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Hi Rackir,


Are you into radio?? Like ham,DX or SWL?? I usually do not comment on profiles but could not help but notice the reference to "5X5" and I have not heard that in a long time if it is the old radio signal reception reference. If it is, it's a bit arcane and "ready to go" conveys the thought! (although maybe you do want to attract people interested in radio.)


Also, in the last sentence I think you want to use the word "jiggle" (move) as opposed to the word "giggle" (laugh) although in the sexy and fun image you paint of your sweety both words could pertain I suppose! Anyway, I stumbled over that sentence but got it eventually!


Otherwise in my brief, inexpert opinion -it's a fun, informative and playful profile and I hope you both have good luck getting back in the groove with it!

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Please review our profile and let us know what you think.
I have no suggestions for improvement. It is a well-crafted profile.

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Hi Rackir,


Are you into radio?? Like ham,DX or SWL?? I usually do not comment on profiles but could not help but notice the reference to "5X5" and I have not heard that in a long time if it is the old radio signal reception reference. If it is, it's a bit arcane and "ready to go" conveys the thought! (although maybe you do want to attract people interested in radio.)


Also, in the last sentence I think you want to use the word "jiggle" (move) as opposed to the word "giggle" (laugh) although in the sexy and fun image you paint of your sweety both words could pertain I suppose! Anyway, I stumbled over that sentence but got it eventually!


Otherwise in my brief, inexpert opinion -it's a fun, informative and playful profile and I hope you both have good luck getting back in the groove with it!


Heya Sunswept. Thanks for the input. I was once upon a time slightlly into CB Radio, good catch! And thanks for the catch on Jiggle Vs. Giggle, though both could work, I've changed it to be a little more movment based.

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red96 said:
Please review our profile and let us know what you think.


I like how specific you are about what you're looking for. Kudos!



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red96 said:
Please review our profile and let us know what you think.


So you guys are looking for some hot guy-on-guy action with a gay or at least very bi guy while she watches right? :lol:


Seriously, it looks great and leaves no question as to what you guys are looking for. In addition the picture you chose to put on it is very nice, alluring and provocative, while still being clean and quality. Good job.

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Thanks to everyone that replied, most of the pics that are posted were taken recently. We are actually a little surprised by all the positive responses.:)

Guess we did better than we thought

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I guess we could use the advice as well. Yes I know we don't have any pictures yet, that will be fixed soon, it's just a matter of the In-laws leaving so the wife and I have plenty of time to get shots set up and things. I'm mostly concerned about the words than the pictures right now.

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I guess we could use the advice as well. Yes I know we don't have any pictures yet, that will be fixed soon, it's just a matter of the In-laws leaving so the wife and I have plenty of time to get shots set up and things. I'm mostly concerned about the words than the pictures right now.

Love your tag line :)


I like the way you write, but I would suggest that you pare the text down dramatically... there's just too much of it. Though the story about the night in the club got me excited (sounds really hot!), I would move it down to the last section.


Essentially you're trying to give a little flavor of who you are, and trying to be enticing so those unicorns won't be so shy. Your profile is just too prolific. I can't even suggest what to take out, because I don't have the time to go through it all and make those suggestions.


Also... perhaps no one else has this pet peeve, but I am turned off when guys refer to their wives as "the wife". It's like "the house", or "the car", or "the couch".... something that can be replaced, not your life partner. Some of your target audience may take it the wrong way, even though you obviously mean no disrespect.


Good luck!

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I guess we could use the advice as well. Yes I know we don't have any pictures yet, that will be fixed soon, it's just a matter of the In-laws leaving so the wife and I have plenty of time to get shots set up and things. I'm mostly concerned about the words than the pictures right now.


I enjoyed reading it. Fuse might be right in that there is simply too much text for some peoples preference, but personally I would rather there be too much text than not enough. As it is I found it interesting and enjoyable enough to continue reading through the end. So for people like me it's pretty good. It did strike me as a little third person heavy though. It's obvious whose writing it, so all the "he is" and "his" seemed a little out of place. Some of that might be okay, but I just got the feeling it was used a little too heavily. Don’t get me wrong though, it wasn’t too distracting, and this is a very minor critique a most.


The one thing I would consider taking out if I were you is the part about the dancers phone number.


it's been my experience (which, when it comes to strip bars I am pleased to say is moderately extensive) that there are three reason a dancer will give out her phone number;

1) By giving you her "phone number" and making it seem as though she has an interest in you outside the club she has pretty well insured that for that evening you are "her" customers, and thereby maximized the amount of money she will get from you. In this case the number will be bogus.

