


She tossed the camera aside yelling, “Focus Honey, I want to feel you cum inside of me.” Kent was eager to do so bucking up to her so hard that she nearly lost balance. She collapsed on top of his chest now pumping away, clamping with all of her might felling her clit racked with pleasure from Kent’s cock. She clamped down on what she knew would be his favorite, his nipples, teething them into rock hard points of pleasure that he was feeling deep in his balls. He screamed with pleasure and released a load so hard that he felt the constriction deep inside.


As the laid there with him still inside her, she said, “we’re going to have to find someone else to take the pictures. I can’t hold the camera still and your cock just ain’t long enough for a panorama shot. ”


Kent replied, “Okay, but it can’t be a single, it would have to be another couple, right?”


“Sure, but we probably would have to reciprocate with them,” she said sleepily.


“Reciprocate, just photographically, or would you like to do more than that,” Kent asked. Alice rose up suddenly sitting on her knees between Kent’s legs. She instinctively reached down and stroked Kent’s semi hard cock with her right hand and pulling cum from her pussy with her left to coat his stirring cock. She than began teasing Kent’s rosebud with his own cum until she had her petite thumb inside him. Without saying a word, she slipped her thumb out replacing it with her middle finger until she feel and massage his prostate. This was one of Kent’s favorite things she would do for him after she had one of her memorable waves of climax.


Kent was feeling no pain and had almost forgotten that he had introduced the reciprocation question, when she said, “I’m just guessing that you would like to play with another couple, right? Don’t answer, let me check the truth pole I have in my hand.” She scooted back and bent down to take his cock which was now coming back to life in her mouth. As she swallowed it down, she lunged harder into his ass and then twirled her tongue over the head of his cock swallowing a little of the prostate ejaculation arriving from a now fully erect cock.


“Oh, I see from the truth pole, that you would like to play,” she groaned, “right?”


“If you want to…I’m seem to be certainly up for it,” he replied.


The both giggled and she said, let me see if you can come again. “Okay, but this time who are we fucking,” he asked?


“Let’s try on Gary and Sandy,” she said as she pulled him on top of her swinging her legs up over his for one more romp that night. “He looks like he might be fun to fuck and I’m guessing by your reaction, you would enjoy her little plump body, huh?”



Sunday Morning…..


“Well, did you enjoy fucking Gary last night,” he asked as he watched Alice climb out of the shower in preparation for going to church.


“I guess I did when you called me Sandy,” she replied. “It seemed like you were getting your rocks off to that cooing.”


Both were feeling the lure of the concept of fucking their “church friends” Gary and Sandy. “We don’t have time to fuck right now, Kent. But we can begin to have some fun with them without their knowing and then come home to a good screwing this afternoon.”



Thinking back to the 4th of July earlier that year……….


Kent was hesitant about approaching Gary and Sandy. Certainly over the years they had become really good friends enjoying a lot of good times together. Both couples were basically built the same with Sandy being slight shorter and had more curves. Having met at church, they began to “fellowship” more at home dates, mall shopping, and an occasional movie nights followed by stopping in at the local pizza house. Gary and Kent did golf together twice a month on Saturday mornings which often left the ladies to spend their own time together.


Indeed, they discovered within the first year of knowing each other that the prohibition of a good adult beverage might be taboo with some of their fellow congregation but they enjoyed such at home dinners. They even took a 4th of July long weekend together sharing a double bed room at a mountain resort. At least during that trip, all four were able to enjoy liberal amounts of beer and booze since all activities required no driving. Looking back on that trip, Kent found it funny that the first night the couples moved in and out of their day to sleeping attire by using the bathroom as a changing room.


The second night at the resort and with a little more adult beverage than the first, no one seemed to mind that the guys were shirtless wear boxer briefs, and the girls had dropped to oversized tee shirts finally changing in front of each other.


But it was the third night that Kent never spoke of to Gary or Alice that made him think that these “church” friends may have a wilder side than he or Alice. Gary was balancing on when to mention this and had not even considered it until recently when Alice’s behavior had changed to being excited about joining the swinging ranks with their neighbors next door and across the street.


That eventful night……


That third night was the closest thing he had ever had to getting frisky with someone since their marriage and all it did for him…up till now…was frustrate him. Kent had way too much beer that evening and, about 2:00 AM, his bladder let him know that it was no longer going to contain the output.


He and Alice had the bed adjacent to the bathroom. He carefully got up not disturbing Alice who was now snoring in competition with Gary in the second bed. Their shared room had no outside lighting to provide much of a reference point for navigating, but that was okay with Kent. He purposefully chose the side of the bed and the bed next to the bath. It was one of his things. He knew he could lightly trace the wall surfaces and follow it around to the bath door. Once inside and with the door closed, he would use an old Navy trick of turning on the light while keeping one eye shut. After he used the toilet, he could turn off the light and open the closed eye which would have not lost any night vision. Regardless, he knew he could just reverse course and retrace the wall to get back to his bed.


Kent carefully traced the wall and found the door slightly open. He hoped that it did not squeak. He eased into the bathroom and tried to find the light switch. It was proving to be a search that his bladder was not interested in and the pressure was mounting to a point that he whispered, “Fuck it.” Crouching with his left arm extended low so he could feel the toilet seat (the ladies had already yelled that he and Gary were pigs for not putting the seat back down), he slid his right hand along the long counter surface knowing that he would bump into the toilet soon in the pitch black room. Instead of finding a toilet, he nearly jumped out of his skin when he bumped into knees and his left hand touched a thigh.


“Shit,” he exclaimed in a whisper.


“No, just peeing Kent,” Sandy whispered back giggling.


“Too much beer, I’m starting to cramp up, sorry Sandy but I have to go…I’ll use the sink,” he grunted as he felt the pain of trying to clamp down the building pressure.


“Don’t you dare, we brush our teeth there, and don’t even think about peeing over the tub wall, you’ll get piss all over the floor and on the floor mat,” she hissed, “Come here!”


“Oh my God, I’m sorry,” he stammered continuing the same conspiratorial whisper. The last thing he wanted was to be caught in here with his underwear down below his crotch. He felt Sandy grab hold of his waist band with one hand pulling them down, while grabbing his cock with the other.


“Step out your underwear and straddle my legs really wide, sit down on me, I’ll do the pointing,” she commanded. The pain was unbearable and she sounded so clinical, he complied kicking one leg out of his underwear while moving forward towards her in a straddle movement. Sandy scooted back more onto the seat and pulled him down onto her lap still hanging onto his cock. Kent was now essentially naked, when she said, “pull my tshirt up, I don’t want you peeing on my tshirt.” At this point Kent was at her mercy, he needed relief and he didn’t care how he got it. He had clamped down so hard that his cock felt paralyzed to release and he knew his plumbing was average and couldn’t possible extend below her legs.


“How the hell am I supposed to do this and not pee on you,” he grunted with a horse whisper with even more pain?


“I’ll do the pointing of the hose, you do the peeing and if you don’t mind I’m going to finish as well, now relax and let it go,” as she plunged her hand and his cock between her legs in the small opening she had created. “Just don’t squeeze my legs together, rest on them, we’ll get this done. Gary and I do it all the time just for fun, silly…” she chided.


Kent eventually relaxed and allowed the flow to commence. He felt a warm sensation on the end of his cock as she had him pressed up against her pubic mound. He felt a little stubble and sensed that she must shave and needed a touch up from her last shave. The relief was overwhelming and he found himself nearly collapsing on her lap when he realized that he was pressed against her naked chest having already lifted her tshirt up.


What a sight he thought if someone comes in right now and, what a good friend to help him out. He had reached the point where he was pumping the last little out and instinctively wanted to shake the excess when Sandy said, “Are you finished, can you lift up a little?”


Without a word he eased up just a little when she stopped him by pulling down on his cock. With her free hand she reached over and pulled tissue from the counter dispenser wrapping it around his shaft and cock head. She expertly dispensed what little fluid remained and wiped him dry with both hands. She then cupped his balls and said, “Guess you did okay for your first ‘straddle pee,’ I don’t feel any wetness on your balls. Uh-oh, I’m thinking you have recovered as she felt him beginning to become erect.” She continued to stroke his cock to a full erection.


“Yep, you’re good to go…I mean cum. Why don’t you go fuck Alice, I’ll go nail Gary, she suggested, “We can listen to each other, but try to keep it fairly quiet so Alice will actually do it,” she added. “I’m going to let my mind wander as Gary fucks me.” She stroked him about four more times and then pulled him to her lips kissing his cock head once saying, “now, go fuck her.” Kent managed to reach down and grab his underwear then slipped back out as quietly as he came in returning to Alice.


Indeed, that night was memorable and he did manage to get Alice to fuck in spite of the “church friends” in the next bed. He later heard Gary and Sandy quietly get off as well. He sensed then that Alice had as well, but she said nothing.



Back to the present…….


Kent snapped back to the moment looking at Alice. It was she that wanted to approach Gary and Sandy and seemed to be consumed that this was her idea. Certainly, Sandy was moving things along but Kent sensed that the only hurdle would be Gary. It was very obvious that Sandy was ready to party. But Gary…what about Gary, things were still too fuzzy for him. Yeah, Gary had quietly fucked Sandy in the bed next to him, but was that really a license to advance talking to him about the four of them exploring swapping. He was worried about that.


The weather forecast called for potential snow around mid-day and had definitely drawn both of them to don winter overcoats. Alice complained at his choice of vehicles today. He had opted to drive the minivan since it was in the number one position in their garage. This was their errand vehicle and he had used it the evening before to get the Christmas tree for this year. She preferred their sedan which showing up to church.


Gary decided to test Alice again. “I’m not trying to have buyer’s remorse, but do you think that Gary and Sandy will be receptive to our advances,” he asked Alice as they were driving to church?


“Honey,” she replied, “don’t over think this too much. You guys are all horn dogs…your ‘truth pole’ certainly exhibited that last night. Don’t you think with the proper approach, Gary will jump at the chance to fuck me? I know you want to fuck Sandy, right?”


“All males in the right mind would,” he laughed, but, I think I need to make the approach next week at the golf course on our Thursday afternoon game…not today, at church.


“That sounds good and I’ll invite them over for a Friday night pajama party,” she offered.


“A pajama party,” he questioned raising his voice questioning her tactic?


“Yeah, I’ll tell Sandy that we intend to open a nice new bottle or two of a good cabernet and that we don’t want them even considering driving home. No designated driver needed. She’ll buy that I’m certain. After all, we have had sleep over event with them in the when we shared a room with them 4th of July. We even fucked our own spouses in the same room that night.”


“Suppose you’re right. I think I’m going to approach Gary about digital photography,” winked Kent as they pulled into the church parking lot.


“Me too, I’ll mention that the camera is becoming a third wheel in our bedroom and see what reaction I get out of Sandy,” she grinned as they walked up to the door.


Perhaps it was their future intent and the weight of the planning that influenced Kent and Alice’s behavior that day, but when Gary and Sandy asked them if they would like to go have Sunday afternoon dinner with them today in the next town over, Kent and Alice jumped to agree.


The decided to go in separate cars as Gary and Sandy had to go see his elderly parents that evening a few more miles up the road. And, Kent couldn’t offer his car as he had taken the seats out to accommodate the Christmas tree from yesterday. As he was driving to their dinner, Kent was surprised to see Alice take off her suit jacket then reach up under her thin short sleeve rayon shell removing her bra. She then put her suit jacket back on.


“Are you trying to accelerate the invitation,” asked Kent?


“Maybe, but primarily the under wires are killing my girls and I just wanted to be free. I still have my suit jacket on. Huh, guess the shell doesn’t leave anything to imagine. Oops, the headlights just woke up,” she giggled, “and even the little bumps around my areolas are pumping through!”


Kent thought to himself as he looked at his flirtatious wife, “Why not?” After “straddle peeing” with Sandy, he didn’t think that Sandy was going to be that much of a prude. And, after all it did seem she and Alice had relaxed their modesty around the four of us during the last two evenings of their 4th of July mountain trip. He was still remembering Sandy’s stroke and kissing his cock. He had to quickly start thinking of something else along the ride or, he wouldn’t be able to walk in public with the erection that his wife, his memories, and the anticipation of what might come had stirred in his cock.


Winter was certainly taking its grip and an coldness hit them as they got out of the car to meet their Sunday-after-church dinner partners. Draping her winter coat over her purse arm, Alice was not prepared for a sudden blustery gust that took charge and blew her suit jacket open with sustained power as Gary and Sandy walked up to them. Anyone with eyes could clearly see that Alice was sporting no bra and had maximum raised nipples. Both Sandy and Gary got a good eyeful as Kent, said, “Shall we,” pointing to the door he had just opened.


