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About DenMor4

  • Rank
  • Birthday 03/19/1983

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  • Relationship Status
  • Location
    Our place
  • Swinging Experience
    None yet

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  1. Yeah, I should have known that about aff from when Ii was on there years and years ago but, hey, I figured what do I know any more, right?
  2. With so many of them you can't do anything for free it seems Which would be the best to pay for? The one that's most worth it?
  3. SwingLifeStyle AFF AdultMatchClub SexyAds I think that's it.
  4. What are the best sites out there (other then this one of course ). We're on a few but none of them really seem to have to much. Maybe it's because we're looking for a single woman. Any suggestions would be great!
  5. We've been talking about it for most of our relationship. He brought it up almost as soon as i move in with him which was maybe 2 months in.
  6. He did 100%. He's always wanted to have the normal guy fantasy of a fmf and he was honest with me about it. At first i freaked out i wont deny it but since it's something he wants so bad i'm trying to get more comfortable with it. When single i'm very open when it comes to sex but when i'm in a relationship exp one leading to marriage i'm very possessive and to be honest insecure but i'm trying to work through my personal problems and see if i can do this with him. I know it'll make him happy and i'm hoping it'll be fun for me.
  7. Well we're a mixed bag here. I (Mor) Have a little experience, i guess you could say, one mfm and one fmf. Other then that we're Brand Spanking New.
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