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Island guy

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About Island guy

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  • Birthday 10/31/1965

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  • Relationship Status
    M. Male
  • Location
    Nassau, Bahamas

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  1. Great advice from everyone. We have decided to work it out. It is a 2 way street, and I will do my part to make myself more available and a better partner as well. Although she is the one who screwed up, and I was the one who got hurt, I realize that adult relationships are very complex. As part of the process, I am planning a civil meeting with the men involved. I will keep you posted on how that goes.
  2. Your words have given me strength. She is behaving very remorseful right now and wants to work it out. I will keep you posted on how it goes. For now, I will proceed with caution.
  3. Thank you so much for your feedback, Sunbuckus, CandyCane and GoldCoCouple. You are all spot on. She is trying to say that this is part of swinging so when I told her that we should gather the men and their SO's together to talk about it and get it out in the open, she backtracked. At least I got her to acknowledge that she was wrong and she is sorry for hurting me. It still doesn't make it better, but I do feel better just getting this off my chest. I am still in a lot of pain, but I have a feeling this is going to be a long road. And, now that the trust has been broken, I don't see how things can ever be the same. I'm sorry to bring this up, but I don't have anyone I can turn to. Thanks again for responding.
  4. Hello all. I need some honest feedback, please. The last time I posted to this board was maybe 10 years ago when my wife and I first started getting into swinging. Let's fast forward through all the great experiences we have had in the past. I have always felt that swinging was about being open and sharing sexual experiences together. It requires lots of trust and honesty. So here's my present situation: We have been married for nearly 18 years now, and life was apparently golden: a great job in a great town meeting great people and great school for our 14-year-old son, who for the first time in a long time seems to be enjoying school. About 2 months ago, looking at our phone records I noticed many texts and pictures being sent out to a couple of different numbers. Doing reverse look-ups I found out that these were men that she was sexting with. It was happening every day right after I would go to work. I purchased a GPS tracker to find out if she was sleeping with any of them. After a couple of weeks of monitoring I didn't see any signs. That was until last month when on a Saturday I had to work all day and our son had an all day school event, she said she was going to spend the day in South Beach, which is about an hour and a half away, by herself. Well, my GPS tracker showed that she did go to Miami but before hitting South Beach she stopped for 3 and a half hours at a seedy motel in Little Havana! My world was crushed... It was worse than thought. I didn't know where to turn or who to talk to. I didn't want to confront her with evidence because I didn't want her to know that I was "spying" on her. That's when I found this site. I let it go but have kept on monitoring. I see through phone records that the guy she hooked up with in Miami would not return her phone calls. I know that must have upset her. Regardless she has other men that she continues to sext with. Today she left her phone by me, unlocked, and I looked at her texts to find out that she had sex with one of those guys just this past Tuesday. She boasted about to another guy (apparently they are friends and know about each other.) The text said "R____ just fucked the shit out of me." And suggested that it helped her get over the other guy that won't return her calls. Now I researched the R's number and found he is a swinger and a member of the same swinger's site we are members of. He is married. I also saw that he planned their encounter when his wife wasn't there. When I confronted my wife this morning with my knowing she is fucking around behind my back she told me that it's ok because she only hooks up with other swingers. She said she does it behind my back because she knows I wouldn't give her permission, but if she doesn't do this otherwise she would be bored. I work long hours and don't have time for swinging so it's her only way to get her swing on. I told her that it's not swinging when it's not done with permission and I would guarantee that the spouses of the married guys don't know about it. I apologize for the long post, but I need to know what other people "like us" think. As she put it, we are not "normal," by which she means we don't have a traditional marriage.
  5. I like the natural look. It's not the size that's important, but the shape. Too many breast implants look like some kind of version of pin the tail on the donkey. My wife does complain about her breast size, but she has beautiful small breasts. They are perfect. But, I understand where she's coming from because I have an average sized penis and wish I was hung like a stud horse.
  6. Island girl and I are also an interracial couple. Although most of our experiences have been with white couples or single females our last experience was also with an interracial couple. She black and he white just like us. I would love to swing with people of all races.
  7. My wife and I are also an interracial couple (I'm white, she's black) and we are also fairly inexperienced in the lifestyle, and there are no clubs here. I am shocked that in today's day and age someone would discriminate in such a rude way as you described, Oreocookie. Greg & Sheryl also pointed out that variety is one of the things we seek. I our experienced we have been with only white couples or single white females. But, we love all races and we're open to it.
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