Everyone hung their long winter coats on the booth’s hangar then took sitting position opposite each couple in a semi-circle booth which was located in the rear of the dining room. Almost immediately, Sandy asked to be excused saying she and a race horse had a contest as to who could piss the most. That public language took both Kent and Alice by surprise. It was Gary’s response that surprised them even more when Gary softly stated, “don’t short circuit anything” as he scooted back around to let his wife out rubbing her rear as she left.


Sandy smiled and punched Gary’s shoulder mumbling, “no problem, I’ve done this before,” as she walked towards the lobby restrooms. Following the axiom that ladies always go to the restroom together Alice pushed Kent out of the booth up to follow Sandy. As she stood she first removed her suit jacket that had up to now disguised her absence of a bra to the diners in the restaurant. She looked at Gary who was obviously staring at her chest and watched his eyes widen when he saw that her nipples were dramatically protruding through the thin fabric of the shell. He looked up and, was immediately caught in her gaze knowing that she had followed his stare from her chest to her eyes. Sandy said with a laugh, “Don’t worry Gary honey, I’ll make sure she comes back in one piece.” “Kent, please order me an appetizer salad with blue cheese,” then she leaned over and kissed Kent fully tweaking his right nipple under his suit jacket then walked towards the path of Sandy.


“Wow, I guess I should have ordered Sandy an appetizer if that’s all it takes to get a kiss like that,” posed Gary.


Kent replied, “Well in the last few months, Alice and I have been rekindling a lot of our loving and our sex life. She even has me on a daily cialis. And, I have neighbors to thank for her behavior,” replied Kent. “I saw that you noticed she had no bra on,” he added.


“Sorry, man I hadn’t noticed her go braless before and I, uh, um….,” stammered Gary.


“Relax Gary, she has taken to no longer wearing any underwear unless she is at church and even then she only wears a thong. Guess that’s her youthful days coming back. I suppose the four of us all feel comfortable around each other showing such. And, you’re wrong about that…you did see her braless every evening at bedtime when we shared a motel the 4th of July, remember?”


“Yeah, I guess I do, but that was to be expected at bedtime, and in private. I just wasn’t prepared for today. It’s crazy, but Sandy is doing the same thing, just not at church. She doesn’t want the ole biddies to gossip, and I like the look, how about you,” asked Gary?


“Get’s me hard just looking,” laughed Kent.


“Then you don’t mind if I look at Alice,” asked Gary?


“Hell, Gary, look, feel, smother your face, run your cock between them…Alice will love it as long as Sandy doesn’t mind,” isn’t that what friends are for,” replied Kent testing the waters?


“Wow,” replied Gary, “guess we are crossing over some boundaries with this discussion. You sure, Alice would agree?”


“She would take it as a compliment, and might even up the ante,” Kent replied.


The guys went on to discuss the merits of each of their ladies who have seemed to find a second wind on sexuality. It seemed pretty obvious to each of them that they could relax around each other. Both men assured each other that their own wife was pretty open to that sort of talk and had indicated a willingness to cross over at least that bridge.


“Kent, I have to confess something. I know about your virgin straddle pee session, and I guess I have you to thank for getting her so hot, that she fucked my brains out twice that night,” Gary said looking Kent straight into his eyes.


“Uh, man I’m sorry. I had to go and she wouldn’t, or couldn’t, get up off the toilet,” stammered Kent under Gary’s gaze. “I mean, I didn’t follow her in there, I didn’t even know she was in there, damn I’m sorry…I guess I should have spoken with you before this.”


“No worries, she whispered everything to me that night and how she got you hard telling you to go fuck Alice and that she stopped short of sucking your off by just kissing your cock. She even told me that she would fuck me first, the second time she would fantasize that she was fucking you. She told me to do the same with my thoughts about Alice. Ha, I fooled her…I thought of Alice both times,” laughed Gary. “Who were you thinking of…no, don’t answer that, it take away my dream if I’m wrong?”


‘Twice he thought,’ Kent knew they were over a hurdle. He asked, “Have you two been with another couple?”


“Only in our thoughts, and frankly only you two. Guess now, we have now openly admitted to each other that we do fantasize about the four of us on a regular basis….and how about you guys,” Gary added to the line of conversation?


“Alice is insistent that we fuck our neighbors since she discovered that they and the neighbors across the street are swingers,” he replied matter-of-factly. “I’m excited about swinging but suggested that we try to find someone we know, and have known for some time before we dip into waters so close to home. That’s when Alice suggested that it be you two, since we already seem to be good friends. I’m supposed to ask you about at golf this week what your interest might be and, if you two would be willing to help us take some x-rated digital shots. Looks like things might be moving forward quicker than we thought,” said Kent.



In the ladies room….


Meanwhile Alice had followed about a minute behind Sandy who had already taken the only other stall in the ladies restroom. Feeling confident of being alone, Alice asked, “Hey Sandy, how’s the race horse competition going?”


Sandy answered, “Still trying to get him out of the gate, ah there, damn thing can sometimes be a nuisance to remove.”


Alice didn’t have much bladder requirement and had already finished. She then decided to remove her thong underwear now that she was no longer in church. She quietly slipped then over her thigh highs and down to her heels and struggling a bit in the confined space to remove them. Cursing her clumsiness as her thong dropped around her ankles hitting the floor saying, “Damn, I’m not putting those underwear backup after falling on this nasty floor.”


“Really,” said Sandy as she opened her own stall door?


“Well, yeah, really,” replied Alice as she opened her door openly placing her thong in her purse before washing her hands.


“No, I understand the floor, I just was surprised you wore underwear since you weren’t wearing a bra,” grinned Sandy. “I wear my bra to church, but the fun side of me never wears underwear to church, and now like you,”as she viewed Alice’s nipples, “I took my bra off so I can relax as well. Besides, Gary likes me going ‘all commando. It makes it easy to get him up and ready. Do you think Kent will mind,” as she pinched her nipples through the lightweight cashmere sweater which only accentuated her breasts and lovely nipples.


“Wow, I thought I was the only one that pulled that trick on Sunday’s,” offered Alice. “As to Kent, he’ll probably stare at you tits the rest of the day trying to figure out how he can suck or, fuck them,’ she laughed.


“Gary will be the same; they are all so typically horny on a slightest notice. I’m cool if you are.” Sandy replied.


“Guess that’s what friends do these days, especially church friends,” Alice offered.


They started to exit with Sandy in the lead, when suddenly Alice pulled Sandy’s shoulder back saying, “Wait, you said that you were having trouble getting that damn thing out. What damn thing?”


Sandy laughed and said, “I’m wearing a toy Gary uses to play with me when we are in public. It’s a remote controlled clit and Gspot stimulator, very quiet, very good. I suspect he’ll play with me while we are eating today. He sometimes does when we are in church. It’s why sometimes I can look so emotional; the bastard is tweaking me at the strangest times. I have to mask the effect he has on me. Since it is battery operated and part of it is inserted in my pussy, he said not to short circuit as our little, pardon the pun, ‘inside’ joke.”


“Omigosh, that’s so cool. Where do you get one, I want one? No fair you get all the fun,” squealed Alice. “Let me see, let me see,” she pleaded.


“Geez Alice, it’s a public restroom,” Sandy stated.


“Yeah, but it’s got a lock, “as Alice snapped the latch, “hike it up, I want to see.” Sandy knew she was moving towards a different relationship with Alice. It reminded her of college days when all sorts of exploration between, and with the sexes, were encountered by her. She was feeling awkward and adventurous at the same moment. Alice was pulling her skirt up and, she found herself actually helping Alice to do the lifting.


The device was in a satin harness with just enough elastic materials to help it stay in place. It pulled comfortably tight like a thong into her pussy and had two bullets; one hooked up inside of Sandy on a curved stalk to be near her G-Spot and the other laying on her clit. It seemed a little bulky but its profile was so slight that it appeared to be no more than a well defined pubic mound. It had a small plastic façade that looked like a butterfly. Had she been wearing tight revealing clothing she would have simply looked like a woman proud of a camel toe.


Alice reached down and cupped the device, sliding a finger into Sandy’s pussy to feel the length of the probe. “It’s doesn’t go very deep, but it is thicker than I imagined,” she said in almost a clinical tone. “I love that you shave also,” she commented, “folks do like that; even Kent,” she revealed.


Sandy felt a warm sensation as she felt Alice cup her mound and then gasped as Alice extended her finger to probe and massage the device. “I won’t need a remote control if you keep that up,” mumbled Sandy as she involuntarily thrust her pussy on Ann’s hand. “Please, we have to get back to the guys,” as she pulled her skirt back down.


“Gawd, I want one of those so bad. I can just imagine how much fun you two have with this, now I’m not hungry, I just want to find a store and get one,” complained Alice.


“Tell you what; I might happen to have my older one in my purse here…let me look. If you don’t mind a loaner, I can offer you this one,” as Sandy pulled a Ziploc bag containing her other toy and remote from her purse, “the harness is laundered and I assure you that I have cleaned the toy?”


“Oh you are so wonderful. Here, help me into it, hurry someone must need the restroom now,” she cried while hiking her own skirt up. Alice pushed the probe into her already shaved, wet pussy, saddling the clit bullet directly over her little guy. Sandy quickly turned Alice around and fastened the thong and waist straps.


“There, you’re all set, but hopefully you don’t get activated while standing up, unless someone is holding you,” said Sandy, “now let’s go already. By the way, just walking with this will get you horny.” The left the restroom and returned to their booth.


Back at the dining booth….


“What took you so long,” asked Kent, “did one of you fall in?” The guys started to slide back out when Alice said, “Don’t move, I’ll set out here and trap you, big boy.” Sandy followed Alice’s lead opting to set on the outside as well.


“I guess we did sort of fall in,” offered Alice, “I discovered what Gary’s short circuit comment was all about,” as she and Sandy laughed. “Oh gee,” Alice pointed, “look at Gary, I think he is trying to fall through the floor.” Both girls were laughing now. Gary was very red face and looking straight down at his plate. Kent was looking for anyone to give him a clue.


“Alright, what’s this all about,” demanded Kent smiling at both ladies?


Sandy reached into her purse retrieving two key fob type remotes that she dropped into the middle of the table. “Alice found out that we have remotes,” she offered. Kent reached over and picked one up worrying it in his hand trying to discern what this was all about.


“It looks like our garage door or car fob,” he noted. “Why is it so funny,” he asked?


Gary picked the other remote up and said, “Kent ole buddy, this is only funny in church or public when I push this button. It sends a signal to a remote control clit dildo thing that Sandy wears when we are out on a date night, and every Sunday. I have fun teasing her in church; she sometimes can get a little mini-orgasm there and often a full blown one in a theatre.”


“Wow, that’s so cool,” Kent said.


“That’s what I said, when I finally got Sandy to tell me,” laughed Alice.


“Where do we get one for Alice,” Kent asked?


“I loaned her my back up. That’s why there are two remotes,” said Sandy, “and, oh, oh, oh.” she broke off turning to Gary. “Did you have to do that right now,” she gasped.


“Uh, honey, I didn’t press the button,” Gary pleaded.


“Wow, it does work,” said Kent looking down to the remote he was hold and he again pressed the button watching a speechless Sandy wiggle in delight.


“Hey no fair,” complained Alice, “Gary push my buttons!”


“That’s just too funny not to do so, “replied Gary as he pushed the button in rapid, well spaced pulses sending Alice into crescendos of delight.


“Wait, give us a moment, that caught us off guard,” wailed Sandy. “We want to enjoy this and….,” she stopped and all remotes quickly disappeared in the fellow’s palms as the waitress arrived asking for the entree orders.


Frankly, the last thing on their collective minds was food at that particular moment but they paused to order food. The waitress disappeared and the foursome looked at each other with a new vision.


“Okay, let me go out here on what I hope is a very big, very thick, and very healthy limb. Alice and I were going to approach you two to see if you would like to enjoy some adult fun which included helping us to take some sex act pictures of us that we want for our memories. We had hoped that perhaps we might find that you would allow us to take pictures of you two in the act and just maybe we might explore other opportunities including full sexual swap. I was supposed to approach Gary to test the idea guy-to-guy, and Alice was going to approach Sandy here. I’m thinking maybe we have moved a little farther ahead since we essentially just swapped via remote control,” stated Kent.


Gary and Sandy looked at each other, grinning and smiling as they nodded their head in the affirmative. “Oh, I think we’re ready if you two are,” said Gary. “Oh yeah, let’s do it, “Sandy said with enthusiasm, “I think Alice will love fucking Gary and I’m looking forward to Kent, as the straddle pee was just a warm up!”


“Straddle pee,” said Alice? In unison, the other three said, “Oh shit.”


Between the two of them, Kent and Sandy explained what had happen and the decision to fuck in the same room with their own spouses that 4th of July trip night. Alice was only response seemed to be an unemotional look at all three of them which was proving all the more difficult to be stoic as she listened to Gary explain that the event had given him the opportunity to fantasize that he was fucking Alice that night, not Sandy. Alice was truly have a difficult time with his comments as Gary had been pressing the remote control of her device while she listened to the details all three offered.


