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Great Weekend

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Just a quick note...the weekend is good. I hope you all are having a great weekend.


At Tech and Kitten's house. Many people here. Mostly friends of their children. They are all great kids and I enjoy the conversations I have with them. Kids that like to have their fun, yes, but kids with plans for their lives and they are going about reaching those goals.


They all accept us and there is nothing like getting to live openly as a quad. We never had much of a problem with keeping our swinging secret. But its hard when you feel the need to keep your love for someone a secret.


I also got to have a very good discussion with my oldest son and his best friend Friday about our relationship and swinging. Explaining the differences and how we landed where we are and all. And that I wasn't afraid Gator would leave me for Kitten. That none of this means he is more likely to leave me. He could have done that at any point during our 27 years together. This lifestyle doesn't make it more likely to happen...it actually makes it less likely. At least for us. I mean...why would he? I explained that it isn't because we don't love each other that we are poly and swingers (or at least have the swinger mentality). It's because we love each other so much that we can do this.


I so lucky to have so much love in my life.



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I think you're lucky too. I see so many vanilla couples that have "lost" their original love for each other. You have an abundance and I think that's wonderful.

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Vol, you are so right. I know that people have a hard time believing that we really do love each other with a selfless kind of feeling.


I can feel the love coming from your house. :)

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Yay, Vol. I'm so happy to read that you had a wonderful weekend. We've had a rough weekend (emotionally, especially for me), so it's nice to read about a GOOD weekend!


I think it's great, too, that you can be open about the love you all have for each other. I wish everyone could be so open and honest --

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