2) She turns tricks on the side, generally for that the number will go to a pager or an answering service.

3) She is honestly interested in seeing you outside the club.


Now I'm not saying that your dancer was using reason number 1, but the fact that the number didn’t work makes it seem that way. I personally would remove that part of the story just to avoid seeming a little gullible/inexperienced.


All in all I think it's a really good profile. It paints a good picture of who you two are and what you are looking for. And I agree with fuse that the stripper story is pretty hot!


Oh, and in the section “Describe Yourself”, final paragraph, the word “the” is missing it’s “t”.

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Well, to be honest the reason we thought it was real was it came out at the end of the session, like in the last 15 minutes of the hour... Also, the number does work as in it does go straight to voicemail, and texts go through as well. Hell, I don't think either of us would mind if she was turning tricks on the side, this girl would be worth every penny.


But I see your point. I can take that part out.


Now about the third person, that really comes from the fact that as I said in my intro here, I am the faster typer of the two of us, and as she will tell you, I have an easier time coming up with a good way to say something. However we are in this together, and I don't want anyone getting the impression that she doesn't know about what I'm doing, or that I'm some single guy trying to make it sound like I'm married. It's along the same line of thought that when approaching a unicorn in public, it's better for the woman to make the move, because a guy doing it generally comes off as creepy, or like she's just coming along for the ride, when in reality, she's the one in control of the whole situation. So I guess I can go into first person mode the same way I do on these forums. I can just put a disclaimer at the beginning.


The wife, yeah, that's just how I talk I guess, maybe replacing all the "the" with my along with the third person changes. I'll also try to cut some stuff out, but I'm a somewhat detail oriented person, and I don't want to false advertise, even if my accident.


Either way I changed it up, I took out some superfluous information, but it's still fairly long.

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The wife, yeah, that's just how I talk I guess,


Heh, that's how Mr. Sweet refers to me. I refer to him as "the husband fixture."



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Heh, that's how Mr. Sweet refers to me. I refer to him as "the husband fixture."




Hee :lol:. Very funny. And IMO it calls attention to how referring to someone as "the" sort of makes them an "it".


UnicornChasers: love your new main picture!! And personally, I like a profile with a lot of text, don't get me wrong... especially when it all gives me a flavor for whom I'm potentially meeting, and why I would want to meet them. But lots of people would glaze over. And there are a few things that might put me off, like for instance that even after I met you I might not "get" you. Seems a little condescending.


I have another comment: why put in the line about being under 40? Although you may think you want a woman under 40, just think about what having that stipulation in there does. It makes you look picky when unicorn chasers are in a position where they should be trying to be ruling people in, not ruling them out. If someone over 40 writes to you-- and you should really be so lucky as to have many unicorns writing to you at all-- then you can take a look and rule her out if you think she is too old. That would probably not take too long. Meanwhile, if you take it out you're not making the upper-thirties women (or 41-year old hotties) feel insecure and driving them away.


I will say that in my three years in the lifestyle, I've noticed that when single women are looking for company, they can usually use their sought-after position as a way to be choosy and many times end up with someone a lot younger than they are, often a decade younger.


Also, I would put in a line about how your wife is a little shy at first and so you might be the one to approach instead of her, since that seems to be a concern of yours. I personally would appreciate that if I were a single female.


Good luck; great profile!

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The wife, yeah, that's just how I talk I guess, maybe replacing all the "the" with my along with the third person changes.


Heh, that's how Mr. Sweet refers to me. I refer to him as "the husband fixture."


I refer to rpu99 as "The Spousal Unit" informally. I don't like saying "my husband" etc. because it feels possessive to me, and I don't own him. That's solely my POV and I'll be sticking w/that one for the time being. If that usage bothers others, so be it.

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I refer to rpu99 as "The Spousal Unit" informally. I don't like saying "my husband" etc. because it feels possessive to me, and I don't own him. That's solely my POV and I'll be sticking w/that one for the time being. If that usage bothers others, so be it.


PB and I have called each other "The Spousal Unit" for years. I have no idea how we came up with it 20 years ago, but we like it. It's one of our little jokes, not sure how other people react, but it's our thing and we aren't changing it either.

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Thanks for the advice, took out the age stipulation because what you say makes sense. Although something that fun4Ds said in another thread I may change up what we are looking for once the wife (I did it again !!!!) and I sit down and talk about it.