“Well, I did hear you and Gary,” as she pointed to Sandy, “it was a turn on, and, uh, I, uh, oh, did think of how Gary, oh shit, might uh feel. I just never mentioned, um, uh it to Kent, and oh, oh,” she was now gasping and seemed to be starting to shake, “to Kent, uh, uh…oh shit, turn that damn thing off Gary!”


Sandy and Kent looked up at Gary who was now openly holding the remote control grinning like a Cheshire cat. “I’m amazed you held on as long as you did Alice,” he said with glee and admiration.


“Oh, I didn’t but, when the second orgasm hit, I was no longer listening to Kent and Sandy blather on,” she replied. “Look, I don’t care what happened; I just wish someone had approached me months ago. Frankly, I’m so hot for all of you I can’t wait until Friday night to fuck a bunch of brains out. Everyone in,” she asked? She was met with assurances all around and they began planning Friday’s event.


“I feel a little left out,” said Sandy, “Alice has already had an orgasm and I haven’t,” she pouted looking at Kent.


“Maybe you two could feel better if you set inside the booth during the main course,” suggested Kent. The ladies scooted out of their location and the guys deftly stood up sliding out covering their erections with dinner napkins as the ladies slid back towards the rear of the semicircle booth now sitting beside their new fuck partner, “Thank God for the table cloth,” said Kent.


The waitress returned with their entrées and had a little confusion given the change in placement by her diners. She managed to place the entrées with the right diner and indicated she would be back later for desert. The foursome pre-placed an order for a desert.


“Enjoy your entrée,” winked Gary as he reached for the remote. Kent followed suit and they both began teasing each other’s spouse.


Alice looked over at Sandy who had her eyes lowered and seemed to be having difficulty cutting her steak as Kent would tease her off and on with the pulses. “What does this do,” asked Kent as he questioned a second set of buttons? Sandy reached and took the remote from Gary. “This makes the G-spot stalk vibrate. Push this for on, then this for off, she demonstrated.


“Crap, that feels great,“ Alice chirped, “oh, oh, oh, ummmm, oh, oh…let him do it, I want to feel him do it. Give it back to Gary. "


“What, can’t girls have fun too?” Sandy challenged playfully. “Later, later sweetie, I’ll make your eyes roll back, but I want the sense that we are swapping with the guys,” Alice breathed back to Sandy.


Sandy was very close to her own orgasm. She was doing all she could to not cry out in passion as that was part of the fun of doing this in a public place. She opened her eyes and caught Alice looking directly at her as Alice struggled to hold back a scream of delight. Alice reached over and took hold of Sandy’s hand beneath the table. They both were squeezing each other’s hand very hard and started tugging on their grips in unison with what the fellows were doing to them. Kent had not seen Sandy get close before and did not know exactly what to do. He turned on the G-spot stalk at the same time that the clit stimulator. It had the effect of sending Sandy over the edge.


Sandy dug into Alice’s hand and gripped her fork until her knuckles were white. Her breathing was now nearly so rapid that she was beginning to feel light headed. A small, nearly imperceptible groan escaped her and she began to involuntarily moving her hips widening her legs welcoming the stalk that had sent her into bliss. She released Alice’s hand and her fork clasping her own hands on top of the table in a hand-to-hand finger grip that could have cracked a walnut. She grunted hard and said, “Enough, enough, oh my God, enough.”


Alice had never felt so sexual and sensual. She rode a climax with Sandy together and was still enjoying roll after roll from the expert usage of the toy form Gary. He alternated between the stalk and clit stimulators which had her now on her fourth or fifth roll; she had lost count. She felt her legs were damp from her juices and she was nearly in tears. True to the idea of the toy, she had worked hard to remain as quite as possible and not buck her pelvis so much. While she was doing fine with her noise, she knew she was only protected from her exposure because of the table cloth. She could not control her rocking. Now she understood why sometimes she would see Sandy in church with legs crossed really rocking her overstretch leg changing positions so often.


With Sandy’s pronouncement, both guys stopped the use of the toys. “Wow, that was impressive and fun,” said Kent, “guess that was some sort of a swap, huh?” All agreed and all said that Friday would be even more fun.


The waitress arrived to check on the entrées which had barely been touched. “Is everything all right,” she asked?


“Couldn’t be better,” said Alice, “but may we have more table napkins?” The waitress promptly returned with a stack of large paper dinner napkins. They agreed to dessert which she left to order in the kitchen.


“Man, I need these,” said Sandy, as she took two napkins and deftly reached under her skirt to blot the wetness created during her toy use. “I normally don’t get this wet, damnit Kent, you’re going to make me have to wear underwear in church,” she laughed.


“Me too,” chimed in Alice. “Hey, we can’t leave the guys this high and dry…time to change places, men to the back of the bus.”


“Uh, we can get arrested,” worried Kent.


“Not if you’re quiet, we put our hands inside your trousers, and you can load up the remaining napkins,” Alice suggested. “Now move, I’m a lefty so Gary set on this side,” she commanded.


Gary was all for it and quickly got up still holding a dinner napkin in front of his erection. Kent followed suit and the all returned this time with men in the middle and the two spouses having swapped positions. They pulled the table slightly closer to them and waited for their desert which came almost immediately.


The waitress was now very confused. “Okay, I have two orders of the same thing and four spoons but you guys keep moving on me. What is this, test the waitress day or something?”


“Naw, we just feeling stupid and at our age it is the simple things that make us happy,” offered Gary, “hey how about taking our picture as he presented his smart phone to the waitress. “We’ll make it a big tip.”


The foursome all scooted together goofing off for the pictures with the guys feeding desert helpings to the lady next to them and reaching over to feed their own spouses for different camera shots. The ladies pushed out their chests towards the camera and towards the guys. The men made funny faces staring back in mocked awe at the well pronounced nipples and tits in at least two of the shots. The joking was infectious and the waitress said, “Well that was hot. I’m going to have to get my husband and our buddies to be as fun as you guys. Enjoy, as she handed the camera back to Sandy feeling her own nipples rise in reaction to the antics of the foursome, “I’ll check back later.”


During that time, the ladies had reached below the table cloth line and were stroking the cocks of the willing husbands as best they could without being obvious. It was the same rules, no overt movement was to be made by the guys and they were to not make any outcries that could be heard by the patrons of the restaurant.


Sandy and Alice were having a lot of fun as they spooned desert nonchalantly while stroking away at the guys. “Ooooh,” said Alice, “Gary’s putting out a lot of pre-cum. You like me playing with you?”


“Kent, are you okay,” asked Sandy as she begin to feel Kent lose his erection.

Marge and Ronnie appear……



“I was feeling great, but not now… look who just came in over there. We’re twenty five miles from home in another town and look, its Marge and Ronnie from our Sunday school class right over there,” he nodded with a panic expression.


“Uh-oh, everybody out of the pool,” Gary said quietly. “Girls, jump up and go back to the bathroom before they see our seating arrangements.” Alice and Sandy fluidly slipped out of their seats and headed to the restroom while the guys covertly zipped their trousers underneath the cover of the tablecloth and napkins.


“Damn, bad timing, I was getting ready to get my rocks off,” grumbled Gary, “how did you spot them?”


“This public thing had me on edge and I was looking around to see if we were being discovered when I saw them walk in the door. It was like a cold shower,” replied Kent. “Oh look, they have seen us,” said Gary as both men raised their hands with a subtle wave back to their Sunday schoolmates. “Damn, that was close,” muttered Kent.


The ladies made it back to the restroom pausing long enough to seem appropriate. “Oh shit that was fun, “giggled Alice, “and Gary tastes good,” licking her fingers of Gary’s pre- cum. Both of the girls reflected on how much fun they had just had and were laughing at their lack of memory of what the food was for lunch as they returned to sit beside their own husband. They called for a check and then gathered their jackets and winter coats.


The waitress returned with their checks and made arrangements to collect their payment. Upon returning, she noticed that she had a very, very good tip from the foursome. She had waited until she had received her tip to pose a question. “Um, it’s none of my business, but you guys had me confused about who is with whom and I mentioned it to one of the waiters. He said you guys were probably very, very friendly or maybe even swingers. I have to admit, it did look like and Harry and Sally movie scene over here a few minutes back ladies. Was he on the right track? I mean, it’s okay, I’m just curious…oh never mind, I’m sorry I even said anything, please don’t have me fired?”


The four of them were stunned and looked at each other for a one, two count, then erupted into laughter. Alice leaned over to the waitress, “Sweetie, we very well might be and we’re sorry if we confused you.” “Sort of fun thinking about it, huh,” said Sandy as she tapped the wedding ring on the waitress hand, “Bet you’re considering it, right?” The two guys looked at each other grinning. Kent took the lead, “And if you are, bet your hubby will too, right, we could tell him that most do,” as he looked around the foursome? The all nodded yes and smiled wishing her good luck finding a fun foursome, then moved as a team to exit. On their way, the stopped by to shake hands with the Marge and Ronnie with the men giving Marge a peck on the cheek and the ladies offering the same to Ronnie as they rubbed his back.


The waitress looked down at the credit card receipt and decided to write down Kent’s name for future reference. She walked over to her other tables to check on her patrons, stopping by Ronnie and Marge’s table as well. “You certainly have some wonderful friends, “she asked. “Are you part of the same fun group?”


Marge responded, “Oh yes, we get together with them regularly; almost every week but there have been a few times we just couldn’t be there.” ‘Wow thought the waitress, my hubby and I must be missing out on some fun.’ She lied, “I got Kent’s name but I forgot to write down the phone number, he said that my hubby might want to talk to him about joining in on the fun times you guy seem to have.”


“Oh, that would be wonderful,” replied Marge thinking they might be adding another Sunday school member as she gave the waitress Kent’s phone number. “Kent is very, very good and he always makes everyone feel welcome and to help all of us enjoy each other’s company.”


“And, his bride is really, really good. She makes all of us, men or women feel very loved. No matter how hard it might be, she always has a way to make it seem effortless to embrace and enjoy a fun time. I think both of them are tireless and always up,” added Ronnie.

“Why yes, she seems like she can always take on more than the rest of the ladies in our group and is so generous with her, and her husband’s, love,” added Marge.


“Well, it sounds like you and your friends and you have a healthy sexual relationship. I’ll let my husband know, and we’ll be in touch. But my shift is over, and I have to run. Bye, you guys are wonderful,” she smiled, lightly reached out and patted Ronnnie and Marge’s shoulders, then abruptly left disappearing into the rear of the restaurant.


“Our what,” exclaimed Marge? “What did you say to her, Ronnie,” Marge demanded?


“Me, I didn’t say anything, hell I thought the bitch was talking about Sunday school,” he retorted in defense.


Ronnie and Marge sit in silence for a moment and then began discussing the possibility that the girl was just stupid, perhaps misunderstood Kent, Gary, Alice, and Sandy, or maybe the smoke was an indicator of fire. They decided to more carefully watch their Sunday school friends.


“I suppose it was meant to be a compliment that we could be desired by another couple,” mused Marge. “Yeah, guess it was, but anyone not wanting you would just be brain dead you drop down gorgeous sex goddess,” responded Ronnie. “Good save, honey. Now go back to dreaming about having sex with the waitress or our Sunday school classmates,” chided Marge.


“Really, you don’t think that you are somewhere deep down just a little complimented,” he continued?


Marge squirmed having already recovered from the shock that she was mistaken to possibly be part of a swinger group, to thinking….’wow, I still hold that sort of attraction’ to ‘Ronnie is just testing me.’ “I wouldn’t want to ever think that I would forsake you my husband for another man,” she offered.


“Cut the crap honey,” he retorted, “were not talking about leaving each other, just the thought of recreational fun times. I see how you react to the R-rated movies and the sex scenes. And, you’re still one hot tamale to me, my sexy latina,” he grinned.


“Guess you can have your fantasy, maybe I’ll have one of my own with your cock tonight,” she smiled loving that after three kids, sagging breasts, and twenty two years of marriage she still had him stirring. “Better relax that hard-on before we leave honey,” she chided.


They changed the subject and continued with the order of pie and coffee.


In the restaurant parking lot…..


“Wow, Winter hit, will you look at this snow,” said Gary. “It must be at least six inches, have we been in there that long,” he observed?


The girls started laughing and taking each other arm and arm. “What so funny about snow,” asked Gary? “Yeah, what’s so funny,” chimed Kent?


“At best it’s probably four inches, but you men can never really measure can you,” cried Alice in laughter as she was joined with Sandy spreading her hands barely apart mocking measurements.


“Ha, ha, ha, very funny Alice, I know how long six inches are, want to see,” retorted Gary?


