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This show is in its second season on VH1. We watched last season and found that we were able to pick up some good tidbits on approaching people and "picking them up" that would even work in swinging environments.


For those not familiar with the show, Mystery (that's his name) is known as a world renown pickup artist and has developed this formula (if you will) for how to pick up women. He brings in 8 virgins/geeks/socially inepts/etc and converts them from completely socially inept to ultimate pickup artists (ok not all 8 make it quite that far).


For those of us who need a little help in how to approach people in group situations this show has a lot of good info, IMO.

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I caught a few episodes of it last season and I too agree he was giving some really good pointers.


The show was entertaining and it was fun to watch the transformation of what one could call "losers" with no self confidence to men who blossomed and became self assured.



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We haven't watched this show but could possibly pickup a few tips here when meeting others.

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I think that L was watching this Monday afternoon. She told me about the show and I watched a couple of minutes of it, but had to get back to work. I guess I'm going to have to check this out. I was never very adept at picking women up.

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The show is great for entertainment value and maybe picking up a fun opening line or different way to approach a couple. For really learning how to pickup women (for a guy who hasn't ever been too adept at it), the show isn't very useful as a learning tool.

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admittedly a lot of the "tips", I don't feel would work in a swinger environment. But I think with some tweaks some things can definately be applied. A couple of things from the most recent episode...


Look like you are having fun - because people want to hang out with other fun people.

False Time Constraints - this has been brought up in many other threads. When you approach someone make a comment that lets them know you only intend to (or can) stay for a few minutes. This puts them at ease in knowing that you aren't going to latch onto them for the night. Then start moving to leave before you even done talking, like mid-sentance - which puts it in their ballpark to invite you to stay longer or come back.


This last one we applied at one of the last socials we went to. We made an effort to talk to as many people as possible at that social and we only sat down at a table once and that was after they invited us, after we tried to leave once. Needless to say we hit it off when them quite well but before we found them we had a great time meeting many new people. Sometimes finding a table and sitting down early can be what kills your whole night.


Another one that we have often pointed out to single guys but really applies to all of us.... pay respect to the person of the same sex first. If you are a guy approaching a couple, introduce yourself to the guy first ... same if you are a woman. Females if you approach a couple alone speak to the other female first. If you approach as a couple the same thing applies... usually when we approach as a couple one half of the couple does the majority of the talking... that person should first introduce themselves (and their partner) to the same sex person of the other couple. We all know that as couples we each have to be comfortable with the people that our partners may potentially play with, and we can't be comfortable with those people if they try to act like we aren't there.

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Huh... I had no idea this show was even on. I'll have to give it a go and see what it has to say.

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I have some issues with the show, mainly that Mystery is being put on a pedestal and worshiped for the exact thing so many vilify women for and call them sluts and whores. Imagine if we had the same show with a woman teaching other women how to score with men.


Other than that, it's good to see these guys get some self-confidence and become more secure when approaching others. I'm sure it bleeds over into all aspects of their life and social relationships with others.


Mr. WS

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After this thread came up I got out and picked the first season up


well, I can see that some things can be adapted for my own use.


With the show itself I have problems that they concentrate more on the contest then the actual teaching stuff.


Mystery & Co don't see themselves as players, but ultimately they are. And yeah, if you turn it around and would have uncomfortable girls taught into becoming vamps, they would end up being called cheap whores. But the show is still better then the German show called "The Model and the Freak", wherein once a week two geeks get paired up pretty girls who make fun of them, then have confess their worst experiences while the girl is naked in the tube, and are sent back home.

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Ok I tivoed my first episode and am watching it now.


I do have one question to ask, are these men on the show straight?


It starts with a VERY close group hug for the 'surviving' men with tears, and then based on speech and mannerisms I feel like I am watching a Bavo show.

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Ok I tivoed my first episode and am watching it now.


I do have one question to ask, are these men on the show straight?


It starts with a VERY close group hug for the 'surviving' men with tears, and then based on speech and mannerisms I feel like I am watching a Bavo show.


Yes, they are all (for the most part) just socially stunted. There was one guy (the first to get to leave) whose sexual preference was doubted. In his intro he even stated that most of his friends think he's gay. After watching his mannerisms for 5 minutes I could see why. I think even Mystery realized he needed to go home and do some soul searching on the issue.

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Edit: Ok the medallions....lame totally lame.


I do have to give you that one. I never understood that part myself. But I guess it's like all of these shoes where some survive and someone gets sent home, they gotta give em something and a rose just wouldn't be appropriate.

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A rose would be hilarious though. A 6'5 gothy looking guy wearing goggles and makeup giving another guy a rose; priceless.

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