So it looks like it's mostly tweaking from here on out... Thanks!

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We'd definitely appreciate some feedback on ours if anyone is willing. We don't have too many issues getting responses, but our target audience (see the first paragraph in the first section) seems largely uninterested :(

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We'd definitely appreciate some feedback on ours if anyone is willing. We don't have too many issues getting responses, but our target audience (see the first paragraph in the first section) seems largely uninterested :(


Since your target audience is the same as ours... I'll just be honest and tell you they are rare to non-existant. Ok, I know they exist, we've met a few of you but they are so spread out that it's virtually impossible to find them near you (or at least near us). We get our hopes up every time we see a couple in our age range only to have it shot down as they turn out to be either very immature or have some other major attitude issue ("It's not about us, it's ALL about us"). With that in mind we've kind of given up on finding other couples in our age range and looked more at those in the 5-10 (or more) years older than us range.


Can't really find anything to critique on your profile... except that the distance is way too far away from AL :)

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We'd definitely appreciate some feedback on ours if anyone is willing. We don't have too many issues getting responses, but our target audience (see the first paragraph in the first section) seems largely uninterested :(


We are looking for younger, intelligent, educated, considerate, and thoughtful people for fun and play on a semi-regular basis. More simply put, we're interested in kind people who have their act together in life. We would ideally like to meet people we can eventually develop an ongoing friendship with.


We will be putting an add up again soon and I'd be tempted to steal that as its exactly what we are looking for too. Shame you are 300 miles away or so but thats how it always is.


This is really THE issue for us in the lifestyle. I would have thought that finding 30 something couples who have their shit together, take care of themselves, and want to have fun with like minded friends would be common. Instead we have found ourselves on something of an island here.


Maybe its just our type of swinging is rare, but like julie said every time we do find someone in our age range they seem to have some sort of issue which makes it less then a desirable match.

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Hi everyone! We've really enjoyed reading all of the profiles and the critiques. It's been interesting to only see the after effects of many of the profiles where the advice was clearly followed to good effect.


I'd like to see what you guys think of our profile, I'm sure that it can use some improvement.


xxxboxy on SLS

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xxxboxy said:
Hi everyone! We've really enjoyed reading all of the profiles and the critiques. It's been interesting to only see the after effects of many of the profiles where the advice was clearly followed to good effect.


I'd like to see what you guys think of our profile, I'm sure that it can use some improvement.


I think your profile is pretty great as it is. Warm, inviting, happy-sounding and clear about what you want. Your pictures are really nice too-- smiling, warm and there's one that shows the two of you together.


The only thing I would mildly suggest you think about changing is the last sentence, about using complete sentences and whole words. We have found over the last couple of years that some of the best people have profiles with either very little in them, or with text that doesn't do justice to their intelligence. I wouldn't have wanted to put them off by specifying English skills in our profile.


Good luck!

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I think your profile is pretty great as it is. Warm, inviting, happy-sounding and clear about what you want. Your pictures are really nice too-- smiling, warm and there's one that shows the two of you together.


The only thing I would mildly suggest you think about changing is the last sentence, about using complete sentences and whole words. We have found over the last couple of years that some of the best people have profiles with either very little in them, or with text that doesn't do justice to their intelligence. I wouldn't have wanted to put them off by specifying English skills in our profile.


Good luck!


XXXBoxy, I'm with The Fuse throughout, esp. the last line. One couple who contacted us, and whose profile and initial correspondence didn't seem to fit, turned out to be terrific after we wrote a little more, talked on the phone, and met. We've gotten together several times, and call one another in between. Their profile, in our view, hardly does them justice.

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swayME said:
Profile is on SLS
Username is Mixoscopia


If you're not getting mail, I can't understand why. You should be ;)

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Several observations on your profile.


1. Typing in all caps turns a lot of people off. They take all caps as yelling at them.

2. Your wants are very explicit, not necessarily a bad thing, but, some might be turned off by it.


Try looking at your profile as if you didn't know it was your and how would you react to the profile?

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swayME said:
Profile is on SLS

Username is Mixoscopia


Take this with a grain of salt from a couple that is the exact opposite. Looks more like an ad that should be on Adult Friend Finder.


Screams 'is this couple going to kill me after they fuck me'


Second, no pictures, you won't even come up in our search. Anyone serious about meeting others needs to pony up.

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hereforfunrm on swinglifestyle.com




This is a very good profile. Profile says to us that you are a very grounded couple who knows exactly what you like and what you want.