“Hey, hold on, we have the minivan and its parked way over there covered in snow,” Sandy pointed to a distant spot at the far side of the restaurant which was now becoming less populated. “How fast do you think this snow is coming down,” she asked?


“Really thick right now, but I doubt it will last long, this wasn’t predicted,” offered Kent. Sandy looked at Alice and said, “Thinking what I’m thinking?”


Alice replied, “If the minivan is rocking, don’t come knocking,” as she and Sandy took off scooting hurriedly to the van waving the guys to follow. The guys looked at each other, grinned and followed after them.


They carefully manually slid the side door open as to not jar any snow from the windows. It was cold and they agreed that they would turn on the engine, but not defrost to remove the snow. The van side windows were heavily tinted and they essentially had a private room for the four of them.


“I’m not getting totally naked in the frigid air, but that doesn’t mean you can’t pull my shirt and skirt up to get the job done,” said Sandy as she started pulling on Kent’s fly. Alice unrolled two sleeping bags on the cargo deck that were always in the vehicle during winter weather.


Sandy was on her knees unzipping Kent’s fly and then reached into his trousers to pull on his erect cock. “Lay down,” she commanded, “let me at that.” Sandy turned into a sixty-nine position taking Kent’s cock into her mouth. Kent had returned to his full erection and he was thanking himself for his dutiful consumption of daily cialis and he felt extremely hard. The pleasure he was feeling from Sandy was beyond his belief. Sandy was pulsing between full deep plunges where he felt the back of her throat to stroking him with her hand as she sucked him hard on the head darting her tongue in and out of his hole.


Alice started the engine turning around to see the sight of her church friend in the sixty nine position with Kent. She grabbed Gary who was on his knees also watching the show pulling him down in the opposite position of her husband. She immediately clawed at his fly pulling out his cock which was fully erect and emitting pre-cum from the cock tip. She engulfed the head of his cock with her mouth twirling the head and probing the hole with her tongue.


Sandy stopped sucking Kent and raised up slightly reaching back to pull her toy out of her pussy saying, “Mommy wants a lick too.” She then eased her pussy back towards his face. Kent reached up and pulled her down slightly to begin to lick her labia and then flick his tongue rapidly over her swollen clit. He was rewarded with juices that began to flow from his effort emitting from her swollen pussy. He moved the toy more to the side and inserted a finger into her pussy. During that transition, Sandy had pulled on his cock releasing more and more pre-cum from the end of it. She collected as much as possible on her left hand while stroking him with her right hand as she lunged backwards onto his face and magnificent finger. “Oh gawd, that feels good, oh yeah Kent, fuck me, fuck me,” she moaned as rode him. Sandy took the slippery pre-cum and coated her left middle finger then went back down on him with her mouth sucking and stroking him at the same time. She inserted her left middle finger into his rosebud ever so slightly judging his response which must have been good as he voraciously attacked her pussy. She slid her finger in all the way search for his prostate successfully and began a prostate massage.


“Oh, oh, I’m going to cum if you keep that up,” wailed Kent. Sandy lifted her mouth saying, “Then come fucker, come, I want to swallow it and I want it now.” She lowered her mouth and begin a rapid up and down motion finger fucking his ass while she cupped his balls. She could feel his ball sac tightening and knew he would be coming soon. She started a high pitched loud moaning on his cock and found herself rocking hard against his tongue and finger then wham, she felt her own climax rolling in as she wailed, wailed deep in her throat.


It was too much for Kent, being next to his wife that he could hear was giving her own version of head to his friend Gary and hearing her commentary as Alice was slowly riding Gary’s face and intermittently stroking and sucking his cock. Upon hearing Sandy’s increased wailing, Gary continued to stroke his finger inside Alice while Alice was stroking his cock. Without comment, they had continued their play but now were watching their spouses reach a climax. The guys were head to toe which meant that Gary and Alice were able to see the oral ministrations of their friends upon their spouses. Alice reached over and pushed Sandy’s coat and skirt above Sandy’s ass. She licked her finger and began to tease Sandy’s rosebud which immediately caused Sandy to buck and thrust more onto Kent. “Fuck him, fuck him, suck that cock, suck it,” Alice groaned to Sandy. “Cum on him baby, cum, oh yeah, do it like you mean it, bitch, fuck my husband,” she yelled loudly pushing her finger deeper into Sandy’s rosebud. Sandy roiled again with yet another orgasm, flooding Kent’s face.


Kent couldn’t hold out any longer and began to pulse deep into Sandy’s mouth, screaming, “oh,oh,oh gawd, I can’t hold it Sandy, oh yeah, suck it baby, suckkkk it, swallow, swallow, oh shit that’s great!” Sandy was expecting it having felt his balls tense and contract. She could feel the cum pulse through the channel in his cock and hit the back of her throat. She pulled up slightly to milk it working hard to swallow as much as she could when his cock head slipped out slightly pulsing more cum onto her face. She quickly went back down on it and laid there gently slurping his cock as it relinquished some of its hardness. Remarkably it was still semi hard. She lifted her head and looked back at Alice say, “Your turn.”


At the restaurant door….


“Thanks for stopping in for the pie,” said Ronnie to Marge, “driving all the way over for their pie is worth the trip.” “I like it too, and look, we have two more pieces for later this week,” she displayed the carry out container. “Hey, isn’t that Kent’s van over there,” she pointed to the back line of the parking lot?


“Looks like it. They left long ago, hmm it looks like it’s running,” observed Ronnie. “Wonder if everything is all right,” he said out loud. Without questioning, he and Marge began walking over in what was now a much deeper snow to check on the friends. As they approached the van, they heard the distinct voice of Alice yelling from inside the van, “Cum on him baby, cum, oh yeah, do it like you mean it, bitch, fuck my husband,” followed by the sounds of what sounded like Kent’s voice screaming in “oh,oh,oh gawd, I can’t hold it Sandy, oh yeah, suck it baby, suckkkk it swallow, swallow, oh shit that’s great!!” announcing his climax.


Ronnie and Marge stood still with Ronnie’s outreached hand about to knock on the driver’s door. Marge quickly reached up and pulled his hand down motioning with her finger to be silent. They were stunned at the sounds they were hearing and yet seemed not to be able to move away as new voices and sounds began to arrive from the van.


Back inside the van….


The heater was efficiently raising the temperature of the interior of the van. Sandy removed her coat and her seater. She reached over to Alice and pulled her coat and shell from her body. It was still cool, but the skirts andthigh highs were the only remaining garments the ladies wore.


Alice had already gently removed her finger from Sandy and returned to sucking Gary’s cock. Sandy and Kent moved to uncouple from their sixty nine position sitting crossed legged on their winter coats while they watched their spouses continue with oral sex. Sandy reached under the her friend and cupped her left breast then squeezed her nipple with her own left hand. She then reached up under Alice’s belly and began massaging her pubic mound saying, “Rock on my guy, rock on him. Give him good head, suck that good. Do you like my husband?


Alice moaned back without letting Gary’s cock out of her mouth several “Uh huh’s” as she found herself being delighted by her friend. Kent then spoke, “Suck him honey, make him come, gawd you do that so well, fuck him hone, fuck him!” Alice kicked into a greater surge taking Gary deep into her. She had only had Kent before this and Gary was slightly thinner, but longer. Gary was close, too close. He wanted to hold out but he knew he couldn’t and he didn’t want to disappoint Alice on their first fuck. He announced loudly, “Alice, I’m going to cum, I’m going to cum, sorry!”

Alice pulled her mouth from Gary’s cock continuing to pump him and with a commanding guttural voice yelled back, “Cum Gary, cum, I want your seed in my mouth, I’m going to swallow all you’ve got!” With that she plunged her pussy hard down onto his face screaming, “Eat me, eat me.” She returned to sucking his cock with more energy pulling hard on the upstrokes with her hand as she experienced Sandy’s fingers expertly massing her clit and Gary probing her folds. She felt herself begin to reach yet her fourth orgasm of the day and started screaming on Gary’s cock. She felt Gary’s ball sack tighten and his cock actually grew larger in her hands and mouth, she screamed louder and was rewarded by the hot cum from Gary striking her throat and filling up her mouth. “Gawd, his load is so much, I can’t swallow it all,” she thought. She lost control of his cock in her mouth and the jism spewed into her face and as she rose up still rose up still stroking him he sprayed onto her tits. She shuddered at the orgasm and rolled off onto her back between the two with her head in the bent knee lap of Sandy.


Outside the van…..


Marge had taken hold of Ronnie’s arm and was clinging tightly into it as she heard the announcements by Gary and the demands of Alice coming from the van. Ronnie reaction was to, in spite of the cold, get a very rigid hard on. Marge found herself tingling and becoming hot in her groin and without knowing began to breathe harder. The noise seemed to subside and they realized that they were leaning towards the van instinctively attempting to hear more.


“Oh you poor thing,” said Sandy, “look at the mess Gary left all over you.” She looked down at Alice who was looking up into Sandy’s eyes from Sandy’s lap. Alice reached up to Sandy’s cheek wiping a little string of Kent’s cum from her face then placing it in her own mouth. Sandy reached down and wiped Alice’s nipple that held Gary’s cum and performed the same ritual. Sandy then spread her legs allowing Alice’s head to rest between them. She then bent over deeply to kiss Alice who immediately welcomed Sandy’s exploring tongue. They kissed like this for a moment, the Sandy contorted herself more to lower her breast to Alice while she explored and cleaned the cum from Alice’s tits and belly. Moments later both women were performing their own sixty nine position, cleaning the cream pies left by the spouses. Soon, they were yet again reaching another level of orgasms hearing the cheers of their husbands encouraging them.


Still standing by the van….


“Take her, eat her out, make her cum,” yelled Gary. “Work that fucking clit, work it Alice, make Sandy cum,” bellered Kent. The men became quiet and the girls were screaming deep in their throats, with alternating chants of “Oh yeah, uhmmmmm,” followed by a mutual deep scream. Ron and Marge quickly looked around to see if that last sound attracted any others. No, the parking lot had mostly cleared and they suddenly looked at each other in panic. “We can’t let them see us, unless we want to join in, we better get out of her,” he whispered to Marge.


“Wait, listen, they aren't done yet, listen," Marge commanded.


“Damn,” said Sandy. “Now that’s what I call making it happen.”


“It got me hard again,” said Kent. With that Sandy pushed Kent back onto his back pulling his pants down a little more then she straddled him reaching up to grasp a passenger assist roof handle and started fucking Kent. She looked over at her husband and Kent’s wife recovering saying, “You’ve inspired us,” as she continued to ride Kent.


“He won’t have as much the second time, but those meds will keep him up for as long as you want to rock on,” said Alice still trying to get her breath.


The foursome rode out one more time, before complaints of the floor and sore pussies took over. They agreed to the upcoming pajama party and Gary agreed to get some meds so he could keep up.



Ron and Marge slipped away, holding the sounds and the mind images in their minds as they went home that night. Neither said who they were fucking, but they managed to fuck harder and more than they had in years. Marge thought, “Maybe I need to visit with Alice and Sandy” as she drifted off to sleep with more cum leaking out of her than she had felt in a long time.


The next morning, she woke Ronnie up with by sucking his cock and the fucking him cowgirl style. “Maybe you were right, maybe we are still desireable?”


Next issue...Marge and Ronnie confront their Sunday school classmates; And, a tactical error disrupts the normally calm Krissy.

