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Another Friday night alone...

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I sit here after a glass (actually two) of Tequila and miss my baby! (Now, I must tell you that a glass of Tequila is equal to about three shots, so if you see any typos in is post, you'll know why).


Not that it's been a bad Friday night.


I went to dinner with friends tonight, always an enjoyable time...but, it doesn't compare to a night with my sweetie.


Life sucks sometimes...when the one you love is miles away and it's still days until you will be reunited...(Oh hell, Journey's "Open Arms" (Steve Perry...as if anyone else could do justice to that song) just came on the play list) ...glutton for punishment is thy name.


Anyway, where were we? Oh yeah, missing my baby on a Friday night.


Ted and I get very little time with each other ...makes it hard to maintain that connection that every couple needs. However, Ted and I accomplish this very well I think.


When he is away...the phone is our savior...we have deep, interesting, if somewhat odd at times, conversations...sometimes that last for hours. Tonight, our conversation lasted only 3 1/2 hours...I say "only" 3 1/2 hours because there have been times we've been on the phone for over 6 hours...just talking.


Tonight, our conversation (after the normal..how was your day, what did you do?, conversation was completed) was about the Tudors (a series I watch on SHO)...which led us into a conversation (as well as research on the internet) about the history of the ruling families of England.


Now Ted is one of the most intelligent individuals I have ever had the honor of conversing with. He really is a certifiable genius, which is at times annoying, which is a whole nother post...anyway...he starts telling me to look up this and that about the history of England...it's his own way of educating me about things...instead of just telling me something, he'll give me bits and pieces of the puzzle and I have to find the rest...after which he will elaborate more on...he's a wonderful story teller (an art in itself) and teacher...


Oh, our conversation...we went from Henry the eighth back to Charles the first...forward again to Queen Elizabeth...stopping our tour of ruling families of England for the night.


By this time it was rather late for Ted so we said our goodbyes.


I have no idea the purpose of this post other than...I miss my baby!



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Sorry you had one of those Fridays! I spent over 3 years traveling, one year was literally home for maybe 2 weeks, other than quick weekend visits. (With a 4 year old at the time). The loneliness was the worst, for both of us!


My travel is done now and did lead to the move to NC (on their dime), a promotion and a very nice raise. But Mr NC has a job where he works every weekend. We are down to 2 days a month where we have the whole day off together. I know it's not the same, we do still get to cuddle every night at least, but when you love your spouse and want to spend every waking moment with them, it just sucks to be apart so much.


I'm rambling now (a Saturday afternoon, our Anniversary!) And missing him, because he's at work as usual.


Just wanted you to know I can totally relate!

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Gator isn't on the road like this but with him working shift work there are many times I'm without him and missing him. Nothing can compare. And since tequila is my favorite, I would have understood if your message hadn't made since. But it did. Or I understand tequila induced conversations. :rolleyes:



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:lol: @ Vol .... we have a lot of tequila/scotch conversations on the weekends he's not home...in fact, we'll have another one tonight.


The first 10 years of our marriage Ted was in the Navy so, he was gone all the time...longest stretch was 18 months without seeing each other...after the Navy he worked a straight midnight shift ( no rotating shifts)...not much time with each other then but, we did have the weekends...he's been traveling now for about 9 years with his job...this particular job he basically lives in N.C. and I'm in Florida...he's home every other weekend when his schedule allows...this time, it's been a three week stretch...I'm getting ready to see him! He did tell me last night that he'll be home Wednesday...a couple of days early, YAY!



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Oh wow. 18 months??? And now maybe every other weekend? You two are amazing and inspiring, to keep the love first in your lives and not let the schedule wear you down to the point of anger and frustration.


I hope you two have a wonderful time together beginning Wednesday!

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Have you ever read about Richard III?! That guy was seriously messed up! He offed his brothers AND his nephews. (And only ruled for a few years!)


BTW, Speed and I never see each other on Fridays, which makes it the lamest day of the week! (Plus it's my "Monday" at work) He's done a lot of traveling lately and I just hate when he's away. May the rest of Ted's absence fly by as quickly as possible for you.



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It definitely takes work NCfun...but it's well worth it.


Trixie...I couldn't honestly tell you if we touched on Richard III last night or not...remember, I was drinking tequila, :lol: I can tell you, most of the royal families were pretty messed up...who needs enemies when you have families like that?


Tonight I think we'll talk about Audie Murphy...now that was an interesting man...I watched the movie "To Hell and Back" today and then had to do some research on him...I know Ted will have much more to tell me about him than what I read today.



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I fully understand your situation. In the 11 years Mrs. CXXC and I have been married, my Job has had be traveling all over the globe. Last year was 8 out of 12 months away from home.

Even if I am home, she works such a HORRIFIC Schedule that we see each other in passing.

It takes work. Lots of phone time. Many E-mails, stext messages, even cards sent from afar.

We do everything we can to make sure the other knows and feels loved and cherrished. I am certain you do ust as well.

One day, we are all going to have all the time we desire with our loved ones. Now that will be a day to celebrate! Party at the CXXC's!

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I'm glad to hear he's getting home early for you this week. I know how hard it is not seeing each other on a regular basis. You guys always amaze me at how well you handle it.

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Thanks Julie...I guess we handle it because the alternative would be not to have each other even short bits of time..."shudder"...that's a thought I don't even want to contemplate.


Mr. CXXC...party at your house sounds good :) I really enjoy your town, it's so beautiful and full of history.



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Hey Trixie

I'm about to get on my soapbox....

There is no proof that Richard III was responsible for the deaths of his brothers and his nephews- Shakespeare's play was written during the reign of the grand-daughter of the man who violently overthrew Richard, and needed some damn good propaganda for looking like the good guy. There is no contemporary evidence that Richard was the villain that his enemies painted him to be after his death. It is the winners who write the history.


Steps down off soapbox... phew!

Be warned- can- and have -discussed this topic for hours on end. Paul Murray Kendall's biography of Richard is a good place to start.


Oh and Theresa- I understand both the time alone thing- although in my case it's just that he's on afternoons, but I don't see him except fr a fleeting glimpse in the mornings, and then on weekends. And the tequila! Icy cold, straight from the freezer. mmmmmm

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Stay on that telephone, Theresa. There is nothing that can replace lost moments together when there are no more.


Audie Murphy, the most decorated soldier of World War II, was a national hero in my childhood. He'd probably never have been a movie star without his exploits in the war. I'm sure I liked him because he was a cowboy and small of stature. He had to stand on a box when kissing his leading lady. :) Laura and I used to do that, too! We used stairs. :)


Mr. Alura

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