I like a little humor in a profile but that is just me.


I would expect after reading your profile that you two would be fun to hang out long after the sex was over because you come across as someone that is comfortable to be around.

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swayME said:
Username is Mixoscopia

Seems to me you are going to find exactly what you want. Takes very little effort to attract men who want to fuck another man's wife.


Good luck and best wishes,

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exploringRM said:
hereforfunrm on swinglifestyle.com

lookin' good. Makes us wish y'all lived closer. You can get rid of the "Heading to Entice 2009" part now.

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ncmd_couple said:


Several observations on your profile.


1. Typing in all caps turns a lot of people off. They take all caps as yelling at them.

2. Your wants are very explicit, not necessarily a bad thing, but, some might be turned off by it.


Try looking at your profile as if you didn't know it was your and how would you react to the profile?


Thanks! the capital letter thing I didn't know about until I read it on here. lol. That's a lot of help:)

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Take this with a grain of salt from a couple that is the exact opposite. Looks more like an ad that should be on Adult Friend Finder.


Screams 'is this couple going to kill me after they fuck me'


Second, no pictures, you won't even come up in our search. Anyone serious about meeting others needs to pony up.


We just want to make it clear "no strings attached". Its new we will post pics soon. Should we not be so straight to the point???? Help please;)

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We took your advice and re-did our SLS profile. Check it out. Very much improved?


username: mixoscopia


P.S. pictures asap :wave:

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We just want to make it clear "no strings attached". Its new we will post pics soon. Should we not be so straight to the point???? Help please;)


It was just a little extreme/hardcore is all we were saying ;)


I'll take a look here in a few minutes but it looks like someone has already said it was much better. It's so easy to get caught up in the excitement of the lifestyle. Do we think that way sometime, lol, yes, but most of the time we tone it down in our profile.


Our difference between styles is that we want to be friends with the people we are having sex with. You can look at ours and you will see that we tend to be the touchy feely type. Nothing wrong with being direct but you just want to make sure that the types of singles/couples you are attracting are going to at least be respectful to your mate.

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I'll take a look here in a few minutes but it looks like someone has already said it was much better.


I definitely think you will have better success with that profile. It is very direct and straight forward.


Good luck to the both of you.

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We've been through about 8-different versions of this and feel this one represents us the best in a lot of ways - humor, seriousness, pics, what we want, etc.


BUT - nothing like getting other's inputs and didn't realize this forum offered that option. Comments / suggestions welcome as we are new to the online world...trying to make this available but may need to be a member of SDC...   JUSTSAYIN on SDC

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We've been through about 8-different versions of this and feel this one represents us the best in a lot of ways - humor, seriousness, pics, what we want, etc.


Have to be a member to view the profiles. I'd take a look at it but I already have about 100+ spam messages a day coming in from sites I'm already apart of that I absolutely hate, even when you opt out, you are never opt'd out. Sorry.


I was looking at SDC website though, pretty funny, I grew up right down the road from where they are based out of in Cary. Small world.

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would like to know what people think of our profile but really don't know how to check it. And would like to know if other people could send you a comment and how to find out. do you have to be in a special group to do this?

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Thanks - trying to see how to fix link / make available. If can't square away will post text - that is primarily what we are focus on...

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Thanks - trying to see how to fix link / make available. If can't square away will post text - that is primarily what we are focus on...


May not have public profiles as an option but if you paste the text I'm sure that will be just as good. I'm sure there are probably members of SDC on this site that will be able to hit it.

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would like to know what people think of our profile but really don't know how to check it. And would like to know if other people could send you a comment and how to find out. do you have to be in a special group to do this?


Looks pretty good to me. Clearly states what your looking for and what your wanting. Being up front and honest is the way to be. :)

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I'd love to have feedback. I wasn't happy with the way my profile was worded before so I rewrote it. Same concepts, but I tried to make it more well written.


THETRUELOVES on swinglifestyle.com


If you wonderful people would give us some feedback. We'd love to hear it. :)

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Mr. Truelove said:
I'd love to have feedback.


I found it light hearted and fun. I didn't get hit with any flags or negativity so I would say Good job! ;)

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Mr. Truelove said:
I'd love to have feedback. I wasn't happy with the way my profile was worded before so I rewrote it. Same concepts, but I tried to make it more well written.


:rolleyes: Mental note: Bring cardboard box..... :lol:


LOVE IT ! :cool:

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