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      The night arrived finding Beth both excited and hot with anticipation. She was dressed to kill showing off her sexy body wearing no underwear. When Bruce knocked on the door I answered it and escorted him into our house. Beth entered the living room and gave Bruce a big hug pressing her chest and pelvis into him and then kissed him on the lips. Bruce kissed her back and he sat down pulling her on to his lap. Nether one of them wasted any time, tongues going everywhere, hands exploring and groping each other, clothes coming off. Soon they were both naked and Beth got a pleasant surprise, Bruce was very well hung. She giggled with delight.
      Beth took Bruce's hand and led him to our bed. She pushed him down on the bed and went to work on Bruce's big cock giving him an enthusiastic blow job. After a while Bruce flipped Beth on her back and went to work on her pussy and clit. Beth orgasmed in minutes, fully enjoying Bruce's skilled tongue. I stood in the background watching the show.
      Soon Bruce moved into position between Beth's legs. As he rubbed his cock against Beth's open pussy and clit she responded with loud moans and started pressing her pussy against Bruce's cock. As he slid his huge cock into Beth's pussy she had a big climax. As he went deeper he increased his speed and Beth climaxed again. She was enthralled with his big cock pumping her pussy, she was moving her hips and swearing, telling him his cock felt so good. She looked over at me and said she loved how good his big cock felt inside her. She told Bruce to stretch her pussy good, to fuck her hard. She was in sexual ecstasy, a place she'd never been before. Her facial expressions showed pure bliss and the sounds she was making were hot as hell. I never seen her so turned on, she must of had a dozen orgasms, many of which were huge.
      They fucked each other hard for a good twenty minutes then Bruce erupted into Beth's pussy, filling her with his cum. This gave Beth another climax. Afterwards he laid on Beth for a minute then rolled off her. He'd destroyed her pussy, it gaped open with his cum dripping out of her. They kissed and he got up to dress while Beth laid there spent. She looked at me and smiled big time. She said, "Your turn!", so I took sloppy seconds and enjoyed it beyond belief. Bruce watched us have sex then commented that watching real sex was so much hotter than any porno ever could be. He understood my enjoyment of watching my wife fuck other men. He said he'd like to do it again and Beth was all for it. So they made plans to hook up again. Then Bruce left.
      Beth and I talked about how well things went, and how she wasn't prepared for how much she enjoyed his big cock. It was mind boggling! She thanked me profusely for asking her to do this, the opportunity to experience such awesome sex. She says she'll never be the same again and is looking forward to more big cock sex. So our new lifestyle began.
    • By Falcon88
      My wife and I have been together for almost 25 years. Through out the years sex has been fantastic. No complaints on either side. We are very faithful and never cheated on each other.
      Then one day two years ago we were having a few drinks and watching porn. We watch all kinds of porn. That night we were watching some really good gangbangs. Curiously, I turn to my wife and asked her if she ever thought about swinging and group sex. If it ever crossed her mind. Surprisingly, she looked at me and said she’s been thinking about it for while. So we ended up talking about swinging and group sex for hours. We got online and read stories on experiences about swinging and group sex. The pros and cons. It turned me on taking about it but at the same time I got a crazy feeling in my stomach. Nerves I guess.
      So to make a very long story short we ended up having an open marriage and took up swinging. We both decided to have (safe) sex with other people until we felt comfortable on having our first group sex. All this took very long planning and preparing, especially mentally.
      Finally last November we planned out her first group sex. We carefully selected three familiar friends to join in the fun. Of course they decided to do it and agreed on our rules.
      So, it finally happened that November night. I really enjoyed watching my wife get screwed by more than one man. She had the time of her life. She had multiple orgasms one after another. The crazy feeling never left my stomach but I really enjoyed watching though. After the guys left we kicked back and talked about our experience. Then we go back about agreeing on what we’re doing and never to do it without the other knowing. We keep an oath of trust. Every time we have a date with someone we let each other know. It’s always planned out days in advance so it will never interfere with our personal lives. We have a great understanding.
      Since last November she’s been involved in several group sex averaging 3-4 guys each time. Of course I joined in most of the time. Lots of lube is needed. But now she wants to go a little further. She wants to do a gangbang of 6-8 guys. Seriously.
      Lately she’s been playing with large toys to get her vagina ready. She wants to try double-vaginal penetration. I’ve been preparing her by inserting a dildo in her while I’m inside. Very carefully with lots of lube. We practice every time we have sex. She even carefully inserts a large thick toy in her vagina while watching a movie and keeps it in there. Yes, our sexual curiosities has increased tremendously. My wife wants to explore even more and I’m all in.
      Well the day we both have been looking forward too occurred this past weekend. We managed to round up 7 guys for an all night gangbang. It involved a lot of planning and phone calls. We’ve noticed that guys will be all in at first then drop out later. But eventually we got things going. That night when everyone arrived she was kinda nervous but excited to have that many cocks at once. Most of all, she finally had double penetration in her vagina from two guys for the first time. The strange thing I seemed more nervous than her. Lol But she absolutely enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed watching her. She came hard many times. She doesn’t like anal so that wasn’t attempted.
      So after joining in all the fun and after almost two hours of great sex we had the grand finale. My sexy wife knelt down and we all gave her an awesome bukkake. Her face was drenched with cum. It was one heck of a hot night. After everyone left we took a long shower and stayed up almost all night talking about it. We were both so turned on that we were already making plans for the next one. But we are gonna take a break for about three weeks. It’s just going to be me and her for now.
      Yesterday she mentioned about having a messy cum sex in the near future after watching a great creampie movie. I was like, a messy cum sex? She asked me what I would think about her having a messy gooey bukkake and creampie night. Having about 4 guys cum all over her face while 4 guys cum inside her. Then rubbing the cum all over her breasts. Man, just listening to her drove me crazy. My wife was willing to be explosive. But that would take lots of planning because we are very cautious. My wife cannot get pregnant anymore so that’s really something we don’t have to worry about. It’s about the unprotected sex. We do know many cool friends well enough that we can trust but still we must remain careful. Yet, I’m sure it’s gonna happen very soon.
      I’ve been asked if we have taken it too far. If there’s actually any sign of regrets. Some close friends wonder about my wife wanting too much now. Our answer is no because we enjoy it and have a deep understanding and trust. We are responsible adults and are having fun. We first talk about what we’re going to do and have to both agree 100%. Any sign of doubt from either side we will not do it. We are friends with our sex partners but no feelings are involved or ever shared. We have proven that to ourselves already.
    • By AdamGunn2
      It was a fairly typical night at D.J.s Island, an early autumn evening. Mary and I hadn’t set anything up in advance, we’d decided to go almost at the last moment. From the second we entered the door our radar was beaming across the club, searching for a couple that might be searching for what we were also interested in - an enjoyable tryst.
      Mary took a few minutes to change into what she called a ‘trolling outfit.’ As I remember, that night it was a black babydoll with a loose bodice, thong, low heels. Many men admired her legs as I checked the forty or so women, many as scantily clad as my wife. None of our regular playmates seemed to be in attendance that evening, but we had our customs, we weren’t concerned. Perhaps an hour and a half later, I sat at a table next to the dance floor, Mary was on her feet, on the parquet, moving her body, seeing if anyone would move in. A slow sequence of men approached her, danced with her. Some would take liberties such as moving their hands under her garment, feeling the small of her back, perhaps place their palm on the roundness of her ass.
      I’d seen this many times before, I waited for one of two reactions.
      The first was that she’d spin away from the man; it signified she wasn’t interested in what he had to offer.
      The second was that she’d get closer, I’d watch her whisper in his ear. I knew the question, “Where’s your wife?” Some of them would shake their heads, they were attending as one of the few single men the club allowed, and when they received Mary’s response, they’d move away - that’s not what we were looking for at the moment.
      But the man might indicate where his wife was dancing a few feet away. When this kind of thing happened, Mary would glance to me and give our special signal - she’d put one hand on the back of her head, one on her stomach. When I got the cue, I’d come out, we’d dance as a foursome.
      As I approached, a man grasped the elbow of a tall attractive lady who was more modestly dressed, at least for the club. There was no conversation on the dance floor, the heavy volume of music and the thumping of the bass wouldn’t allow for speech. But I could tell the woman was interested in me, the four of us paired off and I often found myself facing this vixen. It was obvious they were as interested in us as I was in them, I could tell by the way Mary was rubbing against the man that she felt the same.
      After a couple of songs, Mary led the way off the floor, holding his hand, leading us off into a corner away from the speakers. As we sat, the man said, “I’m Ed, this is my wife, Marilyn.”
      Marilyn and I softly shook hands, I believe she raised the hem of her skirt to give me a view of her upper thighs. Ed had no problem seeing Mary’s legs, or where they met - she was sitting so that the babydoll was gathered to her side, leaning forward so her globes were exposed to his view.
      “Do you come here often?” Ed asked.
      “Every few weeks,” I responded, “you?”
      “This is our first time here.” Mary gave him a look that asked for further info. “We’re just starting this,” he admitted.
      Marilyn picked it up. “We’ve only had one time with a couple of friends. We liked it, heard about this place, decided to see if we could get into more trouble.”
      “Trouble’s our middle name,” I joked.
      Our conversation continued, where do you live, what movies have you seen lately, etc. It was a screen, of course, we were all calculating if the four of us would be pleasurable bedmates. I paid my attention to Marilyn, my wife had told me numerous times not to worry about her, she can take care of herself. My hand found Marilyn’s knee, she smiled at me, encouraged me to reach a tad higher. We bent towards each other, our mouths met.
      Marilyn opened her lips to me, the kiss was ardent, her mouth moist. She licked at my upper lip, her hand fondled the back of my neck. Our tongues clashed, promising cupidity, mimicking what I presumed our bodies might be doing in a few scant moments.
      We broke for a moment, Marilyn invited, “Would you guys want to go to one of the rooms?”
      I, of course, was all for it, but then I heard Mary. “Uh, not right now. But thanks.”
      We’ve always had the guideline that if one person doesn’t want to do something, she speaks for both of us. Regretfully, I pecked at Marilyn’s lips a last time, we stood, went separate ways.
      “You’re not upset, are you?” Mary asked me.
      “Of course not, not at all. You’re not in the mood?”
      “Oh, I’m in the mood all right, just not with Ed.”
      “Something wrong with him?” I asked.
      “I tried to get him interested,” Mary revealed, “but his kiss was a little cold, indifferent. I put my hand on his leg, he was too busy watching you and Marilyn, he never responded. My guess is that if we went into a room, he’d be watching you two, I’m not even sure he’d get hard for me.” It was a reasonable thought, it had happened to us a couple times before. “Hope you don’t mind, bet she’d have been a firecracker.”
      “Maybe. But you’re a firecracker too.”
      We headed back to the dance floor, in search of another couple.
    • By Mistral Wind
      I'm Mistral, and my husband Tim and I attended the most fabulous swingers party the previous weekend at our new friends' large manor house. We were filled with glee when they invited us back the following weekend for another cum-filled night of debauchery. They also suggested we bring some friends if we liked.
      John and Wendy were a couple we knew from our charity work. They were young, idealistic, and very open-minded. We didn't think they were swingers, but the subject had come up in casual conversation. They were curious but remained evasive about their thoughts on the subject. We decided all we could do was broach the issue and see what happened.
      The next evening, John and Wendy arrived after Tim and Mistral. They followed the crowd upstairs. As they climbed the stairs amongst the excited and bubbly people, Wendy remembered the afternoon and that phone call. John's voice was nervous and excited, "Hi, Babe! We have a party invite from Tim and Mistral to join them at their friends' swinger party tonight. I know we have fantasized about this. How do you feel?"
      Wendy felt panic surge through her stomach, excitement flooded her pussy, and her nipples perked up hard. "Wow, that is short notice. What happens if we don't like it?"
      "Babe, I will never make you," John promised. "We both have to want this to happen. I am sorry to spring it on you like this, and maybe we should forget it then."
      Wendy said, "No, John, I did not say 'NO,' just what happens? When we fantasized about swinging, you said you would love to watch me in a group of men getting fucked by them all. Are you sure about that?"
      Wendy had visualized these events, wishing desperately that John would take the lead and say, 'We will do it.' In their role-playing, they often pretended to be at a swingers party changing partners. One of Wendy's games was to roll up two large pillows, tie a belt around with a strap-on dildo attached to the belt, put her large vibrator into the cup, and ride the pillows, getting fucked hard by the vibrator. John would come from behind and fuck her arse or go to the front, and she would suck him to a spluttering cum inside her mouth. In her mind, these were real men fucking her, and she shared herself with the men, and John loved the attention and continuous pleasure.
      In reply to Wendy's question, John said, "Oh yes, while I am having the same with two girls, one on my face and one on my cock, I would love it! Babe, I am sure. How about you?"
      Wendy gulped. The secret she had held in her head for so long was about to become real. "Let's do it. Let's go! Are you sure you won't feel jealous watching me come on some man's cock with another somewhere else inside me? I don't have a thing to wear. What do I need?"
      John said, "The theme is An Officer and a Gentleman. I can go dressed as a USA Army General using my dad's old uniform. You wear your sexy red top and skirt. You know, the top that doesn't come all the way down, the skirt with the elastic waistband hanging low on you, and your suspenders and stockings. No thong, no bra. You will show off your pussy to her best. My cock is getting hard just thinking about it!"
      Wendy replied, "I will be ready when you get home. Your dad's uniform will need a press, and I will prepare everything. See you at 6:00 tonight, darling."
      Her hands were shaking when she replaced the receiver breathing shallowly and jerkily as the realization hit home that tonight it would happen! During the afternoon, she got John's clothes ready, checked her dress, found the right shoes, and laid it all out, ready for later. A long hot soak where she shaved her pussy bare using John's razor and made sure her legs and armpits were perfect.
      Resting on the bed, she shuffled through the videos they kept hidden from guests and found her favorite, "Suzie's Gang Bang." A fast-action orgy video in which this girl gets fucked by five men altogether. Wendy often watched this and used her vibrator when John was away or working late. Sometimes when her cycle was at ovulation, her sex drive was limitless, and she would role-play watching the action.
      The action on the screen hotted up as the men were penetrating Susie left, right, and center. A closeup on-screen of pussy open and dripping. A cock slid into it, wetting itself with her fluids. It slid out, rubbed against her tiny rosebud anus, and gently but firmly slid into opening her slowly. At the same time, another cock pushed into her pussy. Wendy loved this part and rolled onto her side, turned on the vibrator, and sunk it into her arse. Her fingers slid into her pussy, working gently to pleasure her clit. Her hips were thrusting back and forward faster and faster as her climax built. She reached down and switched on her biggest vibrator, a black cock that was as real as it gets. The vibrator was thrust inside her cunt, and she moaned and moaned herself into a massive climax.
      Wendy relaxed, watched the movie, enjoyed the post-climactic euphoria, and gently played with her clit. In her mind, she watched the swingers' party unfold - couples fucking, girl-girl, MFM, and FMF at this imaginary party. Inside her head, she had been desperate to fulfill these needs, and it was finally coming true.
      In the past, Wendy was often on the verge of saying to John, "Let's try swinging!" She always shrank away from the responsibility in case he rejected the reality. Fantasies are fine, but who knows what the reality will bring? After so many conversations about swinging, so many nearly made decisions, and all those fantasies that included imaginary swinging, they had chosen to go ahead. With an overwhelming certainty, she laid back, smiled, and said to herself, "Tonight, I will fuck a roomful of men. I hope I don't disappoint them; my clit is tingling with anticipation!"
      Wendy switched on the vibrator, and her hands moved over her breasts, pinching her nipples and then down to her pussy. Her hips were rocking back and forth. She rolled the pillows up, tied the belt around, clipped the vibrator into the belt, and climbed on top, sinking the vibrator deep inside her pussy and working herself to another peak. She closed her eyes and started rocking harder and harder. Then, a voice penetrated the action, and John stood naked and erect in front of her. She blushed with embarrassment, and he thrust his cock into her mouth. It tasted slightly salty. He lasted about 10 seconds and then dumped the load down her throat, bringing her to a climax.
      John smiled and gently rolled Wendy into his arms. "You looked fantastic when I walked in and found you fucking your brains out with your vibrator on top of those pillows. If I feel as proud of you at the party as I did then and how aroused it made me, I can't wait to watch you fuck the guys. Will you enjoy watching me and sharing my pleasure?"
      "Oh yes," she said in her little girl's voice, "I will love watching you; maybe I can do a 69 with her and lick her pussy while you thrust in and out and feel your balls contract when you come inside her."
      "Mmmmmm, I wonder if all the girls will be bi? I wonder if I could do a girly threesome? Mmmmmm, I wonder if I can get two men to come at the same time inside me. That would be fun too."
      "Can I be your vixen tonight and play dirty?" John smiled and spoke softly, the care showing in his voice.
      "Babe, we will have a fabulous time together and with other couples or whatever, don't be shy to try what you want, and feel able to say NO if you don't want. Above all, enjoy yourself, and pleasure comes first," she reminded him.
      So back to the party! They gathered around a pool table, with the group laughing and joking about the action starting all around. Wendy looked at the two girls on the pool table with their legs over the shoulders of four guys who were licking and sucking nipples, pussies, and one man had her toes in his mouth, sucking them like a breastfeeding baby. Wendy started to pant. She could not get her breath. Her heart was racing, her knees buckled, and she began to shake. Tears flooded down her face. John cried, "What's up! What's up!"
      Wendy sank against the woman beside her shaking uncontrollably. The girl instinctively put her arms around Wendy and held her close, supporting Wendy against herself.
      "Sushhhhh baby, you are all right!" the woman cooed, "What is worrying you? You don't have to do any of this if you are afraid."
      Wendy snuggled against the comforting figure, put her face against the warm, feminine neck, and nuzzled her cheek, kissing it gently. Her hand moved without command to the woman's breast, and she felt the nipple harden as she caressed it gently. The shaking was easing now, and Wendy felt a little bolder. She turned the woman's face towards her, looked into her eyes, and moved forward slowly, anticipating a gentle and subtle kiss. The tongue was not stiff and probing like a man's but gentle, enticing, and exciting. Wendy's free hand moved down to the woman's belly and softly caressed the feminine rounded shape moving slowly downwards to find that sweetly perfumed garden where a secret lotus stem was waiting to be stroked.
      Hands caressed breasts and pussy. Now both girls turned on to each other. John watched, fascinated. He had never seen Wendy with another woman, and his cock raged hard inside his pants. As if in a dream, Wendy pushed the girl gently onto the pool table so her bottom was on edge. She bent down, opened her legs, put them on her shoulders, and snuggled her face between them, savoring the beautiful feminine smells and tastes. Gently opening up the inner lips with her tongue, finding her clit and teasing, teasing just off the edge, making her wait for the full pleasure. Female wetness was seeping all over Wendy's face as the girl was getting nearer and nearer to release.

