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Licentious last won the day on October 29 2014

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26 Excellent

About Licentious

  • Rank
    Active Contributor
  • Birthday 12/08/1979

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  • Relationship Status
  • Location
    Stockholm, Sweden
  • Swinging Experience
    Since about 2013, but it's been about 6 months since the last time. (We're picky ;) )
  • Anniversary

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  1. Being Swedish, there aren't a lot of options. However, the options we have are pretty great. The site we use most is an almost exclusively Swedish site called bodycontact.com, which really seems to be the go-to place. (Also, it's really cheap. At current exchange rates it's about ¢12 per day, even though the free subscription is really, really good.) We really wish there was a decent international site we could use. One we could use both at home and while traveling. (We travel a bit and occasionally enjoy more hedonistic activities while we're away ) Internationally, SDC seems to be the best option, with a detailed club list, but there are very few Swedes who use it. Also, we've had great success with both the Tinder and Feeld (previously 3nder) apps... I guess they could be considered "sites" of sorts...
  2. The wife had her first encounter with a magic wand when I used one on her at a club in the Netherlands and she loved it. She particularly loved the large surface area and the way it had an effect on both her clit and the area directly around her vagina. As it has several levels of intensity, maybe some women don't enjoy the "full area" experience? She was convinced that I had turned the wheel to the max setting, though I hadn't even gotten half way... Also, when we got one for ourselves to use at home, it seems that the step-less control wheel had been replaced with + and - buttons for controlling the speed. That's a bit of a shame, since the fluidity of the original got a bit lost. (Especially so when she's not using it on herself, but when I use it on her. The teasing becomes a lot more rigid.)
  3. Hi everyone! I just wanted to share this with you, though, I have a feeling it will be a long post! Feel free to comment The first time my wife and I had an experience in the lifestyle it was a planned date with another couple we had met online. It was awesome and we were on cloud nine for days afterwards. Hungry for more, we set up a date with another couple, but that time all we felt was "meh". It wasn't bad, but on the other hand it wasn't good either. So, we tried the first couple again, but the magic was gone. Maybe swinging just wasn't for us? Maybe we just got a kick out of doing something new? Or maybe getting to know people through "dates" makes us think of them as friends in some way and the sex-vibe goes away? (This was especially true for my wife.) - While on vacation in Amsterdam this summer, we visited the club "Fun4Two" (of which I wrote a review in the travel section) and we had a blast by just playing with each other. We discovered that being surrounded by other people having sex was a major turn-on. We had been receiving invitations to parties online, organized by a fairly exclusive group, but we had always received the invitations too late and had other plans. This time though, we did have time to attend their Halloween party. We were completely unsure of whether or not we liked the idea of a sex-party, but decided to try it out. It might be what we were missing in our lifestyle endeavors. - Turns out it was exactly what we had been looking for since our first time with another couple. The group organizing the party had gotten a large duplex suite at a hotel, and the space was really needed since there were 19 other couples there, along with 2 single males and 2 single females. All of them were great-looking! Everyone started lounging around, chatting, drinking wine and having a great time - we could tell many of those who were there had met before at previous parties. However, there was a current in the air. Everyone had looks of excitement about them and there were a whole lot of winks and eye-contact going around. It felt great. After having sat down for just 15 minutes, a guy comes up to me and hands me a palm sized electronic device - the wireless remote control to a vibrator that one of the girls there had in her panties. He didn't tell me who had it, but that I should press the button whenever I felt like it. My wife looked at me and said "We should get one of those!". We then took turns pressing the button now and then, trying to figure out who wore it. After a while, we handed it off to someone else. The thought of a woman walking around the party not knowing who was pressing the button got me very excited... After a while we started mingling a bit more and decided to check out the upstairs area. Suddenly, everything got real. What we found was two beautiful naked blondes in the large circular bathtub touching each other and another pair of women taking turns at licking the other, seated on a side table. We watched for a little while, and then everyone was called down to the lounge area where the hostess (gorgeous slender brunette in her mid-twenties) formally welcomed everyone and laid out the rules. She also surprised everyone by announcing that they had had a secret competition for best costumes, and that I and my wife were the winners! "The prize is... getting laid! But of course that will happen to everyone tonight", she said with a devilish grin and a wink. However, we did get free entry to the next party of theirs we attend, which was a pleasant surprise. Since everything at the party was free, like condoms, lube, wine, snacks, and the suite itself was pricey, all couples had chipped in $100 ($50 per person, 400 Swedish Kronor) so not having to pay next time around was a nice touch. After that, things went wild. All clothes came off, and people started having sex all around us. Me and my wife started playing with each other while enjoying the view we had. After a while she told me to sit down in an armchair facing some mattresses on the floor and proceeded to give me a blowjob on her knees while I was watching a huge pile of beautiful people, all having sex. I swear that one of those women must have been a gymnast, considering how flexible she was! We played around a bit more, and when taking breaks and drinking wine chatted with other people doing the same. After a while we checked the upstairs area again and found a mid-30s couple sitting in the tub looking at us invitingly. We sat down and talked a bit, and in a magic way we all started touching each other. (Well, not me and the guy, but you get the point.) This led to making out, and things were getting hot. In fact, the water was really hot in itself, which really made those glasses of wine I had had rush even more to my head. Luckily, I realized this and said "I think it's time to get out of the tub" to which the woman instantly replied, with a smile, "Oh, I agree!". So, that was not really what I had meant, but I really didn't mind the outcome. We all went downstairs to the large mattress and the kissing, touching and licking resumed. After a little while, while my face was between the woman's legs, I feel something landing on one of hands and bouncing off. It was a wrapped condom, and it was my wife that had tossed it to me. I look up and see her getting on all fours with the guy behind her repeatedly slamming into her. - That has never happened before with other couples. We have always been soft-swap, but before that night we had said that if everything feels right, then why not? - I should also mention that my wife was a virgin when we met... She had never had another man inside her, so it was perhaps a bigger event than what it sounds like. And the thing is... I didn't mind. I liked seeing her gasping for air in between moans of pleasure. I put on the condom she had given me and proceeded with the woman I was bent over. It felt great. - Not just physically, because condoms are not my best friends in that department, but it was exciting, erotic, and sexy. We had barely spoken to these people! They were probably the couple there that we had spoken to the least! I can't say that I performed very well. The wine got to me and, in combination with me not being used to using a condom, I eventually went soft. But that was okay, because the mental experience was great! After we left the party, we were exhausted but very happy. It was exactly what we had been looking for. Casual swinging with beautiful people with no strings attached. So, maybe "getting-to-know-each-other"-dates with other couples really aren't our thing. Maybe we're more of a party and club couple. - And we can't wait for the next party! (After all, we need to cash in our prize ) Cheers, /Licentious (M34/F27)
  4. We have been invited to our first party, which rattles our nerves a bit. It's an organized event that starts with a meet-and-greet in a hotel lobby followed by everyone being escorted to the large hotel suite where the action will be taking place and only underwear (at the most) is allowed after 11 p.m. It's a Halloween-themed party, and we're scratching our heads to find a suitable outfit for him. Of course, it comes off about an hour or two into the event, but it should still be sexy enough to garner interest while still being appropriate in a hotel lobby/bar. There are lots of sexy outfits for women, but as usual, the options for men are limited... (It's the same as when we were trying to figure out "sexy underwear for a club", a man seems limited to tight boxers while women have tons of options.) What clothed Halloween costume makes a man look sexy? Any advice? Would appreciate any ideas.
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