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Assumptions Will be the Death of Me or How Everything Crashed and Burned

Mr. Prufrock and I have been talking to a couple for about two weeks now. I should say, I have been talking to the male half of the couple for two weeks. Mr. Prufrock generally can't chime in on texts, because they always seem to happen while we're at work. This couple indicated on SZC that they'd like to meet us, and I liked their profile, so I sent them a message with our KIK username. Most of the time I message people, they never reply, so I wasn't expecting anything. The male half of the




The Introvert’s Guide to a Meet and Greet

Wake up, spend an inordinate amount of time getting ready (legs don’t shave themselves.)   Realize you’re running late, scramble around throwing things into a bag, throw kids into car, drive an hour and a half North to drop said kids off with sister for the night. Leave sister’s house only ten minutes behind, phew! Drive three hours South to get to hotel Mr. Prufrock booked for the night. Get stuck in rush hour standstill traffic on I-270 for no reason at all; there goes dinner.   Finally ma



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