      A few minutes passed, and the girl pushed Wendy off, got onto the table, and said, "Get up here with me. We can pleasure each other now!"

      Wendy climbed up, the shakes all gone now. Her pussy was soaking wet, and her breasts were tender with erect nipples and very sensitive. She lifted her skirt, revealing the stockings and suspenders without anything else. The two girls turned head to toe and started a frantic licking expedition to cunt heaven.

      Wendy felt a body get up behind her and present a long stiff penis to her backside. The man tried gently to insert it in her cunt where the girl was licking hard; it slipped in and thrust a few times. The girl firmly grassed it and slid it up the crack between her buttocks, tickling her anus with the end. Wendy's whole valley was wet and slippery. The long thin cock nudged open her arse and gently snaked into her bottom.

      Wendy's heart raced again; this was what she had dreamed of for months! What surprised her was that the cock inside her was giving almost more pleasure than having her pussy sucked. The combination was too great. A massive climax took over, and she nearly fainted with joy.

      As she fell over the edge into an abyss of pleasure, the man behind speeded up, grunted, and sank deep inside her, flooding her back passage with his fluids. Wendy opened her eyes and looked up at John, who stood open-mouthed, watching her antics. He had a girl on her knees sucking his rigid cock, but his eyes were transfixed on Wendy. She smiled, blew him a kiss, and licked her lips covered in pussy juice from the girl beneath her. John shuddered and spent down the girl's throat pumping his hips in time with his spurts.

      He gently pushed the girl to one side, staggered to Wendy with his pants down by his feet, and said, "Well, you are hot; I could not believe how sexy you are. I am so proud of you; better than my wildest dreams was that fantastic to watch."

      Wendy thought to herself, "Why did I panic? This is fantastic, better than the fantasies we have. This is real sex."
      A couple came up to them. The man smiled. "I am Tommy. This is Raquel, my wife. We just watched you and nearly came with you. Would you join us at the table for a foursome?"
      Wendy reached down and felt his cock inside his pants. It was semi-hard and big. She turned to John and Raquel, "Let's get together. We can play here or in one of the smaller rooms with a nice bed?"

      They entered the room together. Wendy pushed down her long skirt and flipped off her top. She was naked except for her stockings and suspenders. Raquel slipped out of her long ball gown, revealing a very firm 36's and a sweet little tight arse on top of a pair of legs to die for. She was near perfect. Tommy was muscular with a flat hard six-pack stomach and an erection starting to grow to full size as he gently stroked himself. John was naked in a flash, only half erect after his escapade down the other girl's throat. Wendy turned to Tommy, who scooped her up in his arms and carried her over to the king-sized bed, his erect cock bouncing up and down as he stepped forward. Raquel reached out for John, smiled softly, and whispered, "Come and play with me and let me get you hard again. We will watch them while I regenerate your erection."

      John looked down at her fair perfection, those soft curves all running down into the valley between her legs. A golden pussy fuzz glinted in the soft lights. He reached for her and pulled her towards him. A first gentle kiss, lips opened up, and tongues tenderly searched each other out, exploring each other. His hands held her back, then softly slid down over her buttocks, caressing that incredible apple shape of her bottom. She pulled him harder into her body.

      As Raquel responded to the stimuli, her hand slid down to feel his penis, which was gently growing back to a man-size stiffness. Their kisses became more ardent, and deeper tongues were now demanding, not exploring. Hands moved over her body.

      John broke off the long kiss and searched her neck with his lips and tongue. She shuddered, and he felt her open her legs and move into his body. She thrust her pubis against his leg and started to move up and down. He could feel the wetness spreading along his thigh. John had now reached her breast with his lips and was attacking her nipple, which was bone hard. Raquel started to pant and squirm harder against his leg.

      Suddenly Raquel broke away and fell back onto the bed beside Tommy and Wendy's entwined bodies. Raquel reached up, and John dived onto her, gently landing without his weight on her. Raquel squirmed around so she was head-to-toe with him, with her on her back. Raquel reached up and grasped his nearly hard cock. She slipped her mouth over the head as she pulled back his tight foreskin and started to suck him to total hardness.

      John's head was between her legs. His mouth opened up her secret garden exploring the sides and little creases. He could tell her clit was begging for attention, and he made her wait. He felt careful with his tongue and could feel the hardness and swelling around her clit, which was now erect like a mini penis. His tongue explored her depths and penetrated her cunt, where he would follow with his cock shortly. Raquel was getting agitated and frustrated. She wanted attention on her clit, so John moved his tongue down the crease between her legs out of her cunt and down to her anus. As it reached the little rosebud, she shuddered and thrust her hips against his face.

      Raquel was working hard on making his cock whole again and hard enough to get inside her to ease that burning desire. She threw him over onto his back, climbed on top, grasped his penis in her hand, aimed for her inner lips, and squatted down with a satisfied sigh. John tried to thrust up against her downstrokes, and they found a comfortable rhythm that would gently build to a glorious climax.

      Tommy knelt beside John and Raquel with Wendy's legs over his shoulders, thrusting energetically into her pussy. Wendy's bottom hardly touched the bed as his cock shuttled in and out of her dripping pussy. Raquel leaned over and kissed him hard on his mouth while her fingers searched for Wendy's cunt. Wendy pushed her hand out to John, grasped his face, and pulled it over for a kiss. As the four fucked into each other's partners, the respective partners smiled and kissed each other. Raquel started to whimper like a small cat. Her eyes rolled up as she reached her first climax, and her face distorted. A moan escaped her lips. "Fuck it harder! Fuck it, my cunt is exploding. Ohhhhhhhhh!"

      Raquel collapsed in a heap on top of John. He rolled her off and crawled around to the other two. Tommy rolled Wendy off him, and she got onto all fours. John hit her from the rear straight into her cunt, deep and hard. She thrust back to meet him harder and faster. Tommy went for the face and slid his cock deep into her mouth, making her gag a little, setting a fast pace that could never last. Tommy grunted and exploded semen down her throat, pumping and pumping till he was spurting on empty. Wendy cried out and shuddered and shuddered as she lost it in a huge one. John followed a few thrusts later. With a sigh and a deep thrust, he unloaded inside Wendy.

      The three untangled themselves. John lay on his side facing Tommy, and Raquel rested against him, her head using his hips as a pillow. Tommy and Wendy took up a similar position facing them. Wendy was fascinated with Tommy's penis, which had shrunk to a little wrinkled sausage. She played with it tenderly, remembering how hard and energetic it had just been. John was exploring Raquel's inner sanctuary in a lazy, tender way.

      Raquel got up, poured four glasses of wine from a bottle on the side table, and brought them to the bed. They all sipped and chatted quietly, enjoying the aftermath of the passion. Wendy could feel a slippery liquid seeping out between her legs. She reflected on how wonderful the party had started and how much better real sex in a group was than watching and fantasizing.

      Wendy said, "John, I need to use the bathroom. I will be back shortly. Will you wait here for me?"

      "Of course, darling," he smiled and added. "Come back when you are ready!" She laughed and left the room.

      Three girls and two men burst in a few minutes later, laughing and jostling each other. "Can we use the bed or join you if you haven't finished?" one girl asked. "Sure, get on and join us," John replied with a smile.

      Each girl selected a mate and sidled up to him as bodies entwined and hands were everywhere. The scene changed from relaxed, easy caresses to hot passion. John was having trouble getting hard again so soon after the last session. One of the two guys noticed and put his head in his lap, sucking gently on his cock. The girls watched with rapt interest. John froze for a second. This had never happened before. Then he relaxed as he thought to himself Wendy does this to me all the time. I go down on her. She won't mind, so what's the problem? John laid back and started enjoying a new experience.

      Wendy walked naked through the large room towards the lady's bathroom, passing groups and couples in all types of contortions. One threesome had a man on all fours, the girl on his back legs wrapped around the guy on top as he fucked vigorously. Her head was bobbing about like a broken rag doll. The whimpers coming from her showed she was in fuck heaven. Wendy passed them and smiled. She could not believe how many different positions were being displayed.

      In the bathroom, a girl was sitting on the side where the washbasins were, legs wide open, washing out the fluids that had been pumped into her. She licked her fingers and said, "Yummy, don't you just love that salty taste? I just got too full after a big gangbang. I had eight inside me, one after the other. Some of the greedy buggers came back for seconds and thirds." Wendy asked, "How long did you do it for?" The girl said, "About an hour and a half. I am a bit sore now and need a rest to recover after coming so many times."

      Wendy left the bathroom and wandered down a corridor from the large room. She heard sounds from a room; she stopped and looked in through the open door. Nine men were around this one girl who was being fucked from behind by one with another in her mouth, and a few were by her head. She had a cock in each hand, and the others were masturbating around her. The guy in her pussy speeded up and pulled out, rubbing himself furiously. He spurted all over her bottom. Another took his place and speared her without ceremony pushing in and out of her sweet little pussy. He inserted a finger up her bottom, and she wriggled and cried out, "Fuck my arse as well!"

      The men pulled out and rolled her over. One climbed underneath. She sat on his cock and lay on his chest. Another pulled her cheeks apart, stretching her anus slightly open. He rubbed semen that had seeped from her pussy around her dark hole to ease his passage and penetrated her slowly. The other guys were in her mouth, between her breasts, anywhere they could get.

      Wendy watched the action, fascinated. This was what she had dreamed of in every fantasy. One of the guys with nowhere to fuck noticed her standing by the door and came over and said, "Join us, lovely. We would love to satisfy your desires and fuck you senseless."

      Wendy entered the room as if in a dream; her fantasy had finally come true. Three guys remained with the girl. The other six moved over to Wendy. She lay on her back, waiting for it to happen. A man's body leaned over her, his cock hard and erect, probing her face as he bent over her and probed her cunt with his tongue. She grasped that beautiful cock and sucked it to absolute hardness. Hands over her breasts, tongues in ears and around her neck, hands now everywhere. Her body had become one large erogenous zone. The tongue in her pussy was replaced with a very large cock which started slowly and stepped up as the rhythm became one for both.

      For the next hour, Wendy felt cocks in all her parts, fluids being pumped and splashed. Each orgasm she experienced lifted her higher and higher until she lapsed into oblivion and was gently laid to rest, covered in semen and a little sore from the multiple entries. One vague recollection towards the end was of two cocks inside her pussy together, stretching her and giving her a final massive orgasm. Wendy drifted on the edge of exhaustion, languishing in the euphoria of her greatest fantasy, a gangbang. She lay there with semen dripping from her pussy, running down the crease between her legs. She fingered her anus softly, rubbing in the slippery cream to ease the soreness. She felt wonderful.

      After half an hour, she got up and returned to the room where she had left John. She passed Mistral, Tim, Greg, and Susan on the way, heading upstairs. As they passed her, they smiled at her sticky legs and body, and one said, "You sure have had some fun, huh, Wendy?"

      She arrived at the room and stepped inside. John was entwined with another girl, and a guy gently probed him while the girl tried to get him hard again. Wendy watched her man and smiled to herself. "Now he knows what it feels like to be fucked up the arse. Once used to the stretching, it is yummy."

      Wendy called him, "Honey, will you shower and sauna with me? I need to clean up a bit?"

      "OK, babe, let's get showered and find where Tim and Mistral are," John replied. "They did promise us a special time together, but I haven't seen them tonight."

      Mistral took John to one side the next day at work and said, "I know you both enjoyed your first swinging party; sorry we never got together. Would you both like to join Susan, Greg, Tim, and me the weekend after next at our place for just a casual dinner and some fun?"

      "Sure, we would not miss it!" John quickly replied. Mistral said, "Greg told me he saw Wendy walking past him in stockings and suspenders. He said she has a fabulous body, her cunt dripping down her legs, and he wants to fuck her after dinner. You can have Susan and me together if you fancy. It will be a hot night!" With a wide grin, John quickly shot back, "How about six all together in the sauna then?"
    • By Spoomonkey
      I don't remember - in detail - just what it was that was said between myself and Marilyn that convinced her to swing. I know that I didn't discover the hidden key to the floodgate. But now, as I sit here thinking of her, picturing the passion on her face as she jerks another man's cock, I am flooded with excitement about the next time. But this is a story about our first time.

      Most people are sexual caterpillars, humping through life, eating off the same leaf, and waiting to be taken as lunch by whatever bird it is that finds us delectable. Some of us evolve. I've had the pleasure of watching Mari become a truly stunning sexual creature - a truly amazing phoenix on fire. I recall the long and sometimes frustrating 'raccoon stage' from the first talk to the first play. I remember waiting like a child for Christmas - eager and smiling, hopeful and naive. And I remember watching Mari emerge.

      It was a Friday night - our second at a club. I am not sure how many expectations either of us had - we'd promised ourselves not to 'expect.' We arrived early - when the TVs had not yet flipped over to porn movies and still played the Discovery Channel. Pretzel baskets not yet out, Mari and I found a place at the liquor-less bar. Our first time at a club, we went with a couple that we were friends with. They'd monopolized us that night, and we wanted to branch out - to meet new friends - to try new things. Nothing against them, we thought the world of those two, but we were ready to fly solo. So we waited. Unsure of how to talk to anyone - unsure of what to do next. I think we clung to that bar for an hour, Mari in her brown mini and sheer black top, me in a stew of nervousness that I hadn't felt since junior high. Eyes were on Mari - I could feel that. Not at all unexpected with her long legs riding a lucky barstool, gorgeous and generous breasts threatening to pour from her low top, bright green eyes dancing between a perfect smile and brown/red hair that could melt any man. I remember watching people watching us, watching them stare shamelessly at her.

      The club filled quickly that night - couples made their way to familiar cliques as a flood of single men made helpless attempts to get in on the play. I didn't know what we were looking for, but I was hopeful that we'd find it - so I took Mari by the hand and decided to explore. The barstools were doing nothing but putting our backs to the crowd. I wasn't surprised when a clumsily discreet gaggle of singles followed my Mari like puppies as we slowly made our way from room to room. Eventually, we found ourselves on the 'party floor' with a half dozen single men who tried so very hard to look casual but were obviously hoping that their choice of clothes or hairstyle had been the perfect one - and that Mari would snatch them up before they knew what hit them. Feeling a bit ornery, I leaned back against the wall, my beer in one hand, and whispered to Mari, "I want you to go down on me." I think the request shocked her a bit.

      "Right. Right now? Right here?" I could tell that she was feeling like a bad girl - she had the look, the walk. I knew she wanted to play - and I could think of no better way than to tease a crowd of men.

      "Yes," I said, smiling. "Right here and right now." I reached down to unzip myself as she dropped to her knees in front of me. My cock had been hard all day, knowing that tonight we'd be here - chasing the 'unexpected' - and it was obvious that Mari shared my excitement as she took me all the way down with one eager move. Her tongue danced on my shaft as her head bobbed happily. Her expert hands worked on what little cock she couldn't take in, and twelve eyes on six single men ate every movement. I was - for a short time - king of the 'party floor' as the most incredible woman in the club sucked my cock in front of a half dozen. I realized that as incredible as this was - this spotlight on my wife's giftedness - it was just the first step, a cracking of the egg, so to speak - the cocoon was just starting to open. Mari gobbled me with abandon, surprisingly unashamed, wonderfully aware of nothing but her husband's eager erection and approaching release. I sipped my beer and grinned as hungry eyes locked on the back of Mari's head. I could have watched that scene all night long, but it was far too early to 'cash in my chips.' Besides - I got to take this beauty home - so I helped her to her feet as she wiped the corners of her mouth. I think I saw a blush then, but it could have been desire. Either way, it didn't slow her down. I was ready to head downstairs and leave this group to their own devices, but a conversation about something - I don't remember what - kept me in place.

      Mari was approached by a single guy, and I remember thinking that it would be good for her to flirt. So - I turned my attention to whatever meaningless banter I was sharing - and left Mari to her fun. I don't know how long I talked - but I remember turning to look at Mari and the one guy with balls enough to approach her. And was surprised to see them kissing deeply, his hand enjoying her perfect breast. I processed a momentary jealousy. Who wouldn't be jealous of a woman as beautiful as Marilyn? What man in his right mind would offer such a perfect woman to the wiles of desperate single men? The kind of man who is so secure in his soulmate's love that he knows that no one will ever touch her heart just by groping her boob. And with that, I was over it. And my wicked smile returned.

      "Do I need to go get supplies?" I asked as I walked up behind Mari.

      "Hmmm?" She asked, somewhat dreamily, obviously ready to try her first threesome.

      "Supplies. Condoms." I said, trying not to kill the moment.

      "They're downstairs." Mari looked at her new friend, David, who was obviously willing. She smiled and nodded.

      "Okay," I said. "But here are the rules while I'm gone." I have an alpha male personality when it comes to swinging - provider, protector, top dog. "Just talk. No hands - no kissing - while I'm gone." Then I looked at David. "Break a rule, I break an arm." I think he knew I meant it.

      His nervous, stuttering, "Sure," gave me the assurance I needed to head downstairs. I didn't remember the walk to the locker room being so long, but the anticipation seemed to stretch the halls and stairways. But soon, I was back with an overly optimistic fist full of condoms and a hard-on that made it hard to walk. David and Marilyn were talking innocently, leaning against the wall - but seeing me was all it took for talk to end. Mari took David's hand and led him to a private room; I pushed the door closed as we entered, waving at the five guys who looked disappointed that we weren't going to put on a show.

      David wasted little time pulling Mari's breasts free and sucking on her long nipples. His style was rough, but Mari seemed to love the feel of this stranger's tongue and gently nipping teeth. I knelt behind her, pushing her skirt around her hips, and flicked her ass with my tongue. I slipped two fingers in her dripping pussy and felt her body jerk at the anticipated intrusion. Her hips rocked against my fingers and tongue as David pulled off Mari's top and bra, spilling her breasts into his hands and waiting mouth. Mari rubbed David's cock through his slacks, eager to find out just what she'd gotten herself into. Our collective passions blurred the room as hands un-hooked, unzipped, un-buckled, and soon the only clothes left were Mari's black garter and stockings. David had taken to his knees, taking his rough style of play to Mari's tender box as Mari resumed the head we'd started in the common area - her passion making her suck even harder, with more abandon. I thrust into her mouth gently, knowing that in her current state, she couldn't focus enough to keep me from going too deep. I watched her perfect tits roll as her body rocked on David's aggressive tongue. I switched places with David, letting him enjoy Mari's mouth for the first time. Mari gave a perfect, eager head, and I knew David was in for a treat - but I wanted my time with my wife's perfect pussy. Her long lips and deep folds are the perfect play place for big boys, and my tongue traced her outer lips through the gentle maze that leads to her dripping entrance and tingling clit. I slipped my fingers inside of Mari, curling them gently to find that magical-mythical spot that always seems to make a good orgasm a screaming one, and my tongue flicked gently at her oh-so-ready clit. I looked up to see David fucking Mari's mouth - and Mari thrusting back hungrily. I heard her cock-filtered moans as I brought her to the brink of orgasm. I quickened my tongue and my inner stroking, and Mari's mouth popped off of David's shaft. Her fist pumped him purposefully, but her eyes and attention were now focused on my face, pressed against her pussy. Her hips bucked with the beginnings of her orgasm, and her moans turned to screams as she came against my tongue. Mari fucked my fingers powerfully, her pussy sucking and pulling them deeper inside, and she threw her head back into the pillow and let out a long "YES!" as a wave overcame her.

      David knelt beside her, a stunned look on his face. "That was hot." Mari laughed at his grasp of the obvious as she pulled her knees together and her legs up - but we weren't going to let her off that easily. "Be gentle," I said as David went back down, and I brought my throbbing cock to Mari's mouth. I've always loved the way that Mari says thanks for a job well done - and tonight was no exception. David's tongue brought Mari over the edge two more quick times as she sucked my cock. Her body shivered weakly as the first orgasm had taken so much out of her. She moaned around my width but never let me go until her desperation got the best of her.

      "Fuck me." She said, her voice breathy, "Fuck me, please." I took her first, as David's cock hung in Mari's face, rubbing against her cheek as she thrust her body back against me. I pushed her legs to her chest as I buried my cock deeply into her. Her heat was tremendous, her body on fire as it lived out a fantasy it was so reluctant to even admit. David watched as I took my wife hard, thrusting deeply and angling my body to hit her just right. Mari gritted her teeth as she let out a strained moan, her fourth orgasm coming as a surprise - short but powerful. I pulled out quickly, knowing that there was one other thing that Mari wanted to try before we'd be able to call this a night. I lay against the wall as Mari got to her knees. She sucked hard as David pushed into her for the first time. It was her first 'extra' cock, and she seemed to shake from head to toe. "Is he in?" I asked, wanting her to process the reality of this moment. "Mmmm-Hmmm," she groaned as he pounded her. David fucked my beautiful wife hard from behind, thrusting deeply and quickly, racing towards an orgasm that had such a gorgeous build-up. And he reached that place far too quickly.

      "Where do you want him to cum?" I asked, stroking Mari's hair. "I want to see it," she said, her tongue flicking the head of my cock. "I want him to cum all over me." David responded to her wishes, pulling out and removing his spent condom. Mari rolled over on her back, pushing her breasts together and urging him to cover them. He had no problem doing so. David's excitement was apparent as jet after jet of his hot load landed on Mari's perfect tits.

      "Oh, god, yes," she cooed as he came. David let out one last grunt as his body jerked, and one last long stream of cum dripped onto my wife. I kissed Mari - realizing that I had seen her emerge. My perfect butterfly, covered with another man's seed. David collapsed at the end of the bed as Mari and I wrapped our hearts tightly around each other. We basked in the afterglow of an incredible fantasy, unaware that, for us, the night was young. We dressed, David and Mari kissed one last time, and then we left the room for the next adventuresome group.

      We fully expected to leave soon thereafter. Instead, almost unbelievingly, the stars aligned, and we had another encounter.

      Mari went to the bar, still sexily disheveled, and started talking to a single woman that we had met earlier, helping her fend off a torrent of attention, gladly taking on some for herself. Knowing she was having fun, I left her alone while I went to the restroom.

      I normally don't strike up conversations at the urinal, but all rules have exceptions.

      "I'm not gay," I said to the guy spilling beer one stall over, "but that is a really nice shirt."

      I wouldn't have said it if I hadn't meant it. Dark blue flames on white silk. Sharp as a switchblade.

      "Thanks," He said. "My wife bought it. I don't remember where."

      "Well - it's a great-looking shirt."

      The conversation eroded as our bathroom purposes came to an end, and we awkwardly took turns with the soap dispenser. He left before my paws were dry, and as I wiped the last of the evidence on my jeans, I walked out to put what I thought would be the final hit on my wife.I was quite wrong.

      Mr Nice Shirt was in the hallway with a gorgeous blond - tall and thin, with stunning blue eyes and long legs on high heels.

      "Hey, hon." he said, "where did you get this shirt? This guy likes it."

      She told me - but hell if I remember. I was captivated by her. Where she bought the shirt went in one ear and out the other, but her, I was drinking in till I reached the bottom of the glass. It was a nice shirt - but she was significantly nicer. I watched her lips as she talked and wondered what they tasted like; I watched her chest when she paused - also wondering what it tasted like. Soon the shirt was forgotten.

      But - I found out later - they thought I was a single, which wasn't their thing - and they excused themselves. I made my dejected way back to Mari - still with her single friend - still at the center of a crowd. I walked to the center and kissed her hard, because I could, and whispered in her ear, "Are you ready to go?" She nodded and told me she needed to check her hair before she did. I wasn't the only one who watched her walk to the restroom - perfect hips massaging the inside of her brown suede skirt. I sat at the bar, watching what passed for porn on the satellite feed, and waited...And waited...And realized I wasn't enjoying the porn enough to not be worried about my wife...I wandered through the club, weaving my way between connections being made and broken - singles getting lucky or rejected - women being fondled or ignored... The witching hour had arrived, and folks were grouping off with the hopes that productive conversations weren't about to produce wilted results. And in the bathroom door, Mari had become the target of Mr Cool-Shirt and his incredible wife. They stood in a tight but respectful group, chittering like old friends... I watch Mari laugh at some witty thing and then look up to see me walking her way.

      "That's my husband," she said, maybe a bit too proudly, and the blond woman whom I'd already memorized turned and smiled - wickedly surprised if that is a workable combination. A three-way conversation in the door of the women's room became a spirited four-way as we realized that - not only was I, not a single guy, we all had much more than that in common; two pairs of soulmates on different planes of experience. Best friends who do everything together - who were about to drift upstairs...

      They had been to many clubs and had much background in the lifestyle, and as we made our way upstairs, they shared themselves in a way that makes the lifestyle so much more than sex. We drifted from room to room, listening to them talk about their "hobby" and how they survived within it. For a moment, the idea of "playing" with our new friends disappeared as these gorgeous people became so incredibly fascinating. It seemed like every line of conversation revealed more in common, more useful advice, more to like...And then she closed the door...

      "I like you guys," Kim - this gorgeous blond said, her voice going from friendly to lusty. "Let's play."

      Mari and I snapped back to reality quickly. We were in a swing club, and we were not going home anytime soon... I didn't need to look at Mari to know that she was okay with this. I'd watched her as she watched Joe's lips move when he talked. I had seen her smile when he touched her shoulder. And I had absolutely nothing to think about as Kim lay on the bed, smiling and lifting her legs to show a shaved and pantiless play area.

      "What do you say?" She asked, staring at me hypnotically.

      Nothing... There was nothing I could say. I was hers - but better yet, she was about to be mine. Joe sat on a chair in the corner of the room - thinking, I suppose, that he might watch for a while. But Mari was having none of that, straddling his lap and wrapping her tongue around his. Kim lay on her back, and I ran my hands down her legs, lifting her feet and helping her with the boots that she wasn't going to be needing for a while. Her long thin legs were, on their own, plenty to enjoy - but when the boots were shed, my hands wandered higher as I slid onto the bed with her, kissing her gently at first - enjoying her soft but expert tongue. Her hands made short work of my belt as mine found her small, tight breasts. She seemed eager to catch up with Mari, who had quickly moved to a kneel in front of Joe and was blowing him madly - her head bobbing furiously.

      I didn't object and let her push me over to my back. My eyes caught Joe's, and he smiled widely, dazed but certainly feeling every stroke of Mari's expert tongue. Mari worked his shaft with one tight fist and had pushed the blue flamed shirt up to his strong chest. She was moaning around him - and he encouraged her. The sounds were nearly as hot as the visual of my beautiful wife gobbling our new friend with such abandon. I could have lost myself watching the two of them, just experiencing the pleasure my wife was giving another man, but I was soon pulled expertly out of the moment as bright blue eyes looked up at me past short blond hair, and a wet tongue flicked between a wicked grin and eagerly tasted the tip of my cock...I looked down at Kim as she rolled her tongue around the head of my cock, seeming to savor the taste. Her eyes locked on mine, and her smile never failed......until she took me into her mouth, slowly swallowing half of me and then pulling me out just as deliberately. I groaned, body twitching and cock responding to her attentions.

      "You like that?" she asked, a trail of my excitement still leading to her lips.I just swallowed and grinned - and she correctly took that as a "yes". Her eyes finally left mine as she took me again, this time with abandon. Her tongue danced around my cock as her lips tightly massaged my shaft. Her hands jerked me and my hips rocked slightly, finding her manic rhythm. I closed my eyes and enjoyed her expertise, my fingers twisting in her short hair. I could feel her taking me deeper until it seemed the head of my cock was so deep in her that I could almost feel it with the hand that was on the back of her head. Her warmth was complimented by a perfect wetness. She stroked me with one hand as her other hand massaged my balls - coaxing my cum from them - eager for a taste of her good work. I heard a squeal and looked up just in time to see a naked Mari tossed onto the bed beside us. Joe was naked as well - his tall, thin frame sporting a desperate erection. He dropped to the bed between Mari's legs and began to kiss her breasts, one after another, commenting loudly on her large, long nipples. Kim was looking over, obviously admiring them herself. She looked up at me, her lips still around my excitement, her face flushed. I smiled at her and nodded - unable to ask her if she wanted what Mari was about to be getting... Somehow she read me and nodded back - letting me go with a gentle pop - and climbed up on the bed, shedding what little clothing she still had on. I pulled off my shirt and settled between her legs.

      The wives were now on the bed, lying side by side, with two enthusiastic husbands now heading south hungrily. Kim's pussy was perfectly shaved with small lips and a perfect clit. I licked gently at first, tasting her fully... This was the first pussy I'd tasted since my marriage, and I was going to enjoy it fully. I slipped my hands beneath her ass to lift her slightly, angling her just right... And sunk my tongue deeply into her, tasting her as she tightened around the intrusion. She whimpered slightly and bucked - and I lost myself... My fingers swam in and out of her as my tongue found every unique spot that seemed to make her jerk with electricity. Her eyes were clamped shut as I ate her, and her hands gripped my head harder and more desperately, soon governing my attentions to just her clit as she climbed higher... Closer to the edge of orgasm. I heard Mari scream as she came, thrashing her hips forcefully against Joe's face, forcing him to hang on... Kim heard her, too, and seemed to catch Mari's orgasm just as Mari was coming down... One loud "OHH!" was all she moaned as her body spasmed beneath my feasting tongue. She jerked hard, holding my face tightly to her and riding her orgasm out against my tongue. I held her thighs as she began to land. She slid her hands to my cheeks and pulled herself to me. "My god," was all she said before she kissed me and pulled me back to the bed.

      Joe was on top of Mari, thrusting his fingers into her roughly, and Kim held me as we watched Mari cum again. Mari's vocal aerobics shook the walls again as she came a second time, right on top of her first one. She seemed to cum for minutes before she finally stopped thrusting her hips against Joe's aggressive hand.

      "Wow," Kim said, looking at me. "Is she always this loud?"

      "I'd like to think so," I replied, smiling.

      "I have no doubt, then."

      Kim grinned as she kissed me, pushing me to my knees. She crawled in front of me and took me in her mouth again, egging me on to thrust. I did so - watching as Mari laid Joe on the bed and then knelt between his legs again. I grabbed Kim's perfect ass with both hands and pushed forward gently, barely containing my arousal as Mari began to stroke Joe's thick cock.I heard Kim sucking me wetly, accepting my thrusts as Joe moaned with approval as Mari gave him a masterful hand job, puckering her lips around the head of his cock as she stroked him. My head swam for ten minutes, watching my wife and feeling Joe's. I was near the edge when Joe screamed out his arrival. Kim flipped around quickly, eager to watch her husband's pleasure, and slid a hand down to cup his balls just as he erupted. His first shot a foot into the air. Mari moaned, "YESSS!" as he came - excited at the sight of his orgasm. His hips thrust slightly as the rest of his orgasm ran down his cock and over Mari's still-pumping fist.

      He lay there - satisfied - and Kim turned, grinning, back to me. The only difference is that this time - so did Mari. I had four lustful eyes looking at me hungrily, and I knew that one of my favorite fantasies was going to come true. I was pushed back into the pillow and watched as a blond and brunette devoured my cock - neither of them losing steam. One would suck my balls while the other pistoned on my hot shaft - then they'd switch - dancing their tongues up either side of me as they went... "This is a vision you'll never forget," Joe chattered - coming back to his senses. I quietly agreed with him, watching as they pleasured me - unable to drink it in enough. Just the sight was enough to make me cum... The sensation of two talented tongues, two eager mouths, brought me closer to the edge than I ever thought possible... Joe seemed to agree, now standing at the side of the bed stroking a resurrected erection. But - I was the first to see them kiss...And it was almost too much... Kim and Mari's tongues soon discovered each other and left my cock to pursue each other. I was remarkably okay with that. Kim and Mari's passionate lip lock was more than Joe could handle.

      "Oh my god," he said to Mari. "I had no idea you were into that."

      "I wasn't," Mari said truthfully - and then quickly returned to what she swears was one of the best kissers she'd ever known. I joined Joe in the perverse ritual, not caring if they ever touched me again - as long as they didn't stop touching each other. Their hands fondled each other, their tongues twisted together... And the room seemed to heat up by twenty degrees.

      I'd never thought I'd see my wife so wild for another woman, but there they were, wrapped together, making out like high school kids. The scene proved to be too much, and Joe yelled out Mari's name. Mari moved over beneath him, her tongue out and eager, just as Joe came again. If it is possible, his second orgasm seemed larger than his first, streaming into Mari's open mouth in jet after jet. And that was enough for me... I knelt over Kim and let go of her waiting tongue. She excitedly swallowed what she caught - what she didn't streamed down her cheeks as I jerked out the last of my orgasm and collapsed beside her...I remember Joe leaving and coming back with a glass of pop for all of us to share, but for the life of me, I don't remember much else. We all lay together for a while - talking again like old friends and laughing. The biggest difference this time was being able to watch breasts jiggle with every well-told joke or story.

      We exchanged e-mails, hugs, and kisses... But I wasn't offered the shirt...When we finally left - the club owner was cleaning up, barely beating the sun, which would be showing itself soon. One of the staff smiled at us and said somewhat meekly, "You guys sounded great." I suppose she's right - a perfect encounter inspires some wonderful loudness. The night was a surprise from the start - we'd done more than we'd ever expected and made friends on top of it. And it was one of those friendships that inspired me to surprise Mari with one last step in her now complete